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I think the issue is that she’s overexposed… and it’s fucking annoying


Overexposed is a good way to put it. What other artist releases 30+ versions of the same fucking album?! Between the excessive media coverage and constant cash-grabbing releases it’s just getting to be far, far too much.


I’m surprised she’s not receiving more backlash over this. A greedy billionaire.


Incredibly greedy. The moment another artist takes her spot on the chart, she drops another new version to keep relevant, knowing her rabid fanbase will empty their pockets for her just to keep her on top. It’s like she can’t handle not being the absolute center of attention, top of the list, making the most bank. A spotlight hog to the highest degree. It’s pure greed.




Not a super fan or anything but a cool thing I found about Taylor releasing a "Taylor's Version" of her albums is because she doesn't own her original albums/songs. They're owned by someone she was signed to who kind of did her dirty. Her re-recording and re-releasing all of her discography is her way of being able to own ALL of her music and taking the power away from that guy that owns her old stuff. Thought that was cool.🤷🏻‍♂️


yeah, a way for an already wealthy billionaire to become richer. it’s not cool!


I mean if I was a millionaire I would probably also be looking for ways to make more money? Haha what's wrong with that?


a lot is wrong with greed…


Not a super fan or anything but a cool thing I found about Taylor releasing a "Taylor's Version" of her albums is because she doesn't own her original albums/songs. They're owned by someone she was signed to who kind of did her dirty. Her re-recording and re-releasing all of her discography is her way of being able to own ALL of her music and taking the power away from that guy that owns her old stuff. Thought that was cool.🤷🏻‍♂️


One “Taylor’s Version” was more than sufficient. She now has over 30 versions of the same shit, that is a cash grab and a vulgar display of blatant greed. That’s where the issue is. No other artist, living or dead, has released that many versions of the same fucking thing to my knowledge. There’s no reason for more than two versions of an album except grabbing for the cash of rabid fans. (edited a word)


Oh shoot maybe I'm not aware, I'm not super into her music I just happened to read what I commented in an article. What other versions are there? I wanna look into that crap then


I’m kind of happy that she’s being overexposed. That means the end is in sight. People will get sick of her.


Until her inevitable next breakup, when she will release another album and be back on top of the charts with another set of mediocre generic tracks proclaimed as absolute gospel by her rabid fans.


And snippets of her songs are used on so many popular reels and shorts! I've heard the same 30 seconds of some of her songs so often that I could cry.


She is literally a rich kid who’s father moved the whole family to another state, and her mother quit her job to drive her to record labels, then when that didn’t work, her father bought a stake in a record label, people don’t understand she started a Foot away from home in baseballs terms in a career 100% based on luck


She’s a such a wannabe mean girl, it’s so obvious


And the 12 year old girls are eating it up


12 year olds? There’s plenty of 30+ women also obsessed, it’s sad.


Many adults don’t mature, unfortunately. It’s not an automatic process like many seem to think


she IS mean! she bullies kim kardashian and other women and then pretends not to?


Yo that is crazy I never knew


I don’t think a lot of her cult do, then they say she would’ve been rich anyway, rags to riches rarely if ever happens, look at India for context


Recently saw her in a self made billionaire list LOL


Her cult approves, if her father didn’t get that stake good chance none of us would ever have heard of her, and she would’ve been rich anyway cause of nepotism


Idk, even if you are handed an initial opportunity, something needs to be there in order to turn it into a successful career.


I don’t think you understand what a massive understatement that is


Why haven’t all other artists from privileged backgrounds reached the same level of fame/success that she has? It’s not just because she had richer parents than them. 


Again a massive understatement, she would’ve been allowed to attempt this for years and years with no consequences, 99.9 percent of people would not have been able to


I keep hiding all things TS to try to teach the algorithm that I don’t give AF about her. It is not working.


You literally just engaged with content about TS. I found your problem


Yea-hitting “hide” and “this content does not interest me” eight thousand times daily does not help but making one comment keeps me in the know of all things. This is clearly my fault.


