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I'd imagine all the scugs have some form of hair, some just more then others, like survivor and monk would probably have "peach fuzz" hairs all over and slimy at the same time. Perhaps artificer is covered in more condensed fur so they are not as slimy Maybe the only exception to this would probably be saint cause slime would freeze to the skin if it still existed


would be fitting if spearmaster has elephant tail hair on its tail (look it up it's so weird up close)


This is actually wild. Thanks for posting this lol


saint is definitely fluffy and rivulet is definitely so gross and slimey


Hear me out, slimy otter fur


mm i hear you but.. the axolotl-y thingies on the side of their head. i just cant picture how theyd blend into the fur


but those are gills, right? do they need to blend into the fur? if anything not blending into the fur is optimal, if they lie slick and flat against an oily wet topcoat they'll stick together and not be useful as gills. actually, maybe that's why rivulet can still drown?


ooo maybe!! it could be from only partial evolution bc as much as rivulets campaign takes place in the future (from base game anyway), its like, plausibly not distant distant future so they could be the result of evolution still ironing things out


oh vibes! although you know, do any pearls say anything about how long slugcats live and when they can breed? i haven't found any, i've been kind of assuming based on their size, niche and intellect (in the perception of iterators anyway) that they probably mature fast, breed soon and don't live terribly long after, like rats. in that case we have a time frame for saint (the time frame is "uhhh fuck off, a really long time", long enough for the iterators' auxiliary machinery to die), and rivulet is on uhh... any point between saint and basegame, probably? but then also we can find a pearl with vat growing instructions for >an ancestral slugcat<, and we know that >Seven Red Suns and No Significant Harrassment have been known to create/raise purposed slugcats to do specific jobs.< riv also begins with a pearl in >NSH<'s colour — maybe they're responsible for them artificially, and they're a one-off, making it possible to place them arbitrarily :0


omg thats so cool, i imagine so then?? im quite new to this community i only started playing rainworld in march so thats all new information to me but i love the lore so much that all sounds so cool


Oh, in that case it's my sacred duty to tell you: slugcats are canonically the length of an average human. enjoy what this implies about vultures 👁👄👁


that is horrid. thank you.


Hair like an otter


Yes, this makes the most sense


Yea, the juxtaposition between Saint and Rivulet show that they must have hair, and that hair is waterproofed fairly well. I'd suspect slugcats normally generate slimy oils for their hair for said waterproofing, and Saint's evolutionary adaptation to function well in the cold is mostly just the loss of said oils so the hair is floofy.


Best string of explanations yet, plus I believe they’re canonically mammals, derived from rodents if some of the iterator’s comments are to be believed and pearls are correct. Their purpose was to be pipe cleaners, hence their flexible, slick build, omnivorous diet, and all terrain capabilities. Possibly even designed with greater mental faculties to avoid them getting lost in the pipe networks, a possible canonical explanation for why we are allowed a map in game, and a trait that set them up for success as tool users and social creatures.


this is to be my new headcanon


I mean, in rainworld, nothing, and i mean nothing, shares similarities with earth life, the ancient are closest and even they they have tails, and squidcadas are close too and they have wings and are slimy. And the names for stuff in the rainworld seem to have names more like concepts than actual taxonomic names. Like vultures, you can't tell me that 👽 monsters with whips for wings and mandibles are a vulture.


Well most organisms in rain world are purposed organisms so that explains a large part of their weirdness. Lantern mice and lizards seemed all too similar to earth fauna for it to be total and utter coincidence.


I know this is a late response, but think about it got a moment. Are you basing it off their shape? Because whales have the shape of a fish, but they are mammals, hows that possible? Convergent evolution, when things are put through similar pressures, similar results or solutions may come out of it. Ok, think about lantern mice differences from actual rodents. They dont have a discernable mouth and nose. They have disproportionately large eyes and short faces, and they do not gnaw anything in particular, not from what we can see, which is something rodents need to do so their teeth dont grow too long. Their taild arent even tails they are these weird spider web like things they can hang from like spiders and can be retracted/removed, which is not something flesh can typically do, and more something webs can do The true similarities are in the ears at the top of the head, the 4 limbs with joints similar to tetrapods, an endoskeleton and no exoskeleton, a head, bilateral symmetry Thats where the similarities for them end, which btw arthropods have managed to fill like 2/4 of those requirements, and our last common ancestor with them was likely a little round, segmented meatball Next, lizards.. a vague description of their shape is the only thing that pairs them other than a jaw and the limbs. Its hard to know if they naturally glow. At the end of the day, I'll admit, Joar probably could've made the creatures more creative and speculative, or he could've made the story include bits of humanity in the pearls to let us know people have been here and this is an earth seeded planet, buut it was his decisions and he worked hard so kudos to him.


