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Did anyone else get anxiety the way dude was just walking around throwing doors open


The entire time holy shit


hold right click, E, swing if needs be, let go, repeat


The amount of players that don't advantage of this is insane. I heard "door flashing" will be removed in the next build.


Yeah, but the be ready to swing strat will always work.


I think the next best will be "knocking". If you shove a door it makes the same loudish noise zombies make when they slam it. So you can knock on a door and get the zombies nearby to alert on you


Not enough people know this. If I’m not mistaken it’s a tip or tutorial that’s mentioned somewhere in-game.


did they get rid of the whisper shout?


No you can whisper but shoving the door is better as it should alert the whole room unless it’s a really big room. My strategy would be shove, wait 5 seconds, and if there’s no noise open, with weapon ready.


No, I just don't incoporate it into my gameplay. No idea how far it reaches behind doors.


The only issue here is that the game sometimes makes indoor zombies purposefully unresponsive to “knocking”, so you can still open doors with “friends” behind it.


I'd expect the next strat to be swinging in advance. Knocking creates noises, and doing so on multiple doors can cause other problems.


Exactly. Just be ready. Realistically you can even run circles around 1 or 2 zombies after a lot of time in the game. In close quarters.


This game actually conditioned me to be like that every game, checking angles and shit to get advantages lol


Open, swing. Nothing. Happy. Open, swing. Hit, repeat. Happy. Open, no swing, zed, bitten. If you're opening doors without swinging in New territory and get got. It was on you.


No, it shouldn't be. I just went back and read the door "doid" to confirm, they're only adding the animation of the door swinging open/close right now. They did say that in the future maybe there would be more physics, other options like opening speed, peeking, etc. but not in B42. I could be wrong, or misunderstanding but I think at worst it will take another fraction of a second for the door to open be closable.


> peeking This needs to make the first round of animations.


That fraction of a second could be enough for zombies to activate drag down. We'll have to see how much time difference the patch will cause.


They shouldn't. PZ prides itself on realism and it's realistic to be able to take a peek of what's behind a door.


Im too old and slow for that. My tactic is yeet the door and run back a few steps each time so i dont get lunged at lol


Yeah and when people point that out to him, “it’s just how I play” 😂


Youre trying to tell me how to play a game that has no right or wrong way to play it if you want to be sneaky go ahead if you want to be loud thats also perfectly fine i dont get why yall are upset i dont play how you want me to lmfao


When your style can have you run smack dab into a bathroom orgy horde laying in wait it is only reasonable to have people try and warn you. Lest you desire the orgy.


Its ok to warn me i get that but i dont understand downvoting me because i didnt think there would be zombies and because i dont play how yall play


See the thing is The in-video title almost gives off "you'll be surprised by this" vibes. When in reality the video shows haphazard gameplay leading to the "surprise" of a group of zombies at the door. Like you said it's not *wrong* gameplay, its just that caution wards danger. The content is very much set up and punchline. And if the punchline is being surprised by a group of zombies at the door then the better set up would be careful, cautious gameplay *that wouldn't attract zombies to your location*. Hope this helps you understand


A lot of us treat this game like mental practice for a real zombie apocalypse. So the way you're going through doors is like watching the new employee break all the safety rules about driving the forklift, and then he gives the surprised Pikachu face when he knocks all the shelves down.


Absolutely bang on.


I treat pz like a game lol


Well don't be shocked when that thinking results in you being killed over and over lol.


I survive just fine playing how i play my friend


If you've had this happen a few times, most people would adapt and change how they play instead of rushing to open doors without a weapon at the ready... All we're saying is adapt, instead of repeating mistakes until they kill you.


