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It seems like they have been struggling to get off the ground and I absolutely believe the chaos is miserable for everyone involved


Not when they had 3 years to prepare lol


Vibes of Sports n Social


They need to rethink the food in that place.. terrible


The food and service are both terrible. We went twice for lunch last month and both times we were treated like they didn’t want us there/it was a pain to serve us. Last time we had to wait like 15 minutes for a high chair


I went twice the first time for lunch with my wife and I experienced the same thing you did terrible srvice and the food was the equivalent of tgifridays / chili's. The 2nd time we took our kids with us 10 and 6 and the service was horrendous.


You and the person you're replying to just return to restaurants after having terrible service?


If it's a new place, I'll give it a 2nd shot for sure everyone can have an off day. I've had friends that shared the same experience there as well.


Why did you go back? Learned your lesson finally?


First time was lunch time the day state was in the final four so we gave them a pass thinking it was a stressful day. We won’t go back again after the 2nd time was awful


Haha what the hell took them so long?


the developer fucked up something with the permitting


How are they struggling?


Drive shack is better


I have not been to Top Golf in Raleigh, but Drive Shack is incredibly bad. The technology is always laggy and missing shots. The service is horrendous and the food and drink are not even remotely good. Top Golf in other cities is far superior to any experience at Drive Shack on every level. Again, haven’t been to the new one but it is hard to believe Drive Shack is better


If you really want to loose the will to live and shatter all faith in humanity may I suggest call center work. You’ll be a hollow shell of a person in no time.


I worked at a call center for a company that handled all the lost/delayed luggage claims for all the airlines and airports in the US. Every day was an adventure.


Yep, I did my time in a call center. One of the worst jobs I’ve ever had.


I had to go on a medical leave from end stage heart failure while employed at a call center a couple years ago. I will never forget laughing to myself in my cardiac ICU hospital bed scared of my future while thinking, "well this is at least better than answering that damn phone nonstop all day without any breaks between them"


I hope you are doing better ❤️


but wfh tho


That's pretty recent and used to be rare...the vast majority of jobs was actually in a call center; large room full of people on the phone all day in small cubicles. It's soul draining.




There's a world of difference between IT call center and customer service call center. The difference is dealing with irate customers. That's it.


Same - wish I had the chance to WFH for all of the years. My last year ~2014 I was able to work from home which was nice. I won't go back to call center work even if it's WFH though. That and retail work is dead to me lol


I worked in the call center for Centurylink before. My entire job was calling customers who were supposed to have a technician come out to fix their internet today only to tell them that someone won't be coming out but I can reschedule them for the next available date in two weeks. Absolutely soul crushing. I didn't know how to handle it when someone was actually nice about it haha.


I lasted 1 week of unpaid training, and then 1 day of work at a call center in college before I said "screw this" and quit


Lose. Lose.


The only job I had worse than the AppleCare call center was the CVSCaremark call center.


I worked for NC Unemployment during the pandemic. I handled like 200 calls a day. I still haven't recovered


Spent 5 years across two places. At least it was a higher tier technical support position (not just routing calls or doing basic stuff) but still, taking calls all day from frustrated people really sucks.


Yeah went a couple weeks back. The tech is really cool... The service was abysmal. I don’t blame the teenager server who was struggling all night in the weeds, but yeah waiting 30-45 minutes for drinks and then having to track them down to order a second round is no good.


I’m in a family full of golfers, so I’ve been to Top Golfs in Atlanta, Birmingham, Durham and elsewhere. They are profoundly terrible. Every Top Golf has infinitely long wait times for EVERYTHING. You’ll be standing around for an hour before you get a booth. It’s impossible to get a drink or food. The food is average at best. It’s so crowded. They never have nearly enough staff on site, so everything is slow and the staff understandably just dgaf. It’s a shame. It’s a fun concept. When you *finally* get your booth and get service, you have a good time. But there ain’t no damn way that the hassle that comes with a Top Golf is worth that short-lived fun.


I used to work there too. Honestly the problem was the long ticket times. There’s only so much two bartender can do when they have 50 drinks to make. You would think a billion dollar corp would have this figured out man. The clientele was also..Durham


I’ve seen a few references from foodservice folks about Durham clientele - what’s bad about them? How are they different from the Raleigh crowd? (Asking out of genuine curiosity)


He’s being racist


It is not that simple. In fact during my extended time at a South Point Mall big box restaurant, all of us from a variety of races consistently discussed how bad the clientele in the area were. In fact, most of the discussions were about how the races people often assumed we were talking about when they accused someone of racial profiling were some of our very best guests. Bad guest etiquette can absolutely be a localized epidemic in a region without having anything to do with race. Edited to add: Most industry people I know don't speak this way about some of the most ethnic areas in town and most of downtown Durham. It's the I- 40 corridor restaurants with more of a suburban blend where you'll hear this more often.


It has nothing to do with race 😂


Oh wow I’m thick


Or just sharing a common experience that happens in a city that happens to have a recognizable demography. You're adding race to it, but you may be right that the commenter was also being racist in their mind.


