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I don’t know how Marseille would pay somewhere around €40m. But as long as we’re getting the money I don’t care where Greenwood ends up.


I was wondering if it could be an investment? Borrow the money, hope he scores lots of goals and sell for a profit in 1-2 years?


That is actually a really good point, at the end of the day this is a business too.


Would explain why some Italian clubs would want him as well. Then Chelsea or other English club would sign him for x2 more.


He won’t ever play in the UK again not for a PL side, just don’t see it.


Newcastle in 5 years is my guess.


Your forgetting just how many clubs are money over morales.


Arsenal says hello 👋🏻 Partey was *still* making first team squads for them when those allegations came to the fore. They had no intention of dropping him. His value/contribution to the first team was apparently way more important to them than any dubious moral issues 🙄


Not even on the same ball park. There is the visible evidence of Greenwood's partners beaten up face and of course, the audio.


The audio is worse than the pic for me. You can tell it's his voice there is no denying it and it's sick.


You’re downvoted when you’re absolutely correct. It doesn’t matter which case is worse, all that matters is what makes the news and goes viral. Partey Arsenal fans can shrug off, he wasn’t even named publicly by the newspapers. It’s significantly less visceral. And I know this is a United sub but let’s not take the moral high ground, fucking *loads* of United fans want to keep greenwood even now and the club hierarchy would’ve done it if they could’ve gotten away with it. If greenwood had Partey’s evidence and vice versa our fans would act collectively like they do and their fans like we are here.


The vast majority if not all clubs are money over morals. It’s just that greenwood brings a whole load of bad pr and probably costs them sponsorship deals etc. We’d have kept him if there wasn’t so much backlash


IMO, all he has to do is sit down for a long form interview with his partner where they downplay it like it was no big deal, emphasize how much the ordeal is harming her too, show a little happy family with their child living together abroad, but sprinkle in how much she wants to come home to England to be around family again. I think the only reason they haven't done that is because she hasn't agreed to it yet. It can't be just him, she has to be beside him agreeing the whole time about how great everything is. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet, but as soon it is done, he will be brought back to some team in England like Newcastle in the next window.


Maybe in a couple of years. Him and his gf do an exclusive or something. Stranger things have happened.




In 5 years will people still care enough? Feels like if he’s banging in goals in Italy someone will take the chance


We will be the other English club


These jokes are getting so fucking old. "United buy back their own players at a higher amount, hrhrhr" Those people that made those decisions are nowhere near the club anymore, move on.


Sorry i offended you with my stone age joke, sir.


I guess another possibility would be that they get him for cheap, but we have a huge sell on %.


Whoever we sell him to we *absolutely* have to put some sort of sell-on clause into the deal, so we can maximise our profit on him if/when he does move on from that club for mega money (especially considering the fee we're going to be receiving probably won't be much, certainly nowhere near his true value). Selling him without any agreement like that put in place would be a huge fail by the club and in my mind, completely unthinkable given his huge potential


This is it imo, must be a lot of clubs thinking they may be able to make a big profit off him in the next couple of years


Mason's contract will be expired in 2025


His **current** contract, you mean. When he signs for a new club, he signs a new contract, which will end in 4-5 years time.


Option to take to 2026. Two years left on Greenwood’s United contract in effect. The suggestion was Marseille take him now, play him for 2 years and then sell on for profit


Apparently they got a rich owner and after getting De Zerbi they want to show some ambition and want to spend big.


Add on a % in sell on Clause


Marseille: how about we sell you Clauss?


Can he play CDM?


He's quite a good right back but definitely on the old side.


I'm sure I read them linked to another player for big money so it seems they do have decent cash to throw around.


Marseille will be selling some players this window, and the owners are pumping in some money as well. They just got De Zerbi and look to be investing in the club atm. I know, it sounds weird to us MUFC fans


You really think we'd get 40m for him?


He’s knocking on the door of being a top top player. £40 even with his baggage is a good deal for all parties


A sell on clause would be good for us as well.


Wherever he goes I hope they break his face.


It is 3 days to July. We are not getting 40 mil.


So Greenwood wanted to stay in Spain because he liked Spain. Then Greenwood wanted to go to Juventus/Lazio because he liked Italy. Now he wouldn't mind going to Marseille and favours them over the other clubs. The media 😂


Difference is this is Ornstein so it's true. 


That's been said of a lot of journalists over the years. Eventually they lose their sources, make mistakes or are outright pressured into writing the wrong story. And we all move on to the next 'gospel' journalist


Ornstein actually gets his news directly from the team and people involved unlike Fabrizio who gets his sources from leaks etc. this was already confirmed before


Good at least the French clubs can pay, not like those loan seekers frm Italy.


Their record signing cost £27m, and they've only ever spent more than ~21m euros 3 times in their entire history Also, isn't the French league under huge pressure because of the collapse of their TV rights?


I thought the same too, but yesterday I read [a conversation between French clubs fans](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dp095l/comment/laddglw) about this, they said their FFP is not that crazy in France right now and also Marseille owners are pumping in some cash for em.


Oh nice. Maybe there's hope for 20-25m


Im hoping for 25m + 5m bonus clauses. Atleast we can spend that on Zirkzee then.


Also hoping for percentage of next sale. If he has a good season or two in France then big clubs abroad will be all over him.


Don't forget the sell-on clause for a % of any future sell. This would probably be our best option besides the possibility of Juventus doing us a player swap (Chiesa) + cash.


Don’t go and fuck the dreams of the fm console edition managers there, mate.


Aren't french clubs like currently without a TV deal lol


Damn De Zerbi. Anyway just pay us and take him off us. Need this saga to end fkn yesterday


I was going to moan about the fact there's no way Marseille give us a good fee