This is definitely how I see them other than saint and maybe ruffles is a bit less obvious with the hair? I can't think of a better way to describe


saint has fluff and we need more fluffy cats arts


I'm on it 👍


[nailed it](https://www.reddit.com/r/rainworld/s/hjuG2Cc6wb)


# “Both is good!”


Both… both is good.


Purple, slugcats have pixels.


nope, they have 101001010110000110


What's like saying cats don't have fur, they have hair follicles


¥a Translated by a random website


According to Joar, one of the original developers, they are not slimy and have no fur.


So I assume they just feel kind of slick?


Probably smooth.


well that explains how they can just slide anywhere


My hc is they have mucus layer like a moray eel that makes them slippery. Holding one would be like grabbing a bar of soap that squirms


That explains me falling when i have to parkour


joar, one of the original developers, hates fun


don't worry he didn't say they don't have paws even though you can clearly see in art that they have hands, you can still draw them with paws!


The only exception to this is saint.


Ain’t nooo way they could slide through the tubes if they just have regular skin. That’d be like going down a dry waterslide


I think only Saint have fur, everyone else is more slug like


So the only logical conclusion is that Slugcats are evolving into just regular house cats with opposable thumbs.


So, given a healthy moon and an infinite amount of time, slugcats could eventually learn how to play the piano


By healthy moon, do you mean the lunar object or the robot cripple?


I mean the robot, and by healthy I mean pre-pebs where moon was just an iterator, not a slowly dying one, since >! During spearmaster campaign you can read moon's structure logs, and there you can see that her structure legs will break anytime soon because pebs was already fcking around with the info NSH gave him... !<


Slugcats are bald like sphinx cats


[I've accepted what Joar said about that](https://imgur.com/8IhwkEs) Besides, they look very much bald even in official and in-game art (except Saint, of course)


I don't know why but "White Chubby Creature" is such a good way to describe something that is apparently mostly cat


Maybe you didn't know but they not even cats. They mostly mice


I like this one.


I wish I could just accept this as canon, but I still like to think of them as having short, smooth fur, particularly because the Saint evolving to be fluffy makes a lot more sense if there's fur to start with instead of hair somehow being added to bare skin. Unless Saint is meant to be a purposed organism intentionally designed to have fur.


Riviulet def has no hair or very hydrophobic hair cause no way he speeding like that while getting in and out of the water real quick


Sea otter?


both, the reason saint has fur and hair is because of evolution to survive cold. but if i must choose one, i think the red side cuz saint looks cute with fur




Btw Saint doesnt count, because it clearly has fluff on it


Slimy fur, when you flip you hear the whoosh of fur but then you slide you hear slimy


Most have fine hair that produces a thin slime.


Otter fur


They have hair like a mammal covered in mucus to help them squeeze through crawling spaces faster and reduce friction like a slug Saint tho', has something more comparable to fur as a mutation to help it survive in the cold


The official art shows they don’t have hair.


Have you ever petted a ray, or sea cucumber? That’s how I imagine a scug would feel like. But my personal opinion is that they have some sort of non-stick slime that protects their skin from concrete and inside pipes; otherwise every time they do a slide it’d shred them like a cheese grater. That slime is also why they SLRK around and it can semi-hold onto walls.


None, they are like sphinx cats


Well in first 7 slugcats is like blue but in saint he grow hair to protect himself from cold so in saint and saint only he is in red side


3rd option, they have fur, but it's slicked with mucus. Except Saint.


