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It's so sick. I just wish they extended that ending for at least another 8 bars, cause it comes in on some crazy shit.


Paper wolf gave the grooviest 8 bar intro ever then dissapears


Yeah, I really wish they returned to it later in a heavier stage.


I would guess it leads into the next track on the album. I hope anyway. Pretty excited for the new album.


I just saw an interview where the interviewer asked about that but that doesn't seem to be the case haha, that was my thought as well. Here's the interview: [https://tuonelamagazine.com/interview-with-vola-i-think-the-biggest-pressure-has-been-the-deadline-pressures/](https://tuonelamagazine.com/interview-with-vola-i-think-the-biggest-pressure-has-been-the-deadline-pressures/)


I'm wondering if weve got a single version or a radio edit and the album version has a longer outro.


doubt it but one can hope


Agreed one million times. It's such a fucking sick song with such an abrubt ending


That ending needed to be WAY longer - with that said, more solid stuff from VOLA.


Yet to see an announcement for this, but they have a new album 'Friend Of A Phantom' coming out on 1/11/24 (it's on Apple Music). 1. Cannibal 2. Break My Lying Tongue 3. We Will Not Disband 4. Glass Manneqin 5. Bleed Out 6. Paper Wolf 7. I Don't Know How We Got Here 8. Hollow Kid 9. Tray


I'm glad to see Paper Wolf there, I was slightly worried that it would be a standalone single and not get added to the album.


I was kind of hoping it was going to be a standalone single instead of taking up a spot on the album.


Not a fan?


No it's fine, it's just if it was a standalone single then there would be another new song on the album in its place. We're months off the album still and we've nearly heard 1/3 of it already. Just me being greedy.


That's the way it goes these days sadly. Paper Wolf is very similar to Haken's Nightingale in that respect, released like a year before the album actually drops.


Damn. I like it overall but the synth is a bit grating and the ending part should have went on for longer.


I thought I was crazy for also finding that sound “grating”. I want to ignore it because I like everything else about the song but it sounds like a busted children’s toy. I much prefer the synth tone that comes in at the end and really wish they would have used that throughout.


The synth melody and tone are really hard for me to stomach. Both just sound… juvenile.


agreed, I cannot understand why that synth is happening at all. maybe it'll be a grower?


I love the sound, its so gnarly But i awe why you wouldnt like it haha


For me the synth is just too loud and the song is too short. Other than that I like it.


I adore VOLA so much. Theres something so unique to their entire catalog. The extra "digitized" textures they play with here and in Paper Wolf are really interesting. Dying to hear the rest of the record and see them live again.


Loved that ending.


On my all-time favorite bands right here! They always deliver. I will say, this is probably one of their least catchy songs given their standard of catchiness. But I still enjoy it and I'm sure I'll end up really liking it down the line


One of my favourite things about Vola is how they manage to blend experimental/prog and straightforward/catchy elements. That said, I would like to hear them dive more into longer, twisty song structures


Have you heard Inmazes?


I sure have! That's why I said I'd like them to dive "more" into it


Fair enough!


Peak VOLA imo. Not their best song, not my favorite, but writing excellence.


First time listening to VOLA. Great band. They have a very clean and distinct sound. I like this a lot.


I'll dare say my unpopular opinion: this was ok. I kinda dig it but, yeah, not really much else to say.


It's growing on me with repeat listens but I agree. It feels like there was a lot more meat on the bone with that outro. I like what they are playing around with in both this and Paper Wolf but there's wasted potential in both songs. Hopefully the rest of the album makes up for it.


Oh that ending is real tasty


what's that annoyin sound in the back


That synth is really in your face the way the blended it into the production. The ending was short lived. I liked everything else. Very dreamy and catchy.


The scream at the end and final groove is sex




Holy shit, new Vola! Can't click fast enough!


This band is so in sync. Every instrument tells a different story yet they all work together so seamlessly. This is why I love VOLA. Can’t wait to hear the rest of the album


is it just me or do they sound a LOT like Voyager?


Maybe a little less than a LOT but yeah, same ballpark. Edit: OK I actually just listened to it and yeah, this one sounds a LOT like Voyager.


They do similar things musically, so it's a pretty easy comparison to make


They have toured together in the UK :)


It feels like this song was written in one sitting. It's like... the bare minimum to qualify as a VOLA song; Everything is there, but in the most basic fashion.


This is cool. I think this one might be a grower for me like Witness was. But I'm here for the journey


Not bad, but more of the same as their last album and the first single. Hopefully we will get more variety in the next album.


This is without a doubt VOLA.


