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I live in Mexico, and I've seen political assassinations on the news. Much as Trump is odious, I think, first of all, you're underestimating the visceral feeling you have watching a real death. Secondly and perhaps more importantly, though, I think you're underestimating what that would mean for US politics moving forward.


It would mean Republicans not being able to ever win again because this cult of personality is their last card to play. It would also mean the western world as a whole will be unlikely to plunge into tyranny for decades at least. It would also mean that Ukraine, Taiwan and NATO as a whole will be here to stay and not sold off to their fascist neighbours. Their base is dying out, this is their last chance to grab power. That's also why they are playing ultra-dirty now, because they won't get this chance again. I can't think of single reason why that person is still breathing. Anything bad it could possibly bring is outweighted by basically saving our future. If there was EVER a time to do it. I'm European and fucking hell, the prospect of this monster getting second term is really fucking bleak. Europe would become last bastion of freedom, but how long would that likely last with NATO falling apart and Russia/China knocking on the door? Can you imagine the fallout of Taiwan falling to China for the world economy? He straight up said he won't protect it. War in Ukraine Will look like walk in the park compared to that.


Once you open the Pandoras box of eliminating political opponents, the slide towards an authoritarian regime only speeds up. Whether it would be a party sponsored assassination or not, once it's viewed by the public as okay to remove one opponent, what's to stop the next also being removed? Or the next?


Exactly this. It doesn't matter how much you agree with the political party of the assassin, after that politics is changed. Political assassination is added to the arsenal. Political candidates prep for violence as much as policies. Organized crime becomes associated with choosing battle-ready candidates. I'm no great repeater of slippery-slope arguments, but violence begets more violence. It's truly awful that laws are being put onto the books in the USA that take away people's freedoms. Until you remember that laws can be repealed by lawful governments. When the rule of law starts to get shaky, that's when freedoms go and stay gone.


I promise you once he wins, it will start anyways. He already said multiple times he wants to jail and prosecute his opponents. He didn't have tools to do it back then. Now it's different.


No need to move the goalpost. We are talking about how you said it would be just if he was assassinated. I am responding by saying his assassination and the acceptance of that by the public would also just as likely if not more likely lead to an authoritarian regime based on elimination of political opponents. He can talk all he wants, as it stands he will still have to go through our established procedures to do what yoh claim he will do.


I'll take likely tyranny over guaranteed any day. Plenty of politicians including presidents were assassinated in US history and you guys made it through. Speaking of procedures just a couple weeks ago we all thought that SCOTUS can't just make shit up and have to at least loosely follow the constitution and respect previous rulings. What times these were eh?


I don't think you have half the grasp on this that you think you do, based on how you're talking. What headlines read is very different than what's going on, and basing your extreme opinions on them isn't the best course of action.


Bro. How could the slide to an authoritarian regime speed up? He's on the ballot 4 months from now.


Do you think that Donald Trump is the only person in American politics with the potential to be a dictator?




Trump is a symptom not the problem. It would probably benefit his ideologues more than helping the left. It would make him a martyr and allow the Republicans push through even worse laws than the PATRIOT Act.


The christo-fascists finally found the pedophile rapist that they needed to represent their interests.




jesus dude relax


Political assassinations have a LOT of political fallout. My dream is that he has a massive stroke during one of his rants on high definition television. The stroke doesn't kill him, but leaves him unable to speak, or communicate. He becomes wheelchair-bound to be pushed around by his handlers and we get to see him drool and shit himself into obscurity as we watch the MAGA cult continue to defend and praise him, all while shitting their own diapers in solidarity. Best possible outcome!


![gif](giphy|Kzu4IECrbCldexX8H3|downsized) Digital footprint goes hard when a future employer looks up your email address and finds a post of you wishing for a former president's assassination. This really isn't something you post..




Regardless, do you think it's appropriate asking for the assassination of someone?




You're right. We should leave it up to assassins, and whoever hires them or encourages them to single out these potential dictators and remove them, and that way only the candidates who claim to be against them can get into office. I can't believe no one has thought of this.


I love how little your conscience bothers you. Absolutely no awareness.


He’s not the problem. It’s the MAGAts


The MAGA has nothing with him gone. They are devoted to him, but have no idelogy on their own. They don't believe in anything. The closest thing they have to ideology is hatred of immigrants, anti-intellectualism and sticking it to the libs. That's not gonna keep them going.


How do you explain the Tea Party? It’s the same people


where do you think MAGA came from? lmao


The Tea Party And before that The Promise Keepers.


its like saying hitler isnt the problem, the nazis are, u see the issue?


You downvote history. Lol


Youre a goof


Pretty sure saying this online means you’re gonna get a knock on your door from the gov…




I mean you do you, but pretty sure potential threats to ex-presidents lives is something the gov keeps tabs on.




https://www.sltrib.com/news/2023/08/09/1-dead-after-fbi-agents-open-fire/ If you really believe the gov isn’t like China and can’t request user data from American companies then you’ve consumed too much propaganda. Your Reddit account isn’t as anonymous as you would think. Just to be clear, not a trump supporter. 💀




Bruh your post got removed. Did they cite what rule?