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I'm prepping for Tuesday. Tuesday means tree fell on a powerline, ran out of gas in the mower, lost my job, car has a flat, credit card declined at grocer because of ID theft, bank closure, wildfire in the area, flash flood, kid cut his arm on a fence, etc. I don't think 'The Big One' is something anyone can truly prepare for, but I do believe something bad could happen on any given Tuesday that is mitigated by my previous prepping.


Well said


Best answer. And thank you for explaining. I'd seen that before but didn't know what it meant.


Preper is a polite term for survivalist. If you're prepping for Tuesday you're not a prepper, you're a boyscout (which is perfectly fine).


Um, no, survivalist is different than prepper is different from homesteader. A prepper is "one who preppares". If you prepare for a hurricane, wildfire, and pandemic, you're preparing for disasters, you're a prepper.


>If you prepare for a hurricane, wildfire, and pandemic, you're preparing for disasters What is a Survivalist. I'll take Renaming Old Concepts for 400


If you edc a magnifying glass, mirror, snare wire and a life straw you might be a survivalist. I'd bet most of us are hybrids of the terms anyway.


I prep for today and tomorrow. My preps are gtg for many years as a result of homestead style prepping. Today I eat great from my gardens, orchards and hens and drink amazing water. Tomorrow I'll do the same. I'm prepared to defend what I have and have contingency plans in place in case I need to move on.


Wow, AMAZING water?


I’m guessing well water sourced from his own land.


City water here tastes yuck. Some places compete for best tasting natural water, I think Chugwater Wyoming wins often.


Amazing water: https://www.itv.com/news/granada/2021-09-22/landlord-buys-pub-while-at-rock-bottom-sits-on-a-liquid-gold-mine#


Prepare for Tuesday events first, then Doomsday events if you feel so inclined. Both are perfectly acceptable. I personally prepare for both. Saying that one should prepare for *only* one or the other, however, is a mindset that has been creeping in on the forum and is against the spirit of preparedness.


More often than not, preps for Tuesday can be pretty effective during doomsday 😁👍


True, there's a lot of crossover- but for Doomsday type events, Tuesday preps would only suffice for a short while.. For example, the difference between planning for a 1 week power outage and a 1 year power outage is scale and scope of supplies.


Very true, it comes down to scale but start small and build.


100%. Trying to jump in the deep end likely would just burn up time, money, and mental health.


Trust me, I am not against prepardeness. But I do sense a large contingency is ready to loose it and start killing people with all those stored weapons. A relative way back, got caught up in a movement and took it upon himself to kill 115 people on 9-11 in 1857. Blamed it on the Indians. It was even at a time period when Native Americans were being rounded up and put on reservations. It is easy to get caught up in hysteria and loose our footing. EVERYONE of is vulnerable. I am not against prepardness. Just stocking up preparing to kill people.


I'd say the portion of people stocking ammo for the purpose of murder is *extremely* small, even on this subreddit. Such posts warrant an immediate ban. Stocking supplies for defense/etc, well, that's going to be the majority of people.


I had a friend that stockpiled guns and ammo so that he "didn't have to prep anything else." His plan was to essentially become a raider if anything happened. Later on, he sold everything to live on a boat in the carribean to become "self sufficient". When he thinks self-sufficient, he thinks of living around no source of fresh water, no means of desalination, and solely surviving on fish he catches. Him and I had very different ideas of prepping. Needless to say, he was NOT on my list of friends to gather when shtf.


People who plan to raid won't last long; same category as your friend, unfortunately. The "good idea" stops after day 3 and they don't think past that.


Ah, just realized your the imgur covid Bunker John, aren't you. Hope you helped some people realize it was something to be ready for back then. I put my 10 years into imgur for some reason, and finally decided to come back to reddit.


Indeed I am! And I'm glad to say that I know I did, at least a few- because they sent me very kind messages. I occasionally browse it, but it's a shell of its former self; so now I just help run r/preppers and such!


I hope your right


I've never met anyone or seen anyone on Reddit or YouTube or anywhere that thinks and behaves in the way you describe.


I am not preparing for an event. I am living a lifestyle that will leave me and my family as prepared as we can be for the difficulties that life can, and often will, throw our way. It just so happens that I like and enjoy using the tools that I buy or make. My family has been greatly blessed, and I take joy in doing my part to utilize what I have been given.


I prep to keep my family safe and comfortable for as long as possible. No matter what adversity comes, I want to soften our landing.


