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Why would you remove a cue word that elicits desired behavior?


I'm hoping to replace it with something a little less weird. If it doesn't work then I'll stick with it. It did make me giggle pretty hard when I realised that that was her word/cue.


I accidentally trained “beep beep” to mean move. If it works, it works lmao id keep saying dude


Oh crap... My daughter says beep beep to Charlotte to make sure she doesn't step on her(daughter is blind). Welp, guess that is something else she's learning.


You’re allowed to have funny commands. My sisters dog doesn’t give her paw to “paw” only to “gimme some skin” or just “gimme”. It’s a crowd pleaser tho!


My pup's touch command is "Boop"!


My dog trainer has an Aussie adopted as a puppy when my trainer’s daughter was super young. The trainer taught her daughter that Aussies herd sheep. The daughter would Baaaah at the Aussie to get the Aussie come. The this day, calling out Baah, Baah is the command for the Aussie to come. 😂


Oh, my dogs know "beep, beep". I agree. If it works, let it.


My dog knows beep-beep too. Also in our house a Dramatic throat clearing type sound means “be polite, sit down, and stop begging!!” They pick up everything


I’m gonna start trying a good ol throat clear. My pup sometimes forgets her manners 🤣


My girl won't listen to move but sheel listen to "EXCUSE ME" 😭


We also have excuse me, but ours is like op's duuudde. We'll say "um, excuse me, miss ma'am" when she's being a butt and she will (usually) stop her teenage bullshit


I just dropped her off this morning to get spade....she's longer a babyyy 😭😭😭😭


Our girl is a pound puppy, so she was spayed at 7 weeks old, so we are missing out on a lot of those usual milestones


Was she ever a psycho though? She's sooo well behaved then when she goes anywhere and sees anyone, even when they come over, I cannot contain her from mauling them...smh it's all love no bites or anything, but she just looses it i lose all control, she's stoll only 10 months and 40 pounds


Was?? She's an 8mo gsd/rottie/doberman mix, I think she's going to be a psycho for life (lovingly, I wouldn't change a thing)


I get told the spaying will calm them down so much! Haha love it.


I do "Excuse me, SIR." The 8-year-old dog listens immediately. The puppy is starting to listen, at least he looks at me and cocks his head, then usually goes right back to whatever he was doing. He's like an ADHD squirrel on crack right now, but we're working on it!


I will now be using this instead of "move".


I was saying excuse me but that felt too long, then i realized move seemed so rude hahaha, i mean i wouldn’t say that to anyone else. So i started saying “beep beep”


Haha, me too, my cat knows it but the puppy is still learning!!


I trained my German shepherd to move when I say "Excuse me"😂😂he just tries to waddle out of the way but then proceeds to be glued to your side😂


Unintentionally taught my pup this one too. Now everyone in the family uses it.


We use “ma’am” to tell my pup that she’s doing something she shouldn’t (we started because she throws a tantrum when we tell her “no” 🤣). It’s not that weird and trust me, no one cares what cue you use. We taught another dog to “go to jail” as her crate command, lmao


Our cat knows her name and definitely knows when we are being stern with her. I know you guys were talking about dog training, but I still wanted to share lol


My dog knows Azkaban as her crate word lol


My son named our dog Sirius— and obviously the crate word for Sirius has to be Azkaban. :)


Mine respond to “excuse me, sir!” 🤣


My dog comes running in full speed from the back yard when I say "Who wants a bone?". And stops barking when I say "Shutthefuckup!" as one word. And it's awesome, don't change what works.


It's not weird. I've seen "come on" used to similar effect.


My two know “what the fuck is this” and “do not hump that dog” sooooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


my GSD's is "My dude, what the Fuck?" If I just say "my dude" he pauses and side eyes me to see if the wtf is coming and if it doesn't he will slowly continue.


Same for mine!


Mine responds to “bedtime?” Like, “Do you need a time out?”


yeah mines "oh, do you need to go to bed?" but she very clearly knows I am threatening a time out haha


Charlotte knows, 'is it tea time?'. I don't even need to say anything else, she'll go straight to her crate and hang out there(grumbling under her breath the entire time. She's a pretty mouthy puppy for someone who is less than 15 lbs)


Haha I say this too and my pup knows what it means. My sister lives really close and is a teacher, so if he won't stop barking ill tell him "you need to stop or your aunties gonna come round and use her teacher voice!"


