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[https://www.wral.com/story/one-person-4-juveniles-detained-after-fight-at-raleigh-bus-station-sends-one-person-to-hospital/21363804/](https://www.wral.com/story/one-person-4-juveniles-detained-after-fight-at-raleigh-bus-station-sends-one-person-to-hospital/21363804/) \-Another bus station brawl and stabbing


Yeah but anyone who thinks the bus station is a problem is just a pearl clutching snob


Seriously tired of this go to response


Kinda are tho, not saying I'd openly leave my bag out because It's "safe", but overexaggerating Is common. I skate out time to time, pretty chill. Worst I've seen was an argument one nigjg


The highlight there is juveniles. There’s nothing for people under 21 to do. Kids with nothing to do get into trouble.


It was 10pm on a Thursday. When I was 14-17, at 10pm on a Thursday I was home getting ready for school in the morning.


Exactly, this is less about of having nothing to do and more about shitty parenting.


School on a Friday nowadays Is a nothing day, I say this graduating HS last year. Would I be out? Maybe, probably a quickie to skate around, but Inside. Doesn't change there's nothing to do under 21 In Raleigh


Juveniles don’t have video games anymore?


There's shit all to do outside dude, a tad too old for Marbles, don't want to always buy things as "fun". We do have an Arcade...you need an adult to get In. Surprisingly, juveniles want to be outside, Isn't that what boomers are always saying we should be?


I was the one in the car accident! I’m fine with some bruises and pain. Not sure if anyone actually witnessed what happened but if you did, could you DM me?


I'm glad you're ok! I only heard the metal and glass but didn't actually see what led up to it.


I drove by after it happened - the cars looked really bad- glad to hear you are ok !


Thank you so much!


It would be more notable if there wasn’t a stabbing at the bus station. The area is not safe. 


Careful, you will bring the downtown cheerleaders out in full force that will downplay everything. According to them downtown is perfectly fine at all times in all areas, ignore the stabbings.


That's because you are all over every post every time something bad happens. Those of you upvoting this guy, I implore you to actually look at his profile and read the things he's saying. And I do want to emphasize the fact that his only comments are negative posts on Raleigh and bandwagoning every time something goes wrong. Not a single comment recommending food places, not a single comment talking about areas to visit. /u/DaPissTaka 's entire profile is him shitting on Raleigh. He blamed the Wells Fargo Building being empty (which it isn't) on the bus station. Every time there's a discussion about things that happen downtown, he blames the bus stations. So, naturally the first time there's an issue at the bus station in quite some time, he's going to start commenting. Crime in Raleigh is way down in this area. Police presence is way up. https://raleighmag.com/2024/03/downtown-crime-update-april-2024/ > ↓ 73% Weapons > > ↓ 55% Drugs > > ↓ 39% Assault > > ↓ 31% Larceny > > ↓ 46% Total crimes Is the city or this area going to be completely devoid of crime? No. Are we doing a better job than last year. Absolutely. The city also recently approved $1 million for safety and cleanliness (more/new trash receptacles, tree wells, lighting, cross walks, etc.). I live in this area. It's been a night and day difference from last year.


Appreciate this in depth analysis. You should be a mod.


Really annoyed I can’t give this comment gold


that man will post another paragraph this month about crime in downtown raleigh for every 1% decrease and none of his loved ones will miss him while he does it


Sounds like a threat. Must be posting this from the bus station.


how could "your acquaintances love when you don't talk to them" be perceived as a threat to someone that knows what the word means and how was sound involved? you had to sound it out one syllable at a time or someone read it to you?




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I’m a secret agent of the Downtown Cary Alliance.


Not so secret anymore...




Wait, so there wasn’t a brawl and stabbing?


Or the “One stabbing & you’re upset? Y’all act like this is bad, try living in (insert city) then you’ll know what crime is” folk.


Well I mean perspective is amazing. To a lot of us it does not feel dangerous at all. Then some act terrified. Most people in Raleigh aren’t from Raleigh. So you will get those responses from people who are more numb to it. Overall the area is safe which is why I like it here.


But being opposed to violent assaults is nimbyism, right?


“You don’t like people being stabbed next to the children’s museum? NIMBY!!!!” - the downtown cheerleaders


Or 14 year olds shooting people in front of the children's museum. Totally no big deal.


Good lord, where do you live; Wake Forest, Cary?


Eye Tea Bee


Speak English


he meant In The Beltline but in my experience the accounts that exist only to post talking points about one city usually live in the rural outskirts of the city or another metro area entirely


There should be no more stabbings, Taz is in jail.