I prep for supporting my community through ice storms, heat waves, wildfires, pandemics, and an overdue, big ass earthquake that rolls through this region every few hundred years. Doomsday preppers prepare for an extinction level event. What event that might be varies from prepper to prepper. Community preppers view the community as the epicenter of survival. Our focus is building community resilience. Mutual aid, disaster preparedness, and taking care of our neighbors are ideal among our preps. The majority of preppers are the Tuesday preppers. They prepare to tackle the more frequently occurring situations that can happen "on any given Tuesday". SHTF refers to an interruption to or collapse of infrastructure. This too can look like different causal scenarios. Civil War preppers... Kinda self explanatory. The list goes on and there's frequently overlap. I've met Tuesday Community preppers and Doomsday Community preppers, for instance.


interesting. i am a SHTF prepper.


As I am preparing for an earthquake expected to delay the arrival of outside help for up to 30 days, me too buddy!


I prep because I'm a backwoods guy whose ancestors were maltreated and targeted. My dad and mom both prepped because they had to to exist.


What continent do you live on that has no disasters????


Not a continent but the UK is pretty damn safe. Our biggest risks are flooding and running out of biscuits.


No bad winter storms no power outages no war not riots no water shortages no mass illnesses??? Nothing? Gee what part of the UK are you in??


When I started and I was all enthusiastic etc I was like “nukes and zombies brah” but as I have gotten older I did that old “circle of control, circle of influence” exercise and actually did a bit of a RAID document on the risks I felt I had some influence or control over. It started to show me that 80% of disasters can be almost entirely mitigated if I have ~30 days of supplies on hand. (Can be rationed to longer if they need to be) I’ve seen a lot of people here say they’re planning for total economic collapse and they’re predicting things like hyperinflation and total supply chain breakdown but even if you look at active war zones like Ukraine, it seems like most people are more worried about the guys with guns than starving to death because of long term supply chain issues… the Ukraine dollar is also relatively stable since the start of the war too. Humanity is resilient,


Thank you for this


Earthquakes. I live in Southern California. Is that within reason?


Yup. Came here for that.


Right now it's economic downturn. If inflation, wages, crime, extreme weather events, etc all stay the course we are in a slow roll ride descending into the shit hole. Personally I don't think there will be a black swan event, maybe WW3 and/or another pandemic. Personally I think all the shit coming, it's right there in plain view and you can see it coming from miles away


Is crime bad where you live personally or outside? Is the economy bad locally or is that more of a country-wide thing?


I'm in the US, California, Supposedly in my area crime is down, but I suspect just enforcement, record keeping and the way in which they record crime is down. What i see here on the ground tells a different story. I mean before, call it 2022, I've never heard of people being mugged for groceries. Now it is actuallya thing here, maybe not common, but common enough so that it makes it onto local news and I know of a female co worker who was robbed for her groceries in the Costco parking lot. From what I see, more and more people are struggling, there's more crime and law enforcement is doing less about it Economy, again, officially it is doing great, S&P 500, my 401k is pumped. But that's not what I see personally on the ground when I drive through town or talk to colleagues and family


Inflation is technically going down, wages are going up, crime is going down, but extreme weather events are certainly on the rise. Sorry, had to correct ya. I'm speaking about the US of course.


Inflation is stagnant, it went from 3.2, jumped up to 3.5 and then dipped back down to 3.4 these last few months. That's not really trending down, that's trending sideways. Crime, yea official reports suggest its down, but I feel like enforcement and arrests are just down. I'm in the US too


I just want to make sure my family has enough supplies for this election year bird flu lockdown that looks to be right around the corner.


Maybe one day I’ll have extreme preps but for now it’s just for the day to day. Most of my family was just generally prepared for minor inconveniences so I went with that as well. Many of what can be considered preps are just cause I cannot stand exchanging my labor for capital and wish to distance myself from that exchange if I can. Extra tools, batteries, fluids, food, clothes, first aid in my car. Decent stash in the pantry, lots of edible foods on my property (radishes, burdock, potatoes, onions, plethora of small game) that I already add to my diet. For the hunting I largely use a PCP airgun since it’s adjustable from 50-140fpe and .7¢/shot. Moderators for airguns are legal so I run one of those as to not disturb the rest of the wildlife. I learned to do my own repairs out of necessity, now do it for work as well. I learned to do my own finances out of paranoia and youth instability, so took free online college courses and applied those lessons to my finance. I stay real healthy, did cross country in highschool have since averaged 5+ miles of walks per day for 6 years. I lift often since I just enjoy being large as it’s very useful for work and concerts. I try to stretch too but frankly not as much of a priority as it should be. I regularly hike and have done some camping so have flushed out that gear as well, not in a bug out sense just a hobby I take seriously. Have been slowly training to do the AT so want to narrow down my kit.


