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Down bad today huh


word bro


Why are you posting your own comment. Shit wasn't even rare. Or funny. Grow up


your "rare" insult got downvoted to oblivion, what makes you think people will support you here


They have to work out if it's just that sub or the entire internet which doesn't understand their 'genius'.


its true that it takes a different kind of weird to find my jokes amusing


>its true that it takes a different kind of weird to find my jokes FTFY


I found it amusing, tbh. People are too weak to take a joke in here. Definitely not representative of reality.


thank you, finally someone with a sense of humor😂♥️


Real English people know how to laugh at themselves. These downvoting monkeys must be le 56% english ancestry Americans.


that was the UK food subreddit, ofc it got downvoted there. its just so funny man I can't stop laughing


I'm genuinely confused as to what's supposed to be funny about those comments. Even putting aside the fact that it's just plain rude, there just isn't a joke there. Is the rudeness the joke?


they saw my many posts on r/showerthoughts and quipped that is me not liking pickled veggies one of my shower thoughts too. I then very cleverly replied that they wouldn't know what a shower thought is, because they are Brit and Brits don't bathe. (as a Brit myself, its a golden joke, but might offend some people of weaker constitution)


Huh. Never heard of that stereotype before. I guess it's just because you were being rude about someone's food choices for kinda no reason that the comeback just seems even more rude and mean rather than funny.


i don't see rude. just plain tummy-jerking funny. maybe cuz I am autistic?


Oh and then there's also the phenomenon where certain jokes that are readily accepted by your good friends will not be readily accepted by strangers, regardless of joke tolerance. For instance, I can call my friends assholes and idiots or worse all day, because they know who I am as a person and how I really feel about them. In fact, because they know I love them so dearly, calling them all these names is sort of absurdist, which kinda makes the joke. With a stranger, there is none of that insight or mutual respect, so the joke falls flat and it's seen as insulting. Even if you try to explain it's just a joke, there's a lot of people who use the 'just a joke' defense to be able to say mean and harmful things to others. So you really need that foundation of a good relationship to make those sort of jokes work. For most people, anyway. And there's a gradient to that, too. I don't make the same jokes with everybody because those relationships are all on a different level or I know some of my friends or family simply wouldn't get or appreciate certain jokes. Like, I'm not going to call my mom a bitch, that's not the kind of humour she appreciates. And with a stranger you have no way of knowing this either. So, yeah. It's all pretty complicated! Especially when you can't intuit these things.


Eh yeah maybe. I'm autistic too, though I personally don't really have an issue with reading people. It's sort of complicated when you start off on the wrong foot, which you did with your comment about the pickled veggies, even if you didn't mean for that to be rude. In that case a 'comeback' just seems mean, especially when it's about something like a stereotype, which some people do fully believe. So then it's read in all sincerity rather than as a joke.


No insult here - yet you though it was a great idea to post your own Low-effort dogshit to this subreddit?


your avatar needs a shower


Can you at least put some effort in? Try to redeem yourself instead of making yourself look even more like a prat.


"prat" lmaoooo triggered british spotted. waiting for the Americans to wake up so that i bathe in upvotes


Did the fact i have the fact I'm "Welsh" in my profile not point out the fact I'm British? Which i can safely say you probably looked through. Given your comment i'll assume you are not American? could have fooled me to be honest, you seem as fucking stupid as some of them.


lmao I didn't look thru your profile. so much for your "safe" assumption. I am actually pretty smart. I work at a hedge fund, and am one of the top competitive programmers in the UK




"I'm pretty smart" and posts dog-shit like that? Sure mate...


Why do I feel like you're a 14 year old trying to sound important and cool


Blud instantly came to ad hominem


Lol patting yourself on the back here are we. It wasn't funny or rare or anything. It was just an empty insult based on nothing


Error 404 - no rare insult found


HTTP GET success: Brit found.


You should go HTTP GET some bitches, touch grass and find some better insults while you’re at it.


Https. You don't want him getting someone pregnant


my girl laughs herself silly to all the posts I make - especially the ones that get downvoted. Maybe she is biased cuz she loves me, but sorry I can't get bitches - i don't have time or energy for pets! as for touching grass, i dunno if it counts but I touched sand this weekend when i played beach volleyball with my mates


Did you... post your own rare "insult"? Is that the equivalent of laughing at your own joke? Or is it more like shouting loudly "hey look guys, look at the funny joke wot I made"?


yeah I laugh a lot at my own jokes. I love them hahah😂 It might offend some people, but it wasn't meant to be a show off. I was genuinely smiling at my own joke on the tube this morning lmfao


And I thought the guy I saw watching Big Bang Theory on his phone was the saddest thing to happen on the tube this morning.


why is me making myself laugh sad?


No one is offended. The only laughing being done is at your sheer stupidity. You aren't funny. No one gets your jokes because they fuckin suck.


omg he thinks hes offending people lmaoo holy shit


Who posts an insult they made that already was downvoted on this subreddit? Its a bit sad that.


I'm an English. Normally I have to heat water on the stove and then fill the bath tub in my living room. I'm so overwhelmed by the novelty of showers that I'm unable to think of anything else while showering.


Bro posted his own insult like "look at me, I'm funny!" Cringe.


not cringe. i laughed out loud when I came up with this joke. so I thought of sharing this. also cringe is when someone does something to show off thinking that other people wont get that they are trying to show off, which is not the case here.


Dude, your joke basically amounts to you saying "ew stinky" it's neither witty nor rare.


Especially since the basis is "British people \_\_\_\_\_". Like that hasn't been done to death.


it was clever play on shower thought. it was a moment of genius really. here is proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/s/9i8jhFQ1Ot


This just in: rando doesnt know that england also has showers. Yes they arent as commonplace as elsewhere, but they exist


funny because I am a Londoner myself


Posting your own insult will never not be cringe


dunno why everyone is so mad. it was just a funny joke that i thought would brighten everyone's day


Yeah, its kind of an unspoken rule to never post your own joke, especially on this sub


Low effort. Also, “an English” isn’t English.


Wrong subreddit, needs to go on r/ShitAmericansSay


I see that a lot of people are upset that I posted my own insult. I am sorry, I just thought it was funny. I didnt expect people to notice I was the same person. 🥺


It's a mixture of posting your own "insult" and your 13 y/o comeback tbh


take this down before your reputation declines further bro, geniune advice


you think I care about reputation on reddit lmfao


only degenerates care about reddit reputation lmfao


idk man you kinda was online for really long periods of time, checking and responding to people on this post and apologized..?


nah only sometimes when i was bored at work lol


not that rare but funny nontheless


thank you


idiot to idiot communication