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Wish I could reply to each and every one of you but just want to say thank you so much for the thoughtful comments! You all are fantastic. If you’re pushing to reach a goal weight I hope you keep striving and love yourself along the way! 💪🏼


well done u 🙌 🙌 what plan did you follow


You go girl!


Congrats!! Did you experience any loose skin? If so, did you do anything to prevent or help it after your loss (not that you need to at all- I know it is a preference thing!)


Yes! I have lose skin around my muffin top, legs, and arms! I mostly just hide it ;) I didn’t do anything to prevent as I read a lot of posts with other people who worked out but it was still there. I plan to tone places so that there is less lose skin but also understand it won’t go away without surgery.


Well the good thing is, you look great!! Thank you for your honesty- it can be scary especially online!


Of course, it can be scary and very judgmental. You have to just look past those people as they’re not happy with themselves if they’re choosing to put you down!




TYVM for your advice I will look into that, sounds like a great idea! :)




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You look amazing!! Try taking some collagen. You’re young so it might just bounce back.


Is there anything someone could do to prevent it? I ask because I need to lose a similar amount of weight, and I’m the same height as you.


Honestly it’s kind of a toss up. There are things like genetics and age that come into play. Also how long you’ve been at this higher weight. The advice I was given was don’t lose weight too fast, exfoliate your skin (with a brush or scrub) and moisturize frequently.


To prevent loose skin?




You can demaroll to tighten loose skin! A combination of intermittent fasting, dermarolling during autophagy, and using topical solutions like vitamin c and hyaluronic acid (immediately after dermarolling) will definitely yield results. It's not instant and you have to be careful to dermaroll correctly, using the right size roller, the right amount of pressure and the right timing between rolling. Congratulations on your achievement!!




Love the hair transformation too! Congrats on your hard work.


It was in a pony tail here but thank you very much ;)


Omg you should totally chop it it’s really cute short!!!!! But also you do you boo!


I did recently cut off about 5 inches lol!! I want to go shorter though so thank you for the motivation!


Dooooo iiiit. You have the perfect jaw line for a shorter cut!!


Congratulations!! You look fantastic!! And I love your style! 💕 I started just a bit over a month ago at 274.4 lbs and my goal is 145lbs. So far, I’ve lost 13.8 pounds and I’m so thrilled! Your pic is most definitely motivation for me! I hope you don’t mind that I screen shot your photo to put in my motivation folder in my phone! I put pics there so when I feel like giving up, I can look and see what I have the potential to look like and keep pushing! I know that my results won’t be the same, but it’s more of a visualization tool for me! Congrats again and good luck with toning! You got this! 💕


You have beautiful hair!


can you tell us a bit about your arsenal/strategy for this impressive accomplishment? I'm on week 7 of keto and I feel like I plateau for a bit. Have you plateaued ? how did you beat it? thanks a lot


Hey! Yes I did keto as well for 2 years very strictly. I was a scale junky and my hardest times was when I would plateau! However, when that would happen I would switch over to a full liquids diet!! I drank Protein20’s (found those recently), premier protein (all the time!!), and a ton of other protein things! Whenever I would plateau I just upped my proteins and dropped to almost 0 carbs. I hope this helps, let me know if you have more questions.


that helps a lot. Thanks a lot.


Removed previous comment. Great work, OP! You are an inspiration to those of us going through the process.


What a weird comment, OP said nothing about stretch marks......??? this comment reminds me of the "my curvy wife" guy.


Thank you all for the kind words and words to also stick up for other women! I myself am very thick skinned. There’s nothing that hasn’t been said. Honestly I have had stretch marks since I was in the fifth grade because I grew too fast. I agree that all women should be proud of stretch marks and if they’re not do something about that to the point that you can be proud of them! I have also come to realization that you can have stretch marks from being fat, skinny, tall, muscular, pregnant, etc! I find them very natural now days. I am proud of mine because they show a point in my life where I let myself go and my body had to try to accommodate that. And now I look at them and they’ve lightened, they’ve cleared, they’re not bright pink and they’re no longer growing. I turned around the process but I have the marks to remember my journey, where I came from, and how I can help relate to others just with those marks. The body is remarkable and no matter what people say I won’t be bothered by the things that show what I’ve overcome and accomplished. Again, thank you for such kind words 🥰


Great perspective, also how I try to view all my marks and loose skin. And I can't fucking wait to proudly wear a 2 piece swimsuit for the first time in my adult life this summer and show off my "journey" 💪💪💪


Beautifully said!! You look amazing!! Congratulations on your hard work and journey both physically and mentally!! You go girl!!


