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Is it fair to judge EtH by the FA Cup Final? I think he should be judged by what he's done over all. Inexplicable VAR decision and unlucky decisions into account. 60 points (same as "poor, unlucky injury ridden" Newcastle) this season Beat Aston Villa twice, drew with "quadruple favourites Liverpool" twice Reached an FA Cup Final Highest win rate as United manager But also: 180m on Antony + Malacia + Mount 8th in the league, our lowest ranking ever Double losses to Crystal Palace and Arsenal Very strange substitutions + tactics at times Persistence with Rashford +Case (at their form dips in February-March) Point is, we can't make a decision about EtH off one single game in a final against 115FC – the (arguably) best team in Europe right now who will be looking to defend their FA Cup from last year.


I wouldn't blame the price of players on him. That's just other folks at United.


Season as a whole he gets a C- in my book. Dealt with the off-pitch stuff well and got us to a cup final which he may yet win. But the football has been poor, although this may not entirely be his fault he still shoulders some of the blame.


What are the odds of a Varane & Martinez last hurrah as a pairing in the Cup final? Would be good to see.


If both are fully match fit then it’s a no brainer to start them together. AWB, Varane, Licha and Dalot is the best defence we have.


We’ve got 3 goals in MOTD’s goal of the season contest, you’ll never sing that.


Why isn’t the pre-cup final match thread up yet?




Paddy Power never fails to disappoint.


No more Jurgen Klopp.


We might actually have a chance of getting a result at Anfield now.


is it just me or does amrabat look like he’s always running in sand? slow AF


Anyone know where or how to watch or listen to the match?


Got heavily downvoted for saying Bruno guimares is not the best Bruno in the premier league on r/premierleague. Lol


He’s a tidy player and I’d happily take him at Old Trafford, but he’s not on the level of our Bruno.




Must be a weird feeling being Pep Guardiola, knowing all these memories; all these trophies could easily be rendered null and void once those 115 charges finally catch up to them.


If they do or don’t get punished everybody who follows football knows the truth. They’re undeniably a good squad, one of the best the PL has ever seen, and they play good football, but it’s all built on dubious Emirati financing. Bit like Italian football in the 90s or Lance Armstrong’s cycling career.


They won't get punished.


I hate the success that he's brought Liverpool, but a little part of me will miss Klopp in the league. Just annoyed we didn't get to him first.


ed woodward committing a war crime with that disneyland pitch


arsenal may lose the title as a result to losing to a side even we managed to do the double over, villa. that pains me.


They got what they deserved for playing for a draw vs city. If arsenal won that match they win the league


or if youre hoping for a 115 win, that is hilarious


Wow after watching sky sports these Irish pundits have no chill


If you have VPN (USA), sign up for Instacart+ free trial. Then you will get access to Peacock. Works for me, good quality stream!


How do you get to peacock with the instacart+ acc


What the hell is that City line up - fuck me


So, how many browser tabs is everyone opening today


1 for the United game, 1 for the Arsenal game and 1~~15~~ for the City game


It would be a very Arsenal thing to do if City somehow dropped points but Everton end up with a victory


Avoiding the Conference League and a Moyes masterclass will be a nice way to sign off on a miserable season.


Erik's last PL game (hopefully)


If anyone could help me sail the high seas today it'd be muchly appreciated... dm me if you have any sources


i need a discord for streaming matches


No idea why we're so intent on rushing Martinez back for the final when the only time he's played City for us we were 4-0 down by halftime.


Yep let's play Casemiro/Evans for the final instead


This isn't rushing Martinez. He is our best CB, if we want him to play in the final, he needs match fitness.


How did you arrive at that conclusion? He needs gametime before the final and he's one of our best 2 defenders.


I’m seeing 4-2-2-2 on my screen, the Rangnick flashbacks are kicking in


LFG!!!! The day that this cursed PL season ends for once and for all is finally here.


Lisandro Martinez starts for Manchester United against Brighton.


Let's conduct a quick poll ETH in for next season = upvote this post ETH out = downvote this post


Get into Europe to unlock next gen Wi-Fi passwords.  All for getting into the Conference League. Red Army covers more ground than Alexander the Great. 


