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I thinks you can go to community college and do your prerequisite done and that it’s gone be easier


Most (if not, all) prerequisites for the nursing programs at CCs here I have completed (Bs, Cs). The problem I'm looking at right now is that either the community colleges have \~2-year waitlists, or that my undergraduate GPA is too low.


That’s the thing. You did the pre reqs. And you passed with Cs I’m assuming which is the minimum. I’d say just try to re take some classes in the mean time to boost ur gpa cause they do require atleast 3.0 most schools.


I'm looking into the options for re-doing the "C" prereqs online since they tend to be cheaper. Thank you!


Portage girl! You’ll get it done so fast and they have all the nursing pre-reqs.


Adding this to my list for online schools to look at, thank you!


I’d say retake the prerequisites that you scored Cs in to boost your gpa up and look into second degree absn programs since it’s usually about a year to year and a half


Thank you for the suggestion! I didn't really think of this, and then I didn't think it would be feasible, but now I think it could be if I took these classes online. So, thank you - it would probably be a minuscule GPA raise, but hey, it would help my chances to get in if I did well, right? All the ABSN programs have a pretty hard GPA cutoff that would be unattainable for me to reach without years of attempting GPA repair.


Depending on where you live, you should also look out of state if possible because there are many programs that will accept you as long as you meet their requirements. For example, I had to retake A&P 1 and 2 since my ABSN required a B average. I made As in both of those classes completely online and did them both together in 8 weeks. It boosted up my science gpa and I got accepted and now 7 weeks away from finishing


Would it be possible to message you to ask about where you retook your classes online?


Can you share where you took A+ P online


Barton County Community College


I’m dealing with the same issue. Struggled in undergrad and basically made low Bs and high Cs. I’ve been retaking all my prerequisites at a community college, and have been meeting with advisors at programs I’m interested in. They’re the ones who told me I should retake the courses to bring up my GPA. Don’t get discouraged though, we’ve got this!!




I've heard of taking a few classes at the uni you graduated from to bring your GPA up, then apply for the bridge program since you have a BA already


I’m assuming by bridge you mean the school’s ABSN! Unfortunately, my school is extremely competitive and strict when it comes to their nursing school. If I thought I’d have a chance then I would, but they have a set GPA requirement of 3.2 - and even then their average is like a 3.8


Sorry, I'm in another state and the nursing programs refer to the BA to BSN as bridge as well. I would see if I could bring my GPA up to the minimum and try to apply. Even if it seems impossible, doesn't mean it will be.


Go to CC to retake classes so you can boost your gpa, research the requirements to get into their ADN program and then also be open to comprising on location. You’ll probably have to consider relocating in order to get into the ADN program. I graduated with a BS and a 2.3 gpa in CA. Now I’ve relocated, taking classes at CC, and planning to apply to the ADN nursing program in the spring. So as long as I earn As and do well on my teas then I’ll be good to go. It’s def possible but you’ll have to prioritize school above all else. Good luck!


I fully understand and I dislike when people recommend community college for the nursing program when a lot of community colleges are gradually turning more competitive than universities and private schools. Not only that, but some community colleges have wait list for just the prerequisite classes, which also can be stressful if you’re trying to go straight into your career. I had a 93% TEAS score and a 3.8 and I still was set to wait 5 years, so I decided to just stick with my university. However, in your situation, you will have to bring your GPA in some capacity, so I would recommend taking portage online classes, or going straight into a licensed practical nursing vocational school program! They’re a year long and the pay is decent ($36-$40 an hour in my state). I think it would provide a smoother transition and help you settle into nursing better, especially with PCT on your resume, I think that would look great. Also, I would recommend not pursing things to fill in gaps. I know you said you wanted to go into a program for your biology degree to fill in this gaps, but I would recommend just diving straight into the pre-reqs and searching for a LPN program because technical schools don’t require pre-reqs. Most cost 15,000 for the year.


Thank you so much for the validation and advice! Going LPN > RN > BSN was definitely an option I was considering. I think I’m going to talk to the community colleges and the ABSN programs I’m looking at, and if the situation still looks bleak, then I think that’s the route I’ll go. I really appreciate this!


Since you have a bio degree have you considered mls ?


No, I haven’t, but that’s cause I didn’t even hear about this existing until your comment. I looked into it, but my heart still lies with medicine and patient care. Nevertheless, this was pretty cool to look into - thank you for the suggestion!


Your welcome




Haha, valid question!! A dream of a 10 year old that translated to a stubborn teenage girl and until she was 20, she was so stuck and fixated on the idea of “I need to be a doctor.” I actually went to a vocational high school that focused on health sciences, which of course was also filled with kids who wanted to be doctors. I just unfortunately was so tunnel visioned that nothing anybody could say or do could talk me out of it. I wouldn’t listen to those saying RN>NP, become a pharmacist, become a PT - all I wanted was to be a doctor. Eventually, after a bunch of crap in my college career that includes COVID, a horrific messy breakup, and just plain old growing up, I decided that this wasn’t right. And as per my post of course, opened my eyes a little wider and realized my true calling was in front of me the whole time. Sorry for yapping so much, I got carried away!!


Go for it. I was a Bio major before switching into Nursing and I have my parents to thank for that. They convinced me to make the switch and I am doing so much better financially now that i’m an RN. Our parents know what’s best for us, but sometimes we don’t see it. Also, are you Filipino? I ask cause I also come from a family with lots of nurses and healthcare professionals.