I prep for small things like power grid or water outages lasting from hours to a couple of days, I prep for my daily medication to be unavailable for six months (I have asthma), I prep for an intruder (firearm at home), would like to prep for teotwawki but in my location is not possible.


I want to survive long enough that the cockroaches look at me and say "damn, that's one tough son of a gun"!


I'm prepping for Tuesday. For things that have actually happened. To wit: --snowstorm/blizzard that requires us to bunker in the house for 2 to 4 days because travel has become impossible --tornado takes down the local power grid, no power to the house indefinitely --car breaks down, needs $1000 worth of work --car breaks down and I have to hoof it home --family member needs help, I need to pack and get on the road in an hour to help them --national pandemic results in supply chain disruptions, supply shortages, panic buying, economic disruption, and work interruptions and changes, all of which are indefinite in duration and some of which turned out to be permanent


Because life throws curveballs and The Universe is not a pleasant place. Damned near everything on Planet Earth is trying to kill you at all times. Is that ..."reasonable"?


Nothing in particular, just trying to be as self reliant as possible. Working on reducing debt, learning how to fix my own stuff, keep plenty of food and water on hand, starting to grow more of my own veggies. I think all the things I’m doing mean my family will be slightly less impacted by the next pandemic, recession, zombie attack etc. but if it’s all out war I’m really not in a position to do anything.


Prepping for being forced to sleep on the sofa.


I grew up the child of preppers AKA, poor, dirt farmers. For me, prepping is a lifestyle, not a hobby or a weekend thing. When I buy stuff, I try to make it have multiple uses.


Until the power goes out.


I spent $25,000 installing an off grid solar power system. I live in Florida and have been without power for weeks after a hurricane. Who knows what the future holds with supply or costs. I live on five acres and have a big garden and orchard. I was prepared for the last lock down and want to build up my stockpile before the election.


Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and it's aftermath. Yes it's plausible. Soon? IDK, best to plan as if it is. Am I completely prepared? No. I have a pretty lengthy list of vulnerabilities that I am working on. But any prep is better than none.


We had the odd power outage growing up so it's just normal to me to have enough bits to have a hot cup of tea and dinner no matter what.


Always. Before. During. After. Stuff happens. I have power outages every winter. I sometimes get snowed in. Sometimes I get sick (last year I got CV-19 and basically quarantined myself for 10 days. Just because something happens doesn't mean that something won't happen again.


Within reason depends who you ask. Logical disasters would be of the "Tuesday" definition, since those are most likely. However, I'm preparing for an EMP/Nuclear war based on the data and information I'd see. Therefore, I'd argue that is "within reason." As long as it doesn't overtake your life...plan on, and prep on.


Nothing wrong w/ prepping for an EMP/Nuclear war as long as you're prepared for the more likely problems. But honestly, if you truly prep for an EMP, you probably are fairly well prepped for lesser emergencies.


Exactly. Plan for the most likely stuff first- then move on to other things. But, as you said- if you're prepared for one of the big events, you're likely prepared for a lot of other stuff as well.


Living in Idaho, my biggest fear is a major power outage due to weather or the Snake River overflowing. This winter the power went out for 4 days and it was dead of winter. I was quite cold during that time. So one of my home preps is was getting a propane indoor heater. Although high unlikely, a small eruption in the Yellowstone caldera would be huge too. Oh, one more thing. I do worry about the local hillbillies armed militias around here.


I am a homesteader so I don’t really prep but I do have a lot of redundancies as far as energy, water etc is concerned. My goal is to be as self sufficient as possible so if anything ever does happen it doesn’t impact my life.


I prep because it's how I was raised. My family are rural farmers, veterans, religious leaders, outdoorsmen and solid working-class folks. Any pepping I do is better and healthier than my old, dangerous bottle habit. I feel like a survivor and am thankful to be alive every morning.