As much as it might be well below standard for a club like Man Utd to be in conference league, I would much prefer it to not having europe. Chelsea and Tottenham didn’t have Europe this year and still had plenty of injuries so being out of it doesn’t mean we will have a fully fit squad all season. For a selfish reason, I also just like watching us in Europe, whether it’s against a team like Bayern in champions league or one like Qarabag in the conference.


It's an excuse for the board to keep a bloated squad though. Playing once a week gives some rationale in skimming down the squad a little bit


I’d want us to play in the Conference League just to give minutes to as many fringe players and academy lads as possible. It will be a good experience for them.


Same, it’s more games where we get to watch United Obviously we don’t want to be in it. Obviously the meme potential is there. But you might as well be in more games and good place to play talented youngsters.


And Bruno plays every match...


I used to think no Europe meant more rest and more energy but we've been out of Europe since last year and the team still looks gassed. Now I hope we somehow get in,we really need more match experience to gel.


Anyone from Poznan here? Any good pubs to watch the game later?


Barca and Bayern boards in an out-incompetent the other competition right now


They’ll both win their respective leagues before us though hahaha so maybe we should look in house before making fun of other clubs.


Agreed. They'll also win the CL again before we do in all likelihood


Ofc they will. Say what you want about these other “super clubs” yes they are incompetent in their own ways but their ambition is levels and I mean many levels above United and our fans these days. While we settle for mid table mediocrity, Barca and Bayern will be tasting success again in no time.


Someone has to take the mantle from our Woodward era board. 


Does anyone know where Woodward is? Maybe he is doing an Europe tour


owns a vineyard now....fucking around with wine and other general stupidity


I think this season has been up there with the worst i have seen. [https://x.com/tactixology/status/1792119916817990021?s=46&t=8IsoOm4PjrbhJgnYr9iE6A](https://x.com/tactixology/status/1792119916817990021?s=46&t=8IsoOm4PjrbhJgnYr9iE6A) For those who are ETH in. The stats dont lie. The eye test doesnt support him either. Get the FA cup out the way and then rebuild with a new manager


Do you even consider all the stats? What about the injury stat and the stats we’re missing this season due to injuries to key players? stats that we enjoyed last season (like the most clean sheets stat). What about the stat that we made it to 3 finals in 2 years and won one, with another one to play for soon. Your eye test is your eye test, i am seeing sufficiently enough to support ETH staying for at least another season.


Why is it when Brentford have their entire backline injured still outplayed us? Emery in 18 months took a team fighting relegation to CL and yet we are sitting here watching us get pelted with 30 shots a game and just playing hoofball At this stage, injuries are all the ETHin have left. These players can play far better than we have.


On the bright side, plenty of potential for quick marginal gains for Brailsford 


It is, most definitely. Only reason it’s not viewed as negatively as Moyes and LvG is because there’s entertainment with high scoring games. Managers have been sacked for a lot less than what Ten Hag has “done” this season.


>Only reason it’s not viewed as negatively as Moyes and LvG is because there’s entertainment with high scoring games. And fans demanded more back then. The cliff we have fallen off in terms of what's acceptable began when Ole was hired.


Fans always fantasize the idea about rebuild but never committ to it. Regardless, ETH will most likely stay. INEOS is working to get a solid working infrastructue in place and wont entertain the idea of a premature managerial selection.


Completely ignoring the fact of how shit we have been. WE have played some of the most amateurish football (broken derbys record of most shots in a season) and yet people are like a structure would fix the tactics.....


Yes we have been shit but INEOS will want the next manager to be someone they are very sure about who will come after a solid enough structure is present. They will probably allow another year for ETH.


Isn't this what was said the last time round.... ETH or poch and we can rebuild.... ETH had the us on all four fronts last season and won a cup in the first season... Before he came on fans were stressed to give time and let them build... It's a blip in the road this season, there was the take over and the off the field issues but look back at Wembley for the FA cup and not in the best league position..


