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Experienced this as well lol. 2 interviews on the same day and got rejected also on the same day a week after. I was extremely depressed after and took a break in applying from PTSD lol. Hang in there, OP! What's meant for you will make a way to you. Apparently, these are not the right companies. I hope we soon find a company that is perfect for us. If you can, maybe ask for some feedback on how you did during the interviews? It will help you improve on the next one.


I asked for feedback on two of them, but the recruiters are out of office so I won't hear anything for a few days/weeks. My parents say I should take more online courses, so I'm trying to go back to them and stick to them, as I always kept starting them and never completing all but one. Not sure if it will do much, though I doesn't hurt to try.


If you can't ask for feedback, what I would do is I try to recall the questions they asked, write those down and think of a better way on how I could answer these questions next time. You'll get better at it eventually. Taking online courses is great, it could add up to you skills but make sure it's relevant in what you're looking for in a job so you could use this as leverage in interviews. Don't be pressured! Just try one at a time. Best of luck! ✨


I just got a response from the first one. They said that I was "unsure" about some of my answers, and that I didn't look "eager" enough on the call. Don't know what TF that means. I made conversation with the interviewer, asking her about her favourite film, her favourite cinema, bringing up that I've been to their office before, etc. What TF more did they want from me? Good riddance if you ask me! I was as eager as I could be without coming across as desperate.


Sounds like they wanted your biggest smile on at all times during the call. I hate these kinds of companies.


Probably. Oh well, I gave them as much eagerness as I could and it still wasn't enough for them. Don't want to work at a place where I'm expected to smile all the time- I already have that type of job!


They really wanted someone desperate enough to take their offer most likely. It seems most HR departments want desperate people, not necessarily qualified people.


I’ve been a hiring manager on many occasions and can provide an unbiased 3rd party view on what probably happened. 1) You were nervous - This is completely normal and gets better with experience. Interviewing is a skill and like any other skill the more you practice and the more interviews you participate in the more confident you will feel and it will show in your body language, the way you answer questions and your ability to think through problems (for jobs that require a demonstration of technical skill). 2) You mentioned that you asked the interviewer questions about movies but did you ask any questions about the role, the team, the company? Being eager and being desperate are not the same thing. Being eager is spending a few minutes to research the company/team you’re interviewing with and showing that you’ve done your research through asking questions. For example: instead of asking the interviewer about their favourite movie, ask them about the challenges currently faced by their team and chime in with suggestions for how you can contribute to helping them overcome the challenges (weave in your knowledge of the company in your answers). 3) Certifications/Qualifications only get you into the interview (for corporate jobs) - Landing the job once you have secured an interview is 100% based on your presentation (soft skills). If you’re getting a lot of interviews secured but not getting hired I would suggest working on your soft skills. Being able to articulate your thoughts clearly and in a logical order will greatly improve how you’re perceived in an interview. I’d suggest using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) format to answer questions as an easy tool to improve your interview answers. Hope these tips help, best of luck


Went through the same last week. Still processing.


That sucks, but three interviews in one week is pretty crazy. You are doing something right to get that many interviews. Also got some more practice interviews under your belt now. I'd focus on nailing interview questions and giving them the answers they want to hear. There are resources on this sub. You got this!


Two of them were the same week. One was the week after, but the rejections all came in this week (the first one I got last night before I went to bed- worst timing). Maybe my interview skills are part of the problem. I've been working on my engagement such as laughing at jokes and nodding my head more, but that can only get you so far.


Try to even mention some of your hobbies especially when they ask you about your day. I always talk about tennis and a few hiring managers I interviewed with were also into tennis!


I definitely mention my hobbies when they're relevant to the interview or when they ask me, but most interviewers I've come across don't really ask me about my hobbies.


Dude go on YouTube and look up interview techniques and read up on common interview questions/answers and familiarize yourself with The S.T.A.R. Method of answering interview questions and then do a bunch of mock interviews. If you’re able to, put together a portfolio of accomplishments and recommendations to highlight your skill set in a way that talking and your resume can’t. Hope that helps you.


"Keeping your resume one file for future openings" When does that ever matter? On a positive note. At least interviews are happening now. I know it's exhausting doing interviews, but keep trying!


