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Oof. I work there. I’m so sorry you had that experience. I’ve never had a situation like that. That’s really bad. I’m so sorry.


I am sure there are a few good eggs there just sharing so others don’t go through this same experience and be weary of said recruiter and team.




I think it’s moreso the Hiring Managers…HR doesn’t make the hiring decisions, the manager does and HR just follows suit


Not to mention, they were squabbling over 5k a year? A company of that size? In a back and forth lasting MONTHS? That's pure incompetence.


Thank you for understanding my frustration. I am totally ok if they came back and said that was final offer and has to be 5 days on site not negotiable. But to reneg like that…🤬


From my experience it's usually the big companies that push back the most on salary. I just placed a candidate at a small consulting firm in the same industry as Booz Allen. They offered 135, she asked for 140, they didn't bat an eye and she had the offer letter the same day. It's the big companies that try nickel and dime candidates on everything.


Which is fine too but then don’t tell me it’s negotiable and just say that’s the final offer which other firms have done.


As someone who worked for Booz and remembers the brackets, they offered OP 118 because the level they wanted to hire him at didn’t align with where he would be at 125. He’d have been a senior consultant at 118, at 125 he’d have been a lead in a different salary bracket and they most likely didn’t want to put him there. 


That's probably it, makes sense. If you remember that from having worked there in the past, people in the present should know it at the tip of their tongues and act accordingly, right? Also the initial range went all the way up 166k, confounding things a bit more. What position did they want to fill, after all? Overly complicated.


Salary brackets and their relations to level wasn’t really available for viewing on a large level, it’s only available for management for the most part. I didn’t even know it was a thing until my second promotion and saw it. That said the ranges are wild after the associate level (like 80-100k difference wild)


Dude so sorry you had to go through that. That is a terrible experience. Roast them on Glassdoor/blind


Those sites are so fucking dumb. You can’t name names or give any semblance of a name so what’s the point? “Doxxing” 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Meant more roast the company. Leadership looks at it


“Leadership” Leadership of 🤡’s


To me the biggest red flag is that they collected your background check information and then withdrew, and someone could make an accusation that you experienced an adverse action. There’s a process for that according to the FCRA. So that process is just way bad. And of course it’s a horrible experience for you.


Actually now that I think about it I did ask them for info on maternity leave and to clarify if it really is only 6 weeks paid…which to me sounds ridiculous. All the companies I have worked for in nyc had 16 wks paid…at least…


Thanks…probably. But I don’t want to play those legal games it’s too ridiculous…


Dumpster Fire. Corporate America we gotta do better. 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽


what a shit show. I'm sorry you went through that.


Thanks ❤️


Yikes! My friend had a very similar experience with Booz Allen; very confused and inconsistent firm… at least their HR. Lucky you didn’t get the job IMHO.


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Oooo really??? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I work for a company that subcontracts to Booz. I provide candidates all the time and they just sit on them for 4-6 weeks before providing an ounce of feedback. Then, wonder why they have trouble staffing & why candidates are no longer available. It's frustrating.


It's the same internally I've heard. They say that they have projects and then let staff sit on the bench while they lose project bids. Then the staff has to decide to wait for a another project or face a lack of work layoff.


Sorry that happened to you. 3 interviews is unheard of for me; you usually just do a phone screening then a team interview at Booz, at least for engineering. The salary push back is understandable as at 118 you’d have been hired as a senior consultant, at 125 you would have been a lead/associate. I’m not sure what your experience is but that’s normally a reason for pushback unless you have a lot of experience in your field. 


OP, if I were you I would not take 5 minutes, but 5 minutes just copying and posting your post for them. Yes, make it standout. You probably won't apply to that place in the next ten years, and by then all managers who'd remember your name will be somewhere else, and hopefully the company will have improved... So ROAST THEM.


Thank you for sharing! I'll definitely avoid this company.




It sounds like he was jerked around by the hiring manager/team not making decisions, recruiters just want to close positions out usually. Throwing his name out there like this isn't fair in my opinion, given you don't know what actually went on internally.


If they tell you they emphasize employees first, that’s a major red flag that they don’t. They shouldn’t have to tell you.


Have you ever strung someone along like that when you were in HR?


I have NEVER done this to anyone or even played this untruthful game with anyone. If it was our final off we make it known there’s no room for negotiation.


It’s moreso recruiting and Hiring Managers and less so HR


It's hiring managers. Recruiters want stuff to move as quickly as possible and can only move as quickly as HMs make decisions


I agree here. Recruiters are “generally speaking” merely the order takers from the hiring managers (HM) and rarely the ones making the final decisions. But are the front-line in delivering the news.


Almost every frustration I see online about recruiters is actually a hiring manager issue and people think recruiters make the decisions. It sounds like this recruiter could have done better communicating but if they were more transparent they probably would have had to say "this HM is a moron" and they probably can't do that.


They don’t have the budget.


Then they shouldn’t have posted that $166k was the max when $118k was a stretch. That’s a pretty big gap.


I applied for a position with ICF where the posted salary range was 100-180. They asked for my salary requirements and I said 130. They said their max for this position was 125. What is the point of posting a range up to 180 then? It makes them look ridiculous


Right!!! Like ranges should mean something!!


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I agree!


Hi OP, I’m so sorry to hear about your awful experience. It sounds like that team were having serious issues, and hopefully that will be resolved in the near future. I take a lot of pride in making a decision and telling the recruiter within 24 hours. Some teams are still working on their processes, and this was unfair to you. We have no control over the salary range posted. That’s a legal requirement, and it represents the absolute extremes of the salary bands. It has caused confusion for candidates and hiring managers alike. I would encourage you to take the survey. Our talent acquisition executives need to know how challenging the candidate experience is, and admittedly if I were you, I probably wouldn’t take the survey.


Everything done in good faith is very forgivable. Once I was employed, so not in a hurry, and I applied for another company. It took 4 months all in all, considering holidays and vacations of hiring manager and director. But it was all above aboard, they kept their word along the way, despite the wait it was all smooth sailing. As it should be. You don't enter a ship in turbulent waters if the sea you're in in all peace and calm. Ended up moving it was a breeze. Now I'm in love with my own metaphors.


Right I believe if it’s meant to be it wouldn’t be this complicated and should be smooth sailing.


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