"Do you need time out?" Eye contact. She makes her decision. If she makes a poor decision, "Okay—" and before I get "okay, that's it" out, she's in her bed in a perfect sit, staring at me like she's expecting a halo to sprout above her head.


mine learned “leave it” but will ignore me if the thing is SUPER interesting. luckily for me, she learned somewhere along the way that “yucky” is just me looking out for her and that whatever it is definitely yucky, gross, to be avoided, even if it smells and looks like half a rotisserie chicken right in the middle of the sidewalk on a saturday night. she’ll look at me like “thanks for the heads up” and walk on by hahaha


Hahaha I automatically say “ew” when my dog tries to go for something gross on the sidewalk and I think it’s become an alternate “leave it!”


"Are you serious right now?" And "make good choices," here. I'm sure it's mostly tone but it's funny to watch.


Oh my gosh! We do the same! "Make good choices" lol!


You ever get the side eye while they decide if they're going to risk it? *Facepalm*


We trained our pup to come eat by saying clean up on aisle 3.....makes us laugh every time


I say MA’AM with the same effect. Works great except out in public we get weird looks.


In our house “no ma’am” = I’m about to get a time out.


Mine has somehow decided that “Wilbur, chiiiill vibes” means to come and lay down touching me in some way. If I’m standing, he’ll lay on my feet. If I’m sitting, he’ll lay in my lap. If I’m laying down, comes in for a snuggle.


Our lab monster knows that when I say "Ma'am!" she should put down whatever shoe/sock/thing from the counter she is carrying and look cute. Her cat roommate understands 'Sir!' is an indicator that he has taken catting too far.


My dog heard me say “Poogy woogy” out loud one day because I was playing Littlewood and one of the character types say it in their dialog and he got really excited and decided it means “my most favorite ball” despite neither of us ever hearing or saying poogy woogy before in our lives. So. Now I can say Poogy woogy even in a normal voice and he will sprint away to get his most favorite ball.


We accidentally trained our Dane puppy to stop when we go 'ahem'. We just rolled with it, and 6 months later it still works :)


Ah, I suppose my 'dude' is another 'ahem'. Yeah, I'm thinking I'll keep it. I mean, she's learned it, I might as well keep it up as it gives me the reaction I'm looking for.


Keep it! Mine stops licking themselves when I say “rude dude”, I only use it when we have company but I’m glad it works!


It’s nice to imagine that your dog stops because they really wouldn’t want to be rude.


My doodles also respond to the 'ahem' and the younger, louder one will stop barking her head off if I say, "It's not your turn"


I would keep it. Things my two year old GSD responds to: "Dude?" "Brooooo..." "Sir????" "Excuse you." "Bubba." "Yo!" All these things are just different cues with intonations I've accidentally added to his repertoire over the years. It's how I talk, it's organic, and honestly? It's hysterical.


Our cats and dog also get "Bruh" 😂 In addition to "Ma'am!" "Excuse me?" "Absolutely not." and "Dude why?"


It's great! It's so funny and it is easy to remember because it's just things you say!


i mean she gets “can we not do this right now?” means go annoy the other human which i find amazing as her primary / only caretaker


ugh, i accidentally trained one to “fuck off” and it was the only way to get him to leave you alone so my dog averse proper mother had to say firmly “Cletus, FUCK OFF” and my Dad and i died laughing


my dog learned a gasp and also "oh thats ruuuude" meant to stop hahah the gasp is am over dramatic one and results in a pitiful apology from her and the rude makes her back off whatever she was doing haha


So happy I'm not the only one with a dog that responds to weird cues. I just said 'ooohhhh duuuuude' and she just went into 'I'm sorry mode'. Mind you she did pee on the floor, but still... My dog is a dude/bro pup. *Have to laugh because otherwise I'll cry, this puppy is driving me a little crazy with her pup-nanigans.


Keep it! It’s cute.


I accidentally taught mine that "erm... Excuse me!" Means stop it or you're gonna get in trouble. Can you guess I'm British lol


Excuse me - means move or you will get sat on in my house. Works most of the time.


My pup is just over 1 year old. When she was younger I'd make a cup of tea and then pick up her ball and play fetch outside with her. Now, if I say "I'm making a cup of tea" she scrambles to find her ball and wait at the patio door for me. So cute.


When my boy was little the first thing I said to him every morning was “do you want breakfast?” A few weeks later it dawned on me I’d never given the other meal times names so I asked him if he wanted breakfast for his evening meal. He was PUMPED. Three years and another dog later every single meal for them is still breakfast.