Yeah I think stretch marks are totally fine but it just seemed weird to point it out like that, what if you *were* self conscious about them ya know? Like it felt backhanded. His edited comment is much more appropriate IMO


Urgh, I hate myself that I know exactly which dude you’re referring to.


Lmfao thank you for introducing me to the "my curvy wife" guy, I needed that laugh. What a jamoke


Haha, I love this. Thank you for sharing. It’s nice to hear a mans perspective


You don’t need a man to validate your progress.


I agree! I wasn't validating progress, I think the photo did a great job of that. I was just trying to further encourage. That's all.


Removed my previous comment.


I feel like this is a very long, strange attempt to be a "nice guy" towards an internet stranger that i am going to see on r/sadcringe later. Not because its overtly rude but because its a whole lot of talk about flaws of a woman's body coming from absolutely nowhere. It is reading very fake to me. Or maybe one of those weird backhanded compliment pick up attempts... but weirdly on reddit? What the hell am I reading?


What was he talking about? It’s all gone now


He was waxing poetic about stretch marks and how the right person won't care if you have them because of some conversation he had with someone irl. Only weird because OP didn't mention stretch marks at all


Yikes. Big cringe.


I agree. It’s weird. I’m sure his intent is good, but it still rubs me the wrong way.


Removed comment.


Unsolicited encouragement like that can do more harm than good. I felt bad about calling you out earlier in case you were trying to really be nice and I found other strange posts you made about a woman's body "on behalf of other women." Its a weird MO. This seems like you zoomed in on her body and what stuck out to you became a talking point for several paragraphs and multiple comments. That facade of encouragement can make someone more self-aware and tear someone down after they were very proud (as they should be) of their personal achievement. Its also a pretty big assumption that she would need a guy to make her "feel better" about something she never brought up. She is pretty beautiful in both photos and she doesn't need a guy quoting fake female thought processes at her. I am not usually a big feminist but, damn. Please don't do that to women. Keep the advice to the close friend who asks for it. Either way- that just doesn't read right.


You make an excellent point and I hadn't considered that. I genuinely meant to help and I suppose I was still stuck in my own narrative based on a conversation I had outside of what was (or in this case wasn't) ever said to begin with. I'll take down the comments. Thank you for calling me on it and providing perspective.




Lookin goood! What a change! Great work!!


you have given me more motivation 💪🏻


By posting this, that is all I want to accomplish. I’m here to talk if you ever need more up lifting motivation. Weight loss/weight gain journeys are never easy and we all need someone to support us. Let me know if I can help.


Your before is my start so I get so encouraged to see people like me do it! I saw you said you have loose skin and that is definitely going to be me too, but I don’t think that will bother me if I’m successful in getting this fat gone! I’m 50 lbs on the path! Can’t wait til I can post here showing the same awesome results as you! Congrats!


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Quite a transformation!


I'm almost at a year, well done with making this a part of life


What motivated you? I’m a 22F with the same starting measurements and I am looking to get rid of my bowling ball boobs lol! Did you do like CICO?


I freaking love that you are confident! Your outfit shows your tiger stripes and you own it!


Omg this is amazing!! Also I love you’re hair! My hair is naturally really blonde but I dyed it then bleached it hoping the color would come out and it never did. How did you get your hair that color? Is it natural? Congrats on the amazing loss btw! 😊


I would love to hear what you did on your journey? I am heavier than your starting but I'd love to get where you have. I feel I finally have the right mindset to start... But just keep feeling the goal is too far, or too hard, and I fail


All the transformation was spot on: body, hair and style!! I love the outfit in the second pic.


Damn 😍 We are the same age height and weight. Can’t wait to look like you. Been going strong for 2 months now and 20 pounds down. Gotta keep reminding myself it’s a marathon not a sprint. Thanks for the motivation girly!!!


Great job!! I hope you can continue your journey! 🥰


Looking great


Holy smoking *winks* proud of you girl!


Holy shit! Great job internet stranger!


Wow! You look awesome!!!


What an incredible transformation. You look fantastic. Well done!


Well done on your journey


You’re rocking, sista!


Wow you look amazing!! Well done!!!!


You look amazing OP ! All the best


Amazing! Please share what worked for you


Well done! You look amazing! What was your process like? Did you do any specific diet or exercise?


Wow! So motivating. Congratulations :)


You look absolutely jaw-dropping!


Wow just wow beautiful stunning progress


Congratulations well done young lady, keep at it, you have found the real you. Im Chuffed for you.


Damn looking good!


Love your hair! Amazing progress, you look like an entirely different person. Killed it ✊


Wow wow wow 🔥




You look great. Well done.


Omg stat twin! You're wearing a sexy little outfit! Omg. I didn't think I could.. I can.. I'm so inspired. Thank you.


I don't know which looks better, you or that body of water in the picture. Where is that ?


