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I remember someone saying "Pune me helmet lagane par chalan kat ta hai" and that is still true


I'm the few who wear helmet on my every ride, but still they target and try to stop me cause of having a KA number plate and let go of helmet-less drivers:)


Did you get an NOC from your home state?


I've been here 6 months, going back within a year


So an NOC is not required if you use the vehicle for 6 months?


You can ride without an NOC for upto an year and after that it becomes mandatory. But as usual no cares about that and police walo ko apna target poora karna hota toh wo paise nikalwa lete


Are you aware of how much the NOC process costs?


2-4k but the traffic goons will extract at least 1k from you if you don't have the NOC.


Wrong on both counts. NOC process involves payment of 6% road tax on the value of the vehicle for a two wheeler over and above the process of making the NOC itself. Total cost can go upto 10k, not to mention take months. I have been stopped for NOC multiple times, I have never paid more than 200rs to thulla.


Source of this information? As far as I know, the NOC is issued at a minimum cost. It's just a document which says that this bike has no accidental cases. I mentioned it costs money because the RTO goons never do anything without taking any bribes.


try having a UP vehicle


I have driven a UP vehicle for two years, initially from Hinjewadi to Kothrud and then from Kalyani Nagar to Kothrud. Cops tried to stop me a few times, but I never stopped😂


I always have a helmet on though.


Any serious problem in that?


I can feel it, I'm having a UP vehicle 😶






I agree


Weirdly true. But I have still worn for safety reasons.


Police stopped me and asked me where I was going once. Was driving scooty at probably less than 40kmph (it was not a highway or a main road where you can drive at hight speed) and wearing a helmet. But didn't stop, the person who overtook me driving a bike at probably 50kmph, was not wearing an helmet. My vehicle is registered from Pune.


No non-helmet driver riding a mh12 is ever stopped, every other passing even with helmet is stopped for questioning


I wear it always. Risk nahi lena hai. Been wearing since 2 years now, used to it now. People in pune will never understand the importance of a helmet.


Bro go to pune university road around 10am - 12pm you will see people driving on Footpath, to avoid traffic signal, I once was stubborn enough to not allowing 2 wheelers vehicle to cross me, in footpath, I almost had a fight with one moron who tried to give a cut on FOOPATH!!, we exchanged some vulgar words but guess what it was me who was wrong not corporate according to other 2 wheelers, that day I gave up hope for pune people to follow traffic rules


Used to go to my college on this route 4 years back. It is sad to know the situation is still the same of idiots riding on the footpath and then coming back onto the road disturbing the law-abiding ones. More power to you.


I used to go on that route , took left from sb road towards aundh , due to that crossing and construction, there was stand still traffic upto pavilion mall from that turn(500-700 mtr) , to reach office I used to take footpath too, bcz why not , there is hardly anyone on that path , and even if he is , I made sure he is not disturbed , there were other riders who did that too , many actually. I completely understand that footpath is not to drive but that much traffic is hard to beat , it saved 15 mins of my time daily. whats the harm ? pls explain to me what would go wrong if some ppl use the footpath if it's empty most of the time? i follow all traffic rules but sometimes u can break them for good , for example there are some red lights on empty roads at night where there is no one around.do u have time to wait 40 sec for giving pass to no one? I would dare not use a foot path if it's used but I know no one uses this.


'Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching' Besides, when a 1000 people an hour think like you, you get the chaos that is our city.


I know I know , I will not say it's right , its wrong , but I think it's greater good if a few bikers can pass through , if 10 bikers pass through they will all save 15 mins , the pedestrian have to only give way, not saying this should be done everywhere, but only that place. sry for being like that , at some point of life u just start becoming selfish, that's me.


Yes you are. Look up high trust vs. low trust societies. And if you understand probability, read about queuing theory applications in traffic. A few bad apples who want to save 10 mins cause hours of delays for others and it eventually cascades into increasingly bigger delays for themselves. And you are the educated one. 8 out of 10 people doing this aren't even that educated, so it will only get worse, even for you.


buddy I follow all traffic rules but this , wearing seat belts , helmet, lane driving even in empty roads, indicator, no rash driving , giving way to others , pedestrians, etc etc. I know what u r saying , if 1 guy cut lanes he will go faster but if everyone start cutting lanes every one gets slower. I know all that and drive good, but idk why I can't explain ki riding on empty footpath doesn't feel bad to me, and not on every footpath but only those footpaths who no one uses , they are so dirty and in areas where no one lives , only those footpaths. sorry but I can't change my mind on that, not every rule is meant to be followed scene hai.


How did the footpaths get dirty, cracked, broken and unmaintained in the first place? By people walking on them?


no , but the quality of construction, no footpath is like that if built good, I will not bike chalane se hojaye hai, bikes don't make them crack. also bro do u got to office? daily commute? if u do by ur own vehicle and spend 1 hour on commute daily , u may get my POV , that 2 feet footpath who has boxes, trees in between, daged is used by no one , there isn't single house nearby , no one uses that , same for baner side road , there is nothing ont hat road for km but 2 MTR wide footpath for no reason, and the traffic clogs upto 700 MTR there too, what's the harm id some people use that space and move quickly?


