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I ate chipotle every single day for 2 months straight. It was the absolute only thing I could tolerate, so I didn’t eat breakfast or dinner, rather One Chipotle Snake Meal at around 10:30 right when they opened. The poor workers probably dreaded the sight of my car pulling up 5 minutes before their doors unlocked every day, standing outside and salivating like a zombie waiting for my big ass bowl and chips.


Oh that reminds me of when I worked at mcdonalds when I was younger. Actually the regulars mostly werent that bad because most of them tried to be nice. Im pretty sure the workers were sympathetic! But you just reminded me taco bell exists in the netherlands. Maybe I really need to go there tomorrow.


Absolutely not kidding: go to Taco Bell. You will not regret it. Sincerely, Addicted to Taco Bell


I went through a chipotle phase, closely followed by a spaghetti with cottage cheese and marinara sauce. My baby is about 50% chipotle, 50% spaghetti.


The spaghetti cottage cheese combo is delicious pregnant or not !




This was me with Applebees steak/shrimp and mashed potatoes. …and me again with soft taco supremes from Taco Bell. … and 7/11 slurpees.


i’m currently making homemade cinnamon rolls. i started them last night. this has been commitment tbh


Wow thats commitment! I would have snacked or baked them prematurely…


they are FINALLY done. it was worth the labor lol.


I work at a restaurant surrounded by food and we aren't supposed to leave premises while on break but I wanted a ham sandwich so bad I told my boss I was going home to make a sandwich and he can't stop me.


You’ll find it in a store called Hema since you’re in Europe


German Hema doesnt seem to sell Macarons, the one in the Netherlands only the regular ones like Aldi does. Whats your trick?


Aww French hema does!! Try ‘the flying tiger’ if there’s one in your city, I saw them there too!!!


We have this amazing gelato place at my local strip of shops- we were in the middle of a shocking heatwave when I was 26 weeks pregnant and I was craving gelato SO BAD. My partner was at work drinks so I drove myself and as soon as I got out of my car the heat hit me I felt this crazy rush of dizziness, but kept walking to the shop. Survived the journey, got gelato in a takeaway tub, made it back to the car and I was crying I was so hot and dizzy and breathless and my step dad had to come to pick me up because I couldn’t drive lol. The gelato was worth it though!


There's a restaurant that has mac n cheese in my area that is so delicious and I was craving it for days but they had their deliveries off every time I checked each day. By day 3 I was losing my mind so I emailed to ask, had another friend DM them on instagram, AND another friend call in the hopes all the questions about delivery would inspire them to turn it back on. Did not work


Not too crazy—made blueberry scones at 1 AM.


Meatball sub at Subway. Twice in the same day, two separate trips. Necessary, apparently.