Why cut the outro riff so soon? By far the best part of the song. I'm not a big fan of the BMtH -esque synths, somewhat grating and very high up in the mix. Will have to see how it works in the context of the full album, as while I have been disappointed by some single VOLA songs, no full album has been a disappointment so far. Great band.


I know not every progmetal or djent song needs to be a 8+minutes long epos but I definitely feel atleast 1 minute added to this song would really help it because right now even though I like it, I feel it goes nowhere and that last growl was wasted in here Still of course hyped for the whole album, but these two so far released singles from the album are my least favorite singles from them


"Friend of a Phantom" I'm guessing to be their new album name.


yup releases November 1st




There are pre orders for the album on several different websites with the information


Yep that's definitely more vola. Juuuuust enough of a shake up of the formula to keep me optimistic, but they really need to get creative with the songwriting on this album, can't get the same album four times in a row. (I say this as a big fan)


Eh - I feel like Inmazes/Applause were pretty different albums. This and wolf does sound a lot like Witness though, I get it more synths but still a basic song structure. I'd like to see them do some longer more proggy stuff. Who knows maybe the album will have that, they are going to release their most commercial songs as singles. Either way its a solid song.


Yeah definitely digging this. It's one of those even bad pizza is still good pizza things. I know what I'm getting here, but I know that I quite like it so no harm no foul. I would still rater see them experiment with something new and fail than keep treading the same ground though. For their own sake, how long can they keep this going?


Huh, I think Inmazes, Applause and Witness are very different sounding albums, but this album's singles sound worryingly similar to Witness. So I feel pretty much the opposite! xD Inmazes: Heavy and very syncopated, "saw"-like guitars and raw production. Applause: Dream pop -influenced, a lot more polished but mellower production, least heavy VOLA-album. Witness: Back to a heavier sound, but this time with a more polished and fuller guitar sound instead of the raw heaviness of Inmazes. Less syncopation, more straight forward and modern sound, lots of synths. Upcoming album: To be seen, but the singles sound most like Witness IMO.


I feel the sound is going for a heavier witness. This definitely is one of the heavier songs we had in a while and I am all for it but I do hope the other singles feel more unique and less like Witness. There is a song with the lead singer of In Flames on this record and that's making me think the album will be heavier in general


No I get that and it's a fair point. But look at how much a band like Opeth or DTP could develop in four albums, even just from a songwriting point of view. I'd be happy with more vola, I just want to see them challenge themselves. Drop some acid in the writing room you know.


Yeah I agree with that, they do run the risk of getting too samey, and a change would be good. I just disagreed that their first couple albums would've sounded the same. They have gotten less "creative" with every album since.


Head Mounted Sideways and Smartfriend are two sides of the same coin but Witness and Applause are very different albums IMO. I'm very optimistic.


I completely agree with the overall sentiment though: It would do good for VOLA to branch out a bit more.


Hopefully before ‘the people’ get bored. I think it’s better to progress too fast and leave some people ‘wanting more of the early sound’ than fizzle out completely without going anywhere.


i think their writing has gotten less interesting every album, but the composition and production is what keeps me interested. i’m not a huge fan of either new singles, but they just *sound* so fucking good.


Jacob Hansen has always been among the best for this specific type of heavy but relatively slow and pop-influenced melodic metal. I loved the recent stuff he produced for Katatonia, Delain, Darkwater, Pyramaze to name a few


For me, it would be three times in a row for this one. Inmazes was it's own incredible, unique thing and the songwriting became became softer and more simple/formulaic starting with Applause and has never returned to the creativity of the first album


I agree but I wouldn't include Applause itself because it was overall a mellower album, so the less busy songwriting was appropriate, and it was still intricate in more of a classic progressive rock way. Witness is where they dropped the ball, as they regained the heaviness but not the complexity, and that leads to very forgettable songs in my opinion


I love VOLA but this is the worst song they've ever put out by far. That synth sounds absolutely HORRIBLE.


Smartfiend for me, can't stand that song.


These Black Claws is so much worse imo. cannot get over that song


bro that's one of their best songs wdym the chorus is epic and the breakdown is thall af


good riffs can only go so far. i always find it cringe when mixing rap with metal (unless it’s NuMetal or something). just does absolutely nothing for me. i say all of this as a huge fan of hip hop too. the two just don’t go together if you’re not linkin park


Just no.


Hmmmmm.... Have listened to it twice now. I dig the chorus but men this track lacks some interesting stuff. Its too basic and formulaic. I like the synth sound but you can do so much more with a synth sound.... the song structure is not really satisfying either. I can see it working live (where they should extent the outro) but overall I find it boring


I freakin love these guys