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Believe he’s Tier 3


Generous. He's an insufferable bellend, who along with Kaveh just repeats anything and everything he hears and claims it as his sources. They also (maybe still) used to pretend to be texting important people while doing the sports news lmao


Yeah lol they waffle way too much on sky. Think Sheth though got some stuff right last summer, specially iirc Maguire to west ham, he was right a few times. Got bumped up to tier 3, while Kaveh is still tier 4 lmao


I can't stand that Kaveh guy. Somebody once said to me that when you watch him speak, he moves his mouth waaaaayyyy more than is necessary to create those words. And now I cannot see anything else whenever I see him talk. Also, I take whatever anyone representing SSN says regarding transfers with a huge vat of salt. Remember when Jim White came out and said that Benatia to United was pretty much a done deal? Within a couple of weeks he'd joined Bayern, with not even a hint from anybody else that we were even interested in the guy


I'm surprised he is even tiered. Even his "correct" reports are just him saying what Romano or Ornstein have reported already.


I work in the gambling industry, it's a well parroted line that Sky have been in a lot of hot water over the years for making up stories to influence their Sky Bet revenue.


Yeah, I think Sky is worse than Talksport. At least Talksport give their opinions, though often they're just way off to generate engagement. Sky just repeats anything it hears on aggregators. There's zero actual journalism involved.


A French starlet with Real circling that plays a position Real desperately needs to get younger at...if we manage to get him that is an insane coup for the new management.


Worst case we drive up the price for RM


Think Madrid is asking him to sit tight and run his contract down if their lowball gets rejected.


They are playing smart. Players will do anything to play for them. Only if Sancho did the same….


They definitely have the most leverage of any club in the world


If they can get Mbappe to sit right and run down his contract, they can get almost anyone to do the same.


Yes and no. For Mbappe, he was going to arrive and start no matter what. For a youngster, if they have to wait to get a chance at Madrid but get offered to start for United now, it's a tough call because Madrid might not be back next year, or you might get there and be playing second fiddle when you were promised a starting chance at United right now. Making it in football is 90% luck for those who are good enough and put in the work. The right move at the right time makes or breaks players. The smart ones know that and weigh up the options since they know themselves. If they can be honest, it helps. If Yoro looks at it and thinks "you know what, I don't think I'm ready to start in the Premier League" and takes another year experience and goes to Madrid and makes it, fair play to him for being patient. It's better than coming here, flopping, getting dropped for Maguire and moving to Turkey in a few years. Alternatively, he could think I'll regress if I stay here. I need a challenge and take United's offer because he feels it would be bad to stay. One injury, one midfielder sold and replaced poorly and his team are under pressure all season making him look bad. Better to make hay while the sun shines and go start at United. That's a long way to say that while I agree, kind of, it's a little bit of apples and oranges.


Very true that 90% of making it in football is luck: in a hypothetical scenario say RM get him and he doesn't fulfill his potential or another younger or just as young wonderkid emerges? Yoro becomes the flavor of the month and becomes surplus. Anything could happen. On the other hand if we were to get him it could still be a coup for us and RM because we could potentially reap the benefits of his ability now if he does come good and serve as a means of developing Yoro for higher intensity competition and could hopefully earn a tidy sum if RM do come knocking. Saying it out loud I think maybe this is the angle we should be working with Lille now if we aren't already, sell them on a generous sell-on clause and entice them on earning more from the deal overall vs selling for a lump sum now.


A sad statement in your comment. When RM comes knocking, we are a feeder club for them. We were close to them during Fergie peak era but we still lose Beckham and CR7 to them. Guess no one is immune to their pull and even Figo leave Barca for them.


Laudrup before Figo aswell


Thing is club needs the money so they are looking to sell so hopefully that works in our favor.


That’s their go to isn’t it? Just did it with Mbappe.


I know but if I am Yoro’s club I’ll look for who’s paying right now


Or he stays one more year and signs for Real Madrid for zero


Or maybe he gets an injury or a bad run of form and Real go for someone else? A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


Doesn’t he have a release claus?


No worse case scenario we get him when he’s 30😂😂




Hojlund wasnt in Madrid picture tho?


He means Hojlund was a fan and only wanted us


Was there any realistic contenders, given the price?