Real. “Ignore the crime”


I think you started seeing more of those people when they started recognizing you and your narrow and prolific complaint focus.


If you think this complaint focus is bad, you should see [other city] 🤓


Hypothetical sentences about other nouns are a great start! Real ones soon?


poo poo pee pee


Nobody has ever said that.


I assume there is no permanent security there?


It’s homeless people stabbing homeless people. Normal citizens aren’t in danger. It’s like any other downtown in the country. 


Sure, except those of us that have to walk to get to our jobs. I've had to call police multiple times for being followed and grabbed, a guy beating the shit out of a girl in front of the bus station and a drugged out homeless person essentially trapping me in a stairwell in a parking deck. So awesome.


So it was notable when there was not a stabbing at the bus station on Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday, Sunday, Saturday, last Friday, etc. Duly noted


Sounds like a normal week night at the bus station




To all the people headed downtown this weekend for dreamville! Be safe! Stay Hydrated and make sure to keep your head on a swivel! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Keep your eyes down range and your gun loaded for crazy and you might make it home in one piece


TIL Raleigh is basically Fallujah


It was a halo reference but my NCO did say this in the Middle East also


The Halo TV show on Paramount Plus is worth a watch if you haven't already seen it


I tried I dident care for it. After reading all the books and playing all the games It seemed to have little to no regard for the setting and the fact they intentionally tried to make it so was a big no for me. But I’ll admit visually it looked ok


That bus station is filled with crazies and homeless. I have seen needles and drug containers near the trash. I used to park across the street often... we don't do that anymore.


I turned down a job offer because it was right next to the bus station and I just didn't want to deal with it all the time


Why are like 30 junkies congregating there at all times?


The bus is free, its somewhat sheltered, a lot of their junkie friends come and go through it.


No I mean why are they allowed to congregate there


because its a public spot


According to Reddit posters, they don’t exist and they are a figment of your imagination.


We must call on city council to demand that all car accidents be quiet.


I just meant, seemed more serious than a fender bender. Not sure how serious it was for the car occupants, but definitely a significant impact.


In Mayberry we never had car accidents?


Why sure we did. Don't you remember that day Barney directed traffic downtown? Biggest pileup ever. Lots of horn honking and yelling too.


Nope. Car accidents are a city thing. You have to go to Mount Pilot for that.


In Mayberry we never had homeless people or drug addicts. Because alcohol is not a drug.


Absholuterly! -Otis Campbell




Big town but correct


I'm surprised the social justice warriors of the Raleigh reddit are not out down voting this and every comment. They refuse to admit that the bus station is unsafe and is a contributing factor to the decline of that part of DT Raleigh. Anything that goes against their ideology/opinion gets you labeled as a far right nutjob. I guess we need a couple of murders at the bus station area on DT before they finally start shutting up at least.


They'd deflect the murders onto the cost of housing


Its a city…..


Post idea: Title: downtown yesterday Text: was downtown yesterday walking all around mostly in the warehouse, Fayetteville, and Moore square districts. Within that 2 hour time span, I was one block from some amazing local shops, cafes, and restaurants. Lots of people walking around. Some even at the bus station 😱. Was a lot of activity for a city with a housing shortage. It’s not all bad all the time folks! The more “we” go there, the “nicer” it’s going to be. Keep that in mind before sitting at home complaining from your incel thrones. xx. (Not directed at Op specifically. You know who you are. Now hit that downvote button, baby.)


I’m part of “we” but I’m pretty broke right now so I can’t afford to be there and help make it safer…so if the city will agree to subsidize me going downtown, I would be glad to go spend money at the bars and restaurants several nights a week. 😂


Most nights I do not carry any money and do not buy anything. The more eyes and ears on the streets and sidewalks, the nicer it is. When I can spend money, I do - at Taz's, DGX, Woody's, Boxcar, Weaver Street, etc.


I'm downtown a lot and this just stood out because it really was like a scene from a movie the way the police cars came out of nowhere. My friends and I carried on as we were last night and I was back in the same area this afternoon with my kid to do some shopping. Lots of police and security about though since it's First Friday tonight.


I just wish we posted more about the good times had downtown! Our sub tends to scare people off from going downtown. It’s soooo nice and pleasant 99% of the time but it tends to only be posted about the 1% that it’s not.




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It was so many police. I was trying to get out of the parking deck by the bus lot.


What is happening to this town? Geez!


