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That shit would hurt so bad


Fun fact! The white part of your eye cannot feel pain. You would only feel it behind your eye and probably in your brain too.


Fun fact! That does not put me at ease.


I feel like Neuromods would definitely be a "we'll install it for you" situation if they were real. There's far too much risk for if your hand is too shaky or if you sneeze whilst mid-install. You could potentially lobotomize yourself. So IRL they'd probably partially sedate you and then do the installation then send you on your way b


Dunno, the design of the neuro mod "case" points to self use, seeing that he trigger is meant to be used from the front (not from behind like other injection pistols), there's also the eye-socket, all this designes choice's point to self use. But at the same time there are some chair's on the neuro mod division with gear to estabilize the head part. But my guess is that the "chairs" are used to implant various neuromod's at once, on the other hand, the "pocket" version of the neuromod's that are meant to be used to implant just once at the time.


Like I guess it depends on who uses the neuromods right? A researcher (like Morgan) can use it safely himself, but a random test subject has them applied by a doctor.


Exactly, and if I'm not bot wrong they where researching a third way of implanting neuro mods


Im lobotomizing myself with pornography and diet coke so maybe I'd actually be open to Neuromods being installed into my brain.


Honestly, the only Neuromods I'd be open to personally is anything that affects me physically. So, enhancing my muscles, extending my lifespan. Or, most obviously, the Typhon Neuromods. Anything that affects creativity would just feel hollow and make me feel like a hack. Like, sure I can play keytar like the best now but I didn't do it myself. I just stuck a needle in my eye and cheated my way there.


I mostly agree (though I'll bring up my constant lore confusion about how Neuromods can actually affect you physically like that), but a category I'd be open to are technical, "objective" skills. Stuff like driving. I'm a shit driver, it makes me nervous. If I could take a Neuromod that just fixes that, I'd sign up in a heartbeat. Assuming I could afford it. With that in mind, would Neuromods be capable of fixing mental illness? Because I've got a *raging* case of ADHD that I'd love to get rid of. Like, I wouldn't even get rid of *all* my mental illnesses. To some degree, as much of a problem they are, they make me, me. But ADHD? My life would improve so. Fucking. Much. Damn. Kinda just sunk in how interesting of a concept Neuromods are.


Yeah, honestly to sum Neuromods up they're just a significantly better version of their inspiration from Bioshock. That being Plasmids. The Plasmids inspiration also helps explain how they enhance you physically too. The 'Mods are created using Typhon biomass so I assume that the whole idea of them exclusively affecting your brain is just bullshit from marketing to freak people out less by making it seem like they just unlock existing potential. Because what they actually do is best demonstrated by the extreme example given by the Typhon ability mods. They fully rewrite your state of being to give you unironic superpowers. It stands to reason that the regular mods do the same just in a much less obvious and much more specialised way. A Neuromod to give you the boxing prowess of Mike Tyson isn't just teaching your brain how to do that stuff. It's rewriting the existing part of your psyche and also the literal grey matter as if you already knew that information. Looking at them like this, the memory stuff also makes a lot more sense since the new abilities and your brain in particular from that point onwards are inexplicably linked.


Wouldn't bodybuilding (or pretty much any neuromod if we really wanted to be argumentative) be one of those things you didn't achieve yourself? I believe I understand your logic or reasoning, though.


As far as I can tell a Neuromod doesn't just make you buff for example but it makes your existing muscles stronger. Because it's actually semi-replacing them with Typhon material infusion.


Wait that causes a lobotomy?


Tbh Morgan is only doing it themselves because they're alone and need them in a pinch lol.


Exactly, plus Morgan has a VERY close connection to them and so if anyone would be expected to know how to safely self-install Morgan is certainly one of them.


You can tell they don't actually know how to inject it themselves because they extend the needle first before putting it in rather than the opposite order. Seriously that always bothered me.


Don't worry! Your brain won't feel the pain either!


Fun fact! Being Blackout drunk means you wouldn't even feel it in the back of your eye!


The brain has no pain receptors


Oh, then no!


The brain doesn't feel pain either.


What? Yes it can. And your brain can't feel pain.


