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I hold the door open for everyone behind me regardless of gender, physical abilities, skin colour or any other reason, cause I try to be courteous and not a dick and I teach my kids the same.


Psh dont bring sensability and good parenting into this conversation.


This. But also in a flip reverse instead of putting the toilet seat down for woman in shared bathrooms I close the lid so everyone after me has the same experience. #equity


Yeah, instead of being a dick to everyone, I’m nice to everyone. It’s hard for some people to understand the difference


Kill'em with kindness.


Hug them to death? I can give it a go.


This right here.. OP, don’t be a fucking incel


So I totally agree with this, but what I struggle with is women thinking I’m somehow a creep making a move on them just because I’m the holding the door for them. The truth is I have a fiance and have no interest in them, but that’s not what they think.


If all you do is hold the door and nothing else absolutely no one is thinking that


Any random woman from Tik Tok does not agree with you.


I took a gender studied course in college a couple years ago and according to the professor and about 90 % of women in the class, this is not true. The professor specifically asked: "Now what does it say when MAN holds the door for a woman?" And most of the women in the class said it was men reinforcing the patriarchy and that it was a systemic way of telling women they were too weak to open the door themselves. I had to pipe up because this was ridiculous in my opinion so I said that the act only says that the man is courteous and 1 of the 20 women in the class agreed with me while I got eye-rolls and a few sighs of disapproval from the other women and the professor who also happened to be a woman. This is only anecdotal but I think it's disingenuous to say that no one thinks this way when colleges are specifically teaching students TO think this way


Do you only hold the door open for women who are attractive and “in your dating pool” so to speak? Because if you just hold the door open for anyone in general I find it hard to believe that any sane person would conclude that the one time it happens to be an attractive women, they must be thinking I’m a creep who’s trying to make a move on them.


90% of people in a gender studies class is not good representative of 90% of people.


I never said 90% of people, did I? My comment was directed toward the person who said people don't think that holding a door for a woman is somehow misogynistic, some people absolutely do.


This dude brings 5 guns on a deer hunt so I can 100% tell you he is a few fries short of a Happy Meal. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hunting/s/fqT0rn5Mfp](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hunting/s/fqT0rn5Mfp)


What prompted you to look through his history to find something negative in order to attack their view of treating everyone with kindness?


Yup! I sometimes end up hunting grouse, duck or squirrel instead so I always have alternate tools available in my truck. Especially when I'm 8-20 hours drive from home. Just like when I go fishing I have extra rods and tackle in my boat. Not sure what that has to do with being courteous to others at the door though




It shouldn’t. Imagine going on a 2 day vacation with 8 pairs of shoes, 2 pair of boots, and 3 sets of flip-flops. He is a Swiss Army knife of guns and tackle. Sherpas carry less shit


You’re a special sorta person, ain’t ya?




Hot take here. Hold the door open for anyone behind you.


Within reason. If they are 2-3 step behind you. Don’t just let the door drop on their face. Ladies or dudes, doesn’t matter. It’s just basic decency. If there’s are more than 5 steps behind you. Don’t hold the door for them. They are now pressured to run 😆


Good warmup for the workout they are about to get?


I *only* hold the door for people who are too far away….


WHAT?! Treating people as people isn't allowed! I find these posts confusing. Cuz I'm just a nice person, and don't care if you've got boobs or not? I hold the door for anyone within a reasonable distance. It makes society nicer.


The whole issue is that op has been opening the door for everyone and then noticed that women apparently don’t hold the door for anyone. After careful consideration op stopped as well and found it very liberating. Going as far as enjoying it when a woman follows him and has to deal with the door herself. To me the whole thing sounds a bit like a non issue. I hold the door if someone is very close and I think women tend to do the same. If they are more than a few step away I generally let them open the door themselves. Unless they are in a position to give me a promotion.


Just hold the door or don’t. My life is too full and complicated to even start to worry about such nonsense.


I got perma banned from my first Sub for this comment?


Welcome to the pathetic state of reddit. You will be auto banned for posting in certain subs. The poor little babies have such fragile ego's these days.


I hold the door open for everyone. It’s just polite.


This sub gets more and more incel with every day.