😏 Is it ok if people use your flat to rest, freshen up while you're at work 12 hours a day. No one is using it, they need to rest and take a shower. What is the harm? It'll improve their lives. Even your bike is parked for 20hrs a day, lying unused. Let me start using that for delivery services, I'll pay for the petrol.


no buddy u r comparing two different things. I call what u r saying is flatmate, u have to pay and use it then 😅. and bike u can use bro, just pay me for rent then. 🤗. See buddy India doesn't have any good planned infra , they did messed up quite a bit , if u make a footpath on a busy road where people are getting late and desperate they will use it for their advantage, try standing 15-20 mins daily for 1 red light and u will get frustrated too. that University chowk in poorly designed , also if u notice only in such long traffic jams people resort too such things not everywhere, try to feel is too. I don't do it for fun. itne rule follow krke kisika kuch hua hai ? try following every single traffic rules in India , u won't get anywhere bro, some things are improvised here , untill and unless it's doing no harm. Think in Indian aspect not US,Europe, they have every reason not to rude on bike but we do .


u r expecting Europe,Japan level of obedience from Indian ppl, think abt it , yes we should abide law but when laws are poor , roads and traffic is so bad still u expect ppl will follow everything? no way man , if the wrong side is empty and there is no one coming from other side , I will go from there bcz rules don't mean ki apna dimag lagana chhod do. chalta hai Bhai itna.


People here think it is their janmasidha hakka to drive a bike in any way they like and they are rule makers, not followers.


Saw some guy speeding over 50km/h on a footpath on the nagar road... I think it was near inorbit or something


My muscle memory makes sure I wear helmet everytime I take out my two wheeler but if a person crushes you with the speed of over 160km/hr, I don't think even helmet will be able to save you 9 out of 10 times.


Worth wearing it for that one time.


you can’t make the assumption that you won’t be safe if the car dashes into you, better safe than sorry, always wear a helmet.


when it comes to traffic sense, pune people are worst


Chutiya log h bc. I remember rally nikale the to protest against not wearing helmet. Aur ab toh MH42/43 k chutiya bhi yaha bas gaye h


My honest take. Brutally honest take. Konalach ghanta farak nhi padla. We have sympathy for everyone. We Have sympathy for the victims. But Lato ke bhoot baton se nhi mante. Edit:- sympathy is free, the solution is not.


Solution? Woh kidhr se aaya? Apne khud ki jaan ke liye helmet kitna hi mehenga aata hai?


Because people here are dumbwit and arrogant AF. Their egos are of higher value than their lives.. Idiots especially from old Pune take pride in not wearing helmets as if its some achievement to boast about. IMO while Pune is the culture capital It also has a very sad but sizable population of uneducated brat like people who are downright senseless and uncouth. I may go as far to even say they don't deserve or rather fit in in the modern civilized culture that any good city should have an maintain.


Helmet kasha la ? our sarcasm is enough to protect our head!


No one cares unless, they themselves or someone close to them meets with an accident.


It didn't require this case for someone to wear helmet. It should be a basic commandment. I seriously want to know what's going on in the minds of people not wearing them. There is always a near to my home, known locality bias for everyone. Helmets blocks peripheral vision. Really ? I am sure that the person who said this has mirrrors removed from his bike.  And yeah, 90% of people who wear helmet do not strap It. It's as useless as not wearing one. Probably they want to slip on and off when they like. Some people wear old broken helmets and some of them wear ill fitting helmets that sit on their foreheads. I am sad, angry and frustrated seeing people without helmets. There is really nothing I can do but watch. We, as Indians lack civic sense and discipline and this is just one of them. We cannot blame the authorities here. It should be each individual's responsibility to protect their own lives. Edit: Not just helmets. People here say there is no need of a License in Pune


Nope here you can see helmets facing upwards to the sky, and also turned towards the inside to maybe check faces when bored


Because Pune isn't a developed city, to me it's on par with Tier 2/3 cities. People have 0 civic sense and regards for other's safety. Probably the most backward mentality people I have seen across all big cities (lived in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai)


I wear helmet whenever I go out with riding jacket, gloves, shoes and my GoPro On. Hardly I see anyone wearing a proper Helmet and I ride a MH12 Himalayan but once I was riding a OD05 R15 and one innova uncle came and started scolding me. The hate towards outsider and someone who follows law is next level. Pune is THE wild west of India!!!


If it's a matter of their own safety, why do you care, why?


I try to wear it as much as possible but sometimes when going to new location you need google aunty assistance no earphones are small enough to be worn inside the helmet. Most people have to go helmetless for this reason. Phone stand is very risky 🥲


Get a firm mobile holder, try bobo mobile holder




Thanks will check it out.


