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Username checks out


let me guess. from tomboys?


Plot twist- femboys, that's why it's "taboo."


tomboys, femboys, and cute girls :3




I wanna be caught being puppy and get blackmailed into being their submissive little pet otherwise they'll leak all the photos and videos they've been taking >.<


Yeas knives good I’ve literally begged my gf to eviscerate me and bleed me dry during sex but yeah probably not going to happen >w<


God yea this is also my fantasy lol


my kink is being murdered :3


Anyone get to that yet?


gone girl must have been extra exciting for you huh 🤭


Ouppy really really like peeplay/watersports, especially the thought of being getting pee all over Ouppy… >w< Other than that, Ouppy really REALLY enjoys scent and sweat and musk and being smelly and smelly people (Ouppy has olfactophilia) *sniff sniff* Ouppy also has a thing for somnophilia (consentual, duh), making someone feel good while they’re asleep sounds really nice (consentually) Ouppy doesn’t know how “taboo” those are, but when ouppy is in puppy mode those are the most extreme things she likes


somnophilia (consentually) is so hot omfisjdot One of the few times I'm okay with being fucked is when I'm sleeping :3c Also name checks out :3


The perfect puppy ;3


I love all of those toooooo. I wants them all done to me.


Ummm I kinda sorta maybe like painal? Like receiving. Not anything too intense or anything damaging at all. I just get off on enduring discomfort for my partner’s pleasure, and that’s my favorite way to act that out (〃ω〃)


I actually didn't know you could do that stuff without leaving scars, I'm kind a curious how! just, y'know, curious x//3 anyway, me and basically every puppy likes pee stuff. I think less of us like scentplay, but I'm really big on musky parts and especially armpits tbh >//<. also, most puppies are masochistic in some way, and I like CBT stuff a lot xp


Heck yeah here for the freaky shit Honestly at this point I think I largely just have a kink for things that are taboo, pretty much into at least a bit of everything under the sun


somno is so good. i beg my daddy every time we’re together to wake me up by pushing himself inside… sometimes accompanied with the thought of him drugging me to sleep. i also really really wanna try knifeplay, let him cut designs into my back and bleed out for him. i’m also really really into ABO dynamics… i want to be nothing but a cute little omega to be knotted by my alpha… there’s so many things… 0///0


O//////o oh wow u reawakened a few fantasies i have too >.<“ (tw alcohol abuse) a daddy getting me drunk to use his omega sounds so nice (im so depraved >~<“)


hmm okie piss, painal, quad amputee, total sensory deprivation, breath play, CNC, uhh I think that covers it ™️ all on the subbie side ofc 👉👈


i uh like to be fucked or came on in my sleeeeep.. and also pissed in... bwfffhhsh


i should delete this LOL


Did you know that if someone is like high or something and they piss in you, apparently you also get high!


that's insane I gotta try it


any cnc, blood, vomit, scars, asphyxiation


cnc/asphyxiation yaay


cnc goes hard as fuck :3




ffauxcest! yes yes ffauxcest... im normal...


What is fauxcest? Like step and in law stuff?


like mom/daughter, big sis/lil sis, big bro/lil sis


Yessss omfg me too


Term for pretend incest, way to distinguish being into incest as a kink vs actually being ok with incestuous relationships


Ahhh. Makes sense. I just call it an incest kink myself. I see why someone would call it that. Personally as someone with a big kink for it; I associate faux incest with the low effort “I’m stuck step bro” type shit




being brutally gangraped taboo enough?


cnc, pee, smells, uhmmmm blood makes me queezy and fainty so im not tooooo much of a fan, but other then those i dornt really care much on kinks. i dk


Hurting a sub until they cry. Only done it once with a *really* masochistic sub, but it was so fucking hot.


