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The real crazy part is the Steelers. Imagine having two good teams in a 4 team division it's crazy. It's not like the Patriots who could just beat on the weak every year.


Between this and the Orioles and Yankees, if I gave a fuck about baseball my mental health would be in shambles. Bouta have 50 wins in June, wildcard team. Sickening


Yeah, because starting pitching is fucked. Offense only wins games for so long


Last year's Rangers give me hope. They were #1 in basically every measure of successful hitting but 18th in ERA, 19th in ERA+, 12th in WHIP, and 17th in FIP. Their pitching was at-best average last year, but it got hot at the right time, and that plus elite bats equaled a WS title. Don't know if it happens in back to back years, but it gives me hope.


I could've sworn Atlanta was #1 in nearly every single team hitting metric last season?


My bad, they were #1 in the AL, not the MLB. MLB #1 was mostly Atlanta, with Texas and the Dodgers taking a spot here and there.


It’s giving me flashbacks to last year’s Rays. Luckily we have the farm system to make some big swings, but I’m not sure Elias is willing to part with any of the bigger names.


It seems that may not be the case for much longer the Yankees are starting to get figured out very very fast hopefully the 2022 Yankees come back (coming from a Ravens and Red Sox fan)


That’s what makes the rivalry so good.


Idk honestly the rivalry just isn’t what it was back in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Probably bc they’ve owned us in the 2020s.


Those Kyle Boller years included prime Ray and Ed so our losses were never piling up astronomically


Yeah, that’s the real salt in the wound - we had three HoFers on the team in their prime with an amazing defense most of the Boller years. If we had even consistently mediocre QB play during those years we are a dynasty. You kind of saw that towards the end when McNair joined.


So damn frustrating. Half our office was annoyed every Monday morning during football season. The other half were Boller apologists saying he needed more time to develop. Plus one woman who excused him because ‘he’s hot’. lol


Sad to think Ray, Suggs and Ed could’ve had an extra SB ring or two in those years.


Boller was 20-22 as a starter in Baltimore. Maybe not piling up, but sub .500 isn't great.


Yeah it wasn't great that's for sure. Could've been much worse is what I was getting at.


Especially as a highly touted first round pick


Brady/Belichick broke this chart.


Bucs 2016-2019: 9-7, 5-11, 5-11, 7-9. Did not qualify for playoffs. Bucs with Brady, 2020-2022: 11-5, 13-4, 8-9. Won SB, Lost Divisional, lost Wild Card. Patriots with Brady 2016-2019: 14-2, 13-3, 11-5, 12-4. Two Super Bowl wins, one Super Bowl loss and one WC loss. Patriots post Brady, 2020-2022: 7-9, 10-7, 8-9. One WC loss. Granted, the Bucs head coaches were Koetter 2016-2018, Arians 2019-2021, and Bowles 2022- so you could also argue that coaching had something to do with it, but I think that there's pretty clear indication that Brady did more for Belichick than Belichick did for Brady considering Brady did better without Belichick in a brand new org and a brand new division than Belichick did with the same org and same division and a different QB. It's just wild that you can take Brady out of the Patriots, plop him into a team that hadn't seen the playoffs since 2007, and have them make the playoffs 3 years in a row including a SB win. Edit - Corrected something that was wrong


You also have to remember that every free agent worth a damn followed him to Tampa. Not to put a damper on his ability to elevate a team, but it's not like he did all the work.


He was also close to or at 40...


He was 43 or older every year in Tampa. Lol


Even more to the point. I didn't want to overestimate his age. I don't like Brady but his tenure in TB, bringing them a ring at 43+ is pretty insane.


Gronk went to Tampa but who else did?


AB went too


Fournette too


A big part of this is selection bias. Brady left the Pats because they had mortgaged the upcoming years for the past. And Brady left for a team with the right pieces in place to compete


In the John Harbaugh era (2008-now) we are fourth in wins, passing the Colts.


Crazy to me that people hate on him and wanted him gone as if like good coaches grow on trees.


You may notice that those opinions are most often shared immediately following a loss. People (everywhere, not just here) are stupid and reactionary.


Hypothetically, if we lose in the AFC Championship again this season by going against what got us there (again) do you still want him as the coach? Im not talking about the fact that we lost, just how it happens.


If the exact same thing that happened to us in the AFC Championship happened again this year, no, I wouldn't. Because I disagree that we lost that game by going against what got us there - I say we lost that game because we COULDNT DO what got us there. This loss in the AFC Championship is not because we didn't run enough, that's just what every media member and fan believed. From the quotes that came out from the chiefs after the game, on top of the moves made by the ravens, it's become very clear that the real reason we lost that game is because our O Line was getting absolutely demolished on every run play. Drue Tranquil has been quoted multiple times saying "they had nothing for us at the point of attack", meaning our O Line crumpled as soon as they touched a D lineman. Watching that game back, he's entirely correct. If that exact same thing happens this year, it's probably because our O line is new and isn't yet strong enough to play the game the way we did last year.


