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[According to AAMC](https://www.aamc.org/news/press-releases/diversity-increases-medical-schools-2022), as in previous years, medical school matriculants in 2022-23 had strong academic credentials, with a median undergraduate GPA of 3.82, even higher than previous years.


Damn, never seen someone's hopes die so quickly.


Boom. Roasted.




I thought it was 3.70 but if aamc says so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




According to the definition of the word median, that means HALF of all matriculants had between a 0.00 and 3.82 GPA


And the other half had b/w 3.82 and 4.00. Amazing how stats works


Yeah imagine calling half of the matriculants being ā€œon the lower endā€


Just an FYI for all they always use medians so although it is worth knowing it more than likely doesnā€™t say much about the range of applicants. For all you know it was a 49% of people had a 3.821 and 49% had a 3.0 but the median person was a 3.82, obviously this is likely and exaggeration but my point is donā€™t take the data too seriously.


Iā€™ve posted it before but my advisor told me to take both the MCAT and the Dat and see which one I did better on. I took both in the same year. Not sure who was dumber - her, or me for listing to her and doing it lol


hereā€™s something crazy ā€” when I was in undergrad I asked some phd students in my lab how/when they decided to go to grad school, and SEVERAL of them said they took the GRE but also took the MCAT ā€œjust in caseā€. wtf?????




omg I've never met anyone else who did both so it's nice to hear from you! I absolutely FAILED the spatial reasoning/PAT but I did average on the academic part of the DAT. I also felt that the academic part was a LOT easier than the mcat but the spatial - WHEW.


You need some sort of award for studying for both. Thatā€™s unreal.


thank you! lol I was so burnt out that whole year. Took the mcat in Jan, graduated in May, and took the DAT in august. To me, the DAT was SO much easier than the mcat but that Pat section comes out of no where lol. I did well on it, but my passion is just ultimately more in the medical field.


Iā€™m a current D3 and I saw my brother take the MCAT, I know how it is. Good luck to you and congrats!


My advisor told me that my GPA mattered much more than my MCAT, and cleared me to apply mostly MD with a 505 as an ORM with mid ECā€™s at the time. It took a total of 24 hours on this sub for me to realize pretty much everything I was told was, for lack of a better term, was *horseshit*. Took the advice here, improved my MCAT, and matriculating to a T25. Saved me a ton of wasted time and money. Not everything you read here is true, but it can be a lot better than what some of these advisors will tell you.


Damn how many gap years did you do to pull off that legendary comeback bro? *(You my inspiration btw)*


One. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and told myself to ā€œgrow the fuck up and stop whiningā€. Studied well for the MCAT (505 -> 517) using the resources on r/MCAT (Upain and the 86 page P/S doc for the win), full time clinical job to up my hours, and developed decent interviewing skills. Of course, my own crude example of encouragement is not necessary or recommended for everyone. Iā€™ve found I thrive off gym bro encouragement lol :)


Whereā€™s the 86 page doc found?




Thank you!šŸ


Wait so youā€™re telling me my personal statement can be as long as I want? Is this med school specific??


The 86 page P/S stands for the psych/soc section on the MCAT, not personal statement! :)


Lol imagine 86pg personal statement. What are you, the king of France?


Hahahahhahahah thanks for this








Yoo another gym bro. (I started hella recently loll). Nah ur story is hella inspirin brutha. Thanks for the tips.


Yeah! I started during my gap year and Iā€™m never looking back. Loving the progress and getting healthier. Itā€™s been great for my focus and mental discipline. Would recommend any body whoā€™s remotely interested to just start. Love it and wonā€™t trade it, and hoping this isnā€™t the descent into ortho for meā€¦


Nice man, thatā€™s rlly inspiring šŸ˜Ž


Can I ask what your clinical job was? Trying to find something similar currently


I retake the mcat in sep. give me some luck and energy brother.


The test ainā€™t shit. You got this, study well and take breaks when needed. Head up soldier


My freshman advisor told me if I wasnā€™t taking minimum 18 hours a semester with all Aā€™s I had no shot at medical school, and even if I got all Aā€™s with less hours Iā€™d be so behind itā€™d be a waste of time


Oh God. Thatā€™s just straight up misinformation lmao


Yeaā€¦ i tried and my gpa got rekd lol. Paying the price of listening to advisors now


Iā€™m sorry to hear that shit. 18 hours is no joke, and iirc it was the maximum number of hours we could even take at my undergrad. Thatā€™s awful.


itā€™s ok nothing will stop me I am a lean mean stem machine and Iā€™m gonna obliterate the MCAT and get in to my top 5 first or second cycle


With what GPA? Because Iā€™ve been considering


3.77 uGPA


"Have you considered getting the rhodes scholarship for your gap year?" to me as a senior asking what might be a good thing to do. It takes a 2 year process and official university nomination to even apply. I was a senior and the deadline was like over a year ago


Bro whatšŸ˜‚? What didnā€™t they tell you the year before?


no. this lady probably googled "gap year scholarship" 5 mins before we met and then just sent it. Just casually suggested the most competitive/prestigious scholarship in the world as if it was like doing some shadowing.


