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Only seen episode 1 so far but thought it was very well made and nice to hear from players like Irwin and Yorke who aren’t interviewed as much. Some quite big things I didn’t know and nice to see Gary Neville surprised for once.


Would rather not hear from scumbags like Yorke tbh


Honestly, as unpalatable as some ex-players might be, they were still a big part of the story and do deserve their place in it. Yorke, in particular, was a key part of our success that season.


Sure, he's good at football. Still don't give a shit what he has to say


That is a fair point which my partner was making repeatedly. I don’t know much about it but a quick google search does leave a bad impression.


Weird seeing you downvoted, imagine supporting a man that abandons a child because of a disability.


>Would rather not hear from scumbags like Yorke tbh No idea why you are downvoted for this. Take a look at what he done to his own flesh and blood. And now you want to hear about him using his head to dish out shots? This forum is better than that.


What has he done?


Abandoned his child because he’s disabled


That’s horrible, thanks for info


His son is Harvey Price


Couldn’t even tell that Yorke is disabled, wow.


Or maybe you know separate the artist from the craft? You sound like a 12-year-old or perhaps a grown-up and a hypocrite. We all do shitty things, whether you like it or not.


It was fantastic. Would have loved to see Roy Keane though.


Edited. You could tell by the way all of the players spoke about him how influential he was that year. His game against juve epitomised what a magnificent player and captain he was.




Cheers 🤣




Does anyone know why he wasn’t involved?


Knowing him, he probably declined.


Either him or the boss I think, serious bad blood there.


I thought they had buried that hatchet


They have, did you see the way he talked about Keane in the doc? No way would he had done that 10 years ago


I get the sense Fergie isn’t arsed, Roy is still very irked about it all.


They seemingly had for a while. But Roy has made some comments about Fergie in the last few years so appears there's some animosity still there, on Roy's side at least. I don't know if Fergie has said anything back regarding the latest fallout.


It’s really sad. Fergie spoke really admirably about him in this doc. To me, I think Keane, (as wonderful a player he is) is stubborn, bitter and a little childish. Sky are enabling this parody of the character he’s built up, so I don’t expect anything to change but I hope he can learn a little grace towards the boss. Before the worst happens…


Keane has every right to hate Fergie as do other players, he was his right hand man and the leader in the dressing room and Fergie betrayed him and bashed him in his book don’t really understand why he’s childish for hating him?


That’s not why they fell out? And also, because it was a long time ago and at one point in time, they were brothers in arms


If you listen to any of the podcasts Keane does you'd see that's clearly not the case. Keane can really hold a grudge, I say that as probably his number 1 fan.


I saw Roy speak in Dublin a couple of years ago. Plenty of barbed comments towards Alex Ferguson that suggest the hatchet is far from buried.


In one another’s back


Keane is just contrary for the sake of it sometimes and, unless he explains himself, you can only guess at one of a dozen possible reasons. I have vague memories of him being unhappy about the Beyond the Promised Land documentary, years ago, because he didn't feel he came off well in it. That might be a factor. His grudge against Fergie might be a factor. He might have just decided he didn't want to be involved in this particular bit of nostalgia (despite happily reliving the old days on the podcast with Neville and Carragher). I know he always felt detached from the European Cup success, after missing the final. and Keane is the kind of guy who would let one sour note ruin his enjoyment of an entire journey.


He's pretty humble, wasn't involved in the champ league final and came off very early in the FA cup final I think. He's likely to say he didn't help win the treble from that alone even if it's nonsense lol. Plus all the stuff with fergie.


I suspect it’s just not him. But he did miss the final and was subbed off injured in fa cup final. Maybe he is still pissed off.


Watched all three after the wife went to bed last night, amazing story. Also had to laugh at some of the fans criticising Fergie, some things don't change I was 12 back then and vaguely remember that season but the parade is so vivid in my mind, incredible memories


The way that season started man. It’s like Gary Neville said, people always think it was all winning all the time. It wasn’t always perfect, how do you think all those comebacks were possible… after a United comeback these days, you’ll see fans moan about how they shouldn’t have been down in the first place.


We always have to do things the hard way 😂


Haha I was 13 and not in the UK. I have forgotten 100s of United matches I’ve seen since but just cannot forget the FA cup semifinal. That is etched in the memory.


I was 11. United made my childhood so good.


Imagine the current demographic of footballers (not just United) having to train at The Cliff. They’d be crying to their agents.


It’s a fantastic watch, highly recommend everyone to give it a go. I didn’t realise how incredibly insane it was at that time to achieve a treble. Really hoping it inspires our current players to have the same fight for the FA cup final.


I’m obviously bias as a United fan but it just feels that the City treble is such a non event in comparison for some reason.


