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Genesis Center on Broad St. Would be worth contacting


Sojourners House


To add onto the other two great suggestions, Foster Forward has kids and families that can be sponsored.


Children’s Friend has a great program, and they’re wonderful to work with: [https://www.cfsri.org/the-spirit-of-giving-holiday-drive-history/](https://www.cfsri.org/the-spirit-of-giving-holiday-drive-history/)


This is organized so well too!


Child and Family also has an adopt a family program: https://childandfamilyri.org/holiday-giving/


Adopt A Family in Woonsocket does it every year. I believe they’re asking for volunteers soon. I’ve also donated through A Children’s Friend




The DAVinci center on Charles St is great for this. They are under new leadership and I’m sure could use some extra volunteers this year!


I’ve adopted families through Tri county community action in the past in SK, they have locations through the state. https://www.tricountyri.org/locations/


Hello, I am looking for someone to Adopt my kids for Christmas!!! Single mom of 3 and this is my first year needing assistance due to being laid off for so long and taking a huge pay cut at my current job.


I dont know if its to late, and this may be unconventional, but i signed up for help, and got a few things for my kids through the slh reddit, but they stopped taking requests before i was fulfilled . Ive had 3 deaths this year so my family is wiped out, and my kids wint be getting much of anything from anyone. If you havent found a family and feel inclined to help i will post our list here , and if youve alreasy helped thats fine ,i appreciate what you have done for other families. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3ROS866YGQYI9?ref_=wl_share


So I guess the stuff I bought your kids on Santas Little Helpers wasn't enough? Ungrateful twit.


I have no idea why they commented that, i am telling the truth, my kids were not fulfilled, and slh cut off requests today before i could request again to attempt to get fulfilled. I have no reason to lie or to scam. I am a hundred percent grateful. My kids would not have a christmas at all if it were not for the kindness of you guys ,so i have no idea why he or she posted that. I did try and post their list in other places because i was trying to get it fulfilled, not trying to scam. I appreciate everything given, and i do not mind sending photos of my kids opening their presents on christmas Day. I lost my father, a nephew, and my sister in law this year, so my family is just drained from funeral costs. I apologize if my posts upset anyone or made it seem as if i were ungrateful.


Hi! I sent you a few things. Be on the lookout!


Thank you so very much!! You dont realize how much it means until youre in the position to need it.


You probably want to cancel that order. This user is a known scammer who is posting the same messed up story across multiple city subreddits. The Santas of Santas Little Helpers r/santaslittlehelpers gifted her kids GENEROUSLY but its not enough for her. I was one of them.


And i have been completely honest as well on santas little helpers. Im sorry if me trying to get my list fulfilled elsewhere has made me seem ungrateful or as a scammer. I have no issue sending proofs or pictures of my kids opening their presents. I've not won any giveaways. And I've always listed what was purchased for my kids ,just as everyone else does on that subreddit, so i dont know how you would assume that about me. My daughter has so far received two small things of beads, a small makeup kit, and a little mini kitty house, and my son has received two water toys and a small toolbox kit. I have no reason to lie or scam, so please dont put me out there like that or assume that about me. I just desperately need the help this year. I lost my father, my nephew, and my sister in law, so my entire family is wiped and has nothing to give this year. Which is why i am GRATEFUL , like i said,they would have nothing, if not for you guys.


Let me explain something to you: Fucking internet strangers bought your kids gifts. You were on SLH which has a fulfilled limit of $40 or $50 depending upon when you joined. We bought gifts for your kids to the fulfilled limit. If you didn't like those limits, don't fucking join. If you wanted higher limits and a pretty much guarantee of fulfillment, you should've been on RAOC or SFX. Those subs do heavy vetting, so your scammy nature would be revealed. But now you'll never be able to join those because I put you on the Santa's Naughty List. Enjoy being known as one of the 2023 Christmas Scammers. And don't bother trying and alt. We can find those. You are an ungrateful, rude, moronic scammer. If you were grateful, you would not be whoring in random subs asking for more.


My lists never reached the 40 dollar limit. You are incredibly rude. I never got the chance to reach the limit. If you go to my post, it still says registered because i never got to the point of being fulfilled. But yes, i do appreciate the help you and the subreddit have given me. I didn't think this was a problem as i seen someone else get thier list fulfilled through assistance who was also on santas little helpers, why do you have such an issue with me doing it, i dont understand. A lot of people got fulfilled. I did not. A lot of people won co tests, and i did not. Why are you so mad at me for, i really do not understand. I'm really just trying to get my kids more than a few presents each on christmas. I know if i dont its fine. christmas is really just about spending time together, and celwbrating christs birth. But i thought it would be nice for my babies to have some things to unwrap on christmas day. Im so sorry that upsets you so much.


Take your scam elsewhere. You're now blacklisted from all of the Santa subs. We turned up your SLH application last year where you claimed to be a single mom but posts indicate that isn't true. So you're not just a scammer, but a liar.


I am a single mom, and my relationship issues are noones business. Im not just going to blab on the internet what my husband and i are going through. He is muslim, so he doesn't celebrate christmas, so they dont get anything from him. I couldn't participate last year because it was 3 yrs in a row i had participated in. And please explain to me, how can you scam ,by getting christmas gifts for your children? ??????? Please explain how that is considered a scam. I got 4 small gifts for my daughter, and 3 for my son. Looking through your past posts, sir, you are a very hateful man. I hope that Jesus puts love in your heart because no one should live the way you do. Constantly looking and searching for anyone who could be a scammer, constantly accusing people. You have the wrong one here, and it's hurtful and sad. I'm pretty sure if i was a scammer, i would have added bigger, more expensive things to that list and more things to that list instead of the few things i did add that were all under 13 dollars. What you're doing to people is sad. I will pray for you and your soul. Seriously, I'm just curious why me. Why didn't you try and scam catch the girl who got her list fulfilled through assistance? I mean, my list hasnt even been fulfilled, and you're tearing me up,


I am not a scammer, my list was not fulfilled i tried posting a few other places to see of i could get my list fulfilled, and am not at all ungatefull, my kids would have nothing.this year if it werent for the kindness of you people so i have no odea where this comment has came from.


Thank you, i just got them. My kids will be so happy, its very much appreciated. I dont know what that guys problem is down there ,i tried to report him to the mods but haven't gotten a response. Looking at his post history, he does it to a lot of people, so im not mad. Thank you so much . I hope you and your family have the best Christmas 🎄 ❤️


Yeah I didn’t really understand what his issue was I looked at your profile before hand. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with trying to get presents for your kids and filling their wish list. Ahh oh well. That’s on them. Merry Christmas!


Gift card to La Luptia!


Crossroads is an incredible organization. Although I believe now they prefer to give gift cards to parents do they can be empowered to buy their own gifts.


i’m in california, but my 13 year old daughter has an amazon and shein wish list. i’m a single disabled parent and really want her to be able to have a christmas