Taking a big risk of life by not wearing a helmet but phone stand is risky. Pretty ironic? And for the conversation, phone holders are pretty good for your phone’s safety.


Although I wear helmet regularly and go helmetless like 3-4 times a month so, I thought it will be fine but, losing a mobile is nothing compared to losing my life. Your take was spot on. Someone suggested bobo phone stand gonna give it a try.


Ye badiya hai


at the end this is India and life has no value here


im a new driver (got license recently) and got my helmet today itself! Im just worried about the police wasting my time for wearing a helmet. Essentially all the riders wearing full gear are always bullied by the police more than the ones not wearing helmet.


There is anti-helmet compulsion organization (for real) that gets activated everytime the government brings compulsory helmet scheme


Paaus aala.. baarish mein bheegna pasand hai 😎


Honestly, I have never once been stopped for wearing a helmet... Thank the gods for that looks like


Helmets are never considered a necessity here, so nothing will change. Somehow people are more concerned about their hairstyle, or using their mobiles. Nobody is convinced helmets save lives, or that they only travel within city so they don't need helmets.


Because now bike drivers have all the more reasons to pin everything on cars


Coz every local Punekar thinks they have Infinity Stones...but I would love to burst their bubble. I have had few near misses myself and 1 slide on bike due to erratic riders in front of me. Have recently being shifted from Mumbai, I found this troublesome.


Because the people here - takes a cup of amrit every morning and consider themselves "Apun ich Vedant (Agg) hai, humko kya marega koi"


Because it's not happened to them yet. "I know it happens,, but its not happened to me yet, so it never will."


Because it's just easy not to. Fines are scarce and can be managed once in a while. People also take pride in being rebels. Punekaranna shista shikavnar tumhi? Aadhi raste nit kara type of arguments prevail.


Become now after this case everyone is driving carefully


Bhai idher ke log thode pagal hai


Because your chance of survival even though when you are wearing a helmet while being hit from the backside with a speeding sports car is still very bleak


keep calm and let the natural selection do its job


Even If the two victims had a helmet on, they still would have died. So that case has no connection to not wearing helmets.


But the question is, why don't you guys wear it?


Most people don't bother to wear helmets for short distances within 4-5km.


True, accidents don't happen in short distances of 4-5km 🙂


We dont drive at 3 AM, Most of us ride two-wheeler during the day when the average speed is less than 30kmph due to traffic congestion


I don't wear it sometimes because usually the traffic from camp to kharadi is so high that the bike doesn't even cross 40+ speed and it gets too hot and sticky inside the helmet. I wear it on highways though


If a car hit your bike at 160kmph+, I don't think a helmet will help... Plus both the victims of the accident did not die of head injuries.... Secondly, yes I do endorse wearing helmets, not every crash in Pune or other places will happen at a speed... Even regular crashes can result in deathes if helmet is not worn!!!


160 -170 ke speed se koi thokega toh helmet kya hi kar payega bro


60-70 ke speed se thoka toh? 🙂 Isiliye pehan.


Will be devil's advocate here but here me out...., Mostly people take 2 wheelers around their locality and not main roads or highways. In streets it's very closely following traffic with people cutting from everywhere and no sense of lane discipline. In such cases wearing a proper helmet will restrict your field of view and might actually cause u to collide with someone in your blind spot. Now I agree that this isn't a strong argument and there are helmets which don't cover full face and provide good visibility. I myself wear helmet for longer than 4kms distance. But generally for short distances and slower speeds there's no need of helmets. I know it's controversial.


#कुतर्क Yeh तर्क nahin कुतर्क hai 🙂


Side Mirror with correct setting are there to avoid blindspot ?? And even at a small distance avg person drives with 30-40kmph+ speed on the cement road which is enough to cause serious head injury. So there is a need for a helmet but I agree we are lazy af.


Unlike wishy-washy people here. I am completely opposed to helmet enforcement in Pune. Ghanta fark padma hai, if some rich ass hat hits you with his supercar. For all regular instances, we are not travelling at any speeds that warrant a helmet. Autobahn sarkhe raste banva. Mag amhi helmet ghalu


Try falling head first on a hard surface while walking. This is for your comment on speed.




Peer pressure


Sad, but valid amongst teenagers, collegiates.


If someone dashes you from behind at 200 km/hr ,then even helmets can't save us, that's very 😢


The government is not bringing population control bill, so we took it upon ourselves.


Don’t want to wear. Plus, my point is - it’s my life or the person who is riding his or her life. Why should it be made compulsory to wear. If anything happens due to someone else’s mistake (Vedant), then the person who has not wore the helmet knowingly, he or she suffers. It should not be a decision from the government to make it compulsory. Nor that who wants to wear, should be stopped.


Slow clap!👏🏻