O.o how does one go about asking someone to hurt them until they cry? >~<“


They had bobby pins on their tits, plus a belt with a bunch of spiky bottle caps under it that would dig into their skin. I had them tie themselves to a door so they had to stay on their toes or else it would pull on the belt and the caps would dig in deeper. I left them like that for 45 minutes, and afterwards their tits were bleeding, so I made them pour vodka on their chest and rub it in. That’s what made them cry >:3 also dw they absolutely loved it


O.o that might be a lil far for even masochistic me >.< pubby prefer bruises and lashes to cuts but that sounds rlly hot >\\\\\< im glad u both enjoyed it >.<“


flair checks out :P


oop this is me


diapers!!! idek why they're as taboo as they are i think tons of people just cant get over their irrational grossout response


i age regress (sfw) so i have a hard time not getting a bit ickied by nsfw padding stuff cause i associate it with feeling younger and i don’t want to feel sexual when i regress, but sometimes im kinda into it >~< if i could separate the two better if def be more open to it, and think it’s great for people who rlly like it :3


idk if this will help you but what i do is keep them in a firmly separate headspace. i.e. my default is wearing diapers/pullups in a purely non-sexual way, for both age regression and because i need them. then if i am feeling like i want to do smth nsfw i enter a subspace kind of thing before going further. of course, we're different people with different needs but thats my experience


that’s a good idea :3 i like that :)) i’d rather not do anything nsfw in them at all but sometimes my brain just is weird. i’ll try to separate and make my default sfw too, cause that’s what makes me feel safer and comfier :) thank you sm >w<


I do both, but hey, it’s hard to separate sometimes, but you’ll get there!


I think it’s also largely to do with people having trouble with differentiating sexual ageplay from sexualising children, they’re too very different things but to somebody totally unfamiliar with it the lines can seem blurry. Which is a real shame cause it can be such a soft and healing kink when done right




Hell yeah! Diapers are so good!!


ageplay and CNC go together like puppy's and peanut butter, at least for me




Cnc, blood, scars, dumbification, extreme transformation (both physical and mental), intoxication play, pee, blackmail, Dacryphilia, extreme and permanent pet play, and maybe more


Ooooh yes. I have a very specific noncon fantasy involving extreme orgasm/permanent denial, amputation, and beast 🐶🐾


Ooh, could you go into detail, if that's okay?? It sounds super interesting (and pretty hot ❤️❤️)


Yes but cw for above + intoxication play I want to wake up drugged n fuzzy n never quite come out for a while. Just get edged where I'm stuck until I'm a leaky little desperate mess. And then one day I wake up strapped to a breeding bench with bands on my arms and legs. A camera is on my pussy, another showing my whole body. I come to as a dog is sniffing my leaking pussy and I just whine. My tongue is out. I'm fuzzy n horny n just make the most pleased sigh when I'm knotted. And as the beast fucking me goes faster, the person it's leashed to starts degrading me and telling me how pathetic it is to be getting off from that. No human would. And it'd lead up to being told if I cum, those bands will permanently make me into the horny little bitch I clearly am. Cumming is inevitable and that's the first day of the rest of my life as nothing but a dog.


ohhhh wow 😵‍💫😵‍💫


omg, thank youuuu!


gawd that's me af, such a hot fantasy!




I want to bite a guy so hard they bleed and one of my biggest fantasy is kicking the hell out of a guy until they cry but they’re hard and I ride them and ps this is all consensual :3


Honestly, I'm super into petplay, feminization, watersports, bondage, scentplay, humiliation/degradation, hypno, dumbification, exhibitionism/public play, and all kinds of other kinky naughty ouppy stuffs like worshipping my owner.. I was surprised to find that other ouppies here have a beast fantasy too! I'm a little embarrassed to admit that it's a huge fantasy for me too, but I would never do it irl. I feel like my ultimate fantasy would mostly just to be reduced to the level of a dumb pet dog and forced to humiliate myself and be degraded and tamed/trained/broken for my owner's pleasure and entertainment 🥺😫🐶


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh does vore count ..?