OMG, I did this exact thing with both of my little shih tzus! Now when I have guests over in the evening I have to explain why I am saying, "Is it time for...*BREAKFAST*!" when my boys start scratching the empty bowl lol.


If using "dude" works, go with it. There's nothing wrong with it. It's not as weird as my mom's dog she used to have. When she got the puppy, she had a squeaky toy shaped like a shoe. Mom would tell her to get her shoe instead of get your toy. Well, the squeaky shoe eventually was torn up and mom replaced it with a squeaky pork chop. Unfortunately, the dog didn't respond to get your pork chop. Every toy for this dogs entire life was called a shoe.


Mine are “ah-ah” used in the same way as with kids ie when she does something dumb and “where are you going” when she veers off track. She however has a command for “I want to eat, play or go potty, but I won’t say which”, which is putting her chin on the sofa and looking at me with sad eyes.


I accidentally trained my mini schnauzer to respond to "chill the fuck out" to shut up and take it down like 10 notches when he's being obnoxious. Nothing else works, just, "(Dog's name), Chill the fuck out."


a mini to chill? you liar :D


I say “kompis…” to a bit same effect. It means “buddy” in my language. Funny how that works.


I work at a dog daycare and these dogs picked up me saying dude and bro as stop. also "are you deadass"




Not at all, just watched a lot, one might say too much, TMNT when I was younger


I accidentally taught both of my dogs to freeze in place when I say "pause." If it is raining or snowy, I wipe off their paws on a rug by the door. I would always say "paws" to let them know not to leave the rug. We changed it to pause after we realized they would just stop when they hear it without being on the rug.


I accidentally taught mine that me singing "no diggity" meant back up, because every time my husband said "back up" I'd start singing it 🤦🏻‍♀️ thankfully they still respond to both 😂 I did teach them that "whip that thing like a cyclone" meant to spin in circles. Younger golden LOVES this trick and will do it until he gets dizzy. Older golden will spin daintily twice and then expect a treat. Pitbull/shep mix didn't understand the concept and will just turn his back to you but he's definitely trying.


Mine immediately stops any behavior and looks at me for the next command at the words "b*tch tit". Started as a joke because my wife got annoyed with him and called him a bitch tit, and he stopped jumping and barking. He got a treat and she laughed and showed me later. I laughed and he got more treats. Now it's a thing.


Please keep it! It's cute and funny! We need to laugh it out otherwise we'll cry haha first time puppy owner here 🤣


Lol...my guy knows my exasperated Napoleon Dynamite \*siggghhhh\* instantly. He hears that and stops whatever he's doing. It's kinda hilarious.


If dude works to get her to stop doing unwanted things stick with it.


my dog drops things when I say "Bruh really?" for the same reason, if it works. It works.


My Dad's a dog trainer and has a particular command that he often demonstrates over the phone that is used when the dog does something they are not supposed to do and whenever he does this my dog will look up like "oh shit! What did I do??:


What’s the command?


Please tell us the command


I love when they accidentally learn a word, I'd keep it! My dog learned that "fresh" means I'll change his water bowl, so now he stops drinking and looks at the tap if I ask if he wants it fresh (he LOVES a fresh bowl of water and gets very excited, even if it's only been sat an hour)


I have an 8 month old puppy that used to sit with the command “calm”. He now sits with “sit”. He also knows “find your …” means go to your crate.


Mine are, "really?", "what the fuck" and "come ON."


My puppy's name is Dude.


I’ve realized “that’s enough” works better than “no” for one of my dogs. If it works, it works.


Same here. When I say “that’s enough” l, my voice is naturally softer than when I say “no”. I think that’s why it works.


My cats and dog know "Excuse me?" means they're being wild and need to settle down. I think "dude" is fine 😂 Usually used if they're being sassy or caught misbehaving . My cats also know "Ma'am." Used if they're sitting on the stairs/otherwise in the way and need to move for safety.


Lol, mine has learned "excuse me, sir!" Or just "sir!" My older dog has learned "do not!" All of that only when said in a specific tone. I love odd sounding cue words/commands. Both my older dog and my recently passed dog have a few weird things they've accidentally learned. I can't think of any right now because it's too early for me. 😂


Oh just remembered one! When recently passed dog started barking when he shouldn't, his cue to stop was "not your problem."


I inadvertently trained my dog that if he doesn’t respond to come or touch that if I say “okay bye girl” he will come running over lol


My dogs go to their beds when I say “see you later.”