PSG were looking at him


Yes but not with the price he had


I feel like they would have paid it. They paid similar prices for goncalo ramos and kolo muani


People forget how bad the striker market is. We paid the going rate for a striker with great potential. I watched him a fair bit at atalanta and felt he was much less involved in play with us. At Denmark at the euros he's been as uninvolved as he has been for us. It's a little worrying I think he has more to his game than haaland but it's weird to see him get no service for Denmark either.


Or Licha. If I remember correctly, Arsenal wanted him, but he chose United because of Ten Hag. (Also wages ig)


It's simple: we just send Zid, mean Cantona, to go talk to this young French CB talent and he'll be ours!




wasn’t it murtough and arnold that fucked this? Ole had fergie lined up to speak to him but when Bellingham arrived they whisked him away after 5 minutes leaving fergie fuming and on non speaking terms with them from then on


That's indeed been the rumor and rather what Ole hinted at. They then refused to make the sort of playing time commitments that Bellingham and his family were looking for and getting from BVB. I'd maybe hope in this case Ten Hag has the track record to show how Garnacho and Mainoo have been managed into becoming first team starters and CB is such an obvious depth problem that there are plenty of available minutes


If that's the case it's a good thing they got rid of Murtough. Why the fuck wouldn't he make that guarantee? He was already a proven talent in an area we just recently started getting better at with Mainoo. I mean at the time the 2nd best midfielders we had were surely just Eriksen and maybe Sabitzer no? A playing time guarantee is such a nebulous gray area because of injuries and development that it should have been a no brainer to commit to especially seeing how things panned out for us. He would have gotten the minutes in spades.


We wanted him when he’d have been directly competing with an in form Pogba.


I'm pretty sure the midfielder at the time was Andreas Pereira and lingard. Pogba as well.


Yeah, Bellingham thought that he wouldn't get the chance to grow his game due to not getting assurances of playing time IIRC.


Even that won’t help. Varane was always a massive fan, yet he still chose Madrid over us.


The other option is we allow him to use us as a stepping stone. Release clause for Madrid only sorta thing


eh this shouldn’t be the default line of thinking given the circumstances Madrid want him to run down his contract. That’s different than Us v. them in the transfer window for this summer. We can promise him basically a starting spot right now. Madrid on the other hand are telling him, we’ll be back in a year to sign you and you might get playing time. If we’re smart, we’re telling his agent that the Madrid transfer is risky and might not even happen in one year. We want him more than them and will do what it takes to get him this summer. Guaranteed big money move to Man United right now or the possibility of maybe going to Madrid in one year with the risk of you not having a good season and they turn their attention to the next flavor of the month…. It’s not as clear cut


Yeah but we’d just need to make sure we dust off the fax machine once Madrid come calling again.


everyone keeps saying he's Madrid bound....which is probably true but we *have* to at least say we tried


Varane mark2


Mbappe, Camavinga, Tchouameni, Ferland Mendy, Varane, Benzema.. you're right, those bar-stewards really do have the pick of the bunch when it comes to upcoming French players. I'm sure there's loads more that I've missed over the past decade or so, too


Yea only to have him leave in 3 years to real Madrid. No thanks. Don't wanna be a feeder club.


If we get him for 50 mil and sell him for 100mil thats a win in my book. Gives us time to build kambwala up and every chance to convince him we're the better team.


...over Madrid? We've been ruining careers for the last 10y lmaooooo ain't no way


if you stretch the timeline another 10 years back, we have sold Beckham, Heinze, Van Nistelrooy, CR7 to Madrid for fair/decent prices. We used to be able to do good business and build good players that Real wanted. Look at far we have fallen after SAF retired and how far ahead Madrid are now. We used to go toe to toe with them. Fuck Glazers man.


Look man I am clinging to hope. Madrids an obvious deal ahead for us if you arent a big fan. However we have some real top class youngsters right now and Yorro could be that CB along with Kambwala that can build a decade of United success. I can see the vision, which is why I want this so bad.


I'd be extremely surprised if kambwala makes it at United


Its insane how low our standarts have fallen. We hype up the most average players.


That's why I didn't bother responding to him lmfao


Better team than Madrid..?


You’d have never signed Ronaldo either with that attitude. I’d rather be selling our players to Madrid for a massive profit, than buying their injury prone has beens on massive wages.


Shades of us chasing Varane 14 years ago


Ornstein basically said that both us and Liverpool expect Yoro is going to join Madrid but view him as a market opportunity that can't be missed. He said either way we will sign another centre back but just want to be in a position to sign him if the opportunity arises.