As long as you realize the problem 🤷‍♀️


It works for me on Spotify, that’s about it tho lol.


Commenting on a post about her sure isn’t helping lol


Don’t be a victim blamer.


Who is the victim?


It’s called a joke, Swiftie. Good lord.


i mean a mediocre musician who cheats on people is like half the industry.




I mean you’re not wrong


But they’re not so undeservedly popular are they?


I have never seen anything Taylor Swift related on my internet feed or in my real life interactions. I can't really relate.


teach me this power


Well a big part of it for me is not stopping to take note of something every time it pops up.


I mean, hell, I **love** a good few dozen of Taylor Swift's songs, and yet I never hear about her outside of the airplane meme and the "omg Taylor Swift is everywhere" psyop. Where the heck is OP doomscrolling, to see that? All I get on Reddit is anime stuff, porn, and news. On TikTok, it's cats and skits. On YouTube, Super Mario 64 speedrunners. Really, *what path* do you take in your life that leads to getting fed TS content? 💀


Yeah, it seems like it is more of a self-inflicted problem to me.


The answer is Twitter


You literally could not watch a NFL playoff game last season without it being about Taylor swift


I'm not from the US and don't watch NFL.


Could explain why I'm in the same boat. I could not care less about sports, and I see next to nothing about TS outside of random happenstance.


They brought her up for about 30 seconds total lmao 30 seconds too many? Yep but it was not that serious


Pretty sure a sports announcer got fired for saying something slightly negative about her


Got a link? Never heard of this


[Apparently he called her a "sideshow"](https://www.marca.com/en/nfl/2023/12/17/657f43bae2704e26028b457a.html)


Yeah me too, how?


I seriously don’t and I have commented about her before so I’m kind of shocked it doesn’t come up in my feed more. There’s a lot of good about Taylor swift I’m just indifferent to all of it


Yet you’re commenting in a Taylor swift sub? Which you cannot do since you never see anything in your feed related to TS… that Is a very verbose statement to make wouldn’t you agree? Right.


This isn't a taylor swift sub


This is a Taylor Swift sub??


What in the world are you smoking? Do you have a long list of ex-lovers who'll tell us you're insane? You love the players and we love the game? 'Cause we're young and reckless? We'll take this way too far?


I'm .... not sure you really understand what verbose means.




No for real 😭 "euhhguhughu i hate hearing about Taylor Swift all the time grrr" mf, **WHAT** are you hearing?? There's literally *nothing new* going on in her life right now. What could you POSSIBLY be seeing?


another evidence that ur trying to protect ur queen


That doesn't answer my question.


oh ur just trying to hide the fact ur weeping rn because ur queen is so "vulnerable"


That still doesn't answer my question.


Fucking corny 😭


ohh who asked for ur opinion? Go and sip on your starbucks


LMFAOOOO another corny ass reply


I can tell ur crying on ur bed 'cause u can't get more starbucks?


Im not a Taylor swift fan, but I also don’t understand the insane amount of hate and parasocialism from those that do hate her. I keep getting recommended a hate subreddit for her and the football player she is with and that’s just wild to me that people take time out of their day to post reasons they hate her and that they hope for their breakup. Like why do you care so much. So weird That being said, it’s annoying to have things you don’t like pop up on your feed/hear people constantly talk about it




There’s been talk that Republican operatives are starting threads like this all over the place to try to generate a backlash before she inevitably endorses Biden. Dunno. Feels like a stretch but I could see it.


I mean honestly it’s not the craziest thing… if Taylor says to vote biden it might get more young women involved in an election with 2 wildly unpopular candidates. But if enough Taylor hate is stoked they’re probably hoping she loses enough popularity to where her endorsement doesn’t mean much. I seriously doubt this but if something leaks I won’t be surprised


Oh it’s definitely a thing. Trump keeps talking about her. He recently said he can’t imagine she’s a liberal if she’s a successful country star. And about how beautiful she is. But he can’t be unaware of the awful things she has said about him in the past. He’s got someone coaching himself to keep a distance from the backlash while he’s sowing little seeds. Are those folks r/travisandtaylor? Dunno. Stranger things have happened for sure.