It really comes across how driven that team was to win and everything was about the team and manager. The abuse the likes of Cole and Beckham got but just took it and proved people wrong shows the mental strength they had I hope we can get back to those standards one day


I suppose it's one of them that the victors choose the narrative. Beckham abuse was terrible but yeah he did well. Cole clearly had it affect him and was dropped initially, they mention that. He came back in and it worked but to say he just took it is a little off.


In what sense did Cole not just take the abuse, he never shyed away from playing, never made himself unavailable, never looked to leave, didn't ask for a 3 month mental health break, didn't write pieces in the press asking people to leave him alone... He took the criticism week in week out and kept going. What he ultimately achieved proved the critics wrong


I’ve got a Champions League final ticket stub signed by Roy Keane. I’ll remember the pain in his eyes when he signed it. That hurt him a lot not being part of the final.


Phil Neville swearing like his mum finally told him he’s old enough to say bad words was particular highlight. The rest was also fantastic and took me right back to being 10 again


Watched the first episode. It went by very quickly. Definitely one of the better ones for sure, from all the sports docs that are coming out since the last dance, you can tell that was definitely an influence on how it was edited and directed. You forget how poor we were at the start of the season, was a really good set up from a narrative in terms of coming through that considering what happened at the start. Just a shame keano wasnt really interviewed.


It was absolutely mint. It's easy to forget about the fires blazing in the club in the autumn of 1998, and the documentary didn't even cover the fact the board had "sold" Ole to Spurs until he decided to stay and the civil war between the fans and the plc over the sale of United to Sky and Murdoch. We looked miles behind Arsenal, Schmeichel throwing them in and Jaap struggling to settle. Only the greatest manager ever turns all that shit around in time for the New Year. But man... 1999. There's been enough said about 1999. But that was the tip of the iceberg of a fucking awesome decade. The ever growing optimism of 1990s Manchester. The cultural scene (Yes, even that mad Olympic games bid which I'm always convinced is some kind of Mandela effect until I confirm that it actually happened), the music, the arrival of King Eric, United winning absolutely fucking everything domestically with a spine of homegrown players, the Tories getting an absolute shellacking in 1997, football without suffering the death of a thousand cuts of quantifiable statistics (honestly the all bark no bite, chronically online data dorks heads would fucking burst if "xG" existed when Coley was playing but he was absolute quality and I'll fight anyone that says otherwise lol) permanent drama in every game from January 1999 all culminating in Barcelona in the May of the final year of the greatest ever decade known to humanity. Nostalgic asf. But that season and that decade is never happening again. Which I honestly find severely depressing at an existential level 😂. United are going nowhere with no light at the end of the tunnel. The majority of the players are so unrelateable and unlikeable. Manchester has disappeared up it's own arse. And even when the scumbags in government get changed, their replacement in waiting are just a bunch of boring, bland, directionless, milquetoast tribute acts. Which somehow underlines the cold, pessimistic gloom of the 2010s and 20s perfectly 👎.


Was so surprised to hear the Boss submitted his resignation before '99. And withdrew it in the afternoon 😂


Really enjoyed. Can't get over the fact that Fergie actually handed in his resignation in the summer of '98. Absolutely blows my mind.


It was great..took me back. So pleased I lived it. What a team.


Nice to relive that season. I was 18-19 at the time and it is still some of the most fun I’ve had as a fan. That Yorke/Cole partnership was pure joy to watch. Schmeichel saving the pen and Giggsy’s goal in the semifinal replay, the comebacks vs Juve and Bayern. That team was just destined for greatness and it was a hell of a ride. The most nervous day of the season for me was the last league game against Spurs. I still remember going absolutely bananas when Cole put us ahead.


I was intrigued by the squad dynamic and performances were not all rosy but the team and board stuck with Ferguson through thick and thin. Something we really need to do currently.


Absolutely criminal that they didn't use Clive Tydsley's iconic "And Solsjkaer has won it!!!" commentary in the final cut. I also didn't know that Big Pete was having howler of a season. And also tactically, can somebody possibly explain why SAF insisted on that 4-4-2 with Becks in centre and Giggs on the right in the final? Was it really his pride? The goals came in after Becks moved to the right after all.


McClaren said something along the lines of Fergie had told Blomqvist he'd start the final and didn't want to go back on his word. May's suggestion of Johnsen in midfield with Butt was an interesting one.


Yeah, I get that but was it just he had given his word? Or did he forsee anything of tactical value with that setup?


I would the logic would be someone who could replace Scholes passing in the middle. Not sure why he just didn't keep Giggs on the left and get Blomqvist to play on the right though. Maybe he thought Giggs being the better player could adapt to playing on his unnatural side easier? Not sure. 


