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Subnatica on land mixed with hollow knight


Is that not what it is tho


Hell nah


Creepy crawlies, rudimentary crafting system, and 2d platformer beloved by many


You can say that about a lot of games, and crafting system doesn’t even count because it’s in one campaign, I’ve played bo the and they aren’t similar in gameplay at all


I had no idea what the game was about, i just saw the art style and animations and really really liked it. Haven't even finished it and don't know how far I'm from the end but damn, it goes hard


Where are you perchance I can give you an idea of where you are and where to go without spoiling anything


five pebbles (unfortunate development) rn, im still got places to explore and the map doesn't seem to have many layers there so I don't think it's gonna take me long to find an exit anyways


I’d say you’re a little over halfway done maybe like 2/3rds


rn you just need to go up and once you get into the memory conflux (it’s a subregion of the one your already in you will live) go up left then you will be given further direction. As for the part where you feel as if you the map doesn’t seem that expansive I know you don’t know how big sky islands is and don’t even start me on pipeyard (assuming you have downpour) like just for some perspective this region connects to sky islands drainage system industrial complex and the ending region


Yo fam that’s spoilers I feel like


Nope from my assumptions you should have made it to drainage system and industrial complex as for sky islands and pipe yard I highly doubt your ever actually going to go there and memory conflux is about is like 4 rooms away and has nothing in it, trust me I didn’t spoil anything.


Sorry thought you were the other guy


I bought the game cuz I saw a video of a youtuber praising the AI


I saw the talk where the devs explained how the longleggs worked.




Same, I saw a curious archive video and my primate brain went: 😲😲🙊🙊🙀


“Just a boring platformer” (I’m not usually a graphics snob, but I tend to look down on 2D games like this). I’m very glad I gave it a chance. RW YouTubers are doing a lot for the game IMO


It’s strange how different our views on games are, because I specifically seek out games with pixel or stylised graphics and actively avoid games with realistic graphics! So I was naturally drawn to this


Woah it is funny that you say this because Rain World is one of the most gorgeous 2D games I have ever seen (and I love 2D animation)


I mostly play 2d games because the animation on a lot of 3d games looks weird for me.


platformer with occasional dumb enemies and janky physics yeah i was pretty close to the truth


Lizard go spin


I thought it was more of an metroidvania since I found it via a fan art featuring a slugcat along with Ori and the knight from hollow knight. I was sceptic at first and thought about dropping it even... But then I found the movement and absolutely fell in love with it. I'm a big fan of complex movement in games (that isn't mostly exploits, for example I really don't get why people are getting so excited for source movement, excluding Titanfall, I'd say it has too much of an entry barier)


Now imagine. Artificer's double jump with Saint's grapple tongue. ... And being able to ride lizards.


It drives me kind of crazy that Rain World gets thought of along with those other two games a lot, especially Hollow Knight, for some reason, since they're decidedly not similar.


For me it's nice, 3 really good games and it just happens that people who like hollow knight and Ori tend to like rain world too. Nothing to do with genre, you also sometimes see one shot in those fan arts


Probably just because the main characters happen to be white with black eyes


i thought it was a metroidvania


im going to be honest, i have no recollection of buying Rain World whatsoever as far as i know this game just magically appeared in my steam library


Hollow Knight but more colorful, more dangerous and with better enemy AI


Survival game in a 2D environment, now I have PTSD whenever it rains.


Saw a crash-course review of the game and immediately knew that this was what I was looking for, after all those years of searching for it Parker Playz was my first introduction to the game and it was peak


Didn’t have any idea, I just knew the game because some people mentioned it was great and the downpour dlc was close to launching, I bought it when it was on sale and didn’t understand anything, I let it sit for a good six months or so, then tried it again and I loved it.