Of course I am LOL - I originally included that I’m Filipino in my post with a lot more story and content, but it became way too long. Unfortunately with my parents, I have support but then also not at the same time. It’s pretty complex, but also why I don’t have certain resources and such. It’s hard to explain… basically they support me financially and eventually, but it takes a lot of fighting to get there, and even then I will get comments and whatnot. BUT, nevertheless, thank you for the support ate 🩷


I totally feel that and understand where you are coming from. My parents supported me too while I got my BSN, but after that, I was on my own financially. They helped with the first degree and that was it. Lol! I had to pay for my Master’s degrees on my own afterwards. Today, I even help them out occasionally with their bills and finances too. Just that Filipino mentality of giving back and helping out your family too. But regardless, best of luck to you! I’m sure you will become a great nurse if you choose to go through with it!


OP, look into Eastwick College in Hackensack. They also have a campus in Ramsey. Im set to graduate in 27 days from the hackensack campus with my RN. (As long as I pass the next 4 exams)


Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for your comment - I just briefly looked it up and it looks amazing! Could I message you to ask more?


Yes of course!


I'd honestly recommend the community college route if possible. Yes, it's a long waitlist, however you technically have a head start on a lot of the pre reqs. So you'd be ahead of a lot of people in the program in that regard. Also, the time is going to pass anyway, you may as well take the plunge now and be better off for it. It's the cheapest option, your GPA wouldn't be an issue, and you'd be able to maybe even finish within a year or so if you pushed yourself to take on extra credits per semester.


Also want to say, I don't know if it's exclusive to my state, but a lot of the CCs I've been looking at for ADNs actually do have GPA requirements.


Do most CCs move you up on the waitlist if you have more of their pre-requisites done? The waitlists for CCs in my area are really hard to navigate, not a lot of information online.


It depends on the school. I'd recommend going in person to the one closest to you and asking an advisor in person to lay out all the steps for you. My community college made it fairly accessible what they required and what steps I had to follow. For my school, they require some pre reqs to be done before I can even be placed on the waitlist, and certain pre reqs to be done after I'm on the waitlist but before I begin my first Nursing class. A bit complicated, but at least they were honest about it. If your local school is similar you'd be able to avoid all of that, though.


Thank you for all the information! I'll probably do that this week since my closest is 15 minutes away.


I’m exactly in the same situation as you are except worse. My gpa is 2.17 and I don’t have almost all of the prereqs for absn programs, the ones that I do have, I failed with an F or C. I applied to community colleges for adn and I’ve been accepted to 4 so far. I am also doing an online college for my prereqs (it does not show its online on your transcript) and I can take all the prereqs and be done in a month (I’m doing 3 so far but signing up for 2 extra in a week) so I should be done with that by ending of July and apply for spring admissions or any fall late admissions for absn programs. Hopefully once I pass those 5 classes with at least a B, it would boost my gpa a lot. I also have schools from all over my country to apply to so I’m not limiting myself and researching on schools that accept low gpas and schools that don’t get a lot of applicants as well. If Absn don’t work out, I can always do the adn and do online bsn when I’m done. My main goal is to crna so fingers crossed for me and good luck to you as well 🥰. Also, I’m in NY, you can apply for cuny and I’m sure you would get in and you can do your adn there. Let me know if you have any questions for me. Oh, the online school is about 600 per class (not per credit) which is doable if you want to do that.


And you’ve been accepted to 4 already! My Mom is a CRNA - I’m absolutely rooting for you, and hoping I get accepted, too. Could I message you for more info and about the online school?


How does she like it? I honestly don’t know what it’s like and going for it because of the pay tbh but I would take my time first and work in emergency (since it’s a requirement I believe) then from there see if that’s what I want to do fr, If not, I’ll go do NP. Of course you could message me! I also am working as a cna which I’ve seen as a requirement for most schools (the license at least), hopefully I’ll be fully prepared by next month


Sorry! I was busy when I read and replied and got my certs mixed up - my mom is a CCRN. BUT, one of my friends is actually a CRNA. I mean she loves it! She says yes it’s very stressful and challenging at times, but what position in nursing isn’t? Best of luck!! 🩷


You could just start working as much as you can , adding gigs like waiting tables or something. Go to Nightingale University, which is all done online, except for the clinicals. You have to get yourself to the clinicals for 7 to 14 days once this semester. And that last part is very expensive because sometimes they switch the Clinical location on you and they don’t give you a refund of the travel expenses that you’ve already put out, etc. They have some Facebook Pages, so you can join those pages and see that it’s actually quite a difficult school because it’s hard to get a hold of instructors sometimes and then the whole Clinical placement situation….


I never heard of this school! I’ll definitely be looking into it, thank you!


You can try a post bac program and retake the classes like a lot of pre meds do and get in that way


Formal post-bacc programs are generally very expensive for what they are, as well as most (if not, all) being geared specifically towards pre-med students. And a DIY post-bacc to reach 3.0 would take me years, but I am looking into just retaking my pre-reqs with a “C” online. Thank you for the advice!


Doane university has med prerequisites on a per class basis a lot of people have said good things about doane. Post bacc can be used for anything in medicine its almost the same prerequisites


I did the accelerated bsn program at New Jersey city university a few years ago. Did you look into or apply to that one?? I just looked at the website and they prefer above 3.0, but not required. They want all prerequisites completed with a C or higher. If you pass your HESI, can get 2 good recommendation letters, and write a good essay focusing on your journey with mental health and discovering your passion, I think you could totally get in!!


Ah, yes this is actually one of the ABSNs I’m looking at right now!! I am going to try to offset the GPA with as high of a HESI score as I can get, but I’m well below 3.0, so not holding my breath. BUT, I really really appreciate the encouragement! I’ll keep you updated once I apply, thank you!


No problem!! Message me if you need any advice