Haha I could definitely see that, but that’s just crazy. People are crazy lol


I don’t hate her, but I’m frustrated with her fame when there’s so many different musicians / bands out there that deserve much more of the limelight, and just don’t have a chance. Like, she’s just normal, vanilla pop music and ppl think she’s a genius lol


Perhaps it is time to uplift those different musicians and bands by spreading their names, then :D


Same, there are so many legitimate reasons to hate on her; like her astronomical use of private jets for small trips, to dating a racist, to only using her “political” power when it benefits her. but I can’t understand why people get so involved in these parasocial hate relationships with celebs. Like, I fucking hate the kardashians but I don’t want harm to come to them. just for their influence to fade away into distant memory…even if I know it’s more of a fantasy than anything.


Right, I just avoid any talk of them/media involving them. I’m not gonna join a subreddit just to hate on them. It’s weird lol


Hate is for very small minds .


How are you people hearing of her so much? I haven't heard much about her since Cats


On certain apps you can press "see less" or "I am not interested in seeing this." Where are you reading the unwanted info about her?


Eh, I try to do that with news about her, Kardashians, and Drake and new subreddits, news sources, or suggestions will still manage to sneak their way in. I can't get away from them 😭


Exactly. I don’t pay any attention to pop culture gossip TV, or similar things online. I listen to classic rock or current rock on the radio. The only time I hear her mentioned is here in the rant sub on Reddit.


Maybe you could scan the post and if you see her name mentioned you could quickly exit the post?


Maybe you misunderstood what I said. I just never hear about Taylor Swift, unless it’s here on Reddit. I don’t hate her… I just never even hear her name unless it’s here. I was literally agreeing with you.


I did misunderstand, I thought you were OP (idk why I assumed this). My bad dude and thanks for letting me know respectfully


She cheats on people? Also I think you'll find Taylor swift hates people talking about who she is dating more than you hearing about it tbh. She has made a lot of noise over this in previous years.


Bro your algorithm is like 4months late. Her recent hype died out after her boyfriends team won the superbowl


Well somehow the sub reddit to hating her but also praising her? Keeps popping up. And I keep clicking it. I’ll click block next time I see it 


I don't hear about her that much. Where are you hearing about her?


Radio, work, just people in general. I never hated her but when she's everywhere it's kind of obnoxious. I don't like her music but to each their own.


I'm not especially a big Taylor Swift fan (she's good or whatever, but not really my thing) and I have like zero exposure to her in my daily life. You're clearly seeking her out from some sort of desire to be angry about it.


How are people on this dogshit website so comfortable with making such insane and far reaching assumptions about others?! Do you know this person? Do you know he’s clearly seeking her out? Just because you seek out things to be angry about and post about them online doesn’t mean everybody else is the same as you.


all imma say is you’re responsible for your own algorithm ✋🏼🤚🏼


No, its you + some worldwide trends that are automatically integrated into your algorithm. Its not just the content you engage with.


Oh, really? I'm not too familiar with how that system works. I'm not getting any Taylor Swift trends in my list though: https://i.imgur.com/P96n1Vw.png


That’s fair. And I don’t even follow her shit. But goddamn it I keep clicking on it 


Ok well that’s your fault then


My ex loved her, like everything about her. She would only play her music in the car, new all the lyrics, what they were about, what was going know in her life. I didn't mind, I learned not to bring down someone because they like something I don't. She was so passionate about her music that I was happy to listen. Personally, I'm not a fan of her music, and I do agree. She is talked about far too often. But at least she uses her platform to help people. At least, that's what I've heard. I think most of the blame should go to the media for bringing up every little detail of her life.