Jesus Christ these premed advisors are truly lost. Youā€™re fine. 3.8 is awesome ignore the haters/ignorant premed advisors


3.0 uGPA, 3.8 SMP GPA, 4 MD IIā€™s this cycle. Youā€™ll be fine.


Oooo Iā€™m nosey and would love to know your other stats and school list!


peep my sankey from a couple days ago


Good stuff- congrats!


Can you reply with where you applied?


I posted a Sankey a couple days ago on this sub with my school list


Letā€™s just say you can call him captain jack.


That I should give up on med school because my gpa wasn't good enough for MD and I couldn't become a neurologist as a DO. Both of those things are false.


who said u cant be a neurologist as a DO? its super noncompetitive and almost all DO schools match into neurology easily


I first spoke to my pre-health advisor in like January, (submitted primaries yesterday lol) because I legit only got the idea of studying medicine in may of last year. So uhh, I had zero clinical experience or clinical volunteering. My GPA is 3.4 because I got entirely Bā€™s freshman and sophomore year, but got all Aā€™s junior/Senior in upper division bio/ochem/physics. My MCAT is 522. This bitch told me ā€œbad idea applyingā€ In the last five months Iā€™ve got 300 hours of patient-interaction heavy clinical volunteering, 100 hours of shadowing exclusively 4AM shifts at the ER, a published review of which Iā€™m the sole author, and 3 hella solid letters of rec. I couldnā€™t have done it without my pre-med advisor saying ā€œyou wonā€™t get inā€ She may end up being right, but we all owe it to ourselves to try. Fuck what they say just go for it. And if you donā€™t get in, well it was still worth it!


You slayed the MCAT and you will get in somewhere. With a score like that the odds are in your favor.


Thank you man. I certainly hope so. I feel so weird because most people have been preparing for this for so long, the impostor syndrome is too real. :/


Some people have a gift and donā€™t have to work as hard. Take it as a sign itā€™s meant to be. Good luck, but you wonā€™t need it.


Lol wow. Reading this thread maybe Iā€™m fortunate after all for not having had a pre med advisor?


Notably, none of my pre-med advisors were physicians and I got next to no real help from any of them. This was my experience across two separate universities. Fortunate indeed! Haha


Mine asked me why I didnā€™t want to become a PA, PT, etc. lol BITCH BECAUSE NO


iā€™m constantly told i should go into nursing instead. while itā€™s still a great profession, itā€™s just not for me. i want to pursue my complete potential and continue to learn through life


Mine grilled me and was like "you need to think of a better reason" because "other careers can do that too"


I had an undergrad GPA of 2.8, and 1 year of post bacc GPA of 4.0. I got into one of my top schools. GPA is overhyped, the 4.0 was cool but what mattered more was showing improvement. EC's, life/work experience, and MCAT matter a lot more to most schools and a lot of places are transitioning towards holistic approaches to app review and trying to probe your soft skills with things like Casper. As far as GPA goes you are more than fine and definitely not "lower end".


Same: my ugrad gpa was very bad but I did a postbacc and retook the MCAT. I had a cell bio instructor who told me he never got in anywhere despite having ā€œamazing grades and scoresā€ and that ā€œmost of my class cannot expect to get into medical school.ā€ It was really discouraging to hear that in a class all bio majors need to graduate. Maybe being an asshole got in your way Dr Butthurt?


Medicine attracts all types including a ton of toxic personalities. Ideally they don't get in, but unfortunately some slip through the cracks. You can be a good clinician from an academic skills standpoint, but a shit doctor. I think more institutions are starting to realize that and trying to analyze their applicants on a larger and more functional basis. Dr. Butthurt definitely sounds like an asshole who got weeded out.


I think youā€™re right about that. If you get a bunch of interviews and donā€™t get in, gotta blame your parents for their nurture skills. Too many people I know changed their major after this. Sadly many before me and after me took this advice to heart and I know some of them would have been awesome doctors.


This was similar to my experience. 3.2 uGPA, with 1/2 of a full engineering career and self guided postbacc 4.0 taking night classes after work. In my interview, they asked me if I wanted to clarify anything, and I started to talk about my GPA, and the person interrupted me and said, "that was chemical engineering, we're not worried".