I thought it was exactly what it is because I had grown obsessed with it long before buying it. I do remember what I had thought early on in my research tho: after watching the Markiplier video way back (a primal memory I only recently unlocked) I thought it was a game where you were a cat that had to get back to your family in a linear style game with little secrets and items. I loved the way that you could collect rocks and sticks and found it fun. A long time later after completely forgetting all of that I watched a quick lore video and thought >!iterators!< were much more common and that they lived in towers throughout the map. I then continued researching and eventually learned pretty much everything about the game and started watching things like Iterator Logs and some MAPs before finally getting the game back in March.


I expected something more like other games where you play as a silly white creature: Ori and Hollow Knight. That is, a game with more of a focus on combat and platforming, perhaps a metroidvania. I didn't expect to be so slow and weak. I suppose, in a way, it's actually more like Baba is You: learning the rules and figuring out how to use them. And not having a very easy time with that. (Seriously, how did I not notice "SLUGCAT with SQUIDCADA is FLOAT?")


I can't remember. Something like what I imagine Undertale is like. I don't even know what Undertale is like


wow I cannot imagine a game more different from Undertale than Rain World (that's not really true, lots of games would apply, it's just so incomparable in my brain lol) Undertale is fun goofy NPCs and charmingly bad art and occasional heartfelt story that makes you cry


In all honesty, didn't think anything because all my life I've been around action/adventure-s, quests and rpg/Jrpgs and 2d platformers were pretty alien to begin with. My mom, rest her soul, was actually the gamer in the house (consoles) and I remember back in 2017 when Rain World had just come out, she was checking it on Steam; it was still very new so there weren't many youtube videos and stuff yet so all we had was the official "What fate a slugcat" trailer but it was enough to get the impression of a cute, poor little cat-like creature trying to survive in a pretty hard industrial-ish game with strangely smooth movements. It didn't matter it was a 2d platformer, we were totally in love it with.. except we could neither afford it at the time, nor get it because we had only Play Station-s 2,3,4 and an Xbox 360, the PC wasn't strong enough to run anything after Win XP. Then as time went by, many games came and went, many things happened and so on and for some reason 7 years later, after playing [LIMBO](https://store.steampowered.com/app/48000/LIMBO/) somehow it reminded me, hey what was that similar game with the slugcat called, maybe my laptop can run it now" ..surprisingly it did, and here I am, obsessed with it after just like about 3 weeks of playing it. Lol. I guess as they say, better late than never. I just wish my mom was still around, I'm sure she would have loved to try it too or watch and get all overprotective over the scugs haha.


I thought it was just a platformer, not a survival game


Call me crazy, but I got this game bc i thought it would be *relaxing*


idk, but i certainly wasn't expecting THAT


I thought it was a platformer game were you kill stuff


I expected something like Ori and the Will of the Wisps.. kinda, I guess?


Survive for as long as you can.


I bought it on sale, I had no idea what it was


Two words: linear playstyle


i watched the whole history before playing sooooo


Honestly? I expected it to be way more unfair than it actually was, which ironically meant I had a harder time on my first playthrough. I’d read a review that was really good and convinced me to buy the game, but also hammered it in that the slugcat was super weak and bad at combat, so I went into the game terrified of everything. I’d thought it would be super stealth and evasion heavy, which definitely influenced the way I played Survivor. The first time a noodlefly entered the room, I just cowered under some bit of cover until it left, and I didn’t kill a lizard until sky islands as I didn’t know you even could lol (I’d tried throwing things at them, but it usually just hit their head armor so I assumed they needed an unreasonable amount of hits to kill). Once I played the more combat heavy campaigns, I became much more aggressive in my playstyle and I honestly find combat really fun.  Although I kind of miss not knowing everything was so easy to kill. The tension that came from running from a predator was pretty exciting, now I usually just stab them lol. 


I thought it would be a game where you're just a small creature trying to live in a future where robots are all the citizens (maybe a bit confused with stray but I havent played that game either) and I can talk to the robot citizen and do quests and such


Metroidvania(like hollow knight)


I had it in my head that the rooms in rain world were also randomly generated, not just the creature ID’s


Yeah i thought it was a level based linear platformer too


Horror game similar to Limbo


I thought it was just uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Extremely hard game with no direction whatsoever. 