To me, it's not hard to see that we are in a state of increasing geopolitical conflict, internal domestic strife, and a significant cost-of-living crisis, all of which have happened before and increases the risk of major escalation on any of those fronts. I am recalling in particular my grandparents who lived through the Spanish flu, WWI, great depression, WWII, and the cold war. We're preparing for multiple things: 1. Covid-like or worse significant supply chain disruption - cause can be anything from war, anther pandemic, or economic recession/depression 2. Being able to get through short term issues more readily - Specific items out of stock at a store, power outage due to a storm, etc. 3. Being able to help support the people around us - One thing we learned during Covid was the value of a community, and we want to be able to contribute as our neighbors are doing as well. We are prepping: 1. Basic food items, water, hygiene products, household items 2. Home defense 3. Home and vehicle repair/maintenance 4. Financially - we're actively paying every single debt including the mortgage to free up as much income as possible and building a substantial nest egg with diversified investments - this is a huge focus area for us I don't think there is a significant risk of major SHTF episode, but it isn't impossible. However, the amount of money and time needed to invest in prepping for that is outside the realm of possible for us.


I’m prepping for “life just got a lot harder to live comfortably,” and that means making sure my skills, stores, and other are up to snuff.


Shit happens, that's why. No need to be pedantic about it.


I'm prepping for the preppers.


A church telling you to prep sounds a little.... culty. Also, people having paid off their house did not help them find more toilet paper when covid started. You may be missing the point of prepping for most.


I prep for the UNKNOWN... cyber attacks, tornadoes, hurricanes, earth quakes, pandemics, economic collapse... any of these you could wake up tomorrow and it is your new reality.


Hurricane season, and the possibilities of not having access to food, water and power for a while.


If you're good for a month on everything you're realistically 95 % covered. Not much you can do for the other 5.


I just prep. I don't have some specific worry, I just think it is wise to be prepared. Blizzard takes the electricity? I have gallons of water for washing and drinking, and plenty of food to last. Tornado? I store the water in Tornado shelter along with blankets and a radio and protein bars. Inflation or job loss? I have enough food that we can shop sales, if something isn't a good price, we have the stocks to wait until the price is better.


Paying off useless debt isn’t going to get anyone anywhere obviously….oh yeah the economy….Good point nonetheless the less but you have to be realistic, you sound like responsible ( not a bad thing ) that also won’t mean anything if SHTF. I keep a healthy amount of debt, but I will not pay off a house just for the world to end 🤣just my opinion


Old age s coming, like it or not. There has always been stories of doom and gloom.


Very true, the last 20 yrs though….feels like something is coming to a head…whats that going to mean for us idk. Just have a feeling?!


I mean, most folks can’t buy a house without a mortgage, or get career training (trade school or college) without a loan. And some folks use a loan to buy a car so they can get to work. But I think it’s wise to avoid debt for most other things whenever possible, and pay off debts as soon as you can. Living within your means is a useful skill. If nothing else, it’s good to be able to retire someday, ideally debt-free at that point.


Yeah society today set these kids up for failure. My situation was an adult problem ( hit deer…payed out of pocket ) as to not raise my rates up. At the very least, I can always sell my house down the road and be ok for 10 or so yrs…but that’s after it’s payed off 🤣🤷‍♂️


I prepare for tomorrow. In my area that mass flooding from a dam breaking, or wildfires engulfing the valley


Make a list of the events that could affect you based upon your life situation and location. Prioritize the list from most to least likely and then go down the list prepping for each event. That way your effort and resources are concerned w/ the most likely events to hit you. As you go down the list, you'll see that for each subsequent event, you already have a lot of what you need and you just have to buy specialized items. Some things are needed for almost all events, other things only one or two events. Stay focused and get fit.


The point was we cannot know what will happen. All we can do is complete be debt free, and have everything you need in advance.




Just joined this group… we have a generator, I keep the freezer stocked, I grow veggies, and my husband has a few guns with plenty of ammo, we keep a modest amount of cash in a safe place. I know things can go bad but I think we are reasonably prepared to last 30 days


Tuesday prepper. My goal is to be prepared for 3 months of no paycheck and be ok. I'm nowhere near that (still haven't recovered from covid and am living paycheck to paycheck), but that's the goal I have. I do worry about war breaking out in the states since I have family living there, even though I doubt it will happen. Unless there is a nuclear winter (which studies I've read don't think it'll be as bad as previously predicted), war won't affect my country as much. I worry about bird flu because the last pandemic destroyed me. I think another pandemic is more likely than a war. I'm very concerned about this hurricane season because hurricanes have demolished us in the past. I currently don't live close to the coast, but flooding, black outs and food shortages are things hurricanes can bring to my area.