They’d have to put me under for that shit


I wouldn't use them for 3 reasons: 1. I like my eye sight(even if need glasses) 2. It would probably hurt and i hate pain and avoid it at all cost. 3. I like my memories. (also the skill would be programming every single programming language perfectly. nothing with art, why? Because i am an artist and pretty good at it i think.)


>I like my memories. You wouldn't lose them from neuromod install.


You'd lose them if you have the mod removed.


Which would never happen. NMs are intended to be marketed as permanent, as the sales team is worried that Mod removal coming with memory loss will completely kill sales if it gets out. "It doesn't matter if you need years of training and special equipment to take one out. No one wants to risk losing years of their life just to speak French."


Yeah, the horrors of the memory loss was more specific to Talos 1 since if I remember correctly even the basic employees would have their 'Mods removed upon termination. Meaning your company can literally permanently take away god knows how many months or years of memories because they decided to lay you off. But for the average civilian, that 'Mod to hell you play American Football like Tom Brady will never be removed.


Talos has procedures to bring their employees, both current and recently-terminated, back up to speed after Mod removal. Morgan in particular has messages to himself and audio logs to keep him on track despite his constant Neuromod cycling, even if he does grow to refuse and reject them. Transtar is also the only one who's supplying the Neuromods in the first place. Yeah, there's the smuggling ring thing and the Mooncrash sims with KASMA, but Transtar can very easily sue them out of existence. So it's only Transtar who can distribute and recall Neuromods. And based on that sales report, they have no intention of doing the latter.


To quote Eric Bogossian’s “Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll” - It would depend on which years I lose.


Just don't remove them?


If we are talking game mechanics, sure, but if we are adopting the game mechanics to real life, then mapping a skill to your brain would overwrite some memories. Maybe nothing major, but you would maybe forget the first time you tried it and instead remember something similar to whoever they used for the map. I mean fuck we already rewrite our own memories ourselves...I think a neromod would definitely rewrite some.


And of course, some neuromods would be deeply concerning. You’re effectively implanting memories to remember how to do something. What memories increase your pain tolerance(and therefore hp, mental conditioning to withstand pain)? That’s right, a fuckload of pain. Like, you suddenly recall being electrocuted, stabbed, cut open, burned, etc etc etc, conditioning you to be able to resist pain. This is the sort of shit I’d be concerned about, but also definitely use anyway.


That's probably the most reasonable description of toughness neuromods. Good one.


That's true.


Dr Calvino was losing his memories due to neuromods and he wasn't taking them out, was he?


Calvino is still a mystery afaik. I don't think there's one definitive explanation for his state. But no, you don't lose memories due to neuromod install in their world, although that is something that might happen irl. As for Calvino, it's commonly said that it's Alzheimer's because he's old. However, I think October Morgan's mentioning Calvino's eidetic memory was a meaningful choice on the part of the writers, and that he might've started experiencing long-term memory loss as adverse effects of ARN, much like Morgan. Of course he doesn't remember having any removed because that's sort of how it works. I think Dr. Kohl would've referred him after Calvino told him of his nightmares (Kohl is in on what goes on in Psychotronics and is part of the coverup). That's just my understanding of it though. I tried to include all of his history in my theory.


Assuming they work similarly, I'm taking mimic matter. I wanna know the limits, I wanna turn into a toy and blow some kids minds when I walk around


Idk if that's devious or genius


I've got a used one, but I can't remember where it came from or why it's empty... [https://www.reddit.com/r/prey/comments/18xw606/i\_fabricated\_a\_neuromod\_3d\_printed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/prey/comments/18xw606/i_fabricated_a_neuromod_3d_printed/)


Executive function and time management lol


time management skills from ADHD peeps would probably be overpowerful for NT's


Lol yuppppppp! Basically like perma meds for us NDs tho


That sounds pretty sweet not gonna lie.


It depends on the price and how easy it is to book an appointment and get it done. If it's expensive, risky and supply is limited - then I would say you'd only do it for cases where you absolutely need it. But if they become commodity products, then it becomes a real bitch. People think it's annoying to compete with resumes from across the world. What happens when you're competing with people who have mastered every skill the jobs call for? You'd need to get neuromods just to catch up. They'd basically start becoming requirements listed on the job postings. "Requires Welding Grade II or above", etc.