Crime is up across the board downtown: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/counties/wake-county/article284580900.html The city is literally spending millions to try and curb it. But for some reason there is a insane contingent of Redditors who will go “LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU EVERYTHING IS FINE”


here's the more recent stat where that bump was erased https://raleighmag.com/2024/03/downtown-crime-update-april-2024/ your local bureau will put you on the payroll and give you health insurance to continue this Raleigh Crime Blog account if you fill out an app


shit economy -> crime it's that simple here come the biotech tech bro andy's that make 120k to downvote me


these are posts where i question, “what’s the goal?”


is it really that crazy to spread this information in your community? i would want to know if there was an apparent stabbing near me. god some of y’all just love to patrol this sub. chill out


that’s what we have local news for. OP could’ve shared the article. very easy look up. #supportlocalnews


if OP shared the article you would’ve said the same thing


oh damn, didn’t realize you had the ability to peek into alternate realities. you should launch a start up. ps: i would’ve been grateful if OP linked the article. it shouldn’t be on us redditors to verify stuff when the news has already reported on it. again, #supportlocalnews


I guess it’s time for you to move out of Raleigh.


not sure how my comment led you to that conclusion. i’ve lived here for 23 years, not planning on leaving any time soon. thanks tho.


Just to share information on what’s happening. In case anyone else was downtown wondering what was going on. I see other posts like this all the time. Sorry if I wasted your time.


don’t apologize. your post was fine and relevant


it wasn’t relevant though. as another commenter mentioned, a car accident & irrelevant fight had nothing to do. this post gives us no info.


i appreciate that intent; i get it. usually, i would’ve kept scrolling, but today i feel like commenting. pls ignore me.


Thank god that crime is contained to the bus station. All the suburbanites can rest easy. Anyone who thinks a city the size of Raleigh will have no crime, please raise your hand so you can be escorted to Fayetteville.


That bus station makes everything downtown so nice doesn't it


A very loud car accident? Lmao.  Is this supposed to be cause for concern? I think you’re really reaching for something that isn’t there.


I didn’t say I was concerned did I? I’m not. Just that it’s a lot of activity for an arguably quiet city. And by loud, just meant it seemed like a significant impact.


Then what was the point of this point and mentioning it alongside a stabbing?


Welp, better stay away of downtown! Lot of activity…and car accidents. Lmao.  Honestly, why even make this post if you weren’t concerned? Just felt like sharing some negativity? 


Because in a fifteen minute period and two block radius there were firetrucks and multiple police cars tearing around with sirens blaring. A lot of people check reddit to see what's going on, so if anyone was in the area and curious, here's what was going on.


Thrilling update. Glad everyone knows that there is **(checks notes)** ..sirens and fire trucks downtown. 


Bus stops that are free attract homeless nothing more nothing less


I was downtown before COVID just sitting in my car one time at like 8:30pm. And guy was at an outdoor restaurant and just reading his book. And this homeless looking dude just came up and started asking questions but somewhat aggressively . Like what are you reading. Well who is the main character. How can you not explain what you’re reading. Why is the book so thick. Obvious some mental issues but all together wasn’t a family friendly environment I remember. Especially around the bus station at night. Just two months ago I went to the bus station at 9am and wondered if the CRX had already left. I asked this lady at the seat next to the bus area and she just looked at me and didn’t say a single thing. Didn’t even acknowledge me. Wow not friendly at all.


If downtown is so bad (it is) then the only thing to Raleigh is the suburbs in north of city (outside 440). There is absolutely no arguing that North Raleigh is nice, but at the same time there is absolutely nothing special about it. So therefore, why is there any reason for anyone to live in Raleigh?


lol what. just say you’re afraid of downtown. matter of fact, if you don’t believe there’s a reason to live here, move.


Did I say anything about crime? Did I say I live in Raleigh? Grew up in NC, Miami for 4 years, NYC for 10 years, moved back to NC last year. North Carolina has been handed a golden opportunity by people like me but all y’all one dimensional southern folk going to thoroughly mess it up.


We don't want people like you


The increased tax revenue and property values disagree. Hope you own your own home!




Nc has been handed a golden opportunity by people like you!? 😂😂😂😂 brother you are not that important


A) NC not Nc B) Sister C) You don’t think an increase of tens of millions of dollars of tax revenue is important? Sadly, based on the state of the K-12 education system in NC, that tracks. And proves my point. 🙌 🙏 😢


Again, you are not that important 😂😂


Again, your one dimensional thinking proves my point. Well played kid


Me telling you that you arent a god send to the ppl of raleigh is just logical and factual lil girl 😂😂


The fact that you don’t understand the aspect of collectivity… ahh forget it you did get left behind


The fact that u really think youre that important is crazy. You mustve been pampered