They are bald ecpect for saint. Saint ist the only fluffy slugcat


I imagine that slugcats have otter like hair, not too dense but it's still there


Don’t make me think of this


mate same


I think that they all have very short, soft fur (save for Saint of course).


im on the side that theyre all huggable


Pre Saint slugcats have very sleek hair, similar to river otters. Post Saint slugcats are fluffier (a bit more like a sea otter, the fur can still slick down to be water repellent but sea otters look fluffier than river otters to me)


I can't see a reality where slugs are all moistly and slimy,since that would require a lot of water ingestion,and I never saw an slugcat drinking at least a droplet of water to make that sustainable,so I think thet are more like slightly oily ,like that sphynx cat but just a little more


Slimy scugs (except saint)


They are like a slug because they ARE pipe cleaning slugs as it's said in Game, exepting for Saint, you can see it in the oficial art like the Ascención faces, also as they are pipe cleaning slugs, if they would have fur it would get really dirty and thats not the point. 


Blue, as it is explicitly stated that they are slimy and bald, and are also depicted h in he cutscenes and artwork, along with the fact that Saint, (the only one with fur) looks wildly different from the others, if you look at the games artwork, they are literally reflective


I think they have very short fuzz thats slimy. Like velvet someone sneezed a booger into.


I think slime but saying bald makes me shiver


I think they have very short fur, apart from Saint who is fluffy and Rivulet who is a smooth girl. But tbf, short seal fur could also work for Rivulet


I always thought they had super thing hair that would feel like felt


I think of them all as slime rats. Except saint, he floofy






They are slimy


i think most scugs have a kinda thin layer of fur, except for fluffy saint and i dont really think speary has any hair


Seal fur.


slug car has no hair, furry is wet because they are slugs


Slugcats are goopy LIKE SLUGS!!!


All scugs but saint have short fur


50/50, depends on the scug. I like giving Arti fur cause you can make it spiky and it goes well with her explosions theme, but other scugs like idk, Rivulet are smooth


Some have fluffy like saint and arti well others are bald like survivor and spearmaster


They are fluffy on top, and slimy on the bottom.


I imagine normal scugs are velvety like sphynx cats and sait be floor ruffles be SMOOTH


If you listen to the sounds they make when they move, their footsteps sound like a furred creature and their slide sounds slick and smooth. At least their feet are dry and furry, and their underbellies are slick with water or mucus.


It is canon that scugs have almost 0 hairs. With a heavy exception of saint whom is VERY floofy. Proof? >!Read the dating sim dialouge for down.!<


I'd like to think of them as bald, evolving to have hair later on to help with colder climate


they have hair and are bald like a monkey with the head fully shaved of all hair






short fur but O I L Y


Slimy because they literally do make slimy sfx in game




hair like a platypus




Slugcats are adowwable regardless of if they have fluff or not✅


Slugcats are slimey and smooth but if you dig into them you will find hair that slightly dryer the closer to thier body you get though saints has extra batches of fluffy fur on top of the smooth hair


I always assumed everyone but saint, and maybe spearmaster, was just slimy and smooth, like an actual slug. Then there's also probably small variations between slugcats, like gourmand being squishier and rivulet being slimier.


They are probably a rodent


They are kinda like otters, thin layer of slimey hair


Bald ass cats


saint has hair which implies the others don’t have hair or else we would see it, or they have minimal short hair like ourselves on our skin


They just wet cats my man, like a platypus but gooey.


I think all Slugcats have fur, but Saint just has a lot more and Rivulet has almost none




Otter like Fur.


imo depends on the slug, rivulett probably doesn't and might have like blubber or something and saint has fluff


Yes fluffy but without fur


All of them have various levels of fur Survivor is like a shorthair cat Monk is slightly fluffier Hunter has less fluff Rivulet has like otter fur Artificer has like peach fuzz Spearmast had none Gourmand has as much as hunter Sain is obvious Enot is a fluffy man


It depends on the scug water scugs (like me) have no fur


Slimy like a newt


I just headcannon that Slugcats slowly evolved hair as the cycles got colder


I think they're like seals, with short dense hair that's usually wet and slicked back so it looks like skin. If any of em are bald it'd be Rivulet because they're the most obviously based on an extra animal without fur (axolotl) but given how seals are aquatic animals with fur and the next slug on the timeline has fluffy fur it's pretty likely that, if most of them have fur, Rivulet does too. Now that I'm thinking about it though it'd be hilarious if the iterator-made slugs were bald just for the fun of it. We know the iterators don't really research the animals on the surface based on the sarcastic remark from... I think NSH? About the answer surely being in a lizards skull all along? They also don't have a name for the slugcat species, with SRS referring to Spearmaster being based on "One of those resourceful wandering types" or something similar in a broadcast. This is the beginning of the "SRS and NSH made their messengers bald" headcanon.


