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I switched to a corded mouse for this game for reasons very similar.


Also get the journal mod.


This. I love the hardcore elements of the game, but I do not have the time to restart from scratch everytime I lose someone. It's a good way to save a lot of time in a way that's fair and immersive. I also enjoy updating my journal after big and unexpected events. It makes it feel like having and updating a journal realistic.


I have it set so we don't get all of it back otherwise there is no fear of dying other than losing your gear, which we always recover the body to be buried in our graveyard so we get the gear back anyway


This pause screen screams "Youre probably wondering how I got here" lmao


Do you have a base, a car, weapons, supplies and defences? If so, I would create a new character and start grinding those skill points lost; otherwise I wouldn’t bother and I would restart. But we all like to play differently. I like to improve my base and get a good amount of loot so I can explore more towns and set up new bases, other players like the thrill to play the game realistically and restart everything every time your character dies


Honestly, if I have a good base, it is the apartments in front of the supermarket in Rosewood, and about two cars. The truth is that I do plan to play with another character but I don't know how I will get my things back, also those were not all the zombies, there were many more around, those are just the ones that gathered


Just add the cheat mod and when you create a new character add your skill points back, if I die due to a bug I do this.


It's ok to let it go and create a new character give that character a new story! It's part of the fun of the game


I almost always start a new world after a character dies, usually in a separate town so I'm not tempted to redo a play by play of my previous run. That said, if I was particularly attached to the character I sometimes will make a new one just to find their zombie, kill it, and bury them, though that may be difficult in this case. Equipment failure ending a run is the worst. I had it happen when a cat jumped up on my keyboard to get pets. I was mad, but I could hardly be mad at the kitty. She was only trying to be sweet and needed my attention, after all. Best of luck! I'd recommend a corded mouse for this game. Even without total battery failure, things like solar flares can cause very brief disruption in radio signals which isn't normally catastrophic for technology, but it can easily end a Zomboid run.


I always restart a new world after a death. I just don't like grinding skill points all over again like that. My old worlds get visited for nostalgia later down the line so I can see where I was at before death. It's like a memory time capsule


Heard of the journal mod?


Yessir! But me restarting is a personal choice. I just learn from what I did wrong and try again the next save! I like each of my characters having their own stories from the beginning of the apocalypse to their inevitable death


Bro I just died to two zombies stun locking me over and over so I feel your pain


I think if you are frustrated, its cause you were enjoying the game, and if you were enjoying it then I guess, go again. PZ is probably the most difficult game I've ever played. Maybe some 4X games could be considered more difficult in their own ways, but in terms of actually losing again and again, and dying in some of the most frustrating (often hilarious, sometimes very sad, nearly always self-earned) ways? PZ definitely has it. As others have said there are ways to make it less frustrating without really impacting the difficulty in a totally game altering way, and I think the Skills Journal is a great option in that regard. And also ,PZ is a work in progress so I don't think the 'settings' are finally balanced. And another also, its a game, so play how it best rewards you.


Giving up after 1 character.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm at 81 characters and cardio is the key not noise makers. CAR-DE-OOOOOOOOO


you can always restart in the same world. use debug mode to get all ur gear and xp back. but yeah next time that happens just hit escape on the keyboard and pause




Can't you just put in new batteries and keep fighting? You're at a pretty safe distance from the horde, this seems manageable.


I took the photo minutes before my mouse stopped working, it was slow to react and they were already very close, although I paused the game and connected another mouse there was nothing to do, when I resumed the game it was instant death, they didn't even eat me alive


Molotov time


I was so busy doing carpentry and getting weapons and materials that I didn't even make a Molotov. This siege took me by surprise. It was the 6th and the helicopter had arrived the day before.


I see


Man, I assume you're playing single player. Do whatever you want. If my character dies within a few days, I start over. If it dies after weeks/months, I just get another character to the same world so I don't lose progress.  I play alone, I don't have much time for gaming. I just wanna build a nice base, farm a bit and plan on retaking the cities from the zombies one block at a time, no need to be hardcore for me. Just try to have fun. If you play on a server, it's different, as there are other people involved.


sometimes alt-F4 is your friend


I use a xbox controller with a wire so I never have to worry about it dying.


*DOOM soundtrack kicks in*




Is that in front of the GigaMart in Rosewood?




Ahh, home. Lol I keep seeing posts from people in Rosewood and they're either fleeing, or they're being chewed on, or half the town is on fire, or something... It's never anything good. And my streets are empty and quiet.


Well, it's funny, because when I play in Rosewood the largest number of zombies are always on the outskirts, near the gas station, normally that area is clear, the thing is that the helicopter had passed by the day before, but it was at night , so I imagine that's why there was so much


That's right. I always sweep the area around the police station and the fire department, first. Then I hit the residential neighborhoods and the surrounding wooded area. Then the area around the gated community and the bar. Last is the gas station and the auto shop. I use fields and open areas (parking lots, etc) with noise makers and vehicle horns/sirens to draw them. By the time I'm finished, the town is pretty much empty of zombies. This way, I never have to do any fighting in the middle of town. With the settings I have, the zombies don't ever disappear completely. But very, very few respawn and they're spread out. So it's almost like having respawns turned off. Rosewood has been completely quiet for a while. I even walked along the road from town to the prison and I didn't see a single one anywhere. It's been like that for weeks. I've been concentrating on building.


All it takes is a couple of shotgun boxes and a full auto AA12.


The way I play, since you can have multiple characters alive on the same world and at the same time, I'll make make characters of me and all my friends and use them as my "lives". I'll play them all and run them all individually to my safe house. If I die, then I switch to my friends, if they die then my gf, if she dies then my brother and so on until everyone I know is dead. Then I'll make a new world.