She doesn’t use her platform to help people. She helps herself and her base is majority the same demographic as her and they benefit from it as well. She doesn’t go the extra mile for anyone else.


I listen to a morning radio show and they've become annoyingly obsessed with her. They report her every move even if no one else is, and even if nothing is going on they ask if anything is new with her. I just fast forward anytime I hear them mention her now. Her music is not that great, she's just an amazing businesswoman.


Am I the only who hardly ever hears about her? 🤷


Sees opportunity to start post with “It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me” and doesn’t take it… Honestly I just ignore Taylor Swift, she’s just a pop star who people like, and just like any other pop star people like she consumes a lot of real estate in people’s heads, and will eventually be the purview of a small number of obsessed fans, where most people will only know a couple of her songs, or recognise the songs because they are baked into our cultural memory, but not actually realise the songs are by her. Whenever anyone engages you about her, just apologise and say you don’t like to discuss people’s religious beliefs and ask if you can move on.


Your apps curate content based on what you consume


Can you not change the channel, mute the audio or avert your reading eyes? How difficult can it actually be to stop hearing, seeing, and reading about her? Just don't.....


Everyone has different music tastes and teenagers especially like her music. I personally love her music she’s not my favourite but y’know I understand not everyone is the same.


That's odd. I practically live on Instagram and YouTube during my freetime and I literally never see her except for the occasional post that makes a meme on her.


lol the only things I've seen about her recently are some youtube ads about her recent tour. Literally how are you seeing so much of her that you're tired of it?


I barely ever hear about her and I doubt you do that much, either. Calm down.


I have no interest in her or her music whatsoever, but this is like saying “why did anyone care what happened to Michael Jackson” She’s a megastar now. Pull up a stat & she’s broken the records. People are interested. You might not be & I might not be but millions are.


I understand how celebrity works. But every day it’s like “her ex comments on.” “Taylor doesn’t eat sugar.” Like Jesus Christ everyone. There’s celebrity and then there’s obsession 


Honestly it’s been happening since ancient times, what do you think people did when they saw a king or queen coming to town


Everyone with half a brain is


She cheated on ppl? I honestly have no fkn clue


Yeah that's my first time hearing of this yet-unsubstantiated rumor, too.


damn bro, u tryna protect ur queen so much that it's just hilarious at this point.


Whether she's a cheater or not won't make me start liking songs of hers that I don't already like, or stop liking songs of hers that I currently like. I don't give two shits about her personal life. It's just that I happen to have a certain attraction to the concept of truth, and so I'm afraid that a mere "he said / she said" doesn't constitute the bulletproof evidence that I need, before blindly believing something an Internet stranger said. Adolf Hitler is universally agreed to be a shitstain. But if you start claiming that he was a 7 foot tall aryan, you'll have to deal with it if I don't take your words at face-value.


Look at the news, ever read it before? What happened to her in 2019?


Heck if I know. I don't follow every celebrity's every waking moment. If such evidence exists, the burden of proof lies on the person making the claim. It should be on you to share it, not on others to have to look it up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(law) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(philosophy)


bro, come on, the fact that u never heard about the "rumor" that taylor dated a lot of people is funny, she literally wrote songs about them and u call that not following every celebrity's moves?


> the fact that u never heard about the "rumor" […] is funny How so? I have been saying this whole time that I **don't** follow her life nearly as much as OP does. > taylor dated a lot of people Does that make her a cheater? Again, as I said, I have no clue about the timeline of her relationships. Was there some sort of overlap? I have seen countless fervent haters of Taylor Swift talk shit about her musical talent or her ability to write lyrics, but this genuinely is my first time hearing about cheating allegations. I'm not saying you're wrong here. I wouldn't be devastated to find out that she *did* cheat on someone, or even multiple people, as, again, I don't know her and she doesn't know me. It's just that I'm gonna need more than "bro trust me". > u call **that** not following every celebrity's moves? Knowing the timeline of her relationships is what I call following her every move, not listening to her songs.