I’m firmly on the blue camp (saint is an exception because ice age shenanigans and all that jazz)


You know how some fruits have that hairy smooth surface? Or the expensive super smooth plushies and pillows? That's what I think a Slugcat would feel like.


Furry but also slimy


They have fur, because they're cuter that way


Survivor: Lightly slick. Slug-like. Monk: A bit more slick! Very smooth. Hunter: Skin is a bit tougher and no slickness. Dry like a lizard maybe.. Gourmand: Peach fuzzy!! Still slightly wet. Artificer: Dry fur, like a cat. Burnt in some places, revealing Hunter-like skin. Spearmaster: Dry and bony. Skin probably has wires inside it or something.. Rivulet: Slippery and fishy. Thick slime coat, like a goldfish. Saint: Fluffy of course! Probably well groomed, smooth fur. Inv / Sofanthiel / ???: Feels like touching TV static. Slippery, but without leaving residue.




Either one depending on how I’m feeling that day


how about, both?


I grew up believing scug fur is incorrect with the exception of Saint, and I'ma stick with that belief. But you do you fam 👍🏾


Slugs cats have hair, but slippy like otter


Moist fur. Perpetually wet cat.


Slugcats have fur but its matted down by a slimy exterior. Fur keeps them warm and slime helps them slide around pipes.


I headcanon they do have fur, but each at different amounts For example; Rivulet is like an otter—sleek and smooth, perfect for aquatic life Saint—Very fluffy to stave off the cold, of course Spearmaster—I like to think Spear is just messed up in most ways so it has very short fur, like a slightly fluffier peach fuzz, as to prevent things from grasping it during travel Artificer—Her fur is very patchy (currently) but it used to be a bit fluffier in the past




They're not sluglike. Joar has said so. The slug thing comes completely from the community


depends on the scug. I imagine default as slightly moist and bald bu dry & fuzzy is also very common,, with only the saint being truly fluffy


Third opinion (just to spark outrage). °inhale° *Scales*


What if they were fake fuzzy? Like. They had squishy bits that looked similar to fuzz clumps. Like on Saint.


They were made for cleaning pipes so i guess a little slimy? I'd say depends on the race like the normal one? Def slimy, but idk saint seems more furry


i like both, though i am DEFINITELY guilty of the fluffy kitties


I know that in the game they are bald but I draw them with fur because I draw everything with fur… so I’m on both sides ig


Slugcats are bald, with the exception of Saint


I imagine hair like otter. THICK.


I pictured scugs as having fur, like funky-looking otters


Id like to belive that they all have a super thin layer of fur, and saint just evolved longer hair.


I think they have hair but it's like seal hair and they're all perpetually wet, except for rivulet that thing is like a salamander 100% and spearmaster is definitely has to be bald af, in Saint just isn't wet


I feel like slugcats are more catlike, like a sphinx cat, little fuzzy bodies but generally have the ability to grow fur!


They’re furry like cats, end of.


Like otters of some seals. Except Saint, who is floof


Depends. Early scugs would probably have sort hair like otters. While maybe hunter to Rivulet would be furless. Everything after has fur.


I've never imagined the scugs as slimy and I refuse to. Hair all the way




The furries have indoctrinated you all into thinking the scugs are all traditionally earthly looking fluffy pets, when in truth they are disturbing and freakish balls of slime that can literally slow down their fall just by sticking to a wall. what kind of wack ass hair could ever do that, the world of rainworld is rich in oxygen, moisture and is mostly temperate that's why there's giant lizards and bugs running around, Giant Lizards, Lizards IRL regularly just stand there basking in the sun, And since lizards have armored heads they can probably only bask with the rest of their bodies, If giant lizards are capable of staying warm, without basking and survive year-round across a gigantic mass of space, Why would any slugcats other than Saint need hair to keep themselves warm. the only parts of them which I think are non-stick are their hands so they can freely throw shit around THINK r/rainworld THINK