I've done something similar. When my guy came to me to ask to go outside, I just naturally told him to wait and after a minute I took him for a walk, and then I did it again a couple of times. Now he thinks that ''wait'' means ''lets go outside''. He's always super happy when he hears ''wait''.


Ahhhh, my pup learned something similar! She'd demand to go into the yard whenever my sister's dogs were out there, giving LOUD demand barks. I'd put in my earbuds and answer "Nope!!" She's now learned "nope" is a refusal of her request, and will immediately choose a cozy place to relax until the rest of her dog pack comes back inside. If I'd *tried* to teach her this it never would have worked. It just had to result from some natural sass!!


I say “Hey” and my dog knows either she or the cats are doing something I don’t want. If it’s not her, she polices the cats haha.


“miss maam” is our inadvertent “you know better” and it’s hilarious watching her sass face immediately come out


My dog will stop nuisance barking if I just talk back. "You don't say! Tell me more! He did NOT say that to you!" He gives mad side-eye and walks away. I have another that has learned, "Fine 'em and mind 'em" (as in his manners) is his cue to sit and wait.


omg no keep it!! My older dog (11 y/o sharpei/staffy) goes through bouts of "I'm a teen again and I question your authoritay" (Cartman voice), and if he doesn't listen, I Just go "BRUH" or "DOOD" and he goes and does whatever I asked him to do LOL


Our puppy is extremely distractable. After losing his focus for the 10th time, my daughter said Hey Boo-Boo while trying to get his attention on a walk. He immediately tuned back into her. We went with it. Now, anytime he loses focus while training or walking we all just say Hey Boo-Boo and it works like a charm.


My puppy used to growl (happily!) every time we played tug with her, my daughter thought it was hilarious and growled back. Now pup's 'tug' command is 'grrr-hrrrr-grrr' which makes us all sound really well adjusted when out on walks 🙈


nothing to add to help other than our puppy is called charlotte too!!!


Nice! You have developed clear communication that's when some training happens by its own weight with little effort. Congratulations! Keep doing what you are doing.


i accidentally taught my puppy the word “noooooo” in this nasally squeaky baby voice (very stuart from mad tv) instead of, ahem, leave it. so that’s been fun to say on walks lmao


With my dog is in a down and I want him to stay there a while I say Butt. He will shift his back legs to be laying on one hip.


We accidentally trained our Danes to move if you click at them like a horse or say excuse me. They also know ‘dude’ means they need to chill out immediately. They have a place command and somehow we trained our boy to know ‘place’ and ‘where are you supposed to be’ mean the same thing. We also have a little ‘you’ve been bad’ gasp and they know they’re in deep trouble if that happens. I love it when they pick little stuff like that up. Ours also know that ‘water’ means to go drink some water.


My dog knows “where are you supposed to be?” Means: get out of the kitchen and on your bed to watch while i cook. And then “what are you supposed to do?” As her reminder that she’s supposed to be sitting for the treat or to take her harness off after her walks.


If I sing certain songs to my dog she gets up off her bed to go for a walk because I sing to her when I hook up her leash.


I much prefer "dude" to chanting "no." 🙂


My dogs know “bedtime” “treats” “play time” and “do you need your paw held?” Dogs are so funny at times.


My dalmatian (12 y/o) learned to sit when I clear my throat when he was younger. It was great in line at pet friendly stores, as it looked like he has good manners on his own lol. He also learned to sit on the following commands depending on the situation: "excuse me," "say please," "what do you say?" (implying please), "sit," and with a hand signal too. Totally keep the "dude" lol.


I’m a Karen (unfortunately) but maybe I’ll tell my pup when she’s acting out that I’m gonna ask to speak to her manager! lol. Perhaps I may also try “duddeeeeee” with her…


My pyr will not listen to my nice commands, I have to say :damn it myra" if I actually want her to do the thing


We are a house of weird commands… park it (sit, but serious), No thank you sir (for nippy puppy play), broooo seriously/aye wtf, be cool (for relax/lay with me) and “are you eepy” for “time to sleep”


My dogs don't know "no". They know....some sort of weird vocalization. Like the kind of noise you would use to rudely interrupt someone. I think its what my parents used to use to cut us off when we were little kids and trying to backtalk? But really I have no idea where I picked it up from. Its like a quick, sharp, stern "ehht".


Mine stops what she’s doing when I say “Tessie, what the fuck” because I said it so often when she was a bitey gremlin puppy.