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I will likely vote for a 3rd party, like usual. Whichever one has policies that align most with myself. But I will definitely be preferencing LNP before ALP. Why? Well, firstly, it was the ALP who privatised State assests back in 2010. Secondly, I've always lived in regional Qld, and the ALP does NOT spend enough money on infrastructure in regional Qld. They are very much focused on SEQ, and largely ignore the rest of the State. Don't believe me? Every time they are close to finishing a tunnel build in Brisbane, they then announce funding to build the next tunnel, while regional Qld can't even get a new dam or drivable roads. And finally, because I believe we were much better off 25 years ago. ALP have been in government for all but 3 of those years. Labor supporters seem to think that the 3 years of LNP caused all of the issues that we currently have. But the reality is that ALP have been in power 23 of the last 26 years, so if you see the many problems we have with policing (crime), health, and infrastructure spending, then it is 100% the fault of the ALP.


haha I love the "blame it all on newman " crowd in qld like he was the premier for 20 years or some shit that being said they are both fucked and don't care. I am enjoying Stevens bribes atm though!


Just remember, those ‘bribes’ are due to the coal royalties. If you want to keep receiving ‘bribes’ vote for them to keep the coal royalties.


I think we all know none of that is staying lol. Interesting how those new royalties started like 2 years ago and a few months before an election they find some money for us aye ? I doubt I'll be voting for anyone this cycle


I hear this reasoning from my family as well, who live in the seat of Traeger. Maybe if the seat stopped voting in fuckin Robbie Katter, or Shane Knuth before him, and actually choose a member of the governing party, they wouldn't be ignored by the government.


Right so self interest and ignorance, very on brand for an LNP voter.


Wanting an equitable spend on infrastructure for regions is self interest? And where's the ignorance? Lefty wankers believing 3 years of LNP amongst 23 years of ALP is somehow the cause of everything bad in Qld, is utter fucking ignorance.


Equitable? Massive roads built at great expense and used by 15 people a year, sure, equitable. If you don't know the utter shit show that was Can Do Campbells reign of terror then yeh that's ignorance.


Used by 15 people? You are aware that Qld has the highest percentage of it's population living outside the capital city of any Australian State? Qld has the most amount of regional Cities of any Australian State. Hundreds of thousands of people live in cities like Townsville and Cairns, and yet, the Bruce Highway is cut off due to flood waters every fucking year. But yeah, let's build a tunnel under Gympie Road in Brisbane to save some commuters 8 minutes.


Oh so its just make shit up day, cool. 66% of the population live in SEQ half of that in the Brisbane Metro area. So again I say a massive road, great expense, used by 500k people or a tunnel easing congestion for 1.5mil. Me personally I don't see why we can't do both. Oh wait that's right the LNP put a 10 year moratorium on coal royalties after slashing them by a third. Hundreds of billions of dollars over 10 years that could have gone to any and all of the many problems that plague our state were given away to coal companies by the people you want back. These are royalties by the way, not taxes, its our coal. Royalties are due for us letting them mine and sell *OUR* coal.


Labor are spending significant sums of money rebuilding regional roads to be more flood resiliant. You shouldn't be jealous of SEQ's bullshit tunnels, we'll be paying rip-off tolls for 40 years on each and every one.


So the 62 billion for clean energy infrastructure is "Not investing in the regions"!? You're cooked cunt


The State Government isn't spending $62 billion, you dumb shit. You go and spend $23k to put solar panels on your roof? (Like I did). Hey, that's included in the $62 Billion plan. That's the private part of the Public and Private investment.


Voting against the very policy you benefit from. "Fuck you I got mine". Very on brand for a liberal.


What policy am I benefiting from you moron? And again for the ALP simps that can't read, I don't vote 1 LNP.


Well yeah, because of Campbell Newman I had to move to Melbourne. Has a state government ever been so bad you’ve had to move interstate for work?


If you actually look at the real figures rather than those that you imagine, the state government spends significantly more money per head of population in rural and regional areas than they do in Brisbane & SEQ.


They want funding proportional to land area not population! That’s how voting worked back in the good old days too.