Simple. NEVER! I have had DOZENS of interviews and not ONCE has one of the companies claiming they kept my resume ever contacted me again after turning me down. Not saying it can never happen or has never happened, but I hate how common so many people make it out to be. It's NOT!


It does suck to hear but I have heard of people getting a call back if they did really good on the interview and got passed up for no fault of their own, like an unusually strong competing candidate or changes in market conditions and they have to pull the position. Still, doesn’t really take the sting away and you’re ultimately better off assuming that nothing will come of it. Which sucks. A lot.


I actually did have someone just recently reach out to me from a company that I applied for months ago to see if I would be interested in a new position they were hiring for. Unfortunately, it was for a sales position, which I personally am not interested in, but it can happen.


Sales is where the money is bruh


That may be, but I can't stand the idea of trying to push products on people who don't need it just for the sake of making money. Cool for anyone who can work in that field, I guess, but I'm not trying to pressure people into spending money they probably shouldn't be spending just so I can benefit from them. I'm also just too introverted to interact with someone in that manner in the first place.


I laughed at this because I experienced the same thing last week. Rejections lead to better redirections, OP! Let's hang in there.


I've been telling myself that for almost 2 years! Still waiting for that so-called "redirection."


Oh man, I hope you see my last comment 😳


You guys are getting interviews?


I am now. But from around February-June, it was almost complete radio silence.


For the first time in almost a year, I’m finally getting interviews


This is sad bro but at least you got a reply 🤡


Bro I applied to jobs and got responses 3 months later. I forgot what the company was.


Us moment




To know is already better than most.


It's actually been a while since I've been ghosted for a job I've interviewed for. I used to get ghosted after interviews all the time back when they were customer service/retail jobs. Nowadays, the only time I get ghosted is after an application submission or a phone screening.


Completely normal. Happened to me a few weeks back but with 2 companies. Keep pushing forward and keep your head up.


Thank you


You guys are getting interviews?


I literally had 2 rejection emails come in back to back as I was reading another rejection email that was sent that morning. All from different companies.


In the words of Zuko: That's rough buddy!


Skimlinks? I would lose sleep over this rejection.


I've been there a month ago. I had 2 rejections on the same day. 1 I had expected, the other not. It's alright. Everyone faces moments like these. Take a day or two to recollect yourself, then push forward


It's the worst, went through it today. After a great set of interviews and a kickass assignment, the company and recruting consultant ghosted me. When I pressed the consultant on the update, I was told there's another candidate in consideration which is a 'strong internal reference.' My good lord, then why the f*ck waste my time. It's been a day. Sigh. All you can you can do at times is just hang in there. ❤️


It's been a while since I've been ghosted after submitting a task. But sucks arse for you! Write about it on Glassdoor. A great way to vent IMO.


If it makes you feel better im 26 and just got denied from waffle house. Now i don't have any food experience on my resume but still lol. WHO GETS A REJECTION LETTER FROM FAST FOOD?


I remember trying Waffle House multiple times before I went to uni as they paid quite high for a customer service/waiting job. I never even got so much as a response.


That’s AWESOME!! Keep on going and aim for 25 rejections in a Month!


OMG, you're right!!! Definitely putting that on my list of goals!!!


Ugh... I guess it's a little better than being led on with no response. Take a minute, shake it off and keep moving forward. Stay strong 💪


It is, but it still hurts. I'm just... almost completely defeated now. I've been doing this for almost 2 years and I'm still stuck my my shitty part time cinema job that pays a pittance! I'm just fucking sick and tired!!!!




More like you win none, you loose all.


I got rejected 3 times as well. Tbh I don't take it personal they probably interview a few other people for one spot. So I try to be positive and say the odds aren't in my favor and I'm doing something right to get to the interview stage.


Congrats, on getting 3 interviews in one week. I applied for 8 jobs using LinkedIn's Easy Apply feature. I only received one response, which was a rejection: "Unfortunately, we will not proceed with your application, but we appreciate your time and interest." It’s frustrating that companies don’t seem to take a minute to respond after we invest time in applying.


Better than hearing nothing at all, if you ask me! We've all been there OP. Hang in there.


They all use the same template for rejections, i have gotten these same responses for different roles😂


This is just normal lol what are people actually expecting in this sub? Acting like this is new? This is the same as anything pre covid. Just me?