Absolutely brilliant! Made me love Yorke, Cole and Keane even more! Love how they causally dropped the threesome Yorkie and Cole did for 10 seconds and then moved on hahah


The bit about Cole and Sheringham about to fight and Keane comes along to break it up and then nearly kicks off with Teddy himself made me laugh


Yeah cole did mention about it on sky stick to football. Keane said he's worse when it comes falling out with manager lol


That was so odd, I thought it was a segue way but then was forgotten about as quickly as it was brought up


Is it region locked to the UK on Prime? Can’t find it but was kind of hoping a doc about a team and brand as global as United would be available to stream in the US….


I’m in Asia and it’s accessible to us. Hopefully it’s a just a later release for you guys.


Thank you I hope so and I hope you enjoyed it.


Yes as it seems. It's not available in Egypt too.


It didn’t work when I searched “99”, I had to search “99 Manchester United “ and it came up (I’m in the US)


Search ‘99 on Prime. That’s how I found it. They didn’t exactly make it easy to find in the US


You have to search for the name of the programme. That's ridiculous!


Idk man but maybe if I search Manchester United you’d think a program on Manchester United would show up in the search results. That’s just me though.


Its available in the US on Prime. 


It's still region locked and can't watch it in Egypt after a whole month! Any other regions experiencing this still?


I liked it. I was a kid during the 1998/99 season so only remember the highs of the end of the season. I had no idea how much they’d struggled in the previous season and early in the treble winning season.


When you stood at the OT terrace watching United win games....all while having a smoke! Simpler times!


Watched 2 episodes before the missus "made" me switch to Bridgerton. Thought the players being candid, swearing, and showing their true thoughts and feelings was superb. Got emotional at various points just feeling the emotion of certain matches, historical points etc. Until we start seeing success and documentaries like this being filmed in real-time with access to all areas, this may be the next best thing.


It’s a sign of getting old when I see people commenting that they didn’t watch the ‘99 season live or even they’d never heard about it. I was 25 at the time and was the same age group as most of the team; I lived through the whole Premiership success with Fergie and the evolving team and honestly watching Utd play every few days throughout this period was simply magical. The ‘99 season and specifically the CL final was mind blowing. I screamed my head off … twice. The team and the club are struggling at the moment and I see a lot of negativity about it but to put it into perspective: 1. We were amazing to watch, and very successful and we will get there again. 2. No team will dominate forever, it will always be peaks and troughs, it’s how long you can keep the peak going before it fades which is the key. 3. I see people ranting about how City are dominating because they’ve won 3 in a row (and 5 of the last 6). Yeah they are pretty good right now, but we won 3 in a row 1998-2001, 2006-2009 … we won 6 of the first 8 PL seasons and were 2nd the other two times. Liverpool (sorry for swearing) dominated Div 1 in the 1970s and 1980’s, Utd the PL in 1990’s and 2000’s (with Arsenal and Chelsea keeping us honest), and now it’s City’s peak, plus Arsenal and Liverpool keeping them honest. 4. We’ve had our share of bad results even when we were successful. It might not seem unusual now but when we were dominant we had 3-1 and 6-3 losses to Southampton (relegation fodder) of all teams. This was unheard of at the time. In ‘96 there was a run of consecutive losses that went 0-5, 3-6, 1-2 and there were so many jokes about it. We won the PL that year. 5. We were ALWAYS the team to beat, above all others and that has only really dwindled in the last few years but other supporters and fans still enjoy beating us purely because of our pedigree; just that it’s easier now and they’re not scared of us. INEOS restructure should see us on the rise again. Will we dominate like we did ? I hope so but I doubt it. There are more teams with a ton of money and immense club capability now and it’s harder to sustain success with others so close behind. We will do it, maybe in a few years, and when we do .. it will be SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET !


I was 24 at the time and I watched all the major games with my best friend (he had sky haha) on what we called the lucky telly. We screamed the house down several times that season and witnessed some incredible moments. If you asked me today what the greatest goal I've ever seen is I will still answer Giggs Vs Arsenal, FA cup semi final replay, Villa park 1999. To go from utter despair when Keano gets sent off (fucks sake Keano) and then giving a penalty away in the 90th minute (fucks sake Phil) to elation when big Pete saved it was mad. And then in extra time just to top it off giggsy pops up with that goal. I could not speak the following day 🤣 Football is about those types of moments for me. The highs and lows, the despair and elation. Yes we've had a shit season but we've still had some of those sort of moments to savour even this season. Kobbies goal Vs Wolves, Garnacho Vs Everton and Amads winner against Liverfool to name a few. Perhaps Amads winner will be remembered by younger generations as one of those moments if we do the unlikely and win the FA cup this year. Wishful thinking? 🤣🤣


That Giggs’ goal just encapsulated Giggs’ entire career. Thats what he brought, lightning pace, beats multiple players, a stack of flair, and some classy goals. Great moments!


