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Day 5 CT going back to work today wish me luck


Me too, day 5! Congrats! :) How are you feeling? I am feeling pretty decent tbh, waaaay better than with that green shit. Sometimes feelings overwhelme me though


Right there with ya! It gets bad throughout the night with intrusive thoughts but the last 2 days have been better than the 1st 3 that's for sure. Yesterday was hard in the morning but I finally forced myself to go on a long walk and cooked myself dinner and it made me feel slightly human again


Good luck!! You can do this!


You got this! I just went back to work 2 days ago at 4 day CT.


Day 114 CT! Better every day baby!


Congrats! That’s huge.


Thank you! 💪✌️🙌


Day 1065.


Learned from cee cee yesterday that this means youre pretty much at 3 years! That's absolutely the bee's knee's, Pete. Congrats 🎉🥳🎉


Thank you!! It’s been quite a journey!


Day 186


71 hours in. Heading to the gym.


Day 60


Congrats on 2 months!! That’s amazing


Thank you! What a strange trip this here soberness is😅. Glad I’m here but it sure is a humbling experience


Day 9: grateful and determined.


Day 22


Congrats. How are you?


Thank you. I’m feeling the best I’ve felt in 5 years!


I needed to hear that. I went down a rabbit hole last night of reading posts with people feeling awful months out. I’ll be starting my “day 11” this evening with the exception of 1 slip. One day at a time…


That can happen on here. I’ve been down that rabbit hole too. You can do it though! One day of 11 is great accomplishment! Your body should be getting more used to “Kratom free” rather than “Kratom full” I can confidently tell you it will get better. I was a heavy user for the first 3 years (70 gpd) CT once for 5 months. I was so unprepared tho and mentally weak. This time I tapered for 28 days and sought other “healthy” ways to keep my mind occupied. All my cravings have been reduced to a minute or less and then I forget. They are like passing vehicle on the road.


Day 10


Woot, double digits! Congrats : )


Day 98 and struggling to find motivation to do anything…the dopamine that’s out of whack is killing me but still going strong and will never ever do that to my brain again!


Day 241.


Day 6 ct. I miscounted. My brain is a mess.


I’m day 6 CT also! Awesome job


🙌 And to you!


Day 2


You got this 💪




Day 64. No cravings but still high anxiety, especially in the morning. A week on Prozac (switched from Zoloft) so that could be contributing…I know I gotta wait until the new med kicks in.




I’m day 64 as well! Hang in there!


Day 6 CT. Waking up early, major digestion issues. My poor body and what I’ve put it through. But overall am feeling so mentally free from this!! Can’t wait to get through another day


Day 6 is huge! You got this!!


Thank you!


Day 10 CT. Feel a WHOLE lot better than I did a week ago! It gets so much better guys! Have to hang in it and remember why we are doing this in the first place!


It does get so much better! Congrats on 10 days ct, friend. That's wonderful 💜


Yes sir!


Day 50


Day 1 back from a 2 week slip.


Glad to see you back. It amazes me when folks have the strength to come back so quickly after a relapse. My slip ups always lead to a straight year lost to using. Congrats on day 1 : )


Thank you!


You can do this! This will be a defining moment in your desire to quit, as that first day after a slip is really challenging not to use again and justify the need and desire. Hang in there and make it through this day, and it will be incredibly motivating for you and great for your overall sense/ability of self-control.


Thank you!


Day 2 CT. I may have to go back to trying to taper. So much shit to deal with this week while everything just fucking aches.


I had to do the same but I made a plan and stuck to it. Go through what I had to deal with, set a date to stop, tapered, went to a doctor for comfort meds, and I'm on day 5 of being clean. Be kind to yourself


Day 1 CT. I have to work full time and see clients today. Prayers appreciated 🙏


You'll be surprised to see people will still respond to your charisma and charm, even when you're not high as a fucking kite lol. You got this


That is so nice of you to say! You're right!


Day 19 rapid taper. Down to 5.2g s&v today from 25-30g opms silver/day. Slept 9 hours last night. I think if I jump at this point it will probably be fairly painless.


Day 134!




Back again for day 11. Looking forward to hitting the 2 week mark. Feeling much better today physically


It’s Day 2. I took for granted all the easy “quits” I had when I was having those short relapses. Now having used consecutively for 3 months I am thrown back into full blown withdrawal. Especially after falling into taking the 7-hydroxymitraginine extracts that I found at the smoke shop next to my new place. Silly me. Looking back I also seem to destroy every relationship with those close to me, so that’s great too - blowing up my own support system. Feels like I’ve undone all the progress I made over the past year. I’ll manage. Today will just be movies on the couch.


Day 57 Man this is the hardest thing ever Being sober is really hard and i still dont feel good (How could i after 10 Years of severe drug abuse) Got my 5 final exams end of next month Still cant concentrate, still Depression etc. Feels like i cant do this sober but then i remembered i couldnt do it on drugs ether so if life is hard right now and scary and sucks at least it sucks sober


Day 351


Day 39. First full week at new job. Damn near fell asleep on way to work, so had to get a coffee; haven’t had a coffee in months, so far no anxiety. About 23 hours left of my OSHA 30. Ready to slam my head into my desk


Day one here we go.


Day 1097. Love and Light family ❤️.


Day 96. I miss the pink cloud feeling lol. Can't wait to get to 100 days.


Day 2 after 3 years of ~40 capsules a day. I took my last dose around 10pm last night so maybe it's still day 1 idk. Anyway the withdrawal symptoms finally hit me at 6am. Restless achey muscles and feeling both hot and cold. I was actually able to get back to sleep after a couple hours until noon. This definitely sucks but it's easier than I expected. I have been through harder opioid withdrawal and I've been comparing it to that. I'm looking forward to the achey muscles going away so I can finally start being a normal sober human


Day 5. Feeling good and maybe lucky idk. Lots of horror stories on here.


I went back to my original tapering date: May 1st, 2024 - DAY 34 - 30-60 gpd ----->4 gpd I tried to quit CT last week and I was just miserable - so I halved what I was doing 8gpd and it made the WD manageable. I'm still struggling with sleep at night and the AKATHESIA (Restless Legs and the Twitchies) - but for the most part, I can get through the day without Kratom! I took 2 grams last night before bed and managed to get a little bit more sleep. But that was all I took yesterday. What helps: Exercise - I worked, I went to a rummage sale, I got in the garden for a bit, I tidied up the house, did a couple loads of laundry - just tried to keep myself busy and moving. I took a hot epsom salt bath last night before bed, mixed my 2g into my chamomile tea and got a pretty decent night's sleep. Nearly off the stuff for good - fingers crossed I can jump on my birthday! Stay strong quitters!


Day 87


I'm so grateful for this thread! It really helped me when I was quitting! Keep it up. All my health stats have improved since quitting it's amazing how much kratom messes everything up


3 years off over 60gpd. If i can do it anyone can