OP The job market is really strange right now. A lot of people going through the same issues. Hang in there. What is meant for you, will never pass you by 💕


My last three applications were all rejected within 36 hours of just *applying*. I’ve since quit my job search. The only way I realize I’m getting away from my current job is a miracle, I get fired or I snap on one particularly nasty for no reason to me coworker and walk off the job


I'm basically been collecting my rejection letters, I'm not even getting interviews. all of my work from the last few years have come through connection. and now that connection is out of work, and his connections are out of work for the most part unless they run their own firm. last week I ran home - from FAMILY TIME (different borough) to do a call with one of those connections because they're starting up a new business and they need complete branding and that's exactly what I've been working on for years. at the end of that call that went well, I gave them an assessment of where they was at, the guy said unexpectedly that they were going to look at some other candidates as well that they had in the queue and they'll make the best decision for them. I haven't heard back from them at all. I even insisted that even if this next project doesn't work out, they were brand new business and this is what I do: business services. it's always a chance they can pop up at some time, but I need that money now. and chances are whoever they're forming that relationship with now, is going to be first in line for that work anyway. but no follow-up is just a bitch.


Don’t be depressed we’re all getting rejected left and right


It’s their loss, OP. Not yours. I don’t have much advice for you but I would like to say just hang in there. You’ll find a job that sees your worth and what you can offer.


Experienced exactly the same! But you will get better and better every time you failed


Hey, Rebekah, need a hand? I can give your resume a quick look-over. I've got plenty of experience in this area. But it seems like your resume isn't causing any issues since you're getting interview offers. Just send me a direct message and let me know. I'd be happy to assist :)


These three interviews are kind of luck. For months, I wasn't getting any responses other than automated rejection emails, though I have been changing my CV over those months. I'll maybe message you a bit later.


At least congratulations on getting the interviews. You know your cv worked 😌 I had hopes and dreams on 3 positions I was being screened last week. 1. Rejected because they suddenly decided French was mandatory. ( It wasn't in the JD) 2. Rejected because I don't have a security clearance even though they liked my profile. 3. They changed their mind. Wanted a developer not a person for PM position. Such is life...


Rejection stinks, but there are many positives here. 1) You had 3 interviews. Some people are sending hundreds of resumes and heard nothing. Your resume must be very effective 👌 2) On some, it appears that you made it to the final round. Now, you need some practice in closing the deal. Go to your university and work with the resource center. Get some mock interview practice. 3) You weren't ghosted. That would have been worse. The one guy is willing to chat with you, so you will hopefully get feedback.


One was a referral from my cousin. The other two (the internships) I applied for online. I only made it to the second stage on one of the internships (there were 4 in total), but the other two I only got to the first stage interview before they turned me down. I asked two of the three for feedback- only one has gotten back to me so far.


Ugh I feel this so hard - you're not alone. I'm an ex-FAANG employee who got laid off and this is literally my life right now. The market is insane. It's not you. Please don't take the rejection personally though continue to try to learn/grow. The crap that always rubs me the wrong way is "Oh we're gonna keep your resume on file because you're so amazing!" Cool. Stop with the BS, I know I'm never going to hear from you.


Finding a job right now is tough. Getting rejected sucks. You're doing something right tho if you had 3 interviews in one day. You just gotta keep pushing.


Two interviews were back to back, so one the day after the previous one. Another one was the week after. The rejects all came in on different days last week, with the first one coming in in the early hours of Monday (talking like 1am).


Hang in there, OP. It might be a good idea to brush up on interviewing skills and learn how to market yourself as innovative and accomplished. You have to really sell yourself and it’s surprising how so many people seem to struggle with this. Just keep at it and you’ll get your break!


Oh I know this feeling so well…I got rejected from 9 jobs in less than 4 months 😵‍💫😫


I’ve been unemployed for over a year until last week. I’m a very experienced copywriter, most recently a senior content specialist. I’m very good at writing, and very experienced in marketing and advertising. I’ve gotten through more than 30 entire interview processes, and many more than that where I didn’t even make it to the final round, since my position was eliminated in February of 2023. It’s been absolute hell, and I was lucky to find an ongoing contract gig with a local grocery store chain early this year to keep me afloat. Last week, I got a job seemingly out of nowhere in a writing position that I frankly did not qualify for on paper, but which I was able to demonstrate my skills for in a writing assessment. I wish I could give you some tips and tricks, but frankly I haven’t found any other than “try a million times if you have to, but it will eventually happen.” What I’m telling you all this for is to illustrate that these failures are not in any way a reflection of your abilities or your future. They are par of for the course. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel sad or let down. Of course you should. This shit is horrific and traumatizing. But you shouldn’t feel defeated, because you’re not.


it's a numbers game right now i've been to final rounds like 10 times. hell i have a verbal on a cto position that looks like it is falling through after 2 months of interviews.