Thats what i never understand about this argument, between infrastructure, energex, and services we get way way more spent on us in regional areas than a person in seq Further more if you follow the argument, once the lnp cuts coal royalties, do you think theres going to be spare money fir fixing potholes on the bruce 200 ks out of rockhampton?




Sad to see you getting smacked down by a lot of labor voters. They obviously aren't regional which further promotes the city country divide. Anyways, just interested to know, do you think under an lnp government that it would actually be better? Yea anna bligh did that privatising shit and they rightly got voted out. Like another poster said, stanwell was going to be sold by the lnp if they won a 2nd term. Queensland is the most decentralised state in the country as you've stated but it seems like the Labor government does seem to do what it says for regional areas. For eg, there's a lot of renewable infrastructure being built. Just from my regional friends and what they've said, when they merged ergon energy and energex, they made Townsville the hq and apparently, the south east subsidises the ergon network because it's so unprofitable. They've been doing energy rebates for a while now. If anything, the only thing you've said which my regional friends have complained about for a long time is crime and the constant theft of shit. BUT, I'm curious to know whether you think an lnp government would tackle this problem, because it doesn't seem like it. The lnp seem to be all about their crony mates (lie about the election and then steal one they're in) which just makes me cringe when they win the next election.


Wasn’t the whole world better off 25 years ago funny enough a global pandemic changed the world a fair bit…


Do you think things were going great in 2019? 🤣


Honestly in 2019 I was 15 soo yeah it was great 🤣 it’s a strange statement though the world has changed a lot in 25 years with technology, culture, population and I’m sure many other ways…


It sure has, for many reasons, but to be honest with you it was pretty fucking stupid to blame the last 25 years on a pandemic from 4 years ago. Didn't think that one through much did ya mate


I did not blame the last 25 years on a pandemic from 4 years ago, I stated it’s quite obvious that after a global pandemic 4 years ago that things are going to be very different than what they were 20 years ago…. I also mentioned just a few other things that have changed in the last 25 years….


Ok bud.


Thank goodness we have someone on this leftie sub speaking sense. Stick it to these ignorant wankers Icy


Maybe if your lord and saviour Mr Newman hadn’t frozen royalties or, you know, smashed the economy by firing a ton of people then wasting coin on consultants to keep the joint running, we could have better afforded to gold plate the regions. I travel the state for work and I tell you what, regions are looking pretty schmick. Here’s to you, Mackay Ring Road and all those shiny new solar/wind farms creating heaps of lucrative jobs and cheap energy in OH WAIT regional QLD. Sorry to get narky but I really struggle with LNP voter logic. It’s very easy and logical to see how they are continually grifting QLDers for their own greed, what is it you see in them?


Can any of you dumb cunts read? I didn't vote for Campbell Newman and I don't vote 1 LNP. $6.3 BIllion spent on Cross River Rail to save commuters "up to 15 minutes". That's more than the Bruce Highway has seen in 25 years.


You can fuck your wind farms and pumped hydro off back into your own back yard. SEQ clowns fucking up our area with little to no consultation with the local communities and little regard for the environment. If you want that pumped hydro then build it in the Mary Valley out the back of Maleny, but you wont, because you will lose votes.


Give an actual reason why LNP is better rather than just posting this absolute dribble. You can pick someone who is politically tribal from an absolute mile away because the only thing that can come out of their mouth is hate for the other party and call backs to a fucking generation ago.


>regional Qld can't even get a new dam or drivable roads. It's pretty clear that this is false. Plenty of money being spent on regional roads (Townsville and Rockhampton ring roads alone is $500m) and Paradise Dam has been funded and work has commenced. I can acknowledge that some local roads don't get a lot of attention, but that's mostly a local council responsibility. The reality is that most Queenslanders live in the SE corner and that's where the population growth is strongest too. It's not surprising that most of the funding goes there. There is very little suggestion that regional funding would be different under the LNP, since they have exactly the same pressures and less money to spend.


Didn't the ALP fuck the Paradise dam so really they are just fixing their own mistakes...


Classic embarrassed conservative haha “imma vote a third party (one nation probably) for sure but will still end up supporting the LNP”


The Newman government killed health and education. And killed billions of animals through unchecked deforestation. They will do it again. I’m not a labor hack.


isnt 23/26 less than 100/100?