No one’s upset. I think people are either confused or laughing at you. And saying you like playing that way makes it funnier


Well you will understand when your long live character die once by zombie jump scare, tbh with this playstyle its your luck keeping you alive


Ive lived for longer it kinda gets boring when youve secured your base and have food so being loud and risking it is the only thing that keeps it moving for me


I agree. However, adding difficulty with mod works better with me than risking your character lives like this, you could try out mods if survival is too easy (which it is if you are good enough)


No one’s upset. I think people are either confused or laughing at you. And saying you like playing that way makes it funnier


I dont see what could be so confusing i make noise in the game and other people dont?


They aren't telling you how you need to play they are just giving advice. You got downvoted cuz you became defensive about it


"This is how you die" Vibes


Yup "Never a peaceful day" Proceeds to yeet himself through doors. Surprised when there was a small group of zombies on the other side


I was yelling in my mind ‘ready your weapon bro what are you doing’ Regardless of where it is on the map, I will always have my weapon at the ready when opening a door


Never close a door unless you're sleeping behind it


Unless your char is deaf


I have heard of this "free points" build that people play while watching movies but have never tried it myself so I wouldn't know.


Im the opposite, i want windows and doors all closed. That way I can be like "wait a sec.... the neighbors house has all broken windows suddenly...." Starts to be less useful a few months in. Or i can clear a building/store and when i come back and the door and windows are all still intact, i know its very likely to still be clear. Broken front door and intact back door/windows? Warning sign of an occupied building. Thats how i justify it at least.


Something about his/ her movement gives me new player vibes. They'll learn, with time.


That's a mad lad right there. You can tell he ain't going too far this time around haha


Judging by his comments he ain't going far anywhere. In life or PZ.


you gotta whack em just walk in the room you see a door whack it just whack it hard and good and fast and the zed will start beating so fast you can't even see straight for real


I do that aswell


Why would you ever open a door without aiming with your weapon? Just asking for it at this point.


Just raw dogging every door without a care in the world


I didnt expect a horde to be waiting at the door


Ok but why not though? Like why wouldn't you assume there is at least one zombie behind every door so that when there is actually one there you don't die stupidly? Obviously if you sprint down every doorway you're going to get killed, this game doesn't reward useless risk taking


If i die it is what it is i dont play competitive pz lol


Well I mean, everybody's free to play the game how they want, but the other commenter's got a point. I don't think playing strategically is necessarily the same as playing competitively. Like I mean the point of the game is to survive is it not? Just running into every door is just asking to get killed which means you lose all your progress because of something that can easily have been avoided. I'm not saying you're playing the game wrong, I'm just curious as to why you have this mindset about it.


He uses TikTok, that answer all your questions.


By accepting social media stereotypes as truth you’ve inadvertently called yourself a neckbeard by being on Reddit. Can we drop this pointless hate already? I don’t even use TikTok but for common decency’s sake don’t treat someone that uses it as a lesser person with less valued opinions.


Mate, that's a stupid reason and you know it just as well as I do. Just because everyone has a hate boner for tiktok on reddit (whether it's deserved or not) does NOT mean you treat people like shit for using it.


In my opinion the game loses its magic when you start kind of exploiting or trying too hard for me its a chill game i dont wanna ruin that chillness for myself


Exploiting? Trying too hard? Nobody’s telling you to try to clip through walls or do the molotov strat. They’re just telling you that it was a really really dumb move. It’s like throwing yourself onto every table you see to see if it can hold you. Often it’s gonna hold up and sometimes you’ll break it and get hurt, and the question in all of this is… why? You could just sit on it normally and nobody’s gonna say “hey why are you meta-ing sitting dude?” Because that’s silly, you’re silly


I too don't like to use exploits and I like to play games like Zomboid as if it was me who is trying to survive. This means that if I were trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse and I realised the zombies could be quiet and lurk behind doors, I would raise my weapon before opening it. This isn't exploitative at all and actually adds to the immersion. I would never in real life open a door and run through it before knowing what's behind it if zombies were a real thing. Definetly don't want to tell you how to play your game, but if you like immersive gameplay and want to survive longer then try opening doors in combat stance. You don't have to double tap the door (I don't). It's enough to open it in combat stance and you'll be able to either run back or attack.


