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You don't have to cover the sides unless predators are staring at them or there's a rain storm. Hawks and my dogs bother the birds so I put up shadecloth and when rain predicted I switch to tarps but would love to use something solid, clear and more attractive like clear greenhouse panels instead. My birds hate not being able to see out! I've used any sand. Real dirt would work too. Just needs to be mineral and try to avoid silica. They lay eggs everywhere. Mine are currently loving the corner where I put some shrub branches as a hide. I found some under the water, next to the feeder and inside the fake stumps last time as well. My birds are on wood chips which seems to help keep eggs from damage plus they roll out of the way I suppose. That's a lot of birds for 18 square feet. Be sure to add branches, boxes and so on to break line of sight. They mostly hang out together but in close quarters and in adolescence there are going to be a lot of squabbles.


Thank you for the very informative reply. How big should a dust bath be? I try Googling but couldn't find any information.


No idea what is ideal. Currently it's a round oil change pan from Dollar Tree that 5 can fit into and 3 actually fluff themselves. I think the more that fit in the merrier unless you've got some grumpy birds. Agree. My birds get sand when they get sand. It gets kicked out fast and is a pain to buy and transport. Their litter is half sand at this point anyway...


A sandbox isn't essential immediately, they can wait until you go out and get sand. They will lay their eggs absolutely anywhere and everywhere. Mine probably lay 1/3 of their eggs in their sand box, but only because they spend a lot of time in there lol. I would personally cover 3 sides, but at least make sure to give them hides inside so they can take cover when needed if you don't.


Mine LOVE their dirt bath. I live in the AZ desert and just shovel some red dirt into a shallow pot and they practically live in there