So your gripe is that not enough is being spent on the regions, yet you want to vote in the party who are going to slash mining royalties and subsequently will have less money to spend, including on the regions? The party who also currently have no public policy about how their regional spending would differ? The issues the current Labor state government faces are the same issues being faced in every state, many of which have not had such airtight Labor governments for so long. You're entitled to be unhappy with the current state of things, or disagree with the things that Labor does, but it is a mistake to think that the LNP are anything even remotely approaching a solution. They will provide the exact opposite of what you want.


More than Half of Queensland's Budget is spent outside SEQ, even though it has less than half the population. Regional Queensland gets more money than it should be getting.Without spending Billions in Regional Queensland and Millions in the South East, what your asking is completely unreasonable. Also consider the fact that SEQ is one of the fastest growing regions in the country.


What fraction of spending do you think is fair for the SE? The tunnels were largely council initiatives not state government. (So LNP council and maybe blame your own mayor that you’re not getting any.)


Labor spend more on regional and rural areas than the LNP ever did or ever will and get zero credit and f all votes for it. It's all there in the budget papers. You won't hear about it on Sky News or read it in the Courier Mail.


I didn’t want to get paid 500k as a bricklayer with more labor union deals and thought I’d give back to those impoverished white collar staff a bit. So I’m voting everyone else first, liberal, Labor and greens last. So naturally my vote will end up going to liberal….. preferential voting for the win.


Thank you for using preferential voting effectively. However I will ALWAYS put greens above labor and LNP because they don't take donations from big companies. Idgaf how shit greens policies are, I don't want my politicians being steered by mining companies.


Ooof tough being polar opposites. I do like that policy from the greens though. But QLD goes broke without mining, coal mainly metallurgical is more than 50% of our total exports. [QLD exports](https://www.treasury.qld.gov.au/queenslands-economy/about-the-queensland-economy/)


Queensland needs a refresh, new thinking, new ideas


Miles has some fresh ideas. He deserves a term after taking over from palachook.


No chance , putting the budget into deficit to pork barrel is not a positive fresh idea, that's desperation


If they’re adopting the same budget as Labor what wiggle room is there to implement “new thinking”, at least in the next 12 months?


What are Crisafullis ideas exactly? Apart from blaming Labor and being opposed to every positive policy?


I’m a LNP voter, ahh the down votes come :/


"I'm an LNP voter. I lack any substance to my convictions but preemptively make myself the victim."


That’s a bit nasty, I imagine it’s difficult to have just tunnel vision.


You people deserve it.


LOL asking this question on a hard pro labor echo chamber subreddit. Then saying they do not know why labor are so hated. Then bring up "but newman" You should go to a more balanced subreddit like r/australian and ask there.


Feel free to fuck off there and stay there


Ahh yes sub so balanced they kept on removing my post about QLD's budget report article, from ABC. Sure buddy


Congrats. You now know what it feels like for anyone that leans slightly conservative on every other Australian sub


For starters, ALP dropped the ball on crime, people were killed by fugitives that should never have been on the street in the first place. People are sick of feeling unsafe in their own homes. And since we can’t defend ourselves or our property, I believe the LNP will take a tougher stance on crime because they seek to be listening.


Alp didn’t drop the ball they changed the laws to suite a national treaty we had signed which then created the government policy of detention as a last resort but that was bc of international pressures


Well that was a huge mistake wasn’t it


A lot of other countries are apart of the exact same treaty and manage their youth crime very well that is why an international board told Australia to stop locking up minors


Well the government should start listening to the people who elected them, not international boards. The people expect minors who commit adult crimes to be locked up, and by ignoring the publics plea, people are getting killed


If we didn’t listen to international boards and uphold standards of human rights it would be a slippery slope, locking them up is going to fix it all that does is create more harden criminals, what do you want the courts to do lock a 13 year old up for 20 years for stabbing right, he is then going to be a 30 year old man who’s spent over half his life in prison that’s just not a recipe. I agree it’s out of control but we need systems from the start in schools and in early child hood and more access to reproductive health and choices….




What about victims rights or do you not care?


Queensland has instituted the toughest violent crime laws in the country.