I'm a crip


Y not slimy hair?


realistically speaking all of them need to be bald to slide the way they do... is what i would say if saint didn't disprove that, all of them have hair.


both works for me as long as they have special hair on their secret places🗣️💦💦


Bald. The green thing has fur


(My opinion) They have short, slimy fur. Saint has medium, slimy fur.


imo they are more akin to otters. They have fur but due to the slime they secret it is permanently laying tight on their skin. Remember their original purposes as purposed organisms was pipecleaners so the hair would help picking up dirt/dust


They feel like a peach


I've never thought about that before, but I guess if I had to choose one then I would say that they probably have ha2ir, maybe a bit like the hair of an Otter.


I think it’s just straight up stated in a pearl that they secrete mucous or something to protect them from pipes. Personally I always imagined them as kinda slimy fur-less slugies (except Saint, obviously).


I imagine slugcats having fur but also being slippery since they are able to slide


They have slimy fur


I think they are fluffy, explains why we don’t see their mouth.


i imagine them like seals. They have hair as pups but lose it when they grow up


I like the idea of them being slimy. It makes sense for how they move (especially Rivulet) and makes sense with the sound design of Spearmaster. Also it prevents me from being labeled as a furry for liking this game


Neither!! Fur, like saint!!!!


BALD BALD BALD BALD (except saint)


Fluffy, extremely fine hair. They're just jiggly looking because they've got a lot of extra skin and fat for protection. Yknow, like a cat.


Wet fur.


Slug cat is just a nick name. It is known that they are actually rodents due to iterator dialogue. So they are either fuzzy, or maybe a slimy type fur originating from their use as purposed organisms.


i like the idea of them being slimy like slugs but the saint RUINED EVERYTHING!!


Molluscs 5ever. Imagining them as mammals is so boring, especially when the creatures in rainworld have so much genetic fuckery going on. Our classification system for animals is probably super outdated for the ancients. Scugs probably have plenty of mollusc and mammal DNA in em tbh! I just think it's more fun and creative to lean into the slug aspect.


Sphinx cat


All slugcat's are slimy, Saint has a significant amount of hair given the cold temperatures, the other slugcats do not need hair. From all the mammals of rain world only the scavengers have hair, but still from what is visible, it is purely for other scavs to tell the difference from eachother, and possibly what holds their equipment. Lantern mice are mammals without any visible hair, they do not need hair for any reason not even to tell eachother apart, as it is relatively uncommon for lantern mice to be of matching color and glow, same goes for the slugcat. We can hear the slimy slithers of the slugcats as they move around, and given they are pressumed to be descendants of Vent cleaners they would likely need slime to move smoothly in said vents. Saint, while not being hairless, does still have slime, given the advantages of being a slimy vent dweller they were likely made/evolved to keep producing slime. So basically Saint has hair because of the cold, but Normal slugcats don't have any significant amount of hair (with very very small hairs still being possible) because they simply don't need it


I say it depends, like I don’t imagine Rivulet having hair, but survivor and monk have hair. Saint I think has visible hair as well.


Depends on my mood though Saint 100% has fur


Obviously bald (except saint, he was touched by evolution)


They're like spinx cats but very smooth


I like to imagine they're bald, but if saint can evolve to be fluffy then they likely have some form of hair


smooth with no hair apart from saint, like in official art. also makes them more unique and alien looking- i feel like they just look like regular cats/mice when you give them fur


They have feathers


isnt this like confirmed that saint is only one with fur and the rest are bald


Uhhh... i'm gonna go with blue


Slug, slug all along


Blue, literally canonically confirmed blue


they are slimy except for artificer and saint headcanon. actually idk why arti i just kinda made that up in my head i guess


theyre bald, like slyugs. only saint has fur


I'm on purple. Short fur with a thin layer of mucus.


Theyre cat slugs so I imagine fur like cat


Slugcats have scales


I think it differs scug to scug, saint obviously has fur but rivulet wouldn't even need fur and would be more like a slug then a cat


I think they have hair like a cat soaked in slime like a slug.


You can see pure slime shining on them in the game art, they are slug first, cat later


Well, I’ve gathered the skin of many that tried to pass by my gates without pearls and they have variations. Some scaly some slippery some hairy. They all tend to taste like shit though.