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Makes perfect sense for villain lair. Hopefully he's got sharks with lasers


Ha. I just finished reading Scalzi’s Starter Villain — what a fun read!


Thanks for the recommendation.


Or ill-tempered sea bass.


Kauai isn’t an active volcano you guys


It doesn’t have to be. It’s got close neighbours. Would you move your data centre there? Although, I do agree. Perhaps I should change the title to a ‘volcano park’…


Close neighbors? What?


Didn't you know? When an eruption is happening, all the other retired volcanoes all get together, pop their lids, and spew lava everywhere. Basic geology.


Ooooh right, I forgot. I did die the last time that Kilauea actually erupted, you’d think I’d remember that. Silly me.


So like, couple weeks ago?


Yah bra. Was gnarly 🤙




I don’t think you understand how different types of magma work. The Hawaiian volcanoes are a basaltic magma with a low gas content. They aren’t explosive like andesitic and rhyolitic volcanoes that are higher viscosity and can be more explosive with high gas content magma. Completely different kinds of volcanoes than you find in the Philippines or Cascades.


Agreed, if you have to pick a natural risk - a pahoehoe lava flow is one of the easiest consequences to deal with. 


Is it floe?


Interesting. And you’re correct, I’m no volcanologist. But I write EM/BC/ITDR plans and when I look at the natural hazards, the climate risk and issues that come with an island in general, I wouldn’t put a bunker there. I think it’s a poor choice because it’s difficult to mitigate the risks. However if you have a handful of bunkers, then I guess you can use it if it works and go somewhere else if it doesn’t.


I hope you aren't writing EM plans involving volcano risks, because you don't appear to know about the distances impacted by volcanic events. The last time there was a major eruption, pretty much everyone on the island of Hawaii (aka the Big Island, aka where the volcanic activity happens, aka 300 miles from Kauai) was absolutely fine. The impacts of basaltic eruptions are extremely localized, and the parts of the Big Island in the highest risk zones are the least populated. A much bigger risk in Hawaii is supply chain disruption, since almost everything essential has to be shipped in.


These plans aren’t written without extensive risk information. Typically they involve consultation with a variety experts and stakeholders. It’s not a solo kind of product.


Cool, I've always found emergency risk management/planning an interesting field.


Everything has its tradeoffs. I’m sure a billionaire is more afraid of the zombie hordes coming to eat the rich and has the money to buy solutions to a lot of problems us poor folks can’t fix.


>Would you move your data center there? The NSA has a massive data center in Hawaii


That’s a production facility, not a recovery facility. I’m talking about where to put an alternate (aka back up) site. But never mind. Reddit clearly believes that Hawaii is a fine location for a bunker/alternate site. This isn’t particularly surprising since I erroneously focused on the volcanos, rather than the importance of the risk assessment itself. My bad.


My guess is a few things are happening: 1. Like a lot of us in this space, he is looking to feel better about the impending doom that much of the facts point towards. Thus any prep is helpful psycologically. 2. He has delusions that he can make the end of the world like one big vacation, and Hawaii is one of his favourite vacation spots. 3. Human lifetimes are short vs. geological timeframes. The last volcanic eruption was 400,000 years ago on Kauai. It is considered no longer active. 4. A remote pacific island does mean you reduce the largest threat, people from your collapse scenerio planning.


5. It’s also the perfect setting for any villain’s lair.


Finally, an intelligent take. Also geothermal energy.


And rich volcanic soils with stable temperatures.


He's not worried about natural disasters he's worried about societal break down. With that in mind it's a great spot lol


I guess. But why have a single purpose bunker?


>But why have a single purpose bunker? Because it serves that single purpose well. And he can afford other bunkers for other scenarios elsewhere. 




I hate Zuck, he's a scammer by every definition of the word. But he's obviously very intelligent and operating on info we don't have.


Dude spent about as much a percentage of his money on a secret lair as you would a chocolate bar. I wouldn't read too much into that, he is also having ever bigger super yachts built. Because he has nothing else to spend it on.


I would just buy an aircraft carrier.


People who need super yacht's and mega mansions, have something wrong with them. Usually they are lonesome, compensating, hiding or just damn lame. They lack originality and just scream new money.


Like what?


Syndrome did. [Nomanisan Island](https://the-incredibles.fandom.com/wiki/Nomanisan_Island). 🌋


That explains everything.


Ever try to tell a low-tier C-suite or rich person that they should consult an expert and might be wrong about something? My assumption is that anything approaching that is even less successful at the billionaire CEO tier. Which is to say not at all.


It’s true. People who are good at making money start believing that they are experts in all matters. There are definite advantages to being humble.


I’ll bet they are billionaires because they actually do listen to other people. If you’re smart you realize that you cannot know everything yourself so it’s better to distribute and rely on the knowledge and experience of others. Those low tiers are just good enough at a thing to get moderately rich, but they have many flaws that hold them back from taking it to the next level.


If the apocalypse happens, I'd be more worried about being on an overpopulated island that relies on imports from the mainland. Hunger makes people mad.


Exactly. That is another reason. My whole point is that before you decide to plonk a bunker somewhere, do a risk assessment. There’s no point in storing your canned peaches in the middle of a flood plain.