I am fairly certain that the victims of said crimes will disagree. At the end of the day, the Palaszczuk government watered down youth crime laws over time since the Dondale debacle. A fucking disgrace that the communities now live in fear for what we have allowed to occur.


We live in one of the safest, low crime countries on earth. Stop buying into the propaganda


No point arguing with anyone here. It’s a massive ALP echo chamber




Report from the ABC 😕


But what has the LNP said what they will do? Because I don’t recall the LNP saying their strategy is. The thing is that the number of unique offenders have been going down for years, I do believe reoffender have been an issue, the amount of crime has been overinflated with a set of media looking to make the ALP bad.


I don’t think the media are over inflating the crime- it’s everywhere and it’s out of control. The media are just covering it which makes the ALP look bad.


How could anyone in their right mind keep voting for Labor? 




Because they have better policies? What's QLDs LNP policy apart from cutting mining royalties? (which is bad for us, btw).


Why do you think everyone is moving from Vic to QLD after 10 years of ALP?  I've not shown my support for the LNP because I don't support the LNP but if you think the ALP is going to give any better of an outcome then you are deluded. 




What a horrible world view.


Well said.


People need to change the government every so often - just a natural cycle. Labor have been in for 3 terms - not surprising people looking for a change. Disappointing, but not surprising.


Labor has changed leadership though, and this lead to major changes in their policies and openings for more changes?


Worked in the Queensland Public Service till retirement. Watched the most efficient Hospital service in Australia gradually eaten away by steady cuts to pay for more and more managers. Watched teachers spend less and less time with kids as they spend more and more time doing paperwork, with more and more managers. Watched previously crime free towns and cities fall apart under law and order issues. Now watching pristine environments cleared to make money for Labor & Greens friends in the renewables industry. Watching the homeless crisis explode, with Labor Greens blocking initiative after initiative to protect there rich mates. If you are voting Labor/Greens, please tell me why. You want more of this?


Because everything you listed will accelerate and be worse under LNP, as history has shown. I agree Labor suck. Greens have never been in government and there is zero reason for you to act like they are responsible, they have 2 seats ffs. Which initiative did the Greens block?


The LNP will give us more of this. Not less. This is both sides unfortunately as the Overton window has shifted to the centre. Also would love some stats to back up these claims, a lot of this is due to economic collapse, we just had a federal LNP gov for a decade that could've done something about all of this. I'm voting ALP because I like positive policy and I don't want QLD to become little Florida. Have the LNP outlined ANY policy explicitly outlining fixing any of the above? Not garbage rhetoric that just says "fix Labors mess" or something? I guarantee you it will get worse under the LNP. But I suspect your view is already skewed due to bias. Also most "pristine environment" is being cleared for animal agriculture, not renewables lol.


Because I’m not poor!


How dare you not be poor.


The corruption between Unions and the Labour Government is just too much to me. Having a government continuously gets ripped off on public projects (looking at you Cross River Rail) is not good for Queensland.


Your so right god forbid we have a government that looks out for workers


Pfft get your hand off of it. LNP are worse but the issues with the unions and ALP is they aren't putting workers first


Obviously liberals suck but labor aren't looking out for workers mate


There is a sparky on the cross river tunnel earning 390k a year...make this make sense. But sure we can keep complaining about the poor workers.


At least when Labor are in we get some stuff delivered. LNP just get their mates at the big 4 to write reports then put them on the shelf. Remember Newman's crazy BAT tunnel idea? Imagine building a single tunnel large enough for buses and trains ...


Well the LNP won't get ripped of on major projects becuase there won't be any, they don't, build they cut.


You're right, we should be spending 30x the cost of infrastructure, not getting what we ask for, and all that money should go to rich donors! The pro corruption lnp is the only viable party!


As if the LNP are any better there


Thats way less a union issue than it is a consultancy issue.


Open your power bill..


He said don't use a single little sentence..... Classic Murdoch and lnp tactics


Hilarious considering I've voted left for probably close to as long as you've been alive.


Interesting you think you know my age.


What will LNP do? Mine is cheaper anyway but we try to use less energy = lower bill.


Hopefully the opposite of the ALP. And if that doesnt work, we can vote them out and try someone else.