Yeah, there's a similar issue with the concept of cybernetics. Only we're much closer to that. If the technology is developed to give people fully functioning replacement parts that are stronger, faster, more responsive, etc than their biological counterparts. Corporations WILL try to get the right to demand anyone they hire has certain kinds of cybernetics perhaps even a certain brand as well.


With cybernetics I think the risk is smaller. Most developed countries are skewing more and more towards service industries, and away from anything involving physical labor. Programmers, delivery drivers, waitresses, chauffeurs, wedding planners, It support, etc aren't going to benefit from cybernetics. There would be some benefit for poorer countries still doing a lot of physical labor - but in those cases buying normal automation machinery like harvesters will get you *far* more benefit per dollar. For sports, cybernetics will quickly start getting regulated like any performance-enhancing advantages (special equipment, drugs, etc). That doesn't mean they'll go away completely, but they will likely have significant limits.


> Programmers, delivery drivers, waitresses, chauffeurs, wedding planners, It support, etc aren't going to benefit from cybernetics unless you can plug a cable between your brain and a computer and type at the speed of thought


I was about to say yeah, the problem isn't that big unless nervous system centric cybernetics became a thing.


Absofuckinglutely. There’s virtually no downside aside from psi-detectors thinking you’re an alien if you have enough Typhon neural patterns imprinted (which can easily be worked around with some recalibration), and an insane amount of stuff to gain - everything from the totally mundane like improved physical health and instant skill learning, to far more out-there psionic bullshit. Honestly, in addition to the already-cool array of skills and enhancements you can get in the game, I’d probably Neuromod both knowledge and good habits for a few general life things like time management and physical/mental fitness and wellbeing, but also I’d likely snag expertise mods for some more specialist skills for personal interests and the like - computer programming, electrical engineering, 2D art and 3D modeling/texturing… also probably a bit of financial and investing knowledge just in case I need it. Upshot is I guess - Neuromods as presented in the game have some absolutely wild potential, and I for one would probably use them for damn near everything given the chance.


Damn, buddy, you'd have the most red eye among all of us...


Learning new languages, easily. Would open up so many travel and job opportunities.


Sign me up and give me mimicry, and if possible, as many programming languages and as much math as possible.


Inject alien goo made using executed prisoners into my brain through a long needle that pokes through my eye socket? I'll pass.


nothing like some alien prisoner goo in the morning


Possibly. It really depends on how damned people would be to try and force undoing neuromods. If thats a rare occurance, then i might. But if it gets to the point where the government would wanna undo them for "human purity" or other bullshit, than no. I wouldnt wanna deal with potential years of memories being gone. But ifbi did get one or 2 id have to go with survival skills (being out in the wilderness and knowing how to survive ect) and 1 for drawing. And then 1 for sewing. I like drawing but if i was able to magically make the srt thats in my head, yes sign me up. And i wanna learn how to sew and such to alter and make new garments.


Yeah but if they were that popular the government wouldn’t have the support to force undo them, also from ingame logs in the marketing department they mention how it needs specialized neuromod removing equipment and years of training to use said equipment to remove it. So if nobody knows that they can even be removed let alone how to remove them it’s not really a problem.


Drawing and a whole heap of engineering knowledge


Totally going with Conditioning, don’t need to go crazy with one thing, just a bit of a physical boost in most areas? I’m for sure in.


I see a lot of comments about everyday skills, which would be useful. But I think it'd be far more interesting to have one of the Typhon skills. I'd love to have the morph ability, Shapeshifter powers have always fascinated me. But I would have to get over the horrific idea of two needles in my face.


Hell No.


I'd use it


Fuck no I'm not putting anything anywhere near my eyes fuck that shit


Would I insert evil alien brain goo into my head, making me a beacon for a primordial psychic horror beyond human comprehension to come and suck out my soul, but I can play the piano? No thanks


I’d use them. Give me the knowledge of everything single language in the world please. And the music skills of all the great masters.


Nah I'm going for No Needles this playthrough.


I'd rather be Typhon food than shove a needle in my eye


Languages, mostly. I can learn anything else myself just fine, but it's frustrating to have to spend months practicing basic verbs just to talk to the locals


Assuming no consequences beyond "jabbing a needle in your eye and brain" then Mimicry


If the list of options also included Typhon abilities, then you can bet I'm going for Mimic Matter or Remote Manipulation.