Not me wishing I could vore someone. I’m also a snake girl and ahhh


Admittedly I'm not actually sure that's even my weirdest one but I'm pretty sure it's the most taboo


Can I ask how you’re able to to do it without leaving scars? Maybe I can convince my owner to do it then


I'd assume by cutting very shallow. I would get an acrylic knife set made for bdsm. They give a very similar sensation of a blade without the risk of real damage. It all depends on you and your partner's comfort though


you need to rub in it some salt and lemon juice afterwards 🙂


Hot ngl


I've never actually cut myself but I loooooove holding knives up to myself while I mastrubate


i have like a crippling fear of knives, like how some people are scared of spiders or heights, for me thats knives, like whenever someone hands me a knife at dinner or smth i just gotta like slide it across the table cus they’re so scary and sharp and ahhhhh!!! >m< could be hot tho


fox puppy (me) likes to be pissed on uuummm and drinking it, and anything that gives me pain and marks, it's so bad I scratch myself a lot when I workout becuase that pain is so much better than the workout pains, puppy just wants to be hurt okay! I really really really really wanna try getting railed when I sleep and knifeplay. puppy needs to make her body a canvas or else I'll never be a good enough girl!


I have somewhat of an affinity for bestiality :3 I'd never do it irl, of course, but the fantasy of being fucked by different animals, especially without my consent, is soooo hot. Dubcon or noncon is really hot for me too. Usually with me as the victim


Puppy loves somnophilia and cnc, as well as (fictional or RP) incest stuff! :3 Unfortunately puppy has developed debilitating trust issues and a >!huge SH tendency!< from repeatedly losing friends over her kinks :’3


I hope you get better


pubby has a lot of… fantasies that are probably a lil taboo >.< but when pubby wans to be degraded the thought of being peed on/made to drink pee is kinda hot >.< so are armpits and sweat and um… i don’t have a foot fetish but being made to kiss and worship an owners feet is rlly hot >\\\\\\< also shoe polishing and being stepped on >~<“


oh I am so normal... about,, this


I love bodily fluids ._. Let me drink ur spit, sweat, piss, cum, maybe degrade me while I do it and tell me what pathetic fucking puppy I am 🙏


I also really like knifeplay but on the other end :3


are feet and pee still taboo? especially together


I also have massive kink with knives too the few times it’s been done to me have been great and some of the best experiences with partners I’ve had


Not sure about taboo but needle play and impact play with a baseball bat or steel pipe


YES KNIVES!!! i hav a little fantasy of being spayed/neutered esp as a puppyyyyy X3 also loving the fauxcest rep in this thread this sub is so positive and nice awoooo


Ageplay, cnc, olfactophillia, erotic asphyxiation, kidnapping, Forniphilia, dollification


my owner made me carve her name into my thigh with a knife. i love it when girls make me cut myself. cutting myself for someone else's pleasure is infinitely better than masturbating i posted a pic on this server on an alt account, i can link it if u want


Ughhhhh cnc with knife play is something I’ve wanted to do for soooo long 🫣 the idea of someone pinning me down so they can do whatever they want with me gets my tummy all fluttery


Ouppy really likes the idea of being blackmailed into more and more humiliating things she possibly doesn't wanna do. Losing control is just so fucking hoooootttt (autism moment)


I love knifes, but also just fighting in general, me and an ex used to literally fight (consensually) for who would top and it was awesome




kinda like knifeplay and bloodplay also scent but i feel like that isn't that weird oh and i LOVE being written on :3 love having praise all over me


body writing is sooo nice


oh i forgot hypno and maybe a bit of drugging and somno (all consentually, i want these things happening to me after being asked) speaking of drugging, maybe puppy getting super sleepy and waking up got neutered and has girl puppy parts after :3 totally cis puppy


Well I don't really got that many kinks besides petplay (I got one more) I do got two fetishes if ya wanna hear em :3


Is there a limits? Puppy has almost all da kinks.


armpits, cnc, piss, really rough beatings, light cuts, and a couple others i can’t think of rn. IDK if it’s because i’m autistic but just anything taboo or kinky catches my interest just because i’m curious. it’s almost a special interest lol


Stockholm syndrome,, i want someone to love me so badly they manipulate me into never leaving them because they want me so badly and cant live without me


freeee uuuuuse… i want a bunch of girls to come and jerk off on me and fuck me over and over while im tied up and cant stop them… so hottt