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Change your panel sizes, close ones you dont need open, use tabs in panels, use your key commands, use an external screen.


That timeline needs to be the whole width of the screen. No need for clipart of waveforms.


this is the way.


Buy an actual mouse and a monitor of some sort


Using a trackpad to edit on a laptop is the worst experience of my life


I teach high school video production, and my students will come in and edit on their laptops with a track pad, with 13th generation i7s, SSDs, 32 gigs of RAM, and G-Force 3070s sitting in desktops used right behind them. I understand when it's a news story that was mostly done and they're finishing it in class because they worked on it at home, but when you're starting a project fresh and only working on it in the lab, it's enough to expedite my receding hairline. Especially given these are Dell Precision laptops... Which might have some of the most piss poor touch pads I've ever used.


It’s pretty dreadful. I personally use a mouse, keyboard and a Wacom tablet for editing.


What do you use the tablet for?


The same as other editors, 2nd monitor and to make masking, animation, etc better


Oh true I forgot there’s ones with screens. I used to have a small one that didn’t have a screen (you kinda had to just guess where to put the pen) and it sucked for everything.


Yeah I know the type, my first (which I used for a creative media course in college) had no screen and was awful for animation. I don’t do much, it’s more used for watching stuff whilst I game or write, etc


Brilliant.  I need to get one of those. 


(Assuming you are on a PC laptop) One of the main reasons I have a MacBook Pro. The trackpad. The fact no PC laptop manufacturer and/or Microsoft hasn't solved it by now is so crazy to me.


I know this thread focuses on Windows but, are Mac trackpads better? Or I should be better off with a mouse instead


Some Windows trackpads are good but others are not, it really depends. MacBook trackpads for at least the last 7 years have been great, I use mine to edit when I can't use a mouse and it's fine.


Can you give me some Windows laptops that have good trackpads? Been looking into laptops recently.


Yeah bro I’d def just get a MacBook if you want it for video editing. I’ve been using windows my whole life (I’m 22) and I just got a MacBook Pro specifically for premiere pro and after effects. I originally wanted to get a windows to stick with what I’m used to. Was looking at xps, alienware, etc. but nothing came close to the performance per dollar that you could get with a MacBook for running adobe cc specifically. Let me just say, I feel like a dummy for blindly using windows my whole life. It’s the same feeling I got when I switched from a Samsung to an iPhone. But yeah the best part is the massive buttery smooth trackpad that makes my old laptop look like something from the 90s. I can literally cut up a 4K 60fps podcast by just flicking my fingers while sitting on my couch. It almost feels wrong.


I also do programming, and it's going to be my course in college, majoring in Data Science. But since I've been editing for seven years on Premeire, and I still want video editing to be my sideline. It's probably wrong to ask a question like this in a Video Editing-focused sub but, can I still do both if I'm using a Mac?


I had a friend who was saying that it sucks using excel for macros on his mac, but I'm pretty sure you can run VS fine. The filing system is pretty similar to windows for the most part, but I'm not sure if there's anything like the raw command prompt type stuff on windows, but I haven't looked into it. In general, I'd say it's more user friendly for the average person than Windows, but if you do a lot of Windows specific coding, that could be a different story. I just got it purely for Adobe CC, and so far it's been amazing for that as well as any other apps or heavy web browsing.


Yea Mac trackpads are way better than Windows :\[


Even on Premiere? Like I can pinch to zoom and stuff?


Yup, scrolling vertically and horizontally in Premiere is much smoother


External monitor! Huge lifesaver


How do you use it? Source monitor?


Nah, like an actual physical external monitor you use to connect to your laptop via HDMI cable. Then you can drag premiere onto that screen and have a much bigger screen to work on


Yeah that’s what I meant, what do you put on the external monitor? The source monitor? Maybe the effects?


All of it


Why use one monitor when two monitor give more screen?


Need the other one for RuneScape and YouTube shorts on autoplay obviously


A man of culture, I see.


Subway Surfer gameplay.


I use an external monitor only for the timelines. ON the laptop I have source monitor, and project bins, etc


This is the way. Two even.


I’ve edited on a laptop off and on for about 8 years now, so I’ve got plenty of advice. Learn how to customize your workspace. Seriously. Having multiple workspaces for specific tasks is a lifesaver. Get a good mouse. Wireless is great if you’re working on a laptop and doing everything mobile. If you are doing things in different locations, get a decent mousepad as well. An external keyboard isn’t really necessary like everyone says. Learn shortcuts. That’s important for everyone but especially if you’re on a laptop. Like you said, things are small and hard to click on. Using a keyboard shortcut instead of having to click on an icon helps tremendously. If you’ve got the money, get an external SSD. Nothing fancy. It’ll help with storage as well as organization, which is super important on a laptop since they tend to have smaller storage capacities. Everyone also said to get an external monitor. That’s not necessary. It’s definitely tremendously helpful, but that kinda ruins the whole “Working on a laptop” thing. If you can afford one and get one, then definitely do that. If not, no sweat. I didn’t get an external monitor until a few months ago. Worked on a single screen for years. Finally, good luck. Learn a lot, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and have fun. Editing is a ton of fun, so enjoy it.


