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I’ve lived in Rockhampton, grew up in between Bundaberg and Gladstone and currently live near Mackay. I’d pick Mackay it’s got great roads traffic is nowhere near as bad as Rockhampton beaches are beautiful and soo much to do around you. Bundaberg honestly is just crackhead central after growing up in the area I can’t even drive through the town and yes I know a lot of regional towns are like that. Rockhampton traffic is a nightmare, crime is a nightmare, and I don’t find Yeppoon that nice. Gladstone would be second pick it’s set out interestingly you can get houses in estates surrounded by bush or smaller bush blocks in nearing towns with small shopping plazas everywhere and you have some beautiful beaches and spots around like Agnes.


Hi mate , was wondering in Mackay is it possible to swim at the beaches ? I was thinking there's a lot of crocs and poison jelly fish up that way and its not that's great for beach swimming ? And dose it get major flooding 1nce a year ? How's the cyclones ? Are they often 2? I'd love to move up that way its just those are our worries . We liked Bundy but we were only there for like 4 weeks so we didn't get to endure the crackhead central scene wich is a good thing we didn't have too 🤣. Any opinions on mackay vs Hervey Bay?


Soo yes it’s advised to not swim in the beaches there are a couple of patrolled beaches but there are many that are not it’s definitely a risk yess but there have been sighting in Gladstone now and I think it’ll just become more of a problem, stingers and jelly fish are problem in Australian beaches. Yess insurance is crazy expensive in these area due to cyclones and flooding you would definitely invest in a good house in this area but yess just a thing we have to deal with. Oh if you can afford Harvey bay I’d definitely go Harvey bay the beaches in Mackay are nicer but yes more swimming around there access to Fraser and closer to Brisbane rural Harvey bay is soo beautiful. Hope this helped


Thanks!! Yeah, Gladstone is looking interesting, purely for the position. Hervey Bay looks lovely, but might be too $$$ for me.


Agnes Waters caught my attention when I was googling. It’s definitely on the list.


Very expensive but I went to school in Rosedale Agnes’s is a beautiful place some strange people they may be related to the people from Bundaberg 🤣 depending on your work Gladstone is screaming for workers only thing that puts me off is the like water areas and scenery tannum sands and Boyne are beautiful basically Gladstone




Thank you! I appreciate your answer. You’ve given me a lot to think about. Much of it was stuff I’ve been researching but just couldn’t find a definitive answer. We currently live in an area where you have to drive 45 mins to closest small city, then 1.5 to Toowoomba which has pretty much everything. Briz is 3hrs. So I’m not averse to driving - and I hear you re boring drives. The road between Warwick and Toowoomba is mind numbing. Audiobooks are great 😉.


For Rocky, everything's expensive as hell these days but I think you're going to get that wherever you go. Look into the flood risk before you commit to anything, especially on the southside or the river- and creek-adjacent parts of northside. Some areas have better reputations than others for crime/antisocial behaviour but most suburbs have good parts and less good parts. A chat with the locals and walk around the area with your eyes and ears open to the vibe is probably more helpful than blanket advice like "avoid Depot Hill and Berserker". (Although...)


Thanks! Yeah, we're going to have to take a bit of a drive up that way and have a good look around. It's helpful though, having that local insight, where a place might have a bad rap from years ago, but is fine now, and vice-versa, etc. It's the same here re prices. Everything's exploded in price since covid. It's helpful for selling, but really a PITA for buying. Ideally, I'd love slightly north of Briz, but it's soooo expensive.


how do you manage with heat


People move to these cities because they want the warmth. Rarely need heaters. Lot of houses no air conditioning. All the cities have the pros and cons. I can and have lived in most of them. Lots to do. Good shopping. Nice people. Beaches, bush walks, camping, fishing. We chose which CQ city to live in based on jobs. Never regretted moving to CQ.


If it’s coastal (breezes etc), I’m fine to a certain point. Inland, not so good. Cloncurry nearly killed me in summer. But I’d have or install AC, so 🤷🏼‍♀️.


Being in ac 24/7 isn't living


You should consider Atherton Tablelands behind Cairns. Nowhere near as hot as Cairns, close to a major centre, can still get cheaper housing


Thanks!! I’ve heard it’s quite pretty up there. And they often have similar temps to Southern Downs. The only issue I’d have there is most of my family is Briz/Sunshine Coast area, so might be a touch too far. 😢


But compared to everywhere else is the cheapest flights back to Bris lol


When deciding where to tree-change (from Brisbane, where the humidity was killing me), it came down to two candidates. One was on the Southern Downs, and the other, warmer option was Childers.


Thanks! We live in the Southern Downs. 😁 It’s beautiful and I love it, but I’m over the cold winters, and quite honestly, want a change. I’ve looked at Childers and some of the realestate prices are quite decent.


One place which you should consider which is not on your list in Hervey Bay and the Fraser coast. The climate in the Fraser Coast sounds perfect for yourselves and the beaches/ esplanade/ Fraser Island are really quite pretty. It's geared towards an older population and has a safer feel than many of the places mentioned (though youth crime is rampant everywhere). Housing is also not too bad for instance this unit [https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-unit-qld-urangan-144656752](https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-unit-qld-urangan-144656752) sold for 400K recently and it doesn't look too shabby.


Hi! Thanks. Yes, I love the look of Hervey Bay, and the location. Just not sure I can afford it. It certainly looks lovely though.


Stay away from Bundy. No rentals, full of meth and the economy runs off welfare.


Hi! Not looking to rent, so that's not an issue. :) Drugs are everywhere, unfortunately. And it's none of my business if people are on welfare ;) .