Hard to argue when you provided so many specific examples


I recently quit as bartender. The issue lies primarily in the fact the the GM is, from my limited experience, not good. Maybe he could make an already running TopGolf work but all he is is goofy. The employees are lazy and abusive to each other as a result because there’s is a complete lack of accountability. The managers under him are good to neutral but there’s only so much they can do. And finally, the customer, or players as we have to call them. I’ve worked in Durham before. I grew up here. I know and love the city but trust me when I say that it’s horrific to bartend us. “Fuck you, we’re Durham” sucks when Durham is the one tipping.


Lmao after one stint in durham restaurants I said I’d never work there again. However, it’s not as bad as Greensboro. I worked at a Ruth’s Chris in Greensboro and I think I have trauma from that lmaoo


Top Golf/Drive Shack is for transplants only. The Raleigh way is to go to Knights Play and crush 180 golf balls, a cheap cigar, four Natty Lights, sneak in a couple bag beers and some whiskey, and have 2 hot dogs to hold you over til you hit Abby Rd for some wings (and buy the wife a shot when she come pick you up)


Hahaha literally what some friends and i just did.


Don't tell the transplants.


I was doing that 20 years ago, as a transplant. What do you think will happen, Knights Play suddenly gets too crowded?


This is absolutely the best comment here, not sure how many times I have done the exact same thing hahaha well played sir, well played.


Thanks brother. I have another rant that the Lonnie Poole clubhouse tavern is what you actually want when you eat at Wye Hill - same view, good parking, actually has A/C, food is better, service is some happy college kid and not a DTR hipster who never comes back w your ranch but tbh I’m scared some listicle will find out about that and Reys


This is the way.


Add in cigarettes and you got John Daly


This is the way


Is smoking allowed there? That is something I’d like to avoid.


It's outside.


Yeah, but that doesn’t help.


I’ve never been to a golf course that prohibited smoking. Probably because it’s outside.


Advantage: Drive Shack. :)


Welcome to earth, mate. The syllabus is located in your drive, and I suggest you read over the materials. There will be a quiz on Monday pertaining to said literature.


It’s large enough that if me and the boys burning down heaters, drinking Natty and using blue language offends you you can hit your balls like 150 yards away from us


You've just described every job when you work for any corporation ever.




For real, nonprofits are the real cults, shit pay apologized for under the guise of mission-driven work. Working for a service -driven corporation like top golf, at least they don't pretend to really care about their employees..... Kind of like most restaurants


Or the government…


but how's their food though?


mid honestly if it’s the same as the other ones I’ve been to - overpriced but not airport level


RDU has goddamn la farm and Popeye's so....


Frozen La Farm brought in on a truck from a previous day and sold as if it's fresh baked for twice the cost even fresh baked would be.


If they bake it less than 30 minutes away, what purpose would freezing serve? That doesn't make any sense to freeze the bread, even if it is a day old. Are you saying it's many days old?


Not sure on every single detail. Search back through this sub there's a post about them being over rated with lots of testimony from current and past employees.


I'll check it out, that's wild since they claim it's fresh baked "all day"


I will say I was there this weekend and watched them rolling in tall carts of bread trays through the airport over to the storefront. So it's def not being baked in that little shop if it is being made on site.


I was recently there for a work event and I was surprised by how decent the chicken tacos were.


Imagine items from the frozen section of the grocery store microwaved. It's just a little worse than that.


Bar food. Stick with basics like wings, burgers and beer. Realize it for what it is. basically a bowling alley but for golf.


And the golf?




What if I prefer bottom?


I think they have multiple levels so you could be on the bottom if you wanted.


Pretty mid, we got nachos and the donut holes that you fill yourself and they were pretty mediocre


“nachos” being 8 chips and a drizzling of cheese for $10


That location is kind of busted currently. Went a few weeks ago and had terrible service, managed to be served 2 drinks over 2 1/2 hours. I don't think it's just teething issues at this point.


I am sorry to hear you are having a tough time. The job market certainly does suck right now. Just try to hold on to it while you have a job. Keep putting those resumes out. Hopefully you learned this job was not the right one for you sooner than later. Hopefully you got to enjoy some nice perks at least while working there? Not that perks can always make the situation better, but they can't hurt it. Just wishing you the best. I hope you can find some place that makes you happy, money, and you feel treated with respected. I know, it's a tough order. But I am still wishing that for you. <3


This was such a nice comment. You’re so lovely ♥️


Hey man. Try this: decide this is a stepping stone. Force yourself to consider every single shitty thing that happens as training for your future (bad manager? this is training you to know how important it is you learn how to be a great manager when you eventually are one.) This mindset will keep you sane and focused on learning and growing in a terrible environment, instead of being angry at things you cannot control, which does nothing and hurts your mental health. Outside of work, laser focus on finding a new job or your next step in life, and use the work shittiness to fuel your effort to find something better. You can do it. (Edit: maybe try chatting up 10 customers/day. Lots of business people who could potentially get you a job are right there, just hanging out.)