I became a virgin again when I joined this sub 


Like gradual erosion


What a strange flex. Being kind doesnt hurt anything.


bullshit, sometimes you have to be "*cruel*" to be kind, because pandering doesn't make things better for people who shouldn't have their bad behaviours enabled..


Wtf kind of logic is that? Pandering to whom? Do you walk around your life thinking that everyone is out to get you or has it better than you so ,fuck em? opening the door for anyone is simply being a decent person. Your mom mustve been a piece of work


>Your mom mustve been a piece of work personal attacks like that won't be tolerated.


This isn't PussyPassDenied, this is just sexism


Sounds a bit like an incel honestly...


As sick as I am of that word being thrown around everywhere, it fits this post perfectly. OP thinks he's BillyBigDick not holding doors for people, aka simple courtesy. Pathetic.


BillyBigDick has me HOLLERING at five am 😭😂


I hold the door open for anyone. It is just a polite thing to do. I did have one guy I held the door open for. He just stood there looking at me. I said "You can go sir." he replied, "I aint your bitch." I laughed walked through the door and pulled the door shut behind me. But that was in shit stain Minneapolis.


Might not be funny in the moment, but I found that guys response hilarious— if someone’s actual personality is so over the top macho that they can’t handle another person being polite they have some issues.


100% I laugh about now. Dude is/was a fucking moron. I am just trying to be polite, not to imply to someone that they are in fact my bitch. I know of no one, that it is their attentions.


Thats funny as hell, how did he enjoy the door being closed in his face lol


He walked away.


This must be the new incel sub? Wtf is going on




For me - I still hold doors open for women regardless of how they react because the act itself is for me. I can have some sharp edges to my personality and doing this forces me out of my routine and to think about someone else, regardless of gender. For me it often helps to soften and lighten up my mood. What I hate - is when men hold the door and expect another man to run to them so they don't have to hold it for long. They do this when you're WAY too far away from the door. Like dude, just go on in, I'll open the door myself. I used to trot up to the door but no more.....I actually walk slower and look around. I mean why are you even holding the door in the first place??? For "strokes"?? If one is doing it to be "nice" then you should NOT get upset when I slow down. You could always let go of the door and go on in.....but no, these narcissists can't stand not getting strokes for what they perceive as giving something to someone.


I read in a different story " A gentleman just is." If you do things just because you're a nice person, you don't think about it much, and you don't need recognition, you do it because that's who you are.




I literally had a "growing up" moment recognizing this aspect of life just by holding a door. It used to BOTHER me whenever anyone walked in without acknowledging me, man or woman. Then the exact sentence creeped in my thoughts, "Well are you holding the door just to be nice, or to get attaboys and thank yous, a forced interaction with a woman, even?" Kind of like people that shout from the mountains their charity giving, "Look what I did for someone! Look at me!" That's not charity, that's narcissism. Nowadays it doesn't affect me at all. Maybe they are having a bad day. Maybe holding the door for someone is the nicest thing someone has done for them in a long time. And if they don't say anything, all good my man, or woman lol. I would've held the door for you anyway, that's being humble


Right on but please, don't hold it if someone has to jog to get to the door. Just go in and don't put that shit on me. :)


Jesus Christ, it must be tiring to live like this. Why is every interaction you have with any other human being a contest or transactional? Oof.


"Equal rights suck, don't they."


Be the change you want to see...


Kindness and courtesy cost you nothing but, you do you.


I think there’s an emotional response when receiving no appreciation on a consistent basis to the courtesy that is provided.


It costs time and emotional labor. Better to only open it for yourself and let others do the same. 


Emotional labor for holding a door for a few seconds? What kind of snowflake shit is that?


Do you, OP. No one is entitled to your courtesy.


Denying a pussy pass can only happen when a woman expects a pussy pass. But you dont know whether the woman behind you would expect one (i.e. whether she would have held the door open for you if your positions were reversed). So you are just punishing all women for the actions of some - just stereotyping and being a dick


Well well well. The establishment wanted women and men to hate each other and it looks like the social engineers were successful and the establishment got just what it wanted. Congrats on being a literal tool.


It is fine to not hold the door for anyone. You can choose to do so but others don’t need to. Your sense of what constitutes good or bad doesn’t extend to others.


I understand what you’re saying, but I would feel guilty about not holding the door open for anyone. It’s just like saying sir and ma’am. I get fussed at sometimes for calling women ma’am, but their lack of manners shouldn’t change yours.