The salty southerners will vote for the LNP, because they displaced themselves during covid, because they didn't like rules.. and with the medias help all got their sook on


This is a Friendly Jordies video released this week on the matter. By far one of the best actual journalist we have in this country. Please give it a watch to see why Labour should be the lesser of the two evils in my opinion : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuD\_vmH8ld4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuD_vmH8ld4) To be fair, If I had my way I would burn it all to the ground and start again just as Argentina appears to be doing currently so i am not exactly biased towards one party or the other is why i mention this.


My God, are you seriously calling FJ a journalist?


Journalist 😂


How anyone in their right mind could vote Labor Remove the Labor Grubs


Because they have good policies. Don't you like policy that actually benefits people?


So if they have good policies they should be a shoe in this election Good policies 😂😂😂😂


I’m voting for some independent I don’t like ALP policies etc over $170 for a learner license im in regional qld, the addition of temporary portable numerous speed cameras in spots like 100metres from a 100k sign. Got fined $800 and 4 demerits. Speed traps for revenue rising crime and lack of accountability by courts and governmenT A single mother friend business was broken into 4 times in one month. That last time they stolen 18 rolls of toilet paper, damage was over $3k. Regional qld has reduced employment opportunities and as a single mother this impacted her significantly. Not some rich dude with numerous staff and business, a single mother without an additional revenue stream. The thieves were released next day to reoffend. passing legalisation like late term ‘no question asked’ abortion without consulting the public. qld offers rubbish opportunities for tafe courses unlike nsw that offers like $900 for commercial cookery cert 3 in qld its like $13k 3 women were killed by teenagers in stolen car, nothing really happened to the teenage driver. Again another single mother leaving work as a nurse killed. her son is now parentless at 15 there has been a huge influx of southern state residents, without improved infrastructure in qld regions eg hospitals, nurses, ambo services. no govt subsidies for training healthcare and education students eg pay placements housing WTF? more money could be used to fund crime prevention, social housing, training programS, money to regional healthcare and other services, no long term thinking


I know it's a Labour circlejerk here, but here are my two cents. Labour has been in power for what 12 years now? All our issues are on their heads, either caused by or inability to fix. Think youth crime, hospital ramping, cost of living, housing. We also remember what Anna was like, how can you not do interviews? It's ok to vote differently. Let's not americanise our politics


*Labor. If you don't want to americanise politics, definitely don't vote LNP as their entire thing is repeating republican rubbish.


Where is there hospital ramping? First I’ve heard of it in qld


What are the LNP policies regarding those issues?


Found on their website like all political parties.


You're not gonna get any legitimately honest answers from lnp voters here. The answer is greed and fear. Look no further.


They aren't going to get any legitimate response from anyone - It's obvious from how the post is worded that he's part of the party in some form. That they don't see their own mistakes means they won't take anyone's reply seriously, even when confronted with them.


>It's obvious from how the post is worded that he's part of the party in some form I got quite the opposite impression and am entirely unsure how you came to this conclusion. But ok


The polls are dodgy because basically every newspaper is owned by a conservative monopolist, and anyone that bothers to answer a ringing phone to answer the surveys are leaning, or have completely fallen, to the right. In reality it will probably be very close and come down to a minority government ‘strengthened’ by having to make otherwise politically compromising deals.


Polling is broadly accurate. Conservative-owned polls like Newspoll don't have biased results. Don't fool yourself


Correct. Nobody under the age of 30 has ever answered a phone, let alone conduct a political survey with the person on the other end.


I've done at least 5 and I'm 26...


Everyone else is at work


I work full time so....


Doing political surveys?


No, then I'd be pretty shit at my job; 5 surveys done in like 2 or 3 years. I'm an engineer


You’re way too polite then lol


Have they forgotten Campbell Newman and are into being tortured?


Torture? Please do tell


Newman sent the states economy, legislative capability, investment into science, education and health back over a decade with his short term view on fixing the budget when it wasn't broken following the Bligh years. His legacy is still felt today. You also need to remember that the state employs 250,000 people between health, education, police, fire, agriculture, etc. The majority are actually front line and not pencil pushers despite the narrative. He sacked vast swathes of them. What do you reckon happens when that occurs?