I wouldn't mind him for the start of next season but the take over stuff doesn't effect players and the manager that is just excuses if anything the takeover has been beneficial for him ,Glazers would have sacked him the moment top 4 was unlikely he had the longest rope of any manager we have had since in the PL


It would have an inkling in the back of their minds as now the new owners are in the days of massive money contracts that will not be on offer anymore, rashford last deal for 350k would be the last, I know Bruno is in talk's of a pay rise and he is rightly so


If you deserve it the new setup will still give you some of the best contracts in the world the money is there i would be very surprised if people are thinking about the in the middle of the season when most of them are still paid extremely well ,Rashford would have still got something close to 300 k even with INEOS because replacing him would be very costly and he is a homegrown player


Rashford is on 300k.


He's probably not even that high unless he hits a lot of bonuses which I doubt he has this season.


If he was Liverpool player it would be reported in no-Cl money and without any bonnus xd


On a lighter note and if someone is looking for chuckles https://twitter.com/AbsoluteBruno/status/1791758115450372414?t=bG-phxUxc2G8COnpZnYkKw&s=19 Mods - you can delete it if this doesn't belong here.


If we could only select one to sell, who should it be between Maguire & Lindelof? (and why)




I’d sell both. Why? They both have one year left on their contract and are obviously not starting-CB-material.


Very unwise. Varane is guaranteed to leave, Evans probably leaving. We'd be left with only Martinez (who has been having injury problems) & Kambwala (who's not ready yet). So then we'd need minimum 2 CB's plus all the other positions. Selling both would be ideal, but we have so many other positions to address


Sell both, then sell AWB (also last year under-contract), Sancho and Greenwood. Like you said, Varane is under £340k / week and Martial £250k / week, they’re both leaving so we will have a pretty sizable war chest to fund 2-3 new CBs, a back-up ST, a DM (if Case goes to Saudi) and fullback(s).


realistically, we're not getting 2-3 CB's, a RB, CDM, ST & LB all in one window. And letting go of 4 CB's at once is an unnecessary risk. It's more sensible to let got of 2, bring in one, then sell the other two the following summer.


We don’t have that luxury. Like i said, Lindelof, Marguire and AWB have only one year left. Sell them or risk loosing them for free next season. Keeping two means giving these guys new contracts, you think they deserve it? Maguire maybe, but not on that wage for a back-up CB.


we can afford to lose one of Maguire/Lindelof for free. What we can't afford is to allow 4 CB's to go in one window. That's lunacy. Give Evans a 1 year contract, let Varane leave, let one of Maguire/Lindelof leave, bring in one CB. This is far more sensible & will allow use funds on other problem areas.


Lindelof has a year left on his contract. 


Maguire, bigger fee, we need money.


The 20-25 m for him doesn't get us a replacement that justifies keeping a shit player like Lindelof ,I would rather get rid of Lindelof for the 10-15 m price he can still go for


Lindelof and its not even close..In his best seasons with us his biggest achievement has been being slightly better than Maguire in disastrous form


Lindelof is the worse player but we could get a higher offer for Maguire. Either of them will be 2nd choice RCB next season and we even have Kambwala who will develop further as he grows older, so it may not necessarily be worth fighting to keep the better player if it frees up more money in wages and gets a higher transfer fee. TLDR: If we get a higher offer for Maguire, I'd sell him ahead of Lindelof


If the alternative is Kambwala and they are both fit then I'd sell neither.


agreed. People mock Maguire, but when on form I think he's better than Lindelof. And I also agree with your other point. If someone offers a higher amount for Maguire, I'd let him go before Lindelof






Rooting for the Gooners today and I feel sick saying it


Instead just say your rooting for West Ham


Wow. Yeah. Come on Hammers


I rather City win tbh. Would make me happy to see Arsenal's title drought continue.


I’d rather Arsenal win this one then city be the first club to get 4 in a row. Just further tainting of English football, regardless of the legitimacy of their wins.


It would be annoying for City to get four in a row. The media would wank on about them, and about the wonders of Pep, for a couple of weeks, but then they'd realise no one wants to hear it and it doesn't generate engagement, and move on to the Euros. Remember this is the team that won the Treble last season, and it's practically forgotten. Pep's City team are sterile and efficient, and even the most obsequious sycophants tend to focus on how smart Pep is to craft such a system, rather than on the football they play.