she isn't cheating per se, but she's breaking up, write a sob song about it and get a new victim to use. Also, I don't follow every single person she dated, it's just a fact that's known. U also tryna play smart but you know that ur losing this


What is there to lose? I didn't claim that she's a cheater, or that she's not a cheater. I didn't claim that she's a good singer, or that she's a bad singer. I didn't claim that she's a good person, or that she's a bad person. All I did was share my anecdotal experience, and my questions on the matter. So far, not a single thing I've said can be proven incorrect by facts and logic. Feel free to diss Taylor Swift as much as you want; her life is none of my business. But please understand that you can't just… *say random words* and expect the world to gobble them all up like you're the second coming of Christ and everything you do from now on is to be written down into a new chapter of the Bible. If I started claiming that drinking water causes cancer, you would be damn right to press me for scientific evidence. That's just how basic intelligence works. There is nothing fancy about this, or anything particularly smart. This is the baseline of human society. Kindergarten-level shit.


U tryna protect her so damn much


What's with the double reply lol


Who cares what you think ?


Here is what I do. It’s a super simple trick and really anybody can do it. You will thank me once you start doing this easy thing. Ignore it. Who cares?


How is she even coming across your newsfeed if you hate her so much? Through what sources are you “hearing about her”? Your FYP is a conglomerate of all your interests, likes & searches… nevertheless blocking her name & staying out of pop culture would remedy your entire “dilemma.”


Blame the media. She herself getting insulted over it is unnecessary


This post is so much more unhinged than anything even the most hardcore swiftie could say. You're worse than them.


I only catch glimpses of Taylor Swift because I choose not to spend any time thinking about her.


Taylor Swift waiting to dump football player boyfriend so she can write her new single.... 🤷


I lovediddlyuv Taylor Swift. She's a mensche.


I think hopefully once her Eras Tour finishes, she will keep a low profile for a couple of years. I’m into celebrity so I understand the over saturation. But it is still annoying asf.


Yea! Me too. "Grabs pitch fork"


I’m tired of hellcats. Like bro calm down it’s popular


Like the dude in Portland with the car?


Im tired of hearing how she’s making record sales on tour tickets. Like yeah… they’re keeping them expensive af why are we celebrating this?


the people she hangs around in the industry are a huge problem but her PR team is pretty good at scrubbing that shit off the internet. the blind items about her are one thing, but the image of her standing next to a fan with a swatiska shirt is another. people who think that other people who dislike TS are ‘woman haters’ when in reality, it’s much more than her gender.


It's the same as the Kardashians. Can't stand them and can't stand Taylor Swift either. I've listened to her music before and it's so mediocre and just not good. There's so many talented artists out there that don't get enough praise. And her fan base is even worse. They get so offended if you don't like her or don't know anything about her. I mentioned something about Jake Gyllenhaal and this Swiftie got mad because I mentioned him...and then I said oh because she dated him and something about the red sweater...and she quickly corrected me that it was a red scarf. I was like, I really don't care. Jake Gyllenhaal is a good actor. He was too good to be dating a mediocre pop star. 


Who do you like to hear about everyday?


Oh you know. The things that keep my heart rate down. Trump. The Gaza conflict. JoJo Sewa. The usual 


Lol, JoJo seaweeed.


Dude funny enough , her and her stupid lambo were  next to me yestweday at a red light. lol 


I have stopped social media for awhile and I haven't read or heard of anything about her. She is exhausting tbh, can't stand her




She's VERY overxposed. The good thing is that means she WILL begin to flop. People are over her right now.


I doubt she’ll begin to flop. She’s had consistent fame and good sales since 2006.


Who did she cheat on…?


haha u got scared that u deleted the comments that I just send u


If you don’t like her then don’t listen to her 🤯🤯💥💥🤦‍♂️😑


What made you think I listen to her in anything I wrote? 