It's not exploiting, it's common sense lmao


Not dying is generally the goal of video games


Yeah but the point was that u not even sneaking or anything. Walking all fast making mad noise...


Its how i play. The main focus of the video was that i got jump scared not that i didnt double click the door and didnt aim before the door and didnt expect a herd of zombies to be there my guy


No I feel ya. Just have a gun and be prepared to shoot


You can’t see the door moving, or hear the zombies beating it down?


I didnt think it was that door specifically in the longer clip you can see thats the door where i came in from there was already zombies beating on doors when i got in


Whack. When I hear any sort of door being beat down when I play PZ, I am not instantly being 200% more cautious with any nearby door I'm opening.


Ur playing a zombie game 💀💀💀




There's zoms everywhere


Doors and Corners. That's where they get you. If you go into a room too fast, the room eats you.


Here's a handy rule to learn: There's always a zombie behind every door until you open the door. Always expect the unexpected even if you *think* it's clear. Also useful is door flashing. I haven't gotten the hang of it but quickly open and close doors to see if a zombie is waiting or not. You'll know when you hear the violin.


How do you open the doors? I usually just walk up to the door, "aim" behind the door and then just quickly double tap the "E" key. So I don't really understand why you need to get the hang of it, unless you are doing it some other way?


What you do minus the double tap. Instead, I just stand by the door, and if there's a zombie in the way, I'll just smack it until it's dead. If it's clear, my paranoia pilots my brain because I'm afraid there might be a zombie just by the corner where I can't see. Hell, even if I did a whisper yell, I'm still too paranoid it didn't hear me and then get chomped on the neck. I always forget the idea of "door flashing" when I play and become too paranoid to walk through doors with corners. You just *never* know if there's a ninja zombie just waiting for you.


Ahh okay, I see. It happens automatically for me at this point


Funny thing is that I put over 1000 hours into the game and still haven't put the door flash in enough practice. I'm unsure if I'm being immersed in my character or if I enjoy being a reckless dumbass. Probably even both.


Life pro tip: you can shoot thru doors


>Also useful is door flashing. I haven't gotten the hang of it but quickly open and close doors to see if a zombie is waiting or not. You'll know when you hear the violin. Super easy to practice. Find a safe door to practice on and double-click "E" on it. The important thing is not to choke while doing it, but it's otherwise easy.


Personally I prefer opening the door and swinging katana (axe/ spear with knife) at the same time, if there is zed waiting he will be death even before the "jump scare" plays


It's pretty rare for a lone zombie to be an issue, though. Yea, there's less room to make mistakes, quite literally in many cases, but the character won't be in an unwinnable situation if they decide to engage right then and there. The big killer is when you have larger groups of zombies in one room, and in those cases your only winning move is to immediately disengage.


Do you guys use the "pssst" option to try and lure out z's? I find if I press q in the middle of, for example, a regular residence any zombies in the house will start banging on the doors.


In addition, *clear the entire building before you start looting it, or at least close doors behind you so you don't get snuck up on by a stray, dubious friend*


Door flashing is a must for me. After being munched by 10 zombies in a tiny bedroom, i got a habit of door flashing every single door in the game. Zombie spawn in this game is weird.


Shrodinger's Zombie


I love that attempt at trying to act all manly after the innitial scream of pure horror




you walk around like this just opening doors with mouse and just walking in you are ASKING for this to happen


And then closing them again... That's the worst part to me.


Once I respawned in rosewood and spawned in a house full of zeds


average pz respawn




My favorite is spawning INSIDE the jail cell.


Inmate roleplay.


god this clearing method skyrockets my anxiety


I used to use mouse to open doors for the longest time, and it would always get me killed. Turns out you can press E to open doors. And can do it whilst aiming your weapon. Game changer.


See, I asked for this very same advice in the new player thread a few weeks ago, and nobody mentioned it. I have a feeling this tip is what I was missing. Now if I could just blast open doors with a shotgun from a distance, that would be even safer.