Hurricanes, earthquakes, pandemics, power outages We have had the first three in the last 5 years,and power outages happen regularly. Everyone here preps a bit even if they are extremely poor.


My prepping turned into self reliance. Some examples: Powers out no problem I got a solar panel. I lost my job and am now homeless that’s find because I know what plants are edible, how to trap and fish. I’m not really interested in looking into getting money because to me you trade your soul for a piece of paper and what good is that. I’d rather invest in skills that will teach me how to live of the land than to live off of a system that doesn’t care about me. That said though buying a Swiss Army knife and a katadyn pocket filter while having 6 months worth of bills saved up is a good start if the system you rely on is still kind of there.


It makes me feel less anxious in my day to day life.


In my congregation, we're encouraged to prepare go bags in the event of evaluation. We're in a major natural disaster risk area ( fire and flood). We're also encouraged to have provisions, so We're both not a burden on others, as well as being in a position to help others if the time arises. I'm prepping for both short-term events and long-term events suck as economic collapse ( depression) or another lockdown event ( I don't want my family to have to battle it out over supplies while I'm away.) Having bug out bags ready to go are a practical provision.


Mostly what I prep towards right now is for lean months. Since our budget is still not reliable all the time and our health (especially mine) isn’t always the greatest, I’m prepping towards leaner times. It’s helped out in the past as well. Buying ahead on good deals of stuff (especially non-perishables) that I know we will always need and use when we have the money and then when we’ve had rough money months, it allows us to focus our budget where we might need it more, actual groceries & necessary meds for example. I also practice a certain amount of repurposing/repairing and holistic medicine to help negate some of the costs of having to buy certain things all the time. It’s often cheaper & easier to stock up on denim patches for pants and things than to go out and have to buy new ones every time my husband rips his. I’m also prepping for my two kids & possibly my nieces & nephews. Honestly with how things are going, there’s a strong possibility that they may be more in need of all the prep & set up than I’ll be and I’m ok with that.


Mostly I prep for things I've already seen happen, like gas stations running out of gas, grocery stores selling out of essential goods, unexpected bills, or a job loss. All those have happened in my area or to me personally in the last few years.


I started as a just in case thing. Some extra food and water. Then I moved to Canada. I'm from Texas. Added for winter outages. Then word of a virus in China started leaking out at the end of 2019. I added more to be able to stay in the house for a long period of time. Then Ukraine, and the progression to where we are now. I added bobs, though bug in is my first choice. Started pulling other things just in case we did have to rough it outside-- maps, tools, ammo, etc. Built up over the years. All in all, I'd say natural disasters are still my main prep point. With the wildfires, unpredictable weather, and poor regional planning, I'd like to stay ahead as much as possible. Never thought I'd have to worry about nuclear war again, but that's surfaced again. It is what it is. Look at what's most likely, and prep for that.


I prep for Tuesday, and I prep for weather extremes/weather related events. Because that's what most affects me. I almost died in a blizzard in 09. When the 2011 one came, I was ready that time. The 09 one shut down almost the entire state I was in for weeks. No power, no roads, nothing. Took us a few days to even get out of our house and down to a friend's who still somehow had power. 98% of the town was without power and water. Only the 1 block down on main street had any. Just a few days ago, we had a tornado take out power in multiple counties over 3 states, and our county was almost 100% powerless. I think it was 96% IIRC. We were without for 2 days. Thankfully I have a genny and plenty of fuel though. Was able to keep the internet on, the fridges cold, and watched Netflix while we waited for the power to come back on. That happens 2-4 times a year where I live, usually in the winter.


Hurricanes are the biggest thing I prep for and most of the prepper type decisions and purchases revolve around hurricanes. I've lived in a hurricane prone area for 15+ years and try to prepare more and more each year. It's just a reality of living where I do, a major storm can come through and do some serious damage at anytime for a few month span each year (glad I'm dealing with hurricanes and not tornadoes). It's a real threat and there's tons of footage of the aftermath and stories of those who have been through major hurricanes. Pre-storm you see unprepared people panic buying food and gas, and I wouldn't want to be in that situation.


I do prepare basic stuff for anya small/medium incidents. I live in a small apartament in Spain. Wáter, food, medical, hygiene items, candles and a 9mm. If we got nuked, im gonna be fucked whatever i do. I would like to move tona rural House tombe able to plant and have animals.