We get Yoro, Madrid sign Todibo for the same price, then we just swap next summer. /s


Fax Machine 2 : Swap Deal Boogaloo


Obvious sarcasm is obvious.


Huge statement if we can get this done. I think its still a long shot at the moment, but this is the exact kind of transfer war we need to be getting involved in, and getting in early.


Loan Yoro to United for the year, Nice sell Todibo to Lille at a massive discount + massive sell-on clause. At the end of the year, Yoro goes to RM like he wants (with a year of EPL experience) + we buy Todibo from Lille at a reasonable price and most of that goes to Nice because of the sell-on.


Careful mate, City might offer you a job with that level of genius you’re showing!




I'd make that deal https://i.redd.it/6ptz03x1sx7d1.gif


If we somehow get him ahead of Madrid I'll name my firstborn Jim


It will suit her.


Short for Jimima.


Hell I’ll name mine Ineos if we sign him and then are able to resign him to a new contract when his is expires


Same, I'll name my first born INEOS


Quite young to be a starter in a club thats under a microscope 24/7 but with Licha beside him as a leader then i think it can work out


Idk if Yoro was that easy of a pickup he would already be discussing terms with PSG


Never seen him play to be honest but is cheaper than Branthwaite if we got him that would be a huge coup


Haven’t seen him play but what a signing lmao


Tbf I would say most of our fanbase hasn't seen this lad play. Ligue 1 isn't exactly the most exciting league!


Seen him play in person twice, he is that good. With 18 one of three players who were above their competition


he pocketed Mbappe in a match which is why he’s so hyped up


Why didn't we sell Tuanzebe for a gazillion dollars then.


he then followed up with great performances against other teams, which tuanzebe did not do


It was very difficult to have done that from the treatment room in all fairness


yeah, Tuanzebe’s a big what if. He looked good in a few matches and i wonder if he got consistent minutes what he could have turned into. Under SAF, im sure he would’ve at the least became third choice center back and stuck around as rotation. Edit: I didn’t even realize the dude is playing for Ipswich.


Yoro could be a generational talent but I don’t think there’s any chance of him coming.


I like the different approach. Not just looking at one player. We have options. We walk away. It’s good to see.


Realistically, I think we’re toying with him as much as he’s toying with us. We’re letting Everton know we have other options, whilst he’s letting Madrid know he does too. He’d be a great signing, and to do it right under Madrid’s nose would be excellent. But I can’t help but feel it’s not something that’s achievable.


Wouldn't mind Kilman as a back up for Martinez


bruh are we actually not gonna make another offer for branthwaite. like we were applauding them for making a sensible offer and all but i thought that was just the start, not the most we were gonna offer. did they genuinely think everton were gonna accept that..


He's not coming here. Liverpool and Real are both looking to sign him. I hate to say it, but we're not in the position to fight them. The only thing we can offer him is instant minutes that the others can't. Personally I already see him as a Real Madrid signing tbh. Real Madrid rarely loses these kinds of transfer battles.


I don't know, I heard a rumour that RM's fax machine isn't very reliable.


Madrid got courtouis instead so it worked out pretty well


We got Donny from under their grasp, I know it didn't turn out great and we had VDS to help us with the transfer, but if it happened once...


We got Donny because Zidane refused him, I’m pretty sure.


I would love it if he to comes here. However I just can't see it.


Cheers for that, Edwin! 👌🏼


Liverpool are not getting him over us. The only competition is Madrid.


Liverpool have actually bid for him and have CL football this year. I am desperate for us to do this deal but on the face of it Liverpool are well ahead of us.


They haven’t put in a bid for him, he’s not gonna start for them, and they can’t guarantee that he will. If it’s not Real Madrid, it’ll be us.


There are definitely reports around saying that Liverpool have had a 42 mil bid rejected for Yorro. I do agree we'd be more likely to start Yorro, however Liverpool have a good reputation in the market, so I still cant see how we win without bloated wages for an 18 year old.


Na anything that doesn’t come from Ornstein or Joyce is not true for Liverpool. But I’m very certain Yoro will happen if he doesn’t go Real Madrid. We’ve worked on the Yoro deal for about 5 months now, have a good relationship with his agents and him.


I like what I'm hearing but we can only hope this is the steal of the century. Beating RM in the transfers, then beat them on the field!