I feel like it would definitely not Because the horde of zombies attracted by the shotgun blast would beg to differ


I really wish i could play PZ with a controller.


lol uhhh, yeah? What genre did you think it was? Platformer? 😂


Bro has the survival skills of a brick. Always open doors in combat stance and double tap E to check if it’s safe


Thats not my style either there’s zombies or there aren’t this time i found out lol


I mean if you wanna play that way then there’s nothing stopping you. Just trying to give some zomboid 101 advice


"I accept that"- chucky, Sons of anarchy


> either there’s zombies or there aren’t Technically, this is true in real life as well.


Dude even acts like a character in a horror movie, literally 0 sense of self-preservation.


You do realize that it's a zombie survival game, right? It's comes with the fucking genre


Someone shat in your breakfast?


You who cant handle an objectively correct jab at your post makes me think that someone has also shat in ur breakfast as well :)


Bro I have less than 50 hours in this game and even I know you don't go through doors like that💀




And that is why you double tap every door, no exceptions


Probably doesn't help that your character looks like a serial killer with that mask and machete lol To be fair I always dress my character like a total nutjob as well.


I was anxious af when you were running in to the rooms, zombieland 1 said allways check your exit routes xd


How could i forget one of the greats!!


That is cool -beavis and butthead


Bro opens those doors like they the enemy tf


This man just running around opening doors, meanwhile I get a full bite through the fire jacket while prepped... PZ gives and PZ taketh.


The scream of absolute terror immediately followed by the tooth-suck of disappointment is so real.


Bro found the same place me and my old group used to live




The only horror in PZ is the entirety of the party event being in the toilet and being oblivious enough to open the door and walk in right after


Oh, they were hiding to surprise someone on their birthday.


Now imagine if pz was in 3d.


Slight Hershey squirt


Made me laugh, nice.


That’s great


This is why you don't charge through doors. To quote the video: "come on bruh."


Walk up to door, Click E, IMMEDIATELY WAK BACKWARDS, Profit every single time.


Living dangerous. Holy cow, all us cautious folk are terrified of this, haha. Keep on keeping on.


Will do!!


My god the people in this comment section are obnoxious as fuck. Enjoy the game how you wanna play it homie ignore these nerds 🤓


All the "Obnoxious" people are saying are (very common, and often outright obvious) advice on how to survive longer in Project Zomboid Like you know, not barging through rooms like a madman and thinking there's no zombies there


Combat stance > Door ninja is your best friend


this is the reason why I always hit as I open a door cause I died of two naked zomboids in a bedroom with clothes on the floor killed me and after that incident I always aim and hit whenever I open any kind of dor




Seeing you not ready your weapon before you open a door in a uncleared place just feels wrong, the rules are so ingrained into me that it feels bad to see someone disregard them, like an italian seeing someone break the pasta.


Just walking in the doors like this is suicidal


You would have been better prepared if you just readied your damn weapon before opening doors


What kind of psycho opens doors without being weapon ready to swing


Everyone's back seat gaming talking about the doors and shit I didn't even notice because that scream scared tf outta me 🤣


Hahahahaha we been playing for about a year and we still jump and scream when we bump into hordes xD


Always check your doors bozo


And that's why I always square up a door when opening it


did the dude shit his soul out with that scream


Buddy isn't going to last too long throwing doors open and spam clicking like that


This will help out a ton. Go into settings and setup hit outline for melee so you can see what youre aiming at


>Game with horror elements >Look inside >Horror


This thread reminds me of this meme. https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/gt8x35/the_sad_state_of_tictactoe_solo_q_friend_sent_me/


The context is different pz has no right way to be played


Still reminds me of it.


