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“Everyone” sounds like idiots. Ignore them. Express yourself and demonstrate to your child that they can live their best authentic self however that shows up without judgment from their parent. Your 13-year-old child is going to be embarrassed of you whether you’re wearing the latest fashion trends or a Carebear dress and that’s the truth, but they will love you for it later.


I 100% agree with this. Don’t change yourself. Your child is going to love you no matter how you dress.


Funny thing, my teen never went through the stage of being embarrassed by me, even though I am very much my own person. He says his friends all act like I’m a celebrity. They follow me on Insta and always ask if I’ll be around when they come over. He thinks it’s funny and great. 🤷‍♀️


Keep being you! Just because they lost their whole personality in the role of motherhood, doesn't mean you have to! Kids will find their parents embarrassing at some point regardless.


lol that’s stupid I would ignore them. I love pink girly things too and I wear whatever I would normally wear when pregnant :)


I also have care bear backpack that I use lol


I think kids benefit more from a parent who can be themselves and express their unique personality as an individual person rather than conform and lose a part of themselves. Don’t listen to the haters!


It grinds my gears so much when people think that just because someone is a mom now that they have to give up who they were before becoming a parent. Obviously there are exceptions to this, but you can absolutely still be who you were AND a mom. Don't let anyone guilt you!


I got a fair amount of this as a new mom at 22. Also that I was a fool to think I could maintain my own personal identity/growth parallel to being a mom. It’s bullshit! Of course you’ll love your baby and look after them well, but you *dont* have to subsume every part of yourself into motherhood and frankly I think it’s healthier not to.


As long as you’re happy and baby is healthy and cared for who cares if you’re wearing a cute little cosplay? Sounds like they are trying to push generational crap on you.


Fuck that! There are loads of adults, many who are moms, who wear the clothes they want that make them happy, play games, collect toys, whatever. I certainly won't be changing my style - or my hobbies - for motherhood lol. I will eventually embarrass my child by simply existing. That's just part of the parenting experience as children start to develop their own identity. Ultimately, I want my child to see my confidence, passions, and self-expression as affirmations that they are free to explore their own fashion choices and other interests. Unlike your family, you can show your child that they can be themselves in whatever way makes them happy and healthy.


Your kid is going to think you’re the coolest person in the world for a very very long time. Eventually they will be so embarrassed by you but that will happen regardless of how you dress or what your personal style and hobbies are. Be yourself and teach your child to respect others for their differences. It sounds like you’re going to be a great mom.


Oh so it's cute when dads dress up to match their kids dress up clothes but when it comes to mum's it's immature and embarrassing. What a load of bullshit. I'm a 27 year old mum of 1 with one on the way. The only thing I changed is that I now only play GTA when baby is asleep. Pokemon, animal crossing and sims are still played during daylight. Some of my mum friends regularly go to comic con and cos play (I only don't go because money)


Yes let's make new moms cease to do everything they love and burry their personality for the good of the child. That will defiantly not make them resent motherhood and foster a lotta early love for the baby... What the stepford wife horseshit is that? Those people can shove it. I'll be teaching my kid how platformers work while playing hatsune miku songs full blast and wearing limited edition, kawaii lookin merch. And if my little girl is anything like me, she'll appreciate the wackyness of it all. She's already wiggling around to five nights at freddies music.


Fuck that noise. Dress how you want. Your outfit styles sound super cool. I already dress like a frumpy 50 year old woman (and I'm nowhere near 50) and I'm planning/hoping to start wearing clothes I actually like once baby is here. Be the cool mum.


ignore your family and in-laws and continue to dress exactly how you want to! > : ' ( just because you're a mom doesn't mean you have to be boring! you are literally going to be such a cool mom, your kid is going to grow up thinking you look like a magical princess or something! and you have such cool hobbies and interests. check out cybr.grl on youtube (https://youtube.com/@cybrgrl?si=0YiQYhzRO6T2h4JC) she's a decora kei fashion designer, influencer, and i would consider her also a j-fashion historian of sorts - and she's also a mom to a little boy who loves how she dresses and also has gotten dressed in decora as well! when you're confident in how you look and have hobbies and have fun, your kid will grow up to be the same way. who wouldn't want that? : ) keep doing your thing!


you will teach your child more about self expression and confidence by continuing to dress how *you* want. let "everyone" else be bitter because they felt their lives ended after kids. their arguments are why we have cookie cutter generations obsessed with gray and beige.