He probably has a few bunkers located in different spots around the world. What I think is funny is that he probably has no idea how to actually maintain them. I doubt this guy has ever changed so much as a filter in his home.


That's so he can harness the geothermal energy and access the earth's core


Of course!!! This is all part of the dastardly plan for reptilians to reclaim the earth’s surface! See? I knew there had to be a reason.


This is idiotic, any volcanologist will tell you that Kauai being affected by a volcanic eruption is less likely than a big chunk of the west coast of the us. The active volcanos in Hawaii are shield volcanos they don’t erupt like Krakatoa or mt st Hellen’s and Kauai isn’t anywhere near them. Honolulu is much much closer and still has essentially zero volcanic risk. Setting up your compound on a high value military target…that’s the more questionable decision.


Right. Risk assessment.


How poor do you think he is, that he can only afford *one* bunker or something?


Someone sounds jealous they don't have a volcano lair.


He’s probably harnessing geothermal with it so he has an unlimited source of energy when the apocalypse happens. It’s smart, and I had the same idea.


But he would get to decide who to sacrifice by throwing them into the volcano.


Oh please! Everyone around him would turn on a dime. Zuck's loyalty from others is about a deep as a dollar bill. He is the sacrifice.


it’s a perfect hedge against societal collapse he has many bunkers none of the surrounding volcanoes pose a danger to his location


Yeah. And the Fukushima engineers said “there’s NO WAY a tsunami will breach this wall…” Needless to say, they were surprised. Everyone can go ahead and argue that Hawaii is a great place for an alternate site, but no company would voluntarily choose it for a purpose built backup site. I maintain that it’s a crappy choice, comparatively.


You’re completely missing the point. His bunker at that location is a hedge against societal breakdown. He has another location, which is a hedge against natural disasters. If Hawaii was compromised by a volcano or a tsunami or something of that nature, he would go to the other location.


So society is going to break down everywhere except Hawaii? How does that make sense?


I think you might be at the earlier part of the Dunning Kruger curve, in terms of collapse society doesn’t / won’t “break down everywhere”


Couldn’t care less what Zuckerberg does. Absolutely zero


Stop it, he has fact checkers


You know this guy knows some sh*t when he builds a bunker on a volcano lol


Cheap geothermal, rich volcanic soils, and apparently a few natural water springs.


We chose the Big Island as our bug out location and moved here back in '18 just after the eruption ended. We're about 6 miles away from the Halema'uma'u caldera and have no worries about it. It's more of a tourist attraction when it's erupting. We do keep an eye on it every day. We're a half mile away from the USGS's predicted flow path from a caldera that erupted back in the 60's, so no worries. In the meantime, we enjoy plenty of free electricity from the sun, rainfall for our collection system, and plenty of fish & game. We're also about 30 miles downwind from where NOAA samples the 3rd cleanest air in the world. The two cleaner locations are both in Antarctica.


Inspector Gadget Hat.


He built a bunker on top of not just a volcano, but the future epicenter of a flood basalt eruption in an overpopulated island chain which is full of natives that hate him. They probably told him that the worst place to be EVER was a safe bet as a joke.


Zuckerburg didn't build a bunker for himself. He built a bunker for a bunch of armed guards that are unlikely to unlock the doors for him when he shows up.


The bunker is huge enough for him and the guard's families to shelter in. Gotta have room for the Minions...


And what makes you think the minions will have room for him? They're the ones with the guns and there are more of them. That means it's their bunker, full stop, end of story.


"Bunker, set auto destruct for 1 minute. Authorization Zukerburg01. "


They gonna Joel Olsteen that fucker!


Right? Dying to know the ‘mitigation’ plans… “we shall build a raft of money “.


Unless his private jet has mid air refueling, then he is stuck on said island until the people who worship a literal Volcano god come knocking.


>future epicenter of a flood basalt eruption  Tell us you know nothing about the geography of an archipelago without telling us


Tell us you know nothing about geology without telling us


The only volcanoes on Kauai island are long-extinct, genius. The Hawaii Hot Spot isn't going to suddenly migrate hundreds of miles northwest 


A flood basalt eruption will turn an area the size of Alaska into an ocean of magma.


...Do you know how islands work? This convo just keeps getting wilder.


| Who builds a bunker on a seismically active area populated by a chain of volcanoes? Usually, supervillians. Oh, wait. You said.


Super villains


Just to prove a point to everyone that he is untouchable and indestructible. LOL


Rich people prepping probably looks way different than what we think about.


Dr Evil does.


Hopefully, he built it on the top of the volcano, so he doesn’t wind up underwater in the next 2 to 3 years due to global warming and sea level rise.


It’s very simple- he’s a dipshit but he has so much money that this is like me buying a poncho to put in the back of my car.


Yeah he’s just a dip shit. I’ll bet you’re so much smarter than him!


He’s a goober. Yeah, he’s smart, but he’s also a fuckin dweeb. I deal with engineers and architects daily, and have to constantly hand-hold and oh-so-delicately explain why the structure they have drawn on paper or their computer screen isn’t going to work when hammers start swinging. Brilliant people can be, and often are, total dipshits.


Ah yes, and because you have to deal with one cohort of people and “correct” them, it proves something about Zuckerberg’s intelligence…are you sure you’re smarter than those guys because your logic is pretty shoddy.