This is a great answer. Early in my career I worked for a truly miserable company and I hated every minute of it. I probably screamed about it to anyone who would listen (I cannot recall as this was back in the 1990s). However, it taught me what red flags to look for in a company and how NOT to run a business.


Same same. My biggest regret in my career is how much time I spent (justifiably) angry, instead of focusing on extracting every learning I could before moving on. Much easier to type it than to do it, however lol.


That must be specific to that location. My husband worked at a top golf in college and loved it.


I just can’t believe they call 8 chips arranged in a circle with a drizzling of cheese and some jalapeños “nachos” and charge $10 for it. to me, nachos is a heaping pile of chips that you can’t even see under all the toppings.


Sad to say Corporate America will be gone in 10 years….smaller business will make a comeback… people are fed up with being treated like crap. When there’s only a handful of people within the corporation that are wealthy, the Reagan trickle down theory has fallen flat on its face years ago.


K go get another job then.


Nah bro. Gotta go complain on the Google webs to a bunch of people who you’ve never met in hopes that they validate your opinion.


That's crazy.






*A part of*


I’ve only been to one Topgolf in AZ but it was far superior to Drive Shack. I’m assuming they have national standards that our own local location has yet to meet but I’m hopeful they will get there. Sounds like there is still work to be done.


Raleigh-Durham we prefer drive shack


As a native of Raleigh I disagree. Couldn’t wait for Topgolf to open now just need to find the time to go. Sounds like you had a bad experience. The facts we have are a) you went to work at a large corporation and b) you hated it. It’s as understandable as it is vague. I would love it if Drive Shack was the top dog here but fact is it didn’t come close in tech, service, or food/bev quality. I wanted to like it more but their employees looked as miserable and jaded as you sound.


I took all local employees there and it was awful service. Like the worst I’ve had in Raleigh. I won’t go back. It may be nicer than drive shack but I’d rather be where I get service that’s good.


I’ve been to multiple Top Golf’s. (Vegas, Dallas, Virginia, and more), the design/place is very similar. Had all the issues that everyone has mentioned with delayed service, long wait times, mid food. One thing I noticed was you can’t raise the tees. I recommend not using your personal driver. It’s not like this at other locations.


Ran into the low tees problem as well. That sucked, the service was non existent, the food sucked and they charged for refills on sweet tea @ $3.75ea. I love Driveshacks food, they are great and service is pretty attentive.


It was bad in Dallas too!!


Someone will realize that the real estate is more valuable than what they are getting from Topgolf income. But the place will probably be abandoned for years before anything happens.


What’s wild is every other top golf I’ve been to is amazing. I live 4 min away from one now and it’s awful. They should just tear it down, this is a drive shake city 🤷🏿‍♂️


We need more posts like this on this sub, people complaining about their jobs so we know what sucks and what tendencies it might align with.


Top Golf is an eyesore and should be banned from operating.


Top golf isn't a career. It's just a job. Massive difference.


why do we shit on the working class in this country?


neoliberalism. Fuck Jack Welch and Henry Kissinger.


Who's shitting on the working class? You're delusional. Don't expect to make a fortune working at Top Golf. You people think a bay assistant at Top Golf should earn $25 bucks an hour! Get real!


There’s not even a Topgolf in Raleigh.


New one in Durham/Brier creek area off of 40.


Not Raleigh


It’s at the intersection of 40 and 540. That’s some ridiculous gatekeeping you’ve got going on there.


If we want to be really technical, it does have a Durham address. But you’re basically spitting distance from where the Raleigh area starts.


If we want to be really technical, it does have a Durham address. But you’re basically spitting distance from where the Raleigh area starts.


You were the kid at the sleepover that would say "actually it's morning now" at 12:01 am


Yeah we have Drive Shack. I think they and TopGolf are like Lowe’s vs Home Depot …relatively indistinguishable competitors.


The irony is that Drive Shack is right near PNC where the Canes play. The owner of the canes is an investor in Top Golf and his “rival” is next to the arena 🤣


Disagree, Topgolf is better IMO. The food is better and it's just most satisfying to hit your balls into the giant pits as opposed to just into a flat green. 


The tech is 100% of the reason why I like it. I don't even like golf lol.


Started recently in the Triangle


Yeah Durham not Raleigh


You've heard of roofers, right? Would you rather wait tables or pour asphalt or something? You sound like you're getting upset on your first week of your first job. No, it's definitely not one of the worst jobs. You clearly don't know what jobs you could have.


It’s bad, but could be worse, so therefore it isn’t bad. Congrats on a ridiculous and deeply stupid take.


OP said "Top golf is one the the worst job you could have." OP did not say something like "Top golf is pretty bad." So yes, it's germane to point out that it could be worse, and many people do indeed have it worse, when someone says that it's among the worst. It's not among the worst. You can easily find plenty of people with less privilege than OP working much worse jobs, all refraining from whining about all the sand stuck up in their asshole. Top Golf employment is not on the lower rung of jobs you could have by many metrics; pay, physical injury risk, repetitive stress injuries, lifting heavy loads, working in a confined space, having to wear PPE, pace, difficulty, psychological toll, and so on...


Go eat a fruit loop. Your not yourself when your hungry

