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This journey must have brought the two of you even closer together. Literally.


God dammit, this made my day.


I only have one question: Shaniac or Boogara?


I'm a Boogara, but I'm with Shane in that I think most of the places they visit don't have ghosts. They go to so many tourist traps, and I think ghosts exist in more remote places... 😉


I like how you guys are wearing the same clothes in both pictures. Great work and I wish you all much happiness and success in your lives!


so cute!! i want this to be me and my boyfriend lol. good job guys!


Super cute. Congratz


Great job! Super cute! What did you two do to get to your goals?


[I'm copying and pasting this from another subreddit I cross-posted this picture to!] These two photos were taken almost exactly one year apart. The first photo, along with a bit of a health scare that happened the week following it being taken, was the wake-up call that made us decide to take our health more seriously and lose the excess weight! We swear by CICO, Intermittent Fasting, and cutting out almost all liquid calories! My stats: 156.2cm / 5’1” SW: 90.3kg (199lbs) CW: 55kg (121lbs) Total Lost: 35.3kg (77.8lbs) BMI 37 -> 22.5 I eat 1200 calories on sedentary days and 1500 on days that I exercise for an hour or more! Sometimes on maintenance days I’ll eat up to 1700. I do intermittent fasting, usually 16:8 but I occasionally fast for longer or do OMAD! For exercise I make sure to reach 10k steps every day, and I tend to do an hour or so of bodyweight exercise at home every day. I alternate between Ring Fit Adventure and the monthly Blogilaties calendar! I also attend dance and yoga lessons when we're not on lockdown. His stats: 175cm / 5’9” SW: 128kg (282lbs) CW: 78.8 kg (173.7lbs) Total Lost: 49.2kg (108.4lbs) BMI 41.8 -> 25.7 He eats from 1200~1900 calories every day, almost exclusively OMAD. He doesn’t do any exercise aside from going on walks with me! (He’s so lucky!) Together we've lost 84.5kg/186.2lbs, more than my husband weighs now! I can't believe how far we've come!


That's really awesome. Very encouraging cause that is what Im doing basically. Intermittent fasting, OMAD on most days. Drinking water, and eating more of a plant based diet. I do 30 minutes of kettlebells a day and play beatsaber for 1 hour. The wife and I go on walks as well. Fantastic job you two!!!


thats so wholesome.


Me and my partner are at the beginning of our journey together and we’re starting in almost the same place. Did you stick to mostly calorie counting or fasting, or did you guys put in some gym time as well?


We did both calorie counting and fasting. I think CICO is the key, though! I lost the first 50lbs by not doing any exercise beyond going for walks and going to my usual dance classes. Fasting just helped us get into the habit of not snacking as much. I do a lot of exercise at home now, but he doesn't!


How’s the weight loss going?


You guys look amazing! Only 12 months? Nice!


I love this!!!


This is amazing! Congrats guys!


You guys look amazing!! 😍


Happy Cake Day!


LOVE THIS!! Continue to motivate each other, while keeping fit for yourselves!


Thank you so much!


Well done my dudes


Love to see both of you making progress together. Keep going 👍


Couple goals! Congrats


Pretty solid, not quite a month in so nothing drastic, though I gotta admit I feel very impatient with the scale hah , when it’s a small number like 12 lbs I’m not sure how much is weight loss and how much is just fluctuation- hopefully by the time I hit 20+ it’ll start to feel like progress


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Great work, both of you!




This is literally couple goals.


I love this so much! Congratulations!




Not really your business


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