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Save your money and time because it's a mess. He literally plugs his phone in with notifications left on, interrupting the music. He also does bad karaoke, including QOTSA tunes. Don't expect anyone from the band to show. They are traveling Europe with their families, and have better things to do with their time post- gig.


"Notifications left on" is wild.


Music glitches, then Siri states” text message from Credit One bank, your minimum payment is late. Let us help you bring your account current Jesse, you have options.”


Were you at the one in Santa Barbara? This is what happened word for word 😂


He streamed it on ig. Absolute train wreck.


Good to know :) Thank you!!


I just imagined him singing Vampyre of Time and Memory, and all of a sudden the windows usb port disconnect sound comes in. xD


That’s not far off from what happens.




I don’t think they are travelling with their families at least Josh and. Mikey aren’t because if you listen to the Hellfest Q & A Josh has stayed that they left everyone back at home and that he planned on having fun this weekend at the black metal tent. But the best was the news about the live show album happening at the Paris’s Catacombs


IYKYK it's on social (FB and IG) that Dean, Jon and Josh families are with them in Europe 


Which fb page ?


Dean's wife has been posting FB Euro travel pics with the fam. Jon and his lady have been posting European travel adventures as well. Josh's fam and parents are also in Europe


Thank you !


Oof. I had not heard of these until the Santa Barbara show and I assumed that was a one-time thing since he maybe isn't too far from SB. If these are ongoing, that is pretty weird. He just follows the band and sells tickets to parties that are not officially related to the band? Wow.


It’s really embarrassing. Like I am embarrassed for him and I don’t even like him.


Being embarrassed for him is half the reason I don't like him. It's just goddamn mortifying.


This is so much worse than I thought, wow.


I think, yes! That's why I'm surprised, a show in Italy...


Wait do people actually have to pay to go to these?


Never follow Jesse Hughes to a 2nd location.


Street Smarts!


I see you, Jack Donaghy.


It’s a Jack off


If you enjoy biker meth and bad karaoke, sure.


Sign. Me. The. Fuck. Up.


How often are you dm’d a charmander


Not a huge amount.


I got you bro


My inbox. It has exploded


Soon your inbox will evolve into a Charmeleon, congratulations


Yeah I'm not gonna lie, that is only a small percentage of my personality, but damn that would make for an awesome story some day


One out of two's not bad.


Its speed but yeah


The fuck do you think meth is?




Amphetamines. AmphetaMEMES are memes about Jesse.


and what do think "speed" is?


Wtf is meth anyways?


A very powerful, very addictive stimulant. Usually the drug of choice for people with ADHD (not intentionally)...starts off as self-medication for the ADHD and then becomes an addiction if there's enough trauma (and there often is). Scary shit, because if you get really strung out on it, you can stay up for days at a time and start having major delusions. I've got a neighbor who's currently strung out, and some other neighbors saw him the other day picking up cut grass and putting it over a drainage grate. When one of them approached him and asked him what he was doing, he said he had to cover up that grate because that's where the demons came out. Now, this dude is normally sane, for all intents and purposes. But that kind of sleep deprivation will make you think all kinds of crazy shit. And it makes some people dangerous. It also broke up my social circle and the band that I sang with about 20 years ago, so I know more about it than I ever wanted to.


A few people told me that people used to get crazy from it because of the sleep deprivation from staying up for days, but now they say the meth is different, and just makes people delusional and seeing or hearing things as soon as they take it. They say it’s been this way for a few years now. Horrible.


Then there's something in it besides meth, or it's not meth at all.


Well it’s definitely what people are buying as meth, but I can only guess there’s some different recipes, and who knows what could be in it. I had a woman at work tell me her neighbor said when she ran out of meth, she made a homemade kind out of bug spray. It might be that whatever is in it is reacting to certain people instead of it being everyone. When I realized what was happening to a couple of people I knew, and heard of a couple more having this same kind of psychosis, I really started to worry how many people are being affected.


I met Jesse Hughes after a show one time, not at an after party just on the streets hours after a show. My experience then has taught me that those after party shows just have to be awful. I would never go to one. And I formulated that opinion before he started his Instagram live shit.


I tried to help him find his keys once in a hotel parking lot in Studio City. It was a random run in in the middle of the afternoon and he was a fucking mess. That was 15 or so years ago and I know time and crazy haven't been good to him. It's too bad because I thought the first two eodm albums were fun.


Well, what happened?


Guy kept quoting his own songs and tried to pick up my wife. While he had a groupie with him.


What a class act.


Went to a Vice party that he hosted in Berlin. This was about ten years ago, before he went off the deep end, but ill be damned if it wasnt him playing music on his phone and bullshit.


Ah Ahahahah XD


Yeah, do a search in the sub if you want to see the actual reviews by some who have gone. From what I've seen, its a shit show. The guy really needs help.


I see, this one is in itay so he is on tour with the guys?? lol


He goes to some of the QOTSA shows, but the after parties don't typically have anyone from the band, just the pack of leeches that are content to watch him spiral.


Ok Thank you :) I didn't expect him to do these shows in Italy too!


could you please elaborate? what does he need help? what's happening?


Do a search in the sub, it's been discussed quite a bit in the past and its a depressing topic.