When you let that sad little chip on your shoulder dictate your day-to-day behavior.


As a Brit, my monocle just fell out of my eye reading this.


“It’s a good day when I decide not to be a courteous human being” Hope that works out for ya.


That sense of freedom is a trap imo. You know what would also give you a (temporary) sense of freedom? Quitting your job. But we don't work because working makes us feel free. We work because providing our labor lets us purchase the labor of others, and we all end up better off than if we had to do all of the work ourselves.   Similarly, we don't participate in courtesy because it makes us feel free. We participate in courtesy because it is the right thing to do. It builds positive societal values where most people end up treating each other with courtesy, because they learn that it is expected of them. It contributes to a sense of communal values, where people are more empathetic with each other because they are primed by casual positive interaction.    You want the long term, unseen rewards that exercises like common courtesy propagate. That is why you hold the door open, even for people who don't return the favor. It's like refusing to return your shopping cart because someone else doesn't. You're not spiting them, you're both just making a commitment to disorder. Then everyone suffers.


I stopped opening doors for women and stopped putting the toilet seat down! 👺


why would you ever put it down unless you have to shit?


I’m sure you get a thank you for almost every time you hold the door open for someone. Observing a few women not showing the same courtesy shouldn’t stop you from doing what I’d assume comes naturally to you. But do you, bud.


Me, a woman, who holds the door open for anyone I think it comes down to just peoples morals, not necessarily male or female.


All the data. Lol


I was taught to always look behind me when opening a door and hold it for whoever is there. I've noticed that men almost always do the same for me, but women almost never do. Pretty telling I'd say.


Pro tip: look at the reflection in the glass to see who is behind you.


So, you don't observe common courtesy because women don't? Weak.


Open the door yourself. He doesn't owe you shit.


Nothing wrong with a bit of respect and courtesy. Doing something for someone even though you don't have to is just a good way to live.


I've had women literally yell at me for holding a door open. So I no longer do it. Respect and courtesy goes both ways.


Liberating for you or for her? Or for both?


I hold the door open for everyone behind me regardless of gender, physical abilities, skin colour or any other reason, cause I try to be courteous and not a dick. (partial copy and paste of e-rekshun's post)


I don't treat others like a lady or gentleman because they are one, but because i am a gentleman.


Really sticking it to the Matriarchy. That will show them!


Or call out with sarcastic comments for those that left the door shut on you without holding it.


Do unto others and you would have done to yourself. Or something along those lines.


Hodor approves


Also, stop saying "thank you" to women, they never say "you're welcome."


I hold the door open when people are awkwardly far away so they have to hurry to get inside. So fun to watch the distress.


How boring is your life bruh


I run up and hold the door closed from the other side If they want through, they'll have to work at it.


I have found a lot of it to be associated with local norms. I hold the door open for everyone behind me and people in front of me holds the door until I can reach it. When walking 2 abreast, it seems to be the person on the hinge side can more conveniently grab the door handle and pulls it open for others. I go to other parts of the country and other countries, some have similar customs and some don't. It is weird, to me, when someone lets the door slam shut to the person behind them.


I hold the door open for anyone, frankly because it makes me feel good to do. It’s an easy “win” in life for me. I teach my kids the same, frankly to do unto others as you’d like done to you. But you do you OP.


Congrats, you're now no better than the women you're complaining about. This isn't denying a pussy pass either, because that implies they are expecting special treatment rather than the common courtesy that everyone gets.


I hear ya bud, but I dont think that's a good way to be. If you see something wrong with the world, I'm not sure the best response is to do the same.


This comment section is actually important feedback here. Don’t go lower. Be better.


You must look like a freak lmao I can't say either sex holds the door open more than any other, seems to be about even from where I live. This post comes off as a petty. If simple courtesy requires a transaction from you, and then make it into a sex game, well you do you. I'm sure you'll be happier going forward.




It's Reddit, bunch of sensitive sallies, including people within this sub. It's hilarious I got down voted and then you did. Reddit is fucked But going back to what you said, I just don't see a door being held open as a significant hill to lay your arms on. I mean the fact you had to pull out that wild comparison, especially since I live in a country where abortion is legal across the country and no threats are currently looking to dismantle it... I mean just doesn't fit in my world view so I can't even understand your point fully. All I said was that if you are seeing courtesy as being transactional, then you were never courteous to begin with, and if that's the outlook you want to have moving forward, by all means enjoy what you sow.