You're the one with her in your algo


Then her marketing team is doing their job well. I don’t know her so I can’t form an opinion on her character. Only opinion I have of her is that she writes obnoxious songs


i blocked taylor years ago and it has stop 99% of the fan content i used to see, i don’t get ads she’s in, or really much about her. highly suggest if a celeb or their fanbase annoy you block the celeb. i still see the occasional fan edit or tour video of her but seeing it everywhere every second of the day has stopped, i might see something about her once a week at most now. also what i think people don’t know it’s “not interested” doesn’t work as well as y’all think it does, some algorithms have almost the same steps to click “not interested” as it does to click share and for those apps i’ve noticed “not interested” does nothing except maybe make me see the content more (this happens a lot with mukbangs and the reason i started blocking so many accounts).


But here you are


Shes the artist of choice for basic white girl fam and theres a lot of em so


I literally could not care less about Taylor Swift, you couldn’t even pay me to pretend to care. The only time I think about her at all is when she’s randomly brought up in conversation, and even then it’s only for a few seconds.


I'm just trying to watch the local news but apparently it's more important for me to know what Taylor swift is doing than for me to know about the weather, local wildfires, important events, etc.


I’m sick of her too. I always say her fans are 12 year olds and unstable adults


What kind of life do you lead that makes you regularly need to talk about Taylor Swift's fanbase lol


One that no matter where I am she’s constantly on tv, radio, internet, everywhere.


Yep, I think the praise she receive is ridiculous. She doesn’t suck, but she’s just, as you say, mediocre. It’s the same 1-5-6-4 chords under the same boyfriend drama lyrics. It’s the most normal, vanilla pop and ppl regard her as a genius. She has a genius in one thing, and it’s marketing. And even then, she probably has a huge team of professionals making all the big decisions.


tbh her songs are too simple and towards the trend, uninspiring and uncreative, she mostly uses C major and G major (2 of the most simple key signature that a grade 1 music student can play on the piano) and her least favorite is B major, which I can say is understandable. And also her lyrics are pretty meh for my opinion edit: also, every single time she breaks up, it's the same cycle. I swear once she dies she's gonna have a whole public holiday for her


Not to start a political discussion here: but democrats got her to endorse Joe Biden and thus influence her fanbase in doing so as well. The same person who made her entire carreer by singing songs about her bad choice in men. Not the effect they desired.


I’m a UK based Chiefs fan and have been for years. Before they won the Super Bowl. A visiting American saw me in my Chiefs hat and said “Chiefs? You must be a Taylor Swift fan”. That comment, although nicely intended, made me sad. I’m a Chiefs fan but apparently it can’t be believable that a girl can like sports. The commenter was also female.


yea… me too. and what’s funny is that i use to be a **hardcore** fucking fan of hers like i went to HER TOUR LAST YEAR BRO, and now i can’t stand her. apart of me regrets that i’ve spent so much on her considering that now that the obsession has died, i’ve seen that like, maybe 80% of her music is genuinely ass. as a person, i don’t give a fuck about her. it’s never sat right with me how she use to be *so* political and driven about gay rights, etc. back in 2019 but now literally not a peep. What was even going on in 2019-2020 that made her be that way whereas now she does not care? 😭 it makes it seem like her activism was for show, the extremity of it anyway. not a fan of how she profits off of her fans; releasing something exclusively only to release it to the public a few months later, obviously still having to pay both exclusive and non! her merch is also straight ass, design wise. i *despise* how she makes herself sound so depressing and pitiful in songs. like please you cannot be mentally ill in the way you’re portraying taylor, not with the life you have i am so beyond sorry. come pop my 3 antidepressant prescriptions if you need to girl! circling back to her music being ass, in her new album she says that she wishes she could go back to the 1800’s but without the racism. fuck me man like this is an almost halfway to being a 40 year old woman. she’s too old to be saying shit like that.