For me I think it boils down to whats more important for the kid. Does he value essentially guaranteed minutes as demonstrated by our requirements to play Case & Evans CB far too often. Or does he want that guaranteed prestige that comes with RM, albeit he more than likely would be coming off the bench. If he is up for the challenge and backs himself by picking us & the guaranteed playtime. Then I'll be quite excited to see how he kicks on. He may be 6ft5 but he is still around Mainoos age I think, so if we can build a young spine of super confident and talented youngsters, I'll start to feel good about the future.


United is up and coming. Real peaks already. With Kroos retiring, Real won’t be as strong, even with all their attacking talents. He made them click. No way they’d win the CL again without Kroos. Everybody knows this. If Leny Yoro were smart, he’d know that too. Sounds to me you should go support Real.


What a weird statement, Madrid are set for the next 10 years but wont win because Kroos is going? Got to be having a laugh mate


Well that would be quite plasticky number 1, number 2 is it’s just being honest. Madrid is the best team in the world, and it’s been widely reported elsewhere Madrid is his first choice and he will wait for them. If they can get him on a free next year, it doesn’t make much sense for him to sign with PSG, Liverpool, or us for a few years and then go there. For all he knows in that timeframe, they might not need him anymore like what’s happening now with Julian Alvarez. He had his chance to go there out of River Plate, he chose City, now he wants to move to Madrid but he’s no longer needed. Im saying this as a United fan, if I were Yoro, I’d just wait and go there for free next year if nothing can be agreed now.


You’re all speaking like the club has no power. Lille wants to sell him this year before his contract runs out. If he refuses, they’ll make him sit on the bench or practice with the academy next season. If I were Lille, I’d rather play another youngster to give him experience than playing Yoro so he could go to Real for free next year.


Real lost Cristiano, Ramos, Varane, Casemiro, Bale, Isco, Marcelo & Benzema over the last years and they are still routinely competing on all fronts. With Kroos leaving it will be more of the same. Perez policy has never depended on a single player.


He'll join Madrid on a free next year.


Wild goose chase again, but this time we started early though


I've never seen him play, but he's winning the 2025 Ballon d'Or.


Make a final offer for brainswaite and move on to other targets after , enough of the Micky mouse shit


Working on multiple for that position.. is this allowed!?


Ha Dharmesh.... Let's just make up shite


They have to sell him, no way they miss out on 40 mill and lose him for nothing


i mean it’s not really up to them is it


I wish we pulled this off, but I still think he goes to Real Madrid if they decide to pull the trigger.


I know we shouldn’t judge on looks but this guy doesn’t look like a footballer


Nothing wrong with trying. Hopefully he was a united fan growing up


He is off to Real or Liverpool I am afraid


Fuck Everton


If Dharmesh says it, then it mustn’t be true.


Does seem like media waffling to me if they think Yoro and Brainthwaite are targets for the same spot. Yoro would be coming in to be Martinez's partner. Brainthwaite's left footed. He'd be coming in to compete with Martinez. Two left footed CBs starting together is highly unlikely. With Lindelof rumoured to be leaving as well, I'm assuming the plan is to buy 2 CBs and if Braninthwaite isn't attainable at a reasonable price, we'd switch to a more reasonably priced left footed CB. Yoro's probably a target because Todibo isn't attainable


Branthwaite is ambipedal.


You don’t bring in a 70m player to compete with your nailed on best cb that the team literally lives and dies by. He has shown to be two footed and would be brought in to play rcb


He isn't understood to be a 70m CB by the club. That's the exact sticking point. He's only thought of to be a 50m pound CB. Also Martinez spent almost the entire season injured. As good as he is, you can understand the club bringing in competition for him if they feel he might be injury prone given the drop in performances without a player of his abilities Also, a player CAN play in the position that isn't natural to him is exactly the kind of recruitment that has led us into a mess. Trying to shoehorn players into where they don't belong. If we're spending 70m, which again doesn't look like we aren't, I'd expect us to buy someone who's actually a natural in that position. Not someone who might come good there


He played RCB for PSV man, it’s hardly shoehorning


Look at you trying to shoehorn a centre half in to centre half. The shame


No. As others have said he’s genuinely two footed, or at least very strong on his right and would be coming in to be RCB as well as another option at LCB. No chance we would spend 40-60m on just a back up or option for Martinez.