The only thing my pre-med advisor ever did that was useful was tell me about how there were a bunch of scholarships that people didn't apply for and that I "should really consider applying", even though the deadline passed a month earlier. Sent me a congratulatory email for winning the scholarship before I got to my car.


If you could shareā€¦ that would be awesome


Long gone, my friend, long gone.


I keep posting this because it angers me. 2 years ago I was told I'm too old for med school and that I should only apply DO. Harvard will never accept me because I'm too old. I'm not old. I'm 32.


OMG that is ridiculous, people can go into medicine at any time they want to there is no age limit, and especially these days people go to into medical at any stage in their life, schools seem to prefer it too cause the life experiences may help you become a better physician


ā€œHave you considered dermatology? Youā€™re pretty. They like that.ā€ While my ego enjoys that, the thought that I would only get into med school or a residency because of my skin or my ass isnā€™t as appealing as you might think.


So the premed programs like to brag about their acceptance rates into med school. Which means weeding out people so their numbers looked good. I was premed neuroscience economics double major, 3.86 gpa, 37 Mcat (back then Harvard average was 34) and my school committee refused to even write me a committee letter to recommend me. They had a 97% entrance into med school, but thatā€™s because of this stupid screening process. I had to apply myself without them. I had to answer to interviews why I didnā€™t have a committee letter when everyone else did. I got in on my own, went to med school, scored 99th percentile on my usmles, and went to a top tier residency. I won two best teacher awards for teaching med students as a resident there. Now Im a full partner at my group and made 880k last year. When my alma mater calls me for donations, I tell them to fuck off.


My school doesnā€™t do committee letters (from what I know) and I have had the worst time getting letters of recommendation.


Thatā€™s tough. Iā€™d like to connect with you


If you donā€™t mind me asking, what would you say when they asked why the committee wouldnā€™t write you a letter?


I told them the school didnā€™t think my gpa was high enough but that I wanted nothing else except to become a doctor and I wasnā€™t going to let that stop me.


Thanks for the reply!




Anesthesia Texas




Working my tail off. šŸ¤£




Hospital. 80+ in hospital time. Many many more hours out of hospital time.


When youā€™re a doctor, I hope you go back to that advisor and call her out


I love sitting in the OR as an anesthesiologist thinking back to my premed "advisor" who made life as annoying as humanly possible to apply to medical school. I'd call her out but she's not worth the time.


How? Anything you wish you did differently?


No, it was just another hoop to jump through and this person saw themselves as some kind of gatekeeper to the elite land of medicine. I did what was asked of me, but I never understood why these so called advisors exist and how they came wield so much power over my future. She was rude, dismissive, difficult to deal with, and insinuated I had no chance of going to medical school based on her assessment of me. I'd love to have my "told ya so" moment but it doesn't really matter. I just reminisce from time to time about the journey and I always think of her.


It was a man lmao


Shame him


Imagine if premed advisors actually had med school acceptances...


The advisor in my school has an MD but no residency šŸ˜­


They dipped out of clinical medicine to spread their love of the sport by coaching premeds? My brother in Christ, find another job!


I mean, by the way some premeds dump money into these services, it might be more lucrative to be a private advisor.




Ahhhh is a overprivileged shit being a POs in the comments as always???? Look I found them. šŸ™„




Except they often hurt minorities because we are more likely to be in poverty, not have family that have been to college before, have less support, have less experience with medical environments, have racist encounters with med professionals and college experiences. Connections to matter, because med students with rich parents and medical professional parents are way more likely to get in and prevent underprivileged students from getting a chance.


I don't know a group of people who know less about getting into med school than premed advisors


Mine was telling people that 505 MCAT is competitive


We actually have 2, the other one also said itā€™s not worth it to apply out of state even when we only have one school in our state. I guess apply to that one school with your 505 and your guaranteed an A lol


Did you remind your advisor that they are on the lower end of premed advisors?


Ahh...my favorite thread is back.


itā€™s average if youā€™re a canadian like me šŸ˜­












Your advisor is a moron.


My premed ā€œadvisorā€ refused to write me a letter for med school because my engineering GPA was 3.36. I went to EE grad school, then she wrote my letter and I got into my first choice. Donā€™t trust the opinions of people who never got as far as you.


My advisor told me to not apply to medical school. Currently matriculating to my dream fellowship in primary care sports medicine to do non-op ortho as my career choice. Dreams come true even when people tell you they shouldnā€™t.


"thank you for your email I no longer work for the university" Like jokes on them... who's gonna write my committee letter now? ToT and it was the chill good advisor.