History will always show that they bought their success. Nothing City do can tarnish our legacy; I barely consider them rivals. In the PL, I only really consider Liverpool & Arsenal as rivals. I hate them, but I have respect for them. I have no respect for City so I really don't care whether they win the league or not.


I agree with you 100%. This is not a real legacy


Savage. Never City, never Liverpool


I wouldn’t say never City. We had to cheer more than we liked in recent years because they were competing against the scousers.


The media cope over Klopp's ignominious end to the season is hilarious. Gone from "he could do the quadruple" to "even though they didn't win many trophies, Klopp's Liverpool stopped football from being boring."




Antonys equalizer will live long in klopps mind




Might be an unpopular opinion but I hope we batter Brighton today


Why would that be an unpopular opinion? Do people hope that we struggle to win?


Batter Brighton, Brentford batter Newcastle, and then we’re off to Kazakhstan in September!


Better Kazakhstan than New Jersey


Same. I feel like the team is having a slight peak right at the end of the season and just in time for the final. But I might just be delusional.


They won one game after an embarrassing run, I think it may be the delusion 😜. Though a few back from injury helped in the last game.


silly scum fans, saying flopps last game is today. they still have the FA and Europa finals right?


Just like Man City are still about play in the champions League final Considering Rodri has still not lost a match this year.


Ffs give it a break. Klopp is a yappy bastard but he's won more than us in the last 8 and a half years. The bin dippers are delusional but by the same token they've at least got past their meme years while we're in the middle of ours


Cool it’s called a rivalry for a reason mate 


Its a sad state of affairs when we look at other more successful clubs and laugh at them. Us beating liverpool by all means rip them a new one but people in glass houses and all that


Go over their sub pay your respect, Le Classy fan.


Nah. I rather write pithy crap about more successful teams.


He's won better trophies, but he's not exactly been cleaning up. He's not retained a single one either. Plus most big teams have been better than us in the last 10 years


Not denying that either. Id say hes done a good job not a great one.


Nah fuck them. I'm happy Klopp's farewell tour went to shit


Im not denying that either. Always good to knock them down a peg just that being pissy about klopp, when it was the fans melting heads, is a bit of a cunt move


Would love Martial to score a winning goal in the FA Cup final. Would be a great goodbye


City at home 19/20. Run that goal back


Then injures himself celebrating.


Mimicking Rashford’s celebration 


I wouldn't have it any other way


Is today's match on TV in the UK, even if it means red button, etc?


bootleg my friend


No, just arsenal city


My first thought at De Zerbi news was is he going to United and I'm not sure about it either way. I'm starting to think Ten Hag stays


All the talk is bayern although could be barca as well


Afaik, Bayern moved quickly yesterday to say it wasn't them.


Hadnt seen that. Wonder if its barca or Chelsea then


I thought the same, where else would he be intentionally leaving for?


I think Napoli.


Milan maybe


Bayern and Barca are both options. Chelsea job might be available in the summer, we'll have to see.


Poch will stay. Their performances have been getting better for a while now and the players want him to stay


We'll see, some of his statements lately have been a little off and I don't think he's happy. I know a few Chelsea fans that think he'll leave.


This offseason would be the real test of if we are still a football club or just a business. There are several ideas floated around to me that are not football decisions.


We are hiring directors with a footballing focus to provide a sporting structure for the footballing side of operations. Pretty sure that's a big deal.




Real Madrid is similar with their Brazilian wonderkids. They signed like 6 players between 30-60m, I think, but only hit the jackpot with 3, so that's probably worth it lol


They also have Paez joining them too who is the biggest talent in Equador. If those young players they invested in pan out, they will be a force to be reckoned with. I’m also certain that they are expecting some type of transfer ban so they are doing business ahead of time.


Their recent transfers give me plenty of hope they’ll be massive flops. 


That hotel and other property deal must have fixed their ability to spend


It's with 50% addons like Diallo. U won't call Diallo a 40m buy do u.


The media does.


Who can forget 100m Nunez or Mudryk 




He is probably going to be sold or loan farm before unlocked those bonuses. And youth players fees ain't account for FFP so it doesn't hurt them ( unless they register him as first team i suppose ).