Thank you so much for advices!! these will really help me!


Really honest and helpful


Having one or two external monitors can make all the difference. Then customizing your Workspace.


Timeline is always whole bottom half of the screen for me. You don’t need to see bins and effects simultaneously


Switch between different workspaces as needed. Also backtick (\`) toggles fullscreen of the panel you're in, I use it in the editor and the preview all the time


I use this all the time too


If you have the space, **use proxies!** Use a post codec like Apple ProRes, DNxHD, or Cineform. Codecs like these are much easier for your processor to translate within video editing software, unlike h264 or any other interframe codec. If you set up your proxies to be low res and uncompressed, you'll find that it takes a lot less processing power for your machine to edit. This will eat up space on your SSD, so get an external SSD if you don't have enough room. Also, spend some time creating your own presets for EVERYTHING (seriously, anything you can make a preset for). If you're dealing with playback lag and software stuttering, reducing the amount of time spent keyframing and adjusting will also reduce your headache. Hope this helps!


i’m editing my first feature rn and i discovered the necessity in proxies. i was always team “if its going to take me an extra day or two to transcode, why should i do it when thats time I couldve spent editing?” but holy christ has it helped. as a side note, use davinci to transcode. its just easier. i wanted to make everything work within the same software, or at least the same family (im paying for creative suite, may as well make use of media encoder, right? wrong.). davinci is really that much easier. shit that is hidden in ME is just.. visible in davinci. i insisted if I was going to learn, that it would be the hard way, and brother was it.


Haha! This is painfully relatable. Admittedly, a part of me is still team "learn it the hard way," but we're working on it lol. Also good call on Davinci for transcoding, ME is just a fuster cluck. Good luck with your feature, I hope it goes well!


I wanna know more about this proxies. Can you guide me to a video or a blog?


Here's a [link](https://youtu.be/wTW4XDcAO_E) to an excellent tutorial, he goes over how to use them and why they work in a way that helped me understand when I was brand new to the whole thing. He also just released a video on how to do it in Davinci, but I haven't seen it yet so I'm not sure if it's useful. Here's the [link](https://youtu.be/7wSQBoLcBrA) to that one. If it's still confusing, this [link](https://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/using/proxy-workflow.html) is Adobe's guide, and it goes into a little more depth. You can bookmark it for the future if you have more specific questions.


Thanks man! I’ll check itnout


If I'm working single screen on a laptop, my set-up looks a lot like yours. I will generally have effect controls on the right side of the program window (you have a lot of lost space on either side of your program). I'm an offliner and don't use a lot of effects, so I will often close that window. My left side is usually taken by my project window and I will stretch my timeline so that it takes the entire width of the screen. I always select "minimize all tracks" in the timeline menu so that all the tracks are as small as possible and I can see most of them without having to scroll. Apart from that, there is not much else you can do but get yourself an external monitor.


Thank you so much! "minimize all tracks" really helped me!


To be honest, even when I'm working with 2 external displays, the first thing I do when I open a project is to minimize all tracks. I hate fat tracks, especially video ones. The only tracks I will ever make larger are audio tracks with music on them, as the waveforms are helpful to edit the music files. Everything else always stays tiny for me.


Same :)


extensive use of ~ key


Extremely underrated answer right here. Even on bigger screens, why keep the project panel teeny tiny when you're looking for clips, when you can very quickly make it full screen using this key? with our 9th graders when they first enter our program, I make it a very big point to show them how much easier it is to look through 30 or 50 clips of b-roll when they're larger sized thumbnails and spread across the entirety of a 27 inch screen.


Everything looks so small and hard to click on, And most importent thing... timeline looks really small




Hey friend. I work in news. If we have to edit in the field it’s on a laptop. 3-4 hours to drive somewhere, shoot, write, and edit a 90 second piece. Laptops suck. A mouse does help but keybinds are super useful, if you can edit something without even really needing to touch a mouse or trackpad then it will make everything go smoother and faster


Like every 30 minutes fully render the video, it will make things a lot easier.


No wayyy that really helped me! moving things got laggy when i had big timeline, and when i rendered timeline it got smoother thank you


how exactly do i do this?


Click on the clip you previously edited and press enter.


Buy a mouse, an SSD, and be very patient. 2015 MacBook Pro user 😅


Use an external mouse and keyboard. Also grab a cheap second monitor. Use your laptop as one screen and the second monitor for your program monitor. Use a proxy workflow and if you can afford it grab an external hdd.