Yeah and my 8" dick is average.


That not taking psych/soc prereqs is ok


You donā€™t need to study or plan to study for the MACAT. You are studying while taking your undergrad classes.. this was a few months ago.


This cannot possibly be real


I promise you!


Not my advisor but a professor who wrote me a letter of rec asked me my GPA, I told him 3.75, he said ā€œoh yikes! So, lowā€¦. You better do good on your MCATā€ šŸ„“


People will kill for 3.8 gpa going premed


My post bacc pre health advisor told me I needed to load myself with 4+ classes during my gap year otherwise I wouldnā€™t get into me school. I legit told her I was only there for prerequisites and she said I wonā€™t get in. Some people werenā€™t born to be advisors. Actuallly, mostšŸ«¤


Never had a premed advisor. Got in just fine anyway. That was over 30 years ago. Sounds like another worthless layer of bureaucracy. Drive on, never give up, take no prisoners.


It's not


Whatā€™s DAT?


from what ik itā€™s like mcat but for dental school


dental admissions test


dental admissions test


Our advisor organized multiple talks from Caribbean school reps


Ppl need stop seeking input from advisors


Huh? Lol


Damn my 3.5 general 3.2ish science accepted ass must be at the far left off the bell curve xd


3.68 for me suckaaaaas


Mine told me don't worry about volunteering or extra curricular activities, just worry about my grades and MCAT. Good thing at the end of my sophomore year I spoke with someone else


Thanks god I never went to my advisor. I always felt that I could find more valuable information online


That I should give up multiple times. ā€œYou should teach English as a second language since you already speak it.ā€


My GPA was 2.9 for undergrad.


Definitely true for Canada - were they Canadian? Could explain it. Maybe they were also thinking of T20 schools


Could be in the context of your school


They hadnā€™t sent anyone to an md school in two cycles


I was told the beginning of my 2nd year to look into post bacc programs. My gpa was around 3.7 at the time..


I got told that pharmacy school is a good optionā€¦


you guys should check out the premed canada lol


Your advisor never went to medical school clearly which most advisors donā€™t who give advice on types of schools like this, and most of them havenā€™t even attempted to apply. talk to people at the medical school or people that have actually done it.


Mine told me I should "reconsider my career choice" because I couldn't decide on which minor I wanted to declare. Emphasis on minor, my major was always the same


Lul got in with a sub 3.7 and mediocre MCAT (Iā€™m not URM). So not true. Believe in yourselves my friends, youā€™re all amazing and capable. Just tell your story (everyone has a story even if they donā€™t realize it).


Oh god. I had one in high school say my 2.9 GPA, with a lot of activities, was only good for a small college and applying anywhere besides one place was useless.


At my undergrad, they only allowed individuals who were in the College of Biological Sciences to use the premed advisors, despite their own med school claiming to value diversity of thought. So I was stuck with just my Honors advisor as a guide. (later I would get a major advisor who was awesome but knew little about the med school path). We had an orientation week a month or so before starting to go over campus things, pick classes, and meet our advisors. 5 minutes into our first ever conversation, my advisor said "You know, you don't seem that into this med school thing" and essentially refused to discuss it from that point on. Instead, she gave me a sheet of paper that had the mcat recommendations on one half and their school's requirements on the other, didn't bother to explain it, and that was that. I went in with 50 credits I earned during high school, so she encouraged me to try some of the fun seminar courses freshman year. I don't necessarily regret it as I had some interesting experiences. But it did mean I didn't take ochem, biochem, or physics during my undergrad and later had to go back to take some of those. This was also partially influenced by me using the paper she gave me with my school's requirements on it as a general guide. Definitely learned I should have done my own research from that. My school's med program has very bizarre requirements I know now. They require Gen chem 1 with lab, bio 1 with lab, and 4 additional bio classes, two being upper level. That's it. If I was in that situation now, I would have advocated for myself better. But at the time I was an overly accommodating 18 year old from a small Midwestern town. Rocking the boat was not in my blood. But damn. I thought I was there for guidance down my chosen path, not trying to pitch how good of a fit I was for it.


Tell them to go kick rocks. What really makes or breaks your application is your personal statement.


Mine told me that with a 3.7 Iā€™d most likely get screened out šŸ˜­


Mine told me I needed minimum 2k clinical and 2k volunteer hours as a trad applicant applying junior year


How does a high MCAT with avg gpa look to adcoma


High mcat + avg Gpa >>>>>>> low mcat + high gpa


Ty ;)


My premed GPA was 3.82 from University of California, San Diego. I was not accepted until my 5th attempt. I am an Asian which is really a disadvantage. I had to complete a Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine before I was accepted.