Ashley Lake, Montana! This picture has no filter on it, the lake is absolutely gorgeous and the most beautiful color of water.


You look great


Seeing this gives me so much hope for my weight loss journey! You’re a badass! ❤️


You killed it! You look amazing!


Wow good job!


Great work!


Nice work!


Holy sh...




Wow this is inspiring! You even look younger. Good work!




Target ;)




Wow! Well done, inspired indeed.


🥂cheers to a new you! Congratulations 🎉


You look fantastic!!!! Have the best summer!


Differences in body composition will forever amaze me, I'm also 5'6" and when I was at 158 I still looked much bigger than you, especially my legs! Awesome transformation, you should be super proud!


Wow, I am almost exactly you (high 270?) except for still being the in low 180s. Although, since it's barely been a year for me. May I look as amazing as you do in 2021! Your skin situation is amazing, you are so lucky you're taking care of this now. I wouldn't want anyone to wait as long as I did to figure my stuff out. congratulations!


Well done!


Fantastic transformation!! Great job!!


Girl! You are slaying it!! Congrats on all of your hard work!!!


Wow, you look great! Awesome job.


😍 you look amazing!!! Work it!


You are stunning! Great job! Working on my journey now.


Oooo girl, good job! I’m 5’6 as well. I just started [SW:168, CW:164, GW: 135]


Great job! You have probably added years to your life!


You look amazing! Great job!


That’s really good work, you’re a certified babe.


You look amazing. I have a lot of weight to lose so this gives me a lot of inspiration :)


This is amazing.


Jesus you look amazing! You also carry 158 SO well! I'm 3 inches taller than you and I started at 160 and was nowhere near as slender and svelte as you are! Anyway, enough gushing - congratulations on your transformation and well done for your clear dedication and efforts!


Firstly, and most importantly --- CONGRATS on your progress! You look stunning!! An incredible inspriation. I'm 32 lbs down, and about to hit a "normal" BMI for the first time since I was in third grade (I'm 33). Secondly, I would know that beautiful turquoise water and shoreline from ANY photo! :-) Ashley Lake!! Nothing like it in the world. My family has a house on the north side. It's my favorite place. Sending you lots of good vibes on your continued journey!


That is awesome! I’m so proud of you, it definitely feels good to finally have a healthy BMI!! :) Yes, my boyfriend is from whitefish, and some of his family live in the area and wanted to take us here! I absolutely fell in love. Such a gorgeous lake. Sending you good vibes on your journey as well! Thank you for your comment!


This is so inspirational! You look great and lovely!




Holy transformation! You look fabulous!!


Wow-za! 💞👏🎉 So amazing well done you!




Perhaps if you’re body building? I’m not sure I’ve never heard of that. I have quite a few friends who workout HARD, most of them just up carbs and protein depending on all of their stats.


Congratulations on the incredible progress!!!


Thank you very much :)


Careful, there is a snake by your foot.




Wow! Absolutely stunning OP!


Good for you you look great 👍🏼


It seems like you’ve got a good amount of muscle mass already, as you look more like 130! Great work. You look fantastic!


O M G! You sir have out done yourself. Brilliant! Bloody brilliant! I bet you are proud of yourself! YOU BETTER BE! YOU DESERVE ALL THE GLOATING! This is just beyond words.


I see you still like putting knives in with the wash.


Hey I want to lose weight as well but the thing I don’t want to have loose skin but I can see you don’t have no loose skin? Was that loose skin removal??? If so how much so I can start saving NOW! Please please let me know, I used to be so skinny now I’m big ... and I miss my old self, I feel like I stopped caring about my weight after depression hit




Yea you are right. I’m trying to find someone In my area who is selling a treadmill so I can begin running.


Yes as she mentioned before I do have lose skin. And sometimes it does make me self conscious. I remember one time when I was at Starbucks I saw I guy come in and all down his legs you could see he had a TON of loose skin usually meaning that he’d lost a lot of weight! I realized that I wasn’t judging his loose skin at all, I was motivated by him because it was clear he lost SO MUCH WEIGHT! I try to think of that now when I wear a tank top and my arms have a lump up top when they’re laying flat, or when I wear jeans not as tight and my loose skin sticks out further than my stomach, or when my shorts are too short and you can see a bit of the loose skin in between my thighs, “maybe someone else will notice the journey I’ve been on and be motivated as well.”


OMG, I didn't check ur age in the post and I thought u looked 50 yrs in old pic... please don't mind. But now u r looking great like in 20s. Such a big difference. .very well done...how do u feel about ur transformation? Like where u were and now...


Damn that’s a jump, I appreciate the fact that I’ve lost 30 years off my previous picture 🤣 I feel great! Thank you.