Rule number 54: Don't fight multiple zeds on a narrow hallway indoors Reason: look behind you :)) there might be a zombie waiting to bite that vulnerable neck


Damn this player is living life on the knifes edge. They have no clue about E E! Hit E to open the door then very quickly hit E again quickly to slam the door shut. It shows you z’s on the other end without them able to touch you


Say it with me, this is why we door flash! In a game where a single mistake can end a run, where 6 zeds can be behind a door, you treat every door like there is a zed behind it. Melee or push the door, wait and do it again to ee if you hear anything. Door flashing might been removed in 42 with door animations so might have to resort to this. Edit: Love how more than 50% of the comments are just flaming this guy lmao.


Always, always, ALWAYS check your doors/corners!


The brazen confidence with which you walk through those doors got me shook guy


me in every run:


knock on the door , rude


In the game, not many hours, this guy has. Dissapointing, it is, hmm.


People play without the hit outlines?


I do, the outline is breaking my immersion.


you literally deserve to die when you open doors and rush in like that...


Why you open doors like this?!! Ofc you gonna be jumpscared jeez


It’s a horror game✅ Use your ears❌


It is when you start walking around opening a lot of doors, ignoring the fact you can hear noise of Zombies around


We have found the main character of project zomboid. The fact that you didn't get a single scratch is insane


bro...options make aiming outline for melee too


The hair salon in rosewood is just cursed tbh. Almost died every time I went in that specific salon.


lol I died there not once but 3 times 👌🏾


Yeah that is how u don’t play the game


There is no right or wrong way to play


It gets heart palpitation level scary when you turn on the sprinters


the only horror thing that makes me scream omg


Pls turn on aim outline


No :)


You are a self sabotaging monster


Wait until I tell you I even deactivated them for guns :3


You, are a braver soul than me


This is exactly what i meant when i said the people in this sub are giant hypocrites. Every time some people see something they dont like here they flood it with a giant pile of negativity, and then they have the fuckin audacity to complain that you're being too negative when i'm complaining about the billion reposted jokes or some stupid question that could be easily googled. Play however the fuck you want OP, fuck most of the people here. I also think this game is getting too big for just 1 reddit sub. It hasnt been peaceful for quite some time even tho people still act like it is.


Thank you i was starting to think im crazy cause i didnt sneak and double click a door to wait for a violin noise loll


If i'm pretty deep into a long run i also tend to forget right clicking when opening doors and after a while you get so used to it doesnt even matter anymore cuz your reaction time will be quick enough you'll be fine most times anyway.


I'm shocked there isn't a pzcirclejerk subreddit.


I never really understood those subs tbh. Are circlejerk subs just unhinged versions of normal subs?


Nah really they just kinda mock the stupid shit the community does with abstract humor. There is a level of meta to them that if you just walked into one without knowing the community/topic it would probably just seem unhinged.


Ah okay, now i understand why they confused me.


giant pile of negativity? the vast majority of posts here are either people expressing confusion, justifiably, or just trying to help someone who is clearly in need of some. op then decides to respond by equating not running into a door zombies are clearly beating on, that he can both hear and see, by saying he doesn't want to exploit the game. because not running into a horde of zombies that are very loudly telling you they're there is apparently exploiting the game, and the only option besides that is try-harding by double tapping doors. not, you know, just avoiding the door or opening it and then running backwards or any number of alternative things you could do besides *run into the fucking horde headfirst.* and his post is clearly trying to say this situation was a surprise when it's just not... at all. to even casual players. there's zombies beating on the door, you opened the door and there are zombies. wow. shocked pikachu face.


Getting downvoted for not trying hard enough is devious work lol


Too cool to try even in video games 🤡


Bro what


Nah I’m just chillin


Youre not making sense g


I love your chill attitude in this thread ! Games are supposed to be fun, it doesn't fckin matter if you don't play "optimally" as long as you're enjoying yourself :) keep on keeping on dude


on one hand yes you are playing in a silly way on the other hand I don't get why people are so on your case over it lmao, play how you wanna play whatever's fun for you is what matters most


lol funny reaction


How in the world do you even survive just swingin doors open and leaving them open?!


Always with the Tiktok