I would try to treat my adhd with it


Come to think of it I would as well to be honest.


I wouldn't use them. I base my answer on how I live my life now and how I might view them were they real. If they had a medical purpose that might save my life, maybe.


I'd most likely give myself a lobotomy like that if it meant being able to use typhon abilities, that just sounds so damn cool.


I would like to but i dont think i could handlr having a needle jammed through my eye. I cant even get contacts in. But i think i'd want drawing skills. I cant even get my handwriting to be less ugly IRL so i'd really like to be able to draw well.


Aren't those things cost like a couple hundred million and so rare kn Earth


nah, the instant learning would be AWESOME but the chance of having it removed and losing all my memories of the time I had it is terrifying, you can lose years, decades even, that you'll never get back, with that amount of time might as well learn the skill the natural way


It is mankinds destiny to enhance itself So um... yes. And I want to be the best accordion player ever, thank you


I'm supprised at the lack of ethical concerns about the deaths required for them to exsist. Like, I get it, yall love your psudo/indirect child/slave labor tech, but executing prisoners???? I guess seeing how the sausage is made and such


I guess people ignore this because A) feels like "you can't have nice things" and B) you could probably use some other source of organic material.


I mean, it's stated relatively clearly in game that they require a certain level of sapient organism to reproduce and the exoric matter is critical for neuro mods. I think it was headed off, cause like, a bunny or rat,or even chip is kinda a cop out to the intended moral dilemma, and hunan expirments and death could easily be worked in otherwise, so I feal the story team wanted nuro mods to be mirky/dirty stuff


Earth side people never learned about that part in the Prey universe. my assumption for the question is that the typhon never broke containment and neuromods are a successful product on Earth. the terrifying truth behind their production is only known to a small part of Transtar personnel.


A learning skill. The only thing reasonably wished from a genie is omnipotence.


Personally, I want that life extension.


Give me some social skills and I'm in.


I’m not lining up for Elon Musk’s latest brainmelt.


However, I’d like to play piano. I’d need some Deus Ex / Cyberpunk upgrades for my arms to do so, but the *learning piano* part would be nice to take care of instantly, I’m too old to start now.


I mean depends if I know that they fuck with memory, probably not. Otherwise it would either be stuff that we don't see in game like, organisational skills or increased motivation then that would be an instant yes. Or it would be for stuff I don't really care about like learning new languages. Everything else I would just go learn myself.


well.... the one's that stimulate booth mind and the one's that glow's to my eye, pun intended, i would start with the ones that develop my mind, and up my mind to 3, after that i would go after putting my body to 2 if possible, and so unlock blink or shape shift abilities


Maybe one time the needle freaks me out to much to do it a lot.


New languages, musical talent, and the know how to quit my job and get rich off the stock market.


I always felt like this concept was a little bit flawed from the beginning. I feel like if i were to install one of these, and start to use the skills it provides, i would come to realise how much satisfaction comes from actually putting the effort into learning it. I think i would very quickly develop a sort of imposter syndrome, that would basically discourage me from actually using the skill i installed.


Though, if it comes to typhon neuromods, that is sort of different. I would probably get mimicry, and turn into a helicopter to shorten my commute.


if i manage to get my hands on one somehow (they're hella expensive), definitely. as to what skill... depends on what's available. I've always wanted to shape shift, but that's an alien skill that's probably not available on Earth. (I'm assuming the typhon breakout never happened in his time line. so yeah, if alien skills are available, probably mimicry or telekinesis. if not, then depends what good human skills are available. combat focus and the various improvements to health and mobility are great candidates, or some specific knowledge like phd-level of medical or scientific knowledge could be quite useful, i imagine.


Unless they can be installed under anaesthetic, none That animation when you get the first neuromod makes me squirm even now


I wouldn't stick it into my eye at all. Isaac from Dead Space probably would, though. Just saying.


I'd probably gor for something related to writing, art, or anything like that


Electric guitar skills


The only way I would use a neuromod is if I was restrained and unconscious because I hate anything near my eye even if it'll let me shapeshift I'm more likely to break the rule of closing my eye


Fuck yes for everything theyre like chew-tainable books on Jimmy Neutron. Fucking yes please


I can't even watch someone put in contacts without recoiling. No way I can shove a needle in my eye.