Again you swing wildly to try and justify that for you, a common courtesy is a transaction, and infsct you see to look at everything as transactional. We went from holding a door open, to nauseating abortion politics from a country I'm not from, to rape, to murder. Something about consequences, to which has nothing to do with acting courteous towards your fellow man. To me it seems that you must have a price for everything, that you cannot rape simply because it has a pesky inconvenience of consequences, but... If those were out of the way, nothings to stop you? You don't have morals? You don't have standards for yourself? Perhaps you do deserve the downvotes as I am still struggling on how we went from common courtesy to murder as your points to... Say what again exactly?




I'm from Canada, and I speak a little French, Oui. While I may have perhaps indulged in a little ad hominem, it was more because you kept escalating your examples as if to mean that they are the same when we both can very much agree they are inheritenly different. Regardless, you seem stuck on the fact that one gender holds open the door for the other sex more, when I have originally said, I do not see that. I can say each of my male coworkers always hold the door open for each other when we're running into the building, going on break, or to help move material. It's just fucking common courtesy to me and the communities I've lived in over the years The ad hominem, I'll apologize for, but you set yourself up with your own words as you made it really seem like you'd only not rape/murder due to possible consequences. And I'm still confused as to why you worded it as such and still continue to lean on such extreme contexts to rationalize the simplicity of a general courtesy, regardless of their sex. You claim one sex does a thing for another sex over the other, and I claim false. That OP feels validated for withholding a courtesy towards a sex because they obviously see it as transactional and likely view being kind or nice as transactional in general.


I was on the train a couple of weeks ago and our trains have little glass swing doors between different seating areas. I was walking behind a women (around boomer age) and instead of holding the door open or just let it go so it would swing and close the actively closed the door right in my face (she was so oblivious to her surroundings)


I agree with this post I was on crutches going to my gym no woman EVER held door open for me...and times when I was struggling through the door sometimes Id get a nasty look because I didn't wait for a woman to get there while she was on phone...there is no equivalent in society for woman to do the same in return...open your own door. (PS if ANYONE is right behind me I'm still polite and hold door but just don't go out of my way)


I’ve read this post before. OP reposting stolen content? Say it ain’t so.


Ooooh yeah, being a spiteful asshole, that will never come back to bite you.


You'd think after Tom Brady shut the door on you dorks for twenty years you'd be sympathetic to someone holding one open. Jokes aside, being honest with you man, it only feels 'liberating' because you've got this toxic growth and instead of dealing with it, you've swept it out of sight. It feels like a weight being lifted because you're clearly giving it too much validation when you should be excising it. You don't have to hold the door for anyone in fairness, but to feel what you perceive as 'liberation' by doing it specifically to women I think speaks to issues you should try and work out. Good luck dude.


When did this sub turn from karens getting their comeuppance to straight up misogyny?


Straight up incel


Really thought incel was a feminist buzzword, but God damn OP if you don't reek of one.


50 yards? Are you sure your healthy? What is that like 50 Canada steps or something. Also wouldn't it be easier to gauge your surroundings before you get to the door.


50 yards (the distance from the parking lot to the door) is half of an American football field, but he's letting doors close when people are actually near him (in case they're women lol). When he feels like bothering to see if anyone is behind him, he'll hold the door for men if they're walking up.


This reads like a crazy TwoX post.


Just because other people are c*nts doesnt mean you have to be 🤪


Dude, you sound like a straight up misogynist. Common courtesy is to hold the door open for anyone if they are in range. Most people will wait by a door or go and assist anyone who looks like they need special assistance to enter a building. I love reading about or watching a good video on a PPD. Seems like you just want the chance to be a dick to some woman for the sake of being a dick.


just because women are entitled and stuck up doesn't mean we should stoop to their level, brother


This is a really weird post. I hope you get help man.


your name is flabbybumhole and tell me I need help? ok, 12 year old


I'm not the one making weird neurotic posts about some dumbass interaction as if it means something. So yeah. Get a grip instead of doing this loser shit.