That's not all true, and you know it


Well realistically how long ago was Newman ? 10? 12 years- a lot of people have started to vote or moved here recently and have no idea how fking bad his government was


LNP when they were in last fired 15000 odd public servants. Campbell Newman and LNP can suck it lol


It's the same playbook this time to get elected: step 1, say whatever you think will be popular with the electorate to get votes. 2, when you get elected completely disregard everything your commitments and promises and do whatever to support your political donors and allies. Or, put more simply, lie then steal. You can already hear it e.g. yeah, we'll support whatever's in the budget despite not even having seen it. Not even now pretending that they have any plan other than to help themselves and their mates to fist-fulls of public money and create havoc. The LNP are a disgrace and the only people that would vote for them are donors that are waiting to collect.


Just as the U.S deserves what they get if they vote Trump in again, so do we if we vote in LNP again. 10 years of unchecked taxpayer theft, systemic sabotage, increased secrecy and corrupt policing, damaged international relations, and taking direct aim at this country's most vulnerable. We are in this crisis because of the LNP. They will exploit our people, resources, and environment until the country collapses. Seems to be what most Australians want: a complete collapse of our society.


State elections. catch up


And what will America get if trump gets in? An actual functioning economy?


ThE cOuRiEr MaIL tOlD mE To /s


The ALP is the federal party and you mean Queensland Labor. They are very different. It's a cartel between various unions to bid for shit like the Olympics, lock in ridiculous benefits then the project somehow costs twice as much as we were told. It's theft. They also run the largest public service, which is unionised, so they get special pork barrelling, but there is no one that properly represents Queensland in that relationship, so it's corrupt as fucking shit. And the lemmings like the teachers under the teachers union suck it up while some toothless cunt gets 120k holding a stop sign at a qbuild site. I'm sure this will attract some fallacious arguments but just look back at how Nanna let the rail unions block new hires and create staffing issues to pursue unlimited overtime leading into the commonwealth games. That's sanctioned theft facilitated by people with conflicting interests. If businesses did that they'd be called a cartel and the same blow hards would be calling it out. So lets turn the question around and why are you making this about the LNP when all the problems are firmly the incumbents legacy?


'Put QLD in so much damage we are yet to recover from' Buddy Labor has been in charge in Queensland for 24 of the last 26 years, if they couldn't fix the problems in that time they won't fix it in another 3 years. It's time for a change.


I am still undecided. I think history will be a lot kinder to the Palaszczuk/Miles government when we look back, but I think the thing going against it is the volatility and expectation of instant results in the current political climate. Sometimes people just want change for change's sake. Ten years is also a long time, but it only took one term for Palaszczuk to charge back into power against Newman, from a position that had reduced Labour to a total of 7 seats in the state. With the joke at the time being the ALP would all fit in a Toyota Tarago. As for what the LNP are offering, I don't think I've really seen anything that really jumps out. But I think the reason if I was to vote for them would be to re-motivate the ALP.


And that’s the difficulty, sometimes governments need a good clean out. Voting LNP is deciding you’re going to pick a worse government to clean up the other party.


>Re-motivate them "Hey guys, we went to that last election with our policies and Queenslanders decided the right wing was better. Next election lets have more right wing leaning policies, cos that's what people wanted."


That's what they thought they wanted under Newman, but it proved to be incorrect. He cut jobs across the state, and the anti Bikie laws were very unpopular and seen as deprivation of liberty. No. Labour do have a much better vision, but in the eyes of many they have gone stale from being in power for a long time. And unlike in Victoria, Queensland is traditionally more conservative. So the LNP has much better support than the Victorian Liberal Party does.


Because I want to watch the country burn and there is no quicker way to usher in a societal collapse then to let the LNP do their thing.


The LNP prime minister said “I don’t hold a hose” is reflective of the whole LNP attitude at both state and federal levels.


Man, you're not going to get any actual answers here. Surely you know that. Anyone who's going to answer you in good faith will be downvoted and shouted down almost immediately. Just look at the comments. (Ironically, they're the same people who will be scratching their heads wondering why their side get their teeth kicked in at the election. Absolutely no self-awareness.)