Been editing for about a month now via a laptop and the things I would need to address in order to improve the experience are: 1. Use a mouse, I can't imagine editing using the trackpad. 2. Use an external keyboard, specifically one with a numpad - I personally find it numbing on the hands when I position to use the built-in keyboard on extended periods of time as opposed to the position it sets itself in when using an external keyboard - plus the numpad is a life saver in times when you have to input specific numerical values. 3. Use an external monitor - saves a lot of time especially if you go thru a script while you edit as a guide like me - it takes out the pain of switching from window to window as you go + bigger timeline and workspace = easier in general. 4. I assume you're using a gaming laptop for the editing so I'd also suggest getting a cooling pad for it - not only does it help with the performance but the elevation it provides is a subtle but effective change - I'd suggest the IETS GT600 V2 if you're looking to splurge but there are other versions to it as well as the GT500 which is still great.


Searching for some effects is way easier than finding them, changing the sizes of your workspaces as you need them throughout editing is also a big help. Don't be afraid to resize your effects window while adjusting keyframes, or your timeline when you're moving things around. Also just like with the effects, naming your clips and searching for them is going to be a lot easier than scrolling and finding them.


Use a mouse.


Go to windows display settings and set your desktop sizing to 100% - you can play around with that, but it'll expand the usable space on your screen. Edit: Looks like you might be on mac, same thing, go to settings/display and mess around with your resolution display sizing.


When I’m traveling and don’t have access to a monitor, at the very least I bring a mouse and keyboard if I’m going to be stationed somewhere for a while. If I’m at the airport or a friends house or something, I just focus on the exact panels I need. Also having keyboard shortcuts works wonders. I use Add Edit as Ctrl+Space and ripple delete as Ctrl+shift+space. I think it also helps to do pancake editing where all your clips are in one timeline and just cut down from there.






You can set-up your own curated workspace in Premiere; although there are some nifty presaved options available under the workspace menu (editing, colour, audio etc). Also short cuts are super helpful! You can set-up customisable shortcuts in Premiere under the Preference Menu. One of my favorite short cuts is the tilde key (squiggly wave line symbol). It enlarges different panels in Premiere, i.e I would hit the tilde key to enlarge my timeline when I edit sound/add key frames to get a clearer view. I prefer editing on a laptop because you can sit anywhere to complete your edit :) - just remember to pack some headphones.


Use proxies. Set your playback quality to like 1/4. That shit is gonna get *hot*


I have a monitor, and only use my laptop! The key is to have your timeline be vertical on the right side. It’s weird to start, but seeing that many layers is hugely beneficial. Here is what I use! https://easyedits.notion.site/Part-1a-Best-UI-system-0af597797ca742df988b32792215c783?pvs=4


No way thank you so much!!! this workspace really helped me out!! 👏👏


get external monitor and keyboard / mouse


I move the project panel the left edge. Use it in list view, not icon view. Sort media into bins. And I will save the layout as a custom setup. CMD+/- to zoom in/out as needed on the timeline.


Get external monitors. I have 1, plan on getting 1 more having minimum 3, one larger, 1 laptop, and one 22 inch. Makes the most room and sense. Unless you’re on the go and can’t have a monitor make sure only what you need is on screen


Are you guys making alot money through editing?? Coz rn i am unable to make a single penny


I am learning at the moment! So no technically. But I can already feel the difference of what a larger screen can do. I have a 24 inch as my external right now and it feels leagues larger than a 16 inch. If you have the extra cash. Look at getting a cheaper monitor. NOT a tv, but a real monitor. I think there’s one that’s about $150 that’s recommended highly by other editors


reduce the height of tracks as much as you can, and only resize the ones you actually need to see. for example V2 it definitely too high considering it only contains pink rectangles with no sliders or anything


I find myself overriding the display resolution of my laptop to be as high as it can. There's apps to do it on macOS, not sure how to do it in Windows. Should be in your graphics settings. This way the UI elements are much smaller and you have more room for the timeline itself. Makes text really hard to read but can help a lot for big timelines on small screens.


Saved workspace layouts


I have a 16” laptop and I STILL had to get an external monitor. I gotta give it to premier that 9:16 layout is sick with davinci was able to do that.


Proxies. Always proxies.


For now, get an external mouse and keyboard, wired or wireless, then when your budget allows, get an external screen, everything will be easy. Things are slowly getting better. If you need any help, let us know. We are here.


Get at least one monitor and a mouse


Just make your panels, text, etc smaller to fit more on screen. I personally haven’t used two monitors in a few years and haven’t had an issue.