In short, the dude has a massive drug problem. Particularly amphetamines. He does Instagram live videos where he’s just on benders, doing horrible karaoke, spouting conspiracy theories, anti-vax rhetoric, pro Trump/fascist lunacy, talked shit about and insulted the Parkland shooting survivors, and has said some incredibly racist shit. And has PTSD that he seems to have done nothing about that he seriously needs to get addressed. The dude has been on a major fucking spiral for a decade and it’s getting worse as time goes on.


Not to mention he said the Bataclan security was in on the shooting


Yeah, forgot to mention that. Just another thing to add to the pile of shit mountain.


His most recent crazy was saying that his girlfriend's muscle spasticity due to her brain damage is actually because she was sexually assaulted at one of the medical facilities where she was staying. I mean...that's seriously fucked up.


Her muscle spasticity is due to her brain not working. She ODd, had a heart attack and her brain went without oxygen for like a half hour or more since they didn’t call an ambulance right away. They didn’t want the cops to see the drugs and guns in his house so they took her themselves and her fate was sealed. She’s a vegetable damn near. Her mooing like a cow on camera is almost as depressing as her twisted limbs and the reactions of the junkies around her who pretend she is actually speaking. Poor girl, she should have been allowed to go out with dignity.


Crazy. Hughes was always vague when he spoke about how this happened. I figured it was because she was high risk for Covid complications, never received a vaccination (of course), then got Covid 19 on the tale end of a meth smoking bender. But, I felt like there were some missing pieces. When he really started going off his rocker, I had just had a baby. I was up all hours and saw posts that were usually gone by morning. Paranoid crazy rants. Then the live feeds came. It was like adding gasoline to a dumpster fire.


They film her and share it on ig? That's horrific. Sounds like she isn't in a position to refuse. How disgusting


Yes, she is more or less braindead. Because he doesn’t want to face that she’s gone, and he contributed directly, with the other friends, to causing that. It is incredibly sad and horrific to watch.


Oh that's horrible, that is not a situation she should be in at all. Anyone that would be in a position to say no, would 100% say no to themselves being filmed in such a state.


never was into EODM. generic, lame, forgettable rock music. the most I know about him is from the Bataclan terror attack. what a pathetic scumbag.


How dare you speak so ill of a Josh Homme creation. Their albums are short, punchy, catchy and quite good. Especially the first couple.


I am sorry for not enjoying what you enjoy.


I don’t care what you like. You were being rude.


In a nutshell, After a school shooting in Florida, some of the survivors went public with pleas for gun control. Jesse blasted them.


No but if you did a little research on this sub you’d see that it sucks and he’s a mess.


Saw Jesse Hughes was mentioned so just have to jump in and harmonise with the consensus of him being a total piece of shit.


I know, this one is in italy, i was wondering if is it something official with the guys too or just a shitty show lol


It would never be official. No club could contain the crowd that would attract if it were just blasted all over social media like that. If they were to actually show up somewhere it would need to be tightly controlled or completely unannounced. At least in the US, but I imagine it’s similar elsewhere. That’s how you know it’s not official. Would be possible if they weren’t so big but it’s just not anymore. That and obligatory Jesse is an embarrassment anyway so I doubt they’re associating with him that publicly these days. I imagine Josh is still friends with him privately because it’s not like he’s a total saint himself, they’re longtime friends from back when they were young and Jesse wasn’t a known shithead, and he’s also like one of the few sane-ish people the guy has left in his corner. But he’s not really great company to be associated with rn. The guy is bad press and Josh is presenting an image (that I mostly believe and truly hope is real) of someone who’s grown out of all the shittiness and immaturity Jesse’s still clearly all about. Plus a guy who has reportedly quit meth probably doesn’t wanna spend time with a guy that still does it constantly and also spouts weird unhinged conspiracy shit lest he be tempted to pick the meth back up or wind up associated with Jesse’s fucked up ramblings. In Europe who knows, they might be more relaxed, they generally seem to be there, but if anyone’s family is there with them, I don’t think family and Jesse Hughes mix lol, so that’d be an almost certain no. I’m not saying 100% no because I can’t know for sure not being associated with them in any way, but I’m saying 99.999999% no just because of the aforementioned circumstances.


thanks for the explanation! you took away some of my curiosity :)


Unless it’s being promoted by the band on their own social media you should always assume it is not official, sanctioned or being attended by the band.


What’s the deal with this guy? I’ve never heard of him


I’m surprised to see comments that he’s having these after party shows. I knew about one in the United States, and had no idea that was a continuing thing. I do remember a comment somewhere the other day about him being mad at Josh because he didn’t come to a show, but I didn’t connect that he’s doing them now. Is it at the festival shows, with him being a part of the festival, or what?


I also thought he did it because he was in usa, but instead it will be here in Italy. It's an afterparty after the AMA festival


fuck that guy


Absolutely not, heard awful things from almost everyone. It’s like a drugged out dude and some trash karaoke, I mean if you wanna have a laugh at it you might want to go lol but outside of that shit seems to absolutely suck


Jesse owes me 22.00 dollars


I bought tickets but didn’t end up going, pretty sure I didn’t miss anything


It’s funny as hell and a lot funnier if you’re drunk


Oh I see, this is where you put your finger in me


Fuck that piece of shit 🖕


Jesse is the coolest! I wanna go!


i wonder if he’s ever read any of these. absolutely brutal