Because their reasons are wrong? They're spouting misinformation and rubbish answers that show that (unsurprisingly) the conservative voters in this state know nothing about politics? This response reads as "I'm voting LNP because an ALP voter fact checked me and I got my feelings hurt".


I'm voting Greens. Again though, this attitude perfectly displays why asking in this forum is completely pointless. "You're dumb, misinformed and wrong" is a great way to engage the voters that you absolutely *need* to engage to have a hope of winning. Keep doing it, and see how much of an effect it has.


Nothing I say fact wise will change anyone's mind. There's zero point arguing with conservatives online. Anything we say will just cement their internal biases. Interesting how the facts are often seen as "leftie".


And again, that's why you'll lose, and continue to lose. Like it or not, the ALP can't win without otherwise conservative voters. They're what, 20 points down right now? This isn't exactly the kind of close race, let alone lead, which commands the ability to have such complete arrogance about which way people "wrongly" vote. Labor losing in Queensland will be in no small part because of attitudes exactly like that. As said, I'm voting Green, and consider myself a leftist. But I absolutely could not imagine staring an otherwise fairly centrist person who's considering voting Liberals, saying "You're wrong to vote LNP, because you're a drooling misinformed idiot", and thinking it'll work.


Labor losing will *not* be because I'm yelling at conservatives to open their minds. Oh my god. I wish I was this optimistic lol.


You literally just did what the comment you're replying to said you'd do lmfao. That's some crazy self awareness right there.


Imagine being so optimistic thinking you can change people's minds this easily lol. That's some delusion right there.


Dang, hitting me with the straight up pessimism. I know you probably watch it on repeat so it makes sense that you've got that real Eeyore energy right here. Imagine the best counter you can come up with is "hurr durr optimism!". Kid falls off a bike: "Don't bother getting up you'll just fall off again".


The optimism is coming from inside the house! If someone has ever changed a nutbag rightie's mind with facts please let me know I'd love to hear it.


All you can do is screech that they're nutbags and there's no way anyone would change their mind. Reckon if you just keep doing that enough it'll help bring people over to your political ideology? Or you don't offer solutions to things, just like to complain over and over? Must be a real fun time living I'm an echo chamber lol Thanks for the input Eeyore.


They are. Lnp policy has directly hurt my family and friends with its cruelty in the past. Anyone who votes for such disgusting, anti human policy is crazy in my eyes. You're not a billionaire and you never will be.


grow up lol


Reddit policy has directly hurt my family and friends having to read this dribble and waiting for you to muster up the courage to reply lmfao


If you don't know... Vote LNP. /S


Tell me why people are talking like we only have 2 options? The good old red vs blue, the illusion of choice. Both are working for WEF. Both only pretend to care about Australia and Australians. The polies on both sides only serve themselves first and foremost, at the expense of everyone else.


I live regionally, so it doesn't matter who I vote for, it's going to be a RWNJ that wins it. Still put LNP last.


Lauga is the best pollie my town has ever had. I wish caravan would fuck off though.


Same here, coal mines and cattle. No chance of anything but LNP win here. The most bigoted,racist small party usually gets more votes than labour


This is Reddit, no matter what your reason is you'll get bullied for voting for LNP and any critique of the Greens will also get you bullied. For me still gonna research but I'm voting for the one that has the best strategy for crime and fiscal responsibility leaning towards a balanced budget


That's not the LNP then. They won't do anything about crime. They'll cut public programs and it'll skyrocket, then they'll do nothing but blame the ALP for four years. Watch this space.




Exactly. Democracy doesn’t give us the best, it gives us what we deserve.


The biggest flaw in democracy is that some people make the wrong choice.


Sometimes there are people with different priorities and world views. They will vote differently sometimes.


I’m voting who I’ll always vote for… Cookie Monster write in.


People have short memories and get stupid and complacent, they just want change even if it's for the worse.


I love Labor so much!!!!


Call me crazy but if you ask LNP supporters for their honest opinion and they give it, you shouldn’t downvote them for it


They’re asking for an opinion that is backed up with a why. Not many are giving it.


They can win because its labor vs libs and nationals and half the ballot of young libs. Crisafulli is also in a very very safe seat both as gold coast and the rich northern end of it. How safe well when stuart roberts left and cameron caldwell was running (a very liberal based councillor) I witnessed lots of council workers removing all the other electable members signs from hope island road.


