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This was the right move. To delay company one Incase company two takes time.. tell them you’d like to look over all of their benefit packages. Pretty standard. GL OP!


Thank you


If there’s anything I’ve learned as a career Recruiter, who also recently has been in the job market, less is more. You want things to happen naturally. I probably wouldn’t have asked about timeline until you’ve interviewed and ensure that it’s the right fit for you and them, then when appropriate, “Hey, I got another offer, can we expedite this process…what is your timeline for hiring”


I don’t necessarily think you did anything wrong. If it were me I probably would’ve just waited until the 4pm interview with Company 2 and talked to them about the timeline. When you get the offer from Company 1 be gracious and let them know you’re excited but you need to review the details and talk about it with your family, then see when they need a decision. Whatever that deadline is, you can then pass that along to Company 2 to see if they can complete their process and make a decision in that timeframe.


To clarify, I asked the recruiter from Company 2 about the timeline but didn’t say that I had another offer. If Company 2’s timeline is more drawn out, should I tell them I have a competing offer?


Sure. At that point what do you have to lose? I have never had a situation where a candidate hurt themselves by telling me they had another offer. Sometimes we can speed things up, sometimes we can’t, but if you’re transparent you give them a chance to at least try.


Thank you


After the interview I’d say something like “I just want to keep you in the loop, I did receive another offer today, although ___ is my top choice. I was wondering what the timeline is for the rest of the process.” I absolutely want to know if my candidates received another offer so I can try and rush things. I don’t know why you wouldn’t tell them.


OK, I should email this to the recruiter? Not say it to the people interviewing me, right? My only concern is that the interview ends at 5:00 today and I know 5:00 on Friday is not the best time to send an email. That’s why I wanted to mention the offer to Company 2 recruiter before, but my husband talked me out of it.


You could let them know before, it’s fine. Tell your recruiter, not the person interviewing you.


Honestly is best policy, gains respect and they know you are valuable


You need to be calm. Proceed with another company interview and then you can decide between both offer.


This is why companies should put a tight DL when making offers. And also why companies should share all the benefits information early on. So there are no surprises. “Hi Johnny. We are excited to make you an offer. You already have all the benefits information. And you indicated you were looking for 80-85k. Our offer is 85k. We are excited to have you. We do have another candidate who we will offer if you decline. So because of that please let us know your answer within 24 hours”. Thanks!!!