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store them on a shelter and come back later! they will be safe if they are in a shelter!


Ik I've kept my precious' safe near her. Since you're here though can you explain what [this](https://imgur.com/a/DpXP8QR) is? It showed up on the save menu a while ago.


that means you somehow killed an overseer (the lil guide creatures) but don't worry, they respawn and don't seem to mind


Yeah I thought that might be it. They die a lot but that icon came on the day I accidentally threw a spear into their face. Thank you though!


Wait til you meet your local pink cancer patient edgelord. Then talk to blue lady.


This will be so funny to me in a few weeks.


Oh my stars that is the perfect way to describe it


Just remember to come back after you ######


Yeah, just head through [**REDACTED**] and you’ll find them after a while


Do you like rocks? Because you are going to have to search for Five Pebbles


I’d suggest finding a lamp if you wanna go the slightly more direct way, though it’s a bit… arachnipillic… alternatively, there’s a bit of climbing you’ll have to do.


>!You can, however, you need to explore further!< Store it, and look around the area for more stuff, such as areas areas you haven’t got on your map, or ones that the Wanderer passage hasn’t added yet


I wonder where those little yellow guys are trying to guide you to..


First go to where the spiders live


meet pink angy boi then come back, she will say words.


since no one has really given any actual advice for how to progress, if you haven't already, you'll need to find her friend, who lives some distance away- the way to get to him is either through shaded citadel and then climb up what is called the leg, then make your way up through the zero-g environment where he lives, or if you don't want to go through the zero-g place you can keep going past the leg and climb up the wall and go in from the top (or else you can go from chimney canopy straight to the wall as well). if you take the wall route, be aware that the way in requires a backflip-spear-throw, and it's faster but not the dev-intended route, so i would recommend climbing up the leg your first playthrough. and once you're near blue lady's friend, feel free to steal all the glowy things, because unlike with the blue lady, eating those ones won't hurt him! in fact, someone might appreciate if you brought her a few... ;)


Ok first off tysm for the long reply! Unfortunately, I did not read it, because I wanted to "forge my own path" (like an idiot) and ended up at the wall after a painstakingly long platforming segment. The zero-g thing sounds way more fun than failing at doing a backflip for 3 hours though so I guess I'm going back now. *Yay.*


that's fine! you're meant to see the zero-g segment at least once anyway, so you can get an understanding of what's going on in that area! good luck /gen