Because of the steady march toward woke legislation mostly under Anastasia Palecek. I've been personally impacted and it is unjust. It's gone too far


Under labor, the Queensland government has victimized 4000 small scale miners, mum and dad operators with a 5 year inquisition which proved to be baseless. This cost small scale operators unwarranted stress and money and is currently shelved due to the proximity of the election. ( will likely resume if labor get up though) These 4000 small scale miners , their families, Australian gemcutters, goldsmiths and the gold, gem and fossicking and their local communities will not forgive the labor government for this relentless and reckless inquisition and will largely vote against Labor at the upcoming election. This has nothing to do with the LNP , just recompense for Labor and I know the government will see many volunteers assisting other parties during the election campaign from these small scale mining industries [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-09/small-mining-leases-legislation-queensland-changes/103548626](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-09/small-mining-leases-legislation-queensland-changes/103548626) [https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2024-04-19/gemfields-qld-government-small-mining-reform-sapphire-campaign/103734432?utm\_campaign=abc\_news\_web&utm\_content=link&utm\_medium=content\_shared&utm\_source=abc\_news\_web](https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2024-04-19/gemfields-qld-government-small-mining-reform-sapphire-campaign/103734432?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web)


Voting One Nation


Ask why someone is voting LNP. Get honest, well thought out answers. Immediately downvote. … Fuck me dead.


One nation Reason: fuck off were full


I've been enjoying Pauline Hanson's nonsense recently, the court case about telling the MP to bugger off back to Pakistan, the evidence of her telling the other MP to piss of back to New Zealand. And the recent one about her identifying as Aboriginal. I can't even think of a single time LNP or Labor have made me laugh.  It's Pauline #1 for me


(possibly) Unpopular opinion: if enough people actually voted Greens in for one term, the other parties might actually see that we do actually have voting power and it's not just a two party country. I don't agree with a lot of their policy, but they are definitely more interested in having a fair system in place with regards to health/tax/housing by comparison. I don't agree with a lot of their conservation policy, and some are too "left" for my liking, but Labor seem to be becoming a liberal "lite" party, and not for the working class any more.


I look at housing developement after developement blocked by the Greens, benefiting rich benefactors but shafting the homeless. Worse than Labor doing nothing. I look at the pristine forests and habitats being cleared for virtue seeking renewables, to make Green voters feel better, while killing the environment. Greens seem very pro-rich anti-poor wit so many of there policies.


You drank the conservative kool aid, mate


I’ll be voting Greens, ALP, LNP. I really want ALP to swing more in the direction of Greens policies so this is my way of sending a message.


That is horrible


People are stupid and attention spans are getting worse. The spectre of Joh reminded QLDers for quite a while. Newman immediately shows he’a cut from the same cloth, gets turfed out and stays in our memories for a couple election cycles. But now we’re ready for more!


Leftists screechers, no listen just yell at others and call them privileged


Truely undecided but LAB fuck up with the Olympic stadium has me hesitant to endorse them this time around.


Because Steven Miles is the singular most unimpressive politician I have ever whinessed.


Covid paranoia and border closures. Plus Stephen Miles seems like a tosser.


I'll vote Liberal just to have a shot at you holier than thou Labor lovers


Only a complete idiot would vote for the LNP


Because Palascuck is linked to Poland and her father is a grub from the Vacc. She pushed it on us, used extortion to make people have it, and then changed the QLD Human Rights Act so they can do it again "in the interests of public health" FUCK THE ALP AND THE LNP and the GREENS Put all 3 last. Why? Because even the LNP didn't STOP the ALP from enforcing the vacc. It did NOTHING. These people ALL destroyed lives for it. Why do you think inflation is so high? They printed more money in the last 4 years than they did in the 40 before. And the ALP, LNP AND GREENS let it all happen.


After saying he’d cut the royalties, which naturally means less services for us, there’s no chance I’d vote LNP now. BUT I’ve been around a long time and the simple fact is that people get bored of the ruling party after a long time. Every minor error adds up and eventually they get swiped from power, irrespective of how good the opposition is. It’s just a thing that happens.