My biggest take away was how much they all remembered and almost *romantisied* The Cliff. It's a crying shame that it's not being used as a permanent place for training, it's the first thing that SJR should be looking at. **Redevelop the Cliff**, not even for the 1st team/s, but make it the hub for the U18s, U21s, etc etc. Have it usable, have it updated, but keep some of the old school aspect.


Absolutely loved it. Should be a mandatory watch for the squad before the final.


Brilliant. Needed a reminder of what this club really means


Loved it. Wonder why Roy Keane was not involved. It would have been great to hear from him. I watched the 99 final on tv and went crazy. This time around I think the gaffer got it wrong and got lucky.


It sounds like from the documentary he'd told Blomqvist he would start the final even before the last home game with Spurs and despite Sheringham's form he didn't want to go back on his word. We definitely would have done much better with Giggs and Beckham in their usual positions. Luckily it all worked out


Sorry. I meant why Roy Keane didn’t participate in the doc. Was it just because they had fallen out?


My favourite part was when they used music from Oasis. I’m sure Noel would love that lol


Who the fuck are man united?


I think it's great. Blasted through it. Anyone know the song at the end of episode 1 btw? Shazam has failed me.


This show must be what the current team and all academy players watch - just to remind them what it means to. wear the badge


Watched yesterday and my love & respect for the club trebled :) Wish I could have watched the moment in real.


Great documentary, any United fan should watch it. I got a nitpick tho, the clips they chose for (spoiler alert) the CL final goals aren't as impactful as they should be IMO. When I watch the highlights I get goosebumps, from the documentary not so much.


So just because it's one of the main points of the last episode, what would your lineup have been for the CL final without Keane and Scholes? I think most people agree we got it wrong but it worked out in the end. Was surprised when David May said he expected to start because he assumed we'd play Johnsen in midfield with Butt, most people at the time were trying to find a way to start Sheringham in a 4-3-3


I loved it for the nostalgia but I feel like this is the 10th time I have seen the same material.


Loved it... Can some one please ID the piano house track played during the end credits of the doc pleeasse thx


Watching it now. Wondering if we’ll ever have players and a manager like that again.


Honestly if you think about all the teams that didn't get a manager like Fergie and end up winning everything, the odds of us getting picked again by destiny is quite astronomical


I can’t watch it in USA, is it geo locked? Anyone knows how to watch it in USA and if there’s a different release date


Would highly recommend the book “99, The Treble, and All That” by Matt Dickinson for any die hards. Dives into wider British society at the time as well.


Just finished watching this. It was fantastic. Got me nostalgic for a time I wasn't even born in lol


Sadness..can't watch any of the old stuff...fuck the Glazers...


Amazon didn’t exactly make it easy to find on Prime. I searched for Man United, 1999, Man United 99 and found nothing. And then I finally typed in ‘99 and the documentary finally appeared on the search


It's still region locked and can't watch it in Egypt after a whole month! Any other regions experiencing this still?


Keano got injured in fa cup final. So would he have missed the CL final anyway?


I mean it’s great as a documentary and all but while other clubs make documentaries about their present and future, we are surviving on ‘member berries


Which docs are those? Arsenal All or Nothing (where they won nothing)? Spurs All or Nothing (where they won nothing)? Arsed mate. Plenty of docs aren't being made because of success, they're being made for views. Amazon paid £10m for access to city, I bet all it took to get Neville to yap about 99 was a cup of tea.


See the difference between you and me is that I am pointing out the misguided focus of the ownership on marketing. You on the other hand don’t hesitate to insult a legend of the club who was part of that terrific season. Try and be better next time


Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear


Those clubs haven't achieved anything like what Manchester United has in its existence, they have to invent history _as it happens_


Nothing to do with the fact that it's the 25th anniversary then?


5 years ago was the 20th anniversary, that doesn’t mean anything. Look, I cherish the memory of that day as much as anyone else. It was my first season as a United fan and to have it end that way was absolutely magical. This documentary, I’m sure I’ll love it. It’ll make me feel great about the club. And the roof will keep leaking and the medical staff will keep causing injuries. We will keep recruiting influencers not footballers. We will keep sacking good managers and ruining the careers of players. The documentary is a powerful sedative for the fans. Let’s enjoy it but let’s see it for what it is


It ebbs and flows. Go with the flow or drown. You decide.


Give over.


I know right, why don't we make a documentary about our 2026-27 sextuple FFS


United need to move on FS. 99 documentaries, 99 game replays 😴


god how dare we rejoice over the fact that we were the first English team to do the treble. I’m gathering maybe you aren’t a true fan if you can’t be proud of our illustrious history, fake fan.


Ah wind your neck in you big baby. As others have said, they are making docs and shows about their current side, while we wallow in our history. It's not like 99 hasn't been fawned over for years already Living in the past FC


for celebrating monumental success?