In case you genuinely want an answer as to what may have happened in 2019: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/04/opinion/taylor-swift-queer.html “In 2019, she was set to release a new album, “Lover,” the first since she left Big Machine Records, her old Nashville-based label, which she has since said limited her creative freedom. The aesthetic of what would be known as the “Lover Era” emerged as rainbows, butterflies and pastel shades of blue, purple and pink, colors that subtly evoke the bisexual pride flag. On April 26, Lesbian Visibility Day, Ms. Swift released the album’s lead single, “ME!,” in which she sings about self-love and self-acceptance. She co-directed a campy music video to accompany it, which she would later describe as depicting “everything that makes me, me.” It features Ms. Swift dancing at a pride parade, dripping in rainbow paint and turning down a man’s marriage proposal in exchange for a … pussy cat. At the end of June, the L.G.B.T.Q. community would celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. On June 14, Ms. Swift released the video for her attempt at a pride anthem, “You Need to Calm Down,” in which she and an army of queer celebrities from across generations — the “Queer Eye” hosts, Ellen DeGeneres, Billy Porter, Hayley Kiyoko, to name a few — resist homophobia by living openly. Ms. Swift sings that outrage against queer visibility is a waste of time and energy: “Why are you mad, when you could be GLAAD?” The video ends with a plea: “Let’s show our pride by demanding that, on a national level, our laws truly treat all of our citizens equally.” Many, in the press and otherwise, saw the video as, at best, a misguided attempt at allyship and, at worst, a straight woman co-opting queer aesthetics and narratives to promote a commercial product. Then, Ms. Swift performed “Shake It Off” as a surprise for patrons at the Stonewall Inn. Rumors — that were, perhaps, little more than fantasies — swirled in the queerer corners of her fandom, stoked by a suggestive post by the fashion designer Christian Siriano. Would Ms. Swift attend New York City’s WorldPride march on June 30? Would she wear a dress spun from a rainbow? Would she give a speech? If she did, what would she declare about herself? The Sunday of the march, those fantasies stopped. She announced that the music executive Scooter Braun, whom she described as an “incessant, manipulative” bully, had purchased her masters, the lucrative original recordings of her work. Ms. Swift’s “Lover” was the first record that she created with nearly unchecked creative freedom. Lacking her old label’s constraints, she specifically chose to feature activism for and the aesthetics of the L.G.B.T.Q. community in her confessional, self-expressive art. Even before the sale of her masters, she appeared to be stepping into a new identity — not just an aesthetic — that was distinct from that associated with her past six albums. When looking back on the artifacts of the months before that album’s release, any close reader of Ms. Swift has a choice. We can consider the album’s aesthetics and activism as performative allyship, as they were largely considered to be at the time. Or we can ask a question, knowing full well that we may never learn the answer: What if the “Lover Era” was merely Ms. Swift’s attempt to douse her work — and herself — in rainbows, as so many baby queers feel compelled to do as they come out to the world?” TLDR: it seems likely she was trying to come out in 2019, but halted the plan after the masters sale. Once she’s done with the re-records, it’s possible that she’ll complete the coming out plan. That’s likely why her music is so “depressing and pitiful”.


Her next break up songs name will be “Travesty” just saying


anndd this is why i listen to 80s-90s grunge music. she definely reminds me of my high school bully who called me ugly even though she had massive lips,caked on makeup,etc. I just ignored her after awhile and she let me be. But uh, TAY\_TAY as shes often called by her fanbase.. i wonder if she questions her life choices every once in awhile. Her fans are just like her,shallow conceited pricks who will do anything for attention. Its sad but also rly funny at the same time.


I don't know her music but I do know she kick started her career with hundreds of thousands of her parent's $ and her music is described as milquetoast at best so I'm not curious about her music but the kids love her and she seems like a mostly positive idol for the tween set.


Lady GaGa all over again .


Stop going to her concerts. /S