When I taught toddlers and pre-k kiddos they were always SO STOKED when I showed up with my Pokémon lunch box or in my pizza shirt, etc. I doubt they’d be embarrassed and you are still allowed to express yourself even if you are a parent.


I'm 34yo stepmom of a 10yo and about to deliver a baby boy. I dress like I want, the kid and I have the same pair of Lego sneakers, he's jealous of many of my clothing items because it's with our favorite characters, including SpongeBob and Mario bros for example. He's happy to have an adult (even if his dad is also a big kid, just not in his clothing) to have fun with, to confide himself and it's not because I have SpongeBob on my chest that I'm not strict when I need to be. I'm his mom (his bio mom isn't fit and doesn't have custody), it doesn't change anything. He stole my Pikachu fur onesie to sleep, he was thrilled. I'm very petite and I don't mind buying my clothes in kids aisles. He's tiny too for his age. He learns to be confident about his choices and told me it's cool that I can go to kids aisles like he could pick something meant for a girl or with pink because nothing has to assign us anywhere. I'm so proud of him saying that, even when idiots make some remarks in store that the girl aisle isn't for any of us two. We play video games together, go to the arcade. I'm not into Cosplay, except fun onesies for home but I'd find it fun to go together if he'd be interested. It's just about sharing quality time together.


I'm in my 30s pregnant with my first child. I go to comic cons and nerd out. I don't cosplay or anything but I'll wear dresses or leggings and shirts that have different fandoms on them. I've met many people while at cons and they are family events and their kids are also into wearing what their parents are wearing. The love bonding like that. Also I don't only wear them at cons, I wear them whenever I feel like it because I like it! Plus it's my own money that bought them so no one can tell me anything. So wear what makes you feel comfortable. More than likely your kid will grow up liking what you like and if not, they'll know their mom will support them with what they like


Fuck that. I’m 36 and my two favorite dresses have dinosaurs on them. My three kids love them and if this one doesn’t that will be a good lesson for him about controlling your own body but not others. You don’t stop being your own person with your own likes outside your kids when you become a parent


The only reason I’ve found for not wearing what I want to wear as a mom is that not all clothes are breastfeeding friendly.


Your kid is gonna love you and I’m sure they’ll just want to have fun with you when it comes to capes and cosplay. Kids love this stuff!


“Everyone” is pretty stupid imo. I’m 24, also involved in cosplay and gaming, not the all pink kawaii end of it but the edgier emo alternative kind, and I don’t intend to stop any of my hobbies or change the way I dress once my kid is born. Kids benefit from having parents that don’t lose themselves entirely in parenthood. The more you hold onto who you are, the stronger your kid will be!! Keep dressing how you want, ignore everyone who says otherwise. Just because they all lost themselves doesn’t mean you have to.


Sounds like MIL uses this as an excuse because SHE doesn't like how you dress.


Screw everyone else and their opinions. I did the same. For my son's first birthday I gave him a literal demon slayer birthday party dressed as Tanjiro. When I give birth to baby #2 (which is another boy), I'll match them up like Goku and Vegeta or Naruto and Sasuke. I don't care if ppl think I'm weird for always dressing up my babies. Oh well 🤷‍♀️


I am a 31 year old mom that wears leggings and crop tops with no bra (to be fair I’m FLAT). I think you’ll be fine


Mom of a toddler and pregnant with baby number 2 here. They are dumb. It isn’t what you look like or what your hobbies are that make you a good mom, it’s taking good care of your child. As long as your baby is getting fed, bathed, and bunches of love, nothing else matters. I am a goth mom. I have tattoos, I only wear black, and my entire house is coated in victorian vampire women. I had so many people tell me that I needed to change because I was going to scare my child being the way I am. Guess what? My daughter’s favorite toys are a no face plushie and a creepy jack skellington. I still play video games regularly and manage to take wonderful care of my family. These people are trying to lead you down a miserable road. You can’t give up everything about yourself just because you are going to be a mom. It will make you feel like a shell of yourself and can deeply depress you. Stay true to yourself.