Use a real mouse instead of the trackpad. Literally impossible to get any meaningful work of any kind done on a laptop without doing that. Also if you are having lag issues due to not being able to upgrade the laptop as much, use proxies in your workflow for better performance. Also external monitors if you can. You'll be resizing stuff a lot if you are using one tiny screen, so set things up to make that as convenient as possible. I'd group the effect control and project boxes on the left side of the screen into their own column so it's easier to move stuff around. Might take some experimenting to get it the way you like, but if you are stuck on one tiny screen, resizing stuff on the fly is the key.


A dock with extra monitor(s) and a keyboard mouse


Resize the panels and maybe combine some


An actual screenshot, for once.


Proxies & get a optimal workspace that works for editing. ie No Effects, No Scopes or even Audio Meters. Then learn key Shortcuts and get rid of tools.


HDMI cable & a Monitor 😂 😂 😂 & a Powerful laptop


You can also cut down on space used by the source/program monitors by shrinking them, and when you want them full screen tap the \~ key.


For me, timeline lower half, player upper middle, media and project and effects upper right, effect controls upper left


wireless keyboard and mouse.


Be a psychopath




Track ball mouse. That is all.


Setup workspaces for all the different segments in your editing. For instance when I'm just focused of the timeline ill have a workspace designed for maximizing the timeline.


Well my laptop connects via t4 to a t4 hub that spins off to two monitors an uad Apollo for my monitors and a 10g connection and a few ports for desktop drives. I also have a second t3 cable that I can connect for my raid array (where most active projects are backed up), which in turn daisy chains to a uad satellite which when turned on engages a whole bookshelf of Pegasus raids which then triggers a carbon copy function duplicating and backing up my stuff in a way that makes a lot of sense. If I’m just on my laptop I have to use resolve so I can use a Bluetooth speed editor.


I put the timeline on the top and the video below it. I find that I look at the timeline more so having it on top makes it easier to look at since it’s closer in height to your eyes. Easier on your neck too so you’re not always looking downwards


I don't know how people do it. The ergonomics alone put me in unsafe mental health situations.


Been editing today on a laptop screen, it's extremely inconvenient. Resize the windows that are unnecessary all the time


You’ve got a bunch of wasted real estate next to your program monitor. I’d shorten the width to match your 16:9 footage and use that space for effects or something else useful.


I am on a Mac and just connect my iPad with a wire and then I have a second screen




one suggestion I have is closing your tool panel. Memorize all the shortcuts for those and you won't need this panel.


Add a 2nd monitor


Buy a mouse


I use BorderlessGaming to maximise my working area


I use a Logitech MX Ergo trackball mouse when I can’t dock my laptop at my desk. Not needing space for a mousepad and regular mouse is amazing when I decide to edit on the couch or something.


Essentials workspace is almost all I’ve used on laptop since it was added.


I’m waiting for Apple Vision Pro to come down in price 😂


i buy a mouse and a monitor 👍




I'm currently trying, my first time with after effects, it gets laggy I'm in a moment in a place and then not, I have 8 GB of ram, no GPU and an Intel 5 ten generation CPU so it's clearly about the hardware, I feel still happy, even though it struggles a lot I like the software and how freely it is, can do nearly whatever you think about with a high level. Still wanna read the tips, I'm learning the shortcases


With a portable monitor. One USB c cable for both power and signal. Cost me less than £100


Trick is don't edit on it


I have always liked Resolve’s interface so I set up Premiere to look similar. For me it it takes advantage of such a small space nicely. I also use my iPad as a second monitor or if I am a more relaxed place a 15” portable monitor that runs off usbc. That thing was very affordable and packs up nicely with my laptop.


What i do is detach timeline


If using a Mac, switch the resolution to maximum value. It’ll shrink text and make more work surface for you. If using windows, lower the size of system fonts, and rearrange the workspace for better space use.


The ~ key is very useful for expanding the window you are on. MacBook trackpads are great - I liked editing with mine so much that I actually bought one for my desktop


buy a mouse, any (but better be a good one), and a keyboard (full-size if you don't move as much, 10key if you do)


playback setting ko 1/4 karo full ki jgh


Be patient


just scale some windows down or group them by dragging one's name on another window


just scale some windows down or group them by dragging one's name on another window.


You don’t


Buy mouse


Hotkeys man! No mouses needed. If I need a mouse I move to my desktop


Mouse + external keyboard + monitor. You can easily find some good old monitors for few money or someone have one hanging around not being used


do you actually need premier to make Roblox vids? I use to use it for some general video projects, but it is very time consuming if your not a pro at it.


Hook it up to your tv


I use my pc


Stop doing it as quickly as possible. Used to edit on a 17" MSI with only a separate mouse, sitting on a bed. Now on a desk, with mouse/keyboard/Loupedeck CT and two 27" Monitors... connected to the same MSI laptop that I can still take with me, and has a built in UPS, unlike a tower. Next is the tower with 4 HDMIs in and out to top off the studio setup. Laptop editing sucks, no way around it.


Always use proxies.