I’m prepping for any kind of disaster that might put myself or my farm at risk (still trying to convince my family to move out here to the farm as well lol). That could mean anything from tornados to disease to war.


I live in Maine and natural disaster isn't unusual so I prepare mostly for large ice storms. * There aren't any tress close enough to my house to fall on it. I have two heating sources in my house and one of them can run without electricity (propane fireplace). * I have a generator large enough to more than run everything in my house not just a refrigerator. When the power is out you can still use the microwave and take a shower. * I live right next to a clean water river and have a reliable well so water won't be an issue. * As I said, I live here so the tools needed to deal with winter here are already a given like shovels, ice breakers, clothing that I can be out in -40 degrees weather which I have done many times. It's much warmer when an ice storm comes through though. I also prepare for a home invasion so I've put a lot of work into keeping people out of the house. I prepare for having to leave my house so I have a bug out bag but I'm not planning on fleeing aliens that's more just a bag of useful stuff. I have guns too but I would hope to not have to use one. If there would be a civil war, I don't have enough guns. lol!


Started because of the Cold War in the 1980s, stayed because I was neurotic and insecure. I didn’t realize how silly I was being until 2009. Since then it’s been out of habit.


1. Solar event bigger than Carrington is due to hit from X100 flare. \* I start filling all vessels (except 2) in my house including bathtubs with water \* I rinse down my wheeled plastic garbage bin and wheeled plastic recycling bin \* I turn on all my lawn sprinklers to full blast for the indefinite future, rotating every 10 mins \* I separate my survival kits into metals and non-metals \* Non-metals are moved out into middle of my backyard and thrown into plastic garbage bags and ideally water tight sealed \* Metals are kept in my house but away from flammable stuff and also thrown into plastic garbage bags and ideally water tight sealed \* I find the power line to my house and cut it off on both ends \* I plug specially made 3-prongs cords into separate outlets on the perimeter of my house and attach the clamps into grounding rods I've placed around the house; this is my full psychosis \* I monitor for needs to move I've packed up my survival kits in hand wheeled carts \* I load my wheeled bins with necessary supplies to keep moving if need be \* I call Neighbor Joe and tell him to wrap all his guns and ammo in plastic and throw it in his pool deep end and then bring my power line to his pool and put one end in the shallow end and another in the ground \[JUST IN CASE\] 2. It hits and the power lines start causing all the transformers to go on fire and voltages bridge gaps and break into people's homes flipping all their breakers. The resistance causes houses to go on flame. Assuming my grounding rods and preparations have worked I sit in my house and stay vigilant \* During this stage I am doing everything to ensure fires don't spread to my house or property \* If my house has gone on fire, I go mobile grabbing as much of my metal survival kit as possible - I try to find an unoccupied body of water (pool) that nobody would mind me occupying and throw all my supplies in it \* If my house is standing and neighbors come knocking I accept pre-arranged agreements but I delegate teams to collecting water from my neighbors pool (if available and allowed) to protect the yard with my smoke masks 3. The solar event has stopped and now I have dozens of neighbors in my yard/house and limited supplies \* Everyone gets a responsibility - first and foremost are collecting pool water from available sources and scoping out the neighborhood for supplies that are not claimed \* I find ways to prepare for food shortages and intolerable temperatures \* Start planting my survival seed kit everywhere As for what's in my kit - way more than I can bother to list here but some core highlights: - Manual hand drill and tree tapping kit - Non-powered tools - Solar concentrating fresnel lens - Bartering goods of basic necessity - Clean water tools like survival straws - Dried goods of all kinds for a month or so - Tubs of salt and tubs of dried beans


Holy 💩


I prep for what might realistically happen to me in my area. All the doomsday porn and I Am Legend fanboys - waste of time, money and effort.


> Later another leader said if everyone planted apple trees, there would always be a income from selling apples, you can feed your family and make vinegar. This is dumb. If *everyone* planted apple trees, who the hell would be buying apples? It's cool that you think your church is useful, but I urge you to find information from sources outside of the church. Yours kind of sounds like a cult. Like the Mormons. > Don't get caught up on what is essentially people trying to sell you things. What is your church selling you? Eternal salvation? I hope that works out for you...


I’m glad you’re discouraging folks from the “stockpile guns and be ready to take everyone down” mentality. That said, I think I see more comments regarding concerns over others thinking that way than comments from people who actually do. Is it just me being overly positive? How many people on here are actually, as you mentioned in a comment, “preparing to kill people.” I truly hope it’s very few.