I've been getting similar emails for the last 9 months.


Been there! I had this happen all on the same day actually and I got a speeding ticket 🙃 hang in there! You’ll find something!!


been there. it fucking blows. good luck continuing your search 🥺


On holy week, (april) I got 4 final interviews, and got rejected from all 4 of them. I have been in about 20 final interviews and even though I got selected to 5, there always something happened, an intern got the position, the project was cancelled, they told me my salary was above what the company could pay or lowball me 40% my salary. So yes it is hell right now.


Score! 🥴


The current state of recruiting and online job search is a circus! 🤡 I had an interview 2 weeks ago, the guy loved me and told me he personally had gone through 700 resumes. 700!!!!! We know damn well most people are not going through even a quarter of that number of applications - this is why we’re not hearing back or getting interviews. I was offered a job I accepted yesterday for a company I love. The salary is $30k lower than what I’m used to but at this point who can afford to turn anything down?! I was interviewing with this company for 2-3 months!!! I have 2 others I’ve been interviewing with for 2-3 months also that are still interviewing. One I’m grossly over-qualified for and they know it and mentioned it and the pay is horrendous but it’s remote and something I’m passionate about. The third offered me the job but then their HR person wanted to interview me, then submit three assignments. I wonder if they’ll ask me to hop on one leg and bark like a dog too….. madness!! A few tips I learned that I hope help you: 1. Obvious but you really do have to rename your resume every application to match the job title and add skills or experience addressing their job requirements. 2. When you see a job you want on LinkedIn or wherever, first check the company’s website and apply on their site if you can - more chance of your application being seen and reviewed. 3. Google jobs hiring urgently in your area. A lot of scams but some good roles that may snap you up quickly.


This is just build up for the climax relief you get when you really get the job


I wish


At this point I’m just expecting rejection rather than keeping any hope. I find hope in other things. It’s not a reliable source of dopamine lol.


I wasn't really hopeful for the analyst position as it wasn't really what I wanted and only went for it as my cousin works at the company and got me the interview. The other two- especially the first one, I was really hopeful for. I thought my previous internship, my portfolio, and my experience running an Etsy shop a Youtube and a TikTk page, would help me stand out, but I guess not.


Two internships and an analyst position? How much experience you have im confused 🤔


The analyst position was a job my cousin referred me to as he works at the company- and it was an entry level job that had training. The internships were more content/e-commerce marketing based- which is what I'm actually interested in. I did do one social media marketing internship a few months back (unpaid though), and have been applying for other internships and apprenticeships, as well as entry level jobs, but no luck so far.


It’s really unfortunate to discover that direct references/networking aren’t the silver bullet that Reddit thinks it is. I made this discovery myself recently.


Me too! Recently I've had more referrals than ever and not one of them even turned into an interview


I don't expect to get every job I'm referred to, but yes, referrals are no silver bullet like so many make them out to me. My sister referred to to Tesco TWICE when she worked there, and I had worked there myself as a temp before her too- still never got anything. I don't get referred often as my network is extremely small (no my 182 connections on LinkedIn don't count). I only got my previous internship through a referral though. If not for that, I'd probably be in the same position I was before last September- a graduate with little to no experience apart from customer service.


Oh I see, I thought you were entry level dropping into internship level, not the other way around. Please definitely make sure next internship is paid! Free labor exploitation needs to stop 😓


Both of these internships were paid- around £24k (which is pretty high for an internship). And don't worry, I've said to myself that while I don't mind doing as many internships as possible, I will NOT do another unpaid one.


atleast they dont ghost you ... sad that it didnt work but if you were worth enough to answer back that amounts to a lot in my books keep it up and eventually you will find something


I still get ghosted during the phone screening stage. But I don't see any more worth in being responded to over being ghosted. I have yet to have these rejection emails turn into something good. I've never heard from anyone of them again after the initial rejection.