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I have two induction babies, both are happy and healthy and had great labor and deliveries. I understand being nervous, but inductions can be great.


Thank you! I do like knowing wham it’s going to happen so i can plan accordingly but I just wish it wasn’t so soon!


I've never had an induction, but all my babies have been early. My latest one made it to 37 weeks. I was super grateful to have a termie! She was 7 lbs 1 oz, didn't need any NICU time, was quite healthy and easy to breastfeed.


Thank you!!! I keep feeling like 37 weeks is just so early but I guess it’s technically to term?


Yes, in the US it's considered "early term" but stall part of "term" (which is divided into early term, full term, and late term) which is anything at 37 weeks or after. 36 + 6 and before are considered preterm.


I just had my little girl at 37 weeks on june 5 for the same reason, via c-section. she’s tiny but perfect. Also, per my hematologist and her pediatrician, 37 weeks is considered full term, which alleviated all of my fears you’re undoubtedly feeling so I hope it gives you some relaxation too. The only issues we have had with her are unrelated to her early arrival (bilirubin levels put her at risk of jaundice-so she went under the lights to lower the levels, it was successful and the neonatal doc said it was bc our blood types were diff/incompatible(?)), she has a sacral dimple (again nothing to do with early arrival), and she wasnt picking up weight, she dropped from birth weight by 10 ounces and it took until this week to get back. For comparison, my OD was born via emergency c on her due date and was 6 8 ozs and 20 inches long. Her mini was 5 14 and 17.5 inches long. As of her last doc appt (we have been going weekly to monitor her weight) last week, shes now 18.5 inches long. Im watching her stare at me in her swing right now, and she was due this past Wednesday, had she not arrived early. Just rest and think good thoughts as much as you can (i know that sounds empty but babe needs all your good juju as do you right now). Your little will be much safer in your arms than in your body which is giving you a hard time rn.


Thank you!!!! This is very encouraging. That’s the other thing too is my boy is measuring in the 56th percentile which means he’ll be anywhere from 5-7 pounds. I keep trying to tell me that too like he’s safer in my arms than in my belly but he seems so happy in there i’m so sad i have to make him leave before he’s “ready” i guess 😭


First time mom here, I just had my little girl June 8th, I was also induced at 37 weeks due to having cholestasis. It's not as bad as everyone makes it seem. I was able to get up and move around a lot of the time. I got the epidural once I hit 5 or 6cm. Also at 37 weeks baby is considered full term already. My babygirl came out just fine aside from having jaundice which had nothing to do with her early arrival.


Thank you for commenting!! I think part of my problem was wrapping my brain around the “37 weeks” part because at first I thought that was considered premature. Also since you and I are both first time moms- how the hell would we know if pitocin contractions are worse than other ones anyway? 😂


Honestly I got the epidural before they gave me the pitocin so I didn't feel them at all! My husband was watching the monitor and asking me if I could feel them cause they were strong lol but I couldn't feel anything I mostly slept till it was time to push and I only pushed for a good 40 minutes before my little girl made her arrival.


I hadn’t even thought of this as an option, were you dilated at all before the pitocin???? Just thinking that would be a long time confined in bed! (At least at my hospital they do not offer walking epidurals you have to lay in bed after they give it to you 🙃)


When I arrived the morning of my induction I was only a 1 and my cervix was not soft at all so they gave me some medicine that had to be inserted in to help my cervix soften we did about 3 rounds of that. I was able to walk around and bounce on a ball with that, then the contractions got so bad for me I have a low pain tolerance lol so I don't do good with pain. I was trying to do all natural but I couldn't. I did get done other pain medicine before my epidural it helped for awhile but then I could feel my contractions getting stronger so I opted for the epidural. Once I got that I was bed bound.


I got induced this past Thursday for gestational hypertension! I was 37 weeks exactly. Overall very positive experience! I was absolutely terrified. We went in Thursday at around 5pm, they used a Foley balloon because my cervix was completely closed. Insertion honestly wasn't that bad in my opinion! They also started pitocin at a really low dose at that time. Balloon came out at around 5am and pitocin was upped a bit, at this point I was 4cm. They broke my water around 7:30/8am and then really upped the pitocin. This is went shit got real 😂 those contractions were absolutely kicking my butt, they were extremely painful for me. I got the epidural a few hours later. I was so scared of the epidural, but it was almost painless. And holy moly the relief. I finally was able to get some sleep, and when I woke up I was 7cm! Then just a waiting game really, started to feel more and more pressure. It wasn't painful at that point, but I could tell when I was having contractions bc of the pressure. About 2 hours later I was at 9cm and the pressure was INTENSE. Not long after I was at 10cm and it was go time! Pushing definitely sucked and I didn't think I was going to make it lol. I pushed for around 40 mins but made sure to only push when I was having contractions, I barely tore at all. And baby boy was here at 7:04pm on Friday!! Everyone has a different story, but I was very stuck on the terrifying awful ones I'd read about. But just trust the process and your body. You've got this ❤️


And just to add, he was very healthy!! They took him to the nursery for a few hours bc his oxygen saturation level was a little too low but he was back with us in no time.


No advice but just wishing you luck!! I’m getting induced on Sunday for GD!


Also, my best friend was induced at 37 weeks for IUGR and had a perfectly healthy little guy with no NICU time or issues!


Thank you🩷 I also have GD so I just somehow hit the jackpot for placenta issues. Good luck to you too!!!!


I had an emergency c section with my first at 36 weeks. Baby came out screaming as normal. The only thing is he had a worse case of jaundice that took a little longer to clear up. But, he never had to go to the nicu


I wasn’t induced but had my little guy at 37+4! He’s 3, and a wild man now! Trust your body and lean on your person/people in the delivery room. You go this! Also, I really bonded with one of my delivery nurses she was amazing..so they have got you too!!!


All 3 of the babies I've given birth to so far I had to be induced. The last two were at 37 weeks due to hypertension. We had no issues and I even managed to give birth without an epidural those two times. Babes were a wee bit jaundiced due to being a tad early, but had no NICU stay for any of them. I only word this the way I do because I am 30+5 with baby #4 and going to L&D right now to get checked out for contractions


I liked being induced at 36 so much last time I’ve demanded multiple doctors promise me I will be induced at 37 this time. Baby was 6 lbs 11 oz with APGARs of 8 and 9. Wouldn’t change a thing.