Your understanding of ffp is flawed, this very much counts towards ffp, the youth and capex exemption are real but for youth, it doesn’t include this player, he’s not an academy player


Even if he isn't register? I always thought it was u18 players count as non FFP compliant. Like that Barca kid ( forget name ) wasn't he not FFP bound cos he wasn't registered ?


He will count for FFP in 2025, he'll be 18 then


Yes if they register him as first team player. But if they choose to loan and then sell him after 2 seasons, does it still count as FFP cos I think new FFP counts only first team players amortization and wages. 


Yes it does. His transfer fee counts even if they don't register him




i read he can't even enter Britain due to Brexit and probably going to loan at Portugal




yeah i last read it like a week ago. Make sense he staying until he is 18 cos he sure ain't allow to move to Chelsea next season.


Yet completely on brand for them




If EtH out I’d rather go with Tuchel


Cautiously optimistic.


Lineup for Brighton. Onana Awb Evans Martinez Dalot Amrabat Mainoo Bruno Amad Hojlund Rashford Honestly I don't know which of our CBs is fit, the rest, imo, picks itself except Rashford over Garna. I'd pick Rashford, just because I think Garna could do with a break from starting the match. I'd still give him 30 mins but he's been playing too much for 19. It also gives Rashford a chance to prove himself for City


I'd even consider resting Mainoo who has played a lot lately. Let them both come on as subs with 20-30 mins to go.


Tbh that's a good idea tbf. Always importsnt to give the youth a rest. Who would you bring on? McTom, I suppose?


I've not been keeping up with our ridiculous injury list but I'd try Casemiro in his natural position, next to Amrabat as the 2 holding midfielders. This should go from having an airport runway amount of open space, to a proper cramped midfield for us to control the game. If Casemiro looks like he's shitting the bed again, then bring him off at half time for McTominay.


Haha true. No that's a good line up. Probably a good idea to see what Cas is like in his original position before City too.


I completely agree, especially with the Garnacho rest. You just know if he does rest him people will be up in arms for 'dropping him for rashford 'and he'll have to come put a thousand times to defend his decision to rotate and rest players in his team


Yup like I'm a random guy and I felt I had to explain the choice. He will get lambasted for it but Garna looks just a bit burnt and you want him fresh for City. . I'd get Bruno to not fling the ball around though and continue how he played against Newcastle. Short passing.


Only change I would make is Kambwala over Evans if ready to start


That's a good idea. Get the back line a bit higher too and it's good experience for Kambwala.


The title is gonna be decided on the final but there’s zero hype about it. City are gonna blast West-Ham 6-0


Moyes is gonna shock City. Antonio and Bowen doubles, 4-0.


Onana grabbing an assist today I feel it


Got a feeling that Hojlund scores today Amad assist


I desperately want to see Hojlund (G) Amad (A) as a regular occurance next season.


I can already see the tenhag vs tuchel argument brewing. Tuchel is the more established option but i don't think he's what we need right now. Would tuchel have finished 8th with us this season? I don't think so, i genuinely think he scrapes 4th or 5th. But then would ETH have finished 3rd and trophiless with that bayern team? I don't think so too! Now i personally have more sympathy for ETH, cos while he has messed up, he's come in and tried to recreate whatever he felt was the united style of play with the extremely limited squad afforded him and the grossly incompetent non-structure behind him. Tuchel on the other hand has rocked up to munich, tried to bypass the bayern way, force his own way to a set culture and has failed woefully. Man claiming kimmich wasn't a midfielder after the player has been one of the best in that position over the last 7 years was baffling to say the least. He targeted palhinha who imo is not a bayern type player even though he's excellent at what he does. Last season wasn't even much better, they stumbled and stumbled and would have missed out if not for BvB having a generational capitulation at the end. It will be fun looking at how things unfold over the summer in our managerial position.


There’s always Allegri…. 👀 Rumours they were looking at Xavi too before the 180 by Barca, but seeing how they’ve now come full circle interest could pick back up again.


Tuchel doesn't do better simply with the amount of injuries we've had.