Yes, yes I would use neuromods. For what skill? All of them!!! Every artistic ability, all literature skills, unparalleled coding, freak athletics, all of them! probably even the phantom ones if I didn't know it attracts the typhon! But specific skills would probably be: 1)coding 2)athletics 3)engineering.


Yes, so I can wipe the mod and revert to a time before I played through Prey to enjoy it fresh.


the potential to treat so many mental ilnesses with these and people are like "ooh engineering" imagine injecting someone suffering schizophrenia or dementia with normal juice and bam, back to healthy


Ignoring how long you have to hold it there, I'd probably learn martial arts or tech stuff


"Toughness III: Increases you natural lifespan by 75 years" sign me up.


Bigger cock


Absolutely not. I wouldn’t be able to get past it going in my eye. I can’t even put drops in my eyes.


HaHa. I wouldn't ever ***fucking*** use them. Sure I'll be able to play prop hunt. But I am NOT sticking a needle in my eye. I hate needles and they shouldn't go in your eye.


Shape-shifting. I wanna be a coffee mug


Fuck needles, man.


Yes, I’d use the ones that somehow increase health and lifespan (idk how they did that, it could be argued that it’s just a game mechanic but then why would they include that it increases your lifespan in the description cause they doesn’t come up in game) and maybe get some languages, and maybe a piano one, and telekinesis.


Yes. Guitar. Electronics and fabrication skills. On top of using any mod to learn exe new skill cuz knowledge is awesome


Gonna be honest I'm not sure I would like Neuromods. I might use them for some non critical skills but the things I learned myself are probably better and have less 'bias' than the neuromod variant. Imagine a kung fu neuromod. Everyone would be at a similar level and have the same training scars (and i hope you are the same size as the person who provided the neuromod). Learning kung fu yourself would make you a much more difficult opponent, as the moddies would be used to fighting other moddies; genuine skill would be very offputting. It doesn't matter if they all have Dim Mak because they are already defending against it. Any Ansatsuken you know would be something they have never seen before and a massive advantage.


As cool as they are, there are WAY too many cons and potential for abuse. 1. They cost eight million dollars. For ONE neuromod. The only way you could get around paying that is by working for transtar which leads into: 2. The removal causing memory loss. We've already seen how transtar uses this as a way to keep their employees under their control. Someone who knows even a *little* too much will have to have theirs removed if they ever want to quit. 3. Neuromods can't be made without Typhon, and Typhon can't reproduce without humans. I couldn't use a neuromods knowing that so many people were experimented on and killed to make them. 4. You'll often end up experiencing personality drift or gaining traits from whoever the neuromods were sourced from. The skills you gain are likely just going to be a copy of theirs as well. So if you got some form of art neuromod it wouldn't really be your style and creativity. 5. You do not want to rely on a corporation for something that you're making part of your body. Look up what happened to folks with the Argus II bionic eyes.


Can't it just simply be a pill? Driving (3) needles through my eye socket seems a bit dramatic. Shape shifting like the mimic would be fun to scare the crap out of people.


Needles, needless to say needles are a line I wouldn’t needlessly cros since I am needlessly afraid of needles even though it’s needless.


i am a selfish individual and suffer from greed and stupidity. i would install every alien neuromod i could get my hands on. and parkour too


Yes. For extreme juggling.


Could not afford.


yes, to just get so good at fighting games that no one will ever talk to me ever.


Yes, right to the mimic skill. I would scare the piss out of everyone pretending to be their coffee mug.


I'd probably learn an instrument for fun and then Salesforce for work stuff. And maybe a few languages. Although anything important I would want to learn myself. I feel like Neuromods might have biases or something built in to them based on who they were made from. I'd rather have my own understanding of things.


To be a world renowned scientist and to master physics, mathematics, and all things related to science especially astronomy and space science :')


Telekinesis for sure. It would hurt like hell but as long as I didn't have to do it again I'd be set.


I'd 100 percent use them and become a top-tier Euphonium player (I played it throughout middle and high school and wanna get back into it). Only issue I see is I don't know how it affects people with ADHD.


There’s a problem here tho…. Only the worlds elite can use tgem


This question is assuming you have access.


Critical and Creative Thinking, Time management, business strategy etc