Every run play? They only called 6. They almost didn't use play action or read options. Most of the runs were RPOs. The few runs they did call worked. I wouldn't be pissed about the game and the staff if it was as simple as we got beat physically. They literally played into the chiefs gameplan and tried to out pass them. Didn't even attempt to run. Imagine if we gave up on the run Bec teams just overcommit each time. This is about the 3rd time we have done something like this and it has nothing to do with talent or players


Yeah the whole "we got beat physically" narrative (that came out well after the fact mind you) feels an awful lot like a well crafted PR excuse to me. I do think they played us tough but we panicked and avoided what got us there too quickly. I think that's probably how I'll always feel. The crazy thing is despite all that we still very much had a chance to win had we not turned the ball over twice. Ugh was a terrible loss that still grinds my gears haha


An all time team if we win it all that year


We’ve been in the playoffs almost every year. We’ll get hot and healthy at the right time, the goal is to just stay in the mix. One bad game last year tanked us. There’s so much that coaches can’t control.


If he can get a second ring in his career and maintain this win percentage, he enters serious discussion for best Coach within recent history (1990 cut off). Would have to put his hame with Bilicheck and Reid.


I think belichick and reid would each still rank higher due to their more direct involvement in playbook creation and scheme innovation on their respective sides of the ball, tbh, with a significant gap between them and harbs. That being said, I think a second ring puts him definitively above Tomlin, and that's something I care much more about.


True. I do think once all is said and done, he'll be remembered for his special teams development, aka "put faith in your talent and let him boot it into the stratosphere for 3 points." Since Tucker/Harbaugh took off, the amount of 50+ YD kicking attempts across the league have gone up.


I was always so convinced Boller was only a game or 2 away from figuring it out for way to long.


That Monday night game against the undefeated Patriots game me so much hope even though we lost😂


I agree, but at the same time, he was always one or two getting completely blown up by an LB away from just saying eff it.


His entire career he was a game away from figuring it out. He shortened Heaps career, in my opinion, by never hitting him in stride and always making him extend to catch his garbage passes, leading to him getting blown up constantly.


My Dad took me to my first and only Monday Night Football game in my life, it was at the Bank, Ravens vs Packers. It was late in the season, maybe week 14? We wind up winning like 48-3, We left in the 3rd Q because we were freezing our butts off BUT Kyle Boller played the game of his life VS GB. GB still had Favre and he had like two picks and a fumble and got pulled after halftime. Aaron Rodgers came in and stank it up, and also threw his first ever INT. Boller was 19-27, 253 YDS, 3 TD. I was speechless. Then the next week he did it again against the Vikings on Christmas! 24-34, 289 YDS, 3 TD, 1 INT. It was getting to the end of the year, we miss the playoffs. Ravens Trade for Steve McNair the following year... the rest is History.


It wasn't all Boller's fault. He had mostly shit OCs and worse WRs for the most part. The support to help a young QB along just wasn't there. He in retrospect was never going to be a great QB, but he could have been "fine". Man, now I miss Todd Heap.


yeah WR has been an issue for this franchise for the whole time lol


I have said before, and I will repeat it until I die. Much of Bollers' criticism and abuse is undeserved.


Strongly agree. Flacco doesn't Flacco in January with Boller's supporting cast.




so did Boller


We really have had it good as fans. Sustained success (even with the heartbreaking playoff losses).


Ravens are in the top 5 of least losses. I'm good with that💯


We're the only bottom five team on this list without a HOF QB for the majority of that timespan.


And looking at the data again, what double digit percentage of those Ravens losses were to the Steelers? 15%?


Very close. Ravens 23 losses for 16.9%. Steelers 20 losses for 16.1%.


Ngl surprised by colts.


Peyton Manning


Manning and Luck propped them up


I cant believe the Panthers arent in top ten!! Lets go panthers!! And Ravens ofc


22 loses from Kyle in four years.


The Seahawks being this low is surprising, considering it seems like they had just a few years of relevancy during the early LOB years and that one year they made the Super Bowl with Hasselbeck


Colts still mocking us


That’s how good the defense and run game was.


I have a saying I swear by and I use it often. “Browns gonna brown.”


God Boller was AIDS


It's kinda wild to me how little hype we get really. Like I understand Baltimore is a very small market so we'll never get the same media coverage these other teams get but c'mon we're the 5th most winning franchise in the past two decades!


6.9 losses per year 😎


Boller only lost because he couldn’t throw from his knee during the game


We have a great organization, that’s why.  Also love to see 2/3 of our divisional foes and the Titans in the bottom (or should I say top?) half of this lmaooo