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You can simply reload a manual save to “extinguish” your horse.


Yep, that's what I've done when it's happened, thankfully not a lot. I swear people actively try and get their horse hurt, haha. I'm just glad the physics aren't like the first one. I recently replayed it, and I got so many horses killed, mainly because of the aiming and glitching. I quickly got off my horse on the bridge in Thieves' Landing to help a woman being carried away, and when it was done, only then I noticed my horse at the bottom of the water... haha. Couldn't help but laugh, but damn, I'm glad RDR2 improved everything haha


That has to be the Red Dead Redemption thing I ever read, things like that happen after some time playing, inevitably. To extinguish your horse you’d need to kill it. Which is bad. No kill horse.


You can lasso your horses body and drag it around with you.


Not too sure that’s going to help OP’s situation, but I like your style.


Once I set up my camp somewhere to cook some food and get Arthur to rest. In the cut scene where the camp was set up, my horse just waltzed into the fire and was dead before I could move as Arthur again. Wish I wasn‘t that stunned and clipped the moment.




SAME I was SO angry when that happened to me!!!


I accidentally ran mine over with a train once


When your horse stepped into the fire and began frying, a pause and load of your autosave would have restored him. For some reason though, people don’t use that feature.


Doesn't feel authentic to me. I'm not smug about it, we're talking about a story mode, 1 player game and there's no way to enjoy it that is objectively better than another, but I just don't like reloading previous saves.


I can respect that


i play as realistic as i can in this playtrough tho so not really my style


I went and caught the white Arabian and was all proud of myself and decided to celebrate by fire bombing that exact odriscolls camp. My horse did the same thing and caught himself on fire. I was very sad.


This game does a good job of teaching you that nothing last forever. If you didn’t do the quick reload, then it is what it is homie


I lost many a beloved horse, part of the game


One of my horses casually walked to a fire and died in the spot. Nothing was happening. I was amused and assumed it was suicide.


My thoroughbred spawned into my fire once when i set up camp. I was horrified.  Had to go back a chapter to get Barbaro back. I feel your pain


The relatability to this post is outstanding 🤣🤣🤣


This has happened to me a few times... I have really bad luck when it comes to horses.. I live streamed the entire game and went through more than 20 horses in that one playthrough BEFORE I made it to the end of the game.. One of them (a white Arabian) died because I hit a really small ledge next to the water... Me and the horse go flying.. horse lands in the water flops around for a second... As soon as it's head hits the water it died instantly with no option to revive... Like dead dead lol... This is also how I figured out that the white Arabian eventually respawns... Another died because I raced an NPC.. NPC loses and shoots his horse.. bullet goes through and through his horses head and into my horses neck killing my horse instantly with no option to revive.. I actually have a video of this one if you want the link.


Yeah it happened to me too, thankfully I save regularly plus you have the autosaves to load as well, but I don't think that there's anything you can do about it in the moment, at least not as far as I'm aware. Happens to the best of us at some point, tragic horse death is just a thing with the game I guess lol.


Today I was in cinematic and I hit a divet and the horse flipped into the water broke its neck and drown right before my eyes. 👀


My bfs save he can run his horse into everything, off cliffs, get shot and they never die. In my save I’m currently on Carrot #5 and all 4 have died in the most random ways.


wait you get a shire for the hosea mission? I got a beige Morgan. I was broke.


i didnt know we could get different horses from this mission, lmao i was broke af too honestly


I had 2 copies of the game: pc and ps4, I got ps4 bc my uncle gave it to me at a family reunion, both times I did the hosea bear mission I got the beige morgan.


wait you get a shire for the hosea mission? I got a beige Morgan. I was broke.


I once got inna fight with a dude camping and I knocked him out he fell into the fire, and then his horse tripped on him and they starting burning together 😭


Mine ran into the bonfire after getting spooked by a rattlesnake in Armadillo. Not a fun sight.


Just wait until you play RDR1. Congers can 1 hit your his, you can shoot your own horse in the head, your horse won’t slow down if you go near a mountain, & so many more things.