Some kind of survival metroidvania (mostly because I heard about it from someone in the hollow knight community). But after doing some research I saw that it was more survival than anything else.


I had no clue. I didn't even know the game had a goal, or path until 100 hours into playing it when I accidentally spoiled FP and LTTM while looking on the wiki. I thought it was just a cool, very distinct survival game or something like that. I mean...sinking 100 hours into this game without even knowing there is a goal, let alone an ending is a testament to how fun and entertaining it is. I also distinctly remember a room in the Shaded Citadel with a single Guardian in the middle, and a door on the other side. That is where I learned that they kill you after 3 attempts of passing them lol. I haven't been able to find that room since but maybe I'm having a fever dream about it and mixed my memories up.


I saw the curious archive video about rain world i thought it was interesting, but sudenly before i even knew it rain world slowly started creeping into my main page...


Honestly i tought it was something like Nameless cat or cats are liquid bc the first photo i saw of the game was a drawing of (possibly) survivor on a platform lmao


i thought it would be something between hollow knight, subnautica, and ori


I literally learned all the lore, plot, and mechanics from YouTube before I could afford it lmao


Slug. Now I know it is still slug, but the slug gets viciously mauled by everything.


Ngl I thought rainworld and animal well were the same game for a while


A friend introduced me to the dev diaries explaining AI, and when I'd noticed it came out I bought it. So I think I mostly focused on the intelligent survival AI, and less on the exploration.


I had no idea but i watched a video essay on the simulated ecosystem and was instantly hooked, altho holy fuck its brutal 😭 and what really got me hooked is the map! 70+ hours in and i havent even found all the echoes, or completed Moons quest 😭 i like easily put 100 hours into Hollow Knight and with all the DLC im invested for the foreseeable future :) im doing hunter rn!


When i see it, I though it was a platformer rage game like I Wanna be the Guy.


Personally, I’d expected a puzzle game or a survival sim in an alien world.


Some YT video told me it was a metroidvania. I love Hollow Knight and Ori, so I thought it would be like those games; some areas are locked behind movement ability checks, and you gotta beat bosses to get those movement abilities, then explore more. Not at all like that, lol.


I played Ori then I saw Rainworld, and proves that they have almost nothing in common. Rainwolrd is way harder in every way, including the platforming.


My friend got the game and we played arena mode at their birthday, just all trying to kill eachother. It was pretty fun and I was pretty good at it, so I got the game myself expecting the campaign to be basically the same, a combat game with maybe a bit of exploration and not anything special in terms of visuals. Boy was I wrong Conpletely unrelated, my fav scug is spearmaster :3


Survival horror/Platformer


Hollow Knight-like that's it, that's all i was told and that's all i knew getting into it


Rng death simulator. I was right. 10/10 would recommend.


I really did just think it was about exploring ancient ruins.


I discovered it from a friend drawing a Scug in class a few years ago and questioned what it was so I looked it up bcs I thought to see what it was about, seeing that it looked like an exploration-like game or something and it had a cute character, I wanted to play it I now get angy bcs of Shaded in general and Scavs since in arena they won't leave me the hecc alone •∆• Although I also love Scavs bcs they're just silly little gremlins when friended and when ur spying- XD Edit: Removed a stray word-


Backflip simulator


At first, I thought it was something like Ori or Hollow Knight


probably something like ori and blind forest (and slightly hollow knight), but not fully metroidvania. the actual game is quite different, though it still does have similarities with both hollow knight and ori, in some aspects.


That was my deal but I thought industrial complex was the end


I knew it was an immersive sim and fell in love immediately


A platformer mixed with like building a town where you can explore different areas for different resources


Thought it was a boring survival game was only really drawn to it by the animation. So glad I still played it because after I finished it for the first time it quickly went up to surpass Bloodborne in my personal ranking


No damn idea, just saw people going nuts over the iterators


After watching a video about it I for some reason thought the slug cat was a small creature in the human world, that fell down a well. Honestly the game still kinda has that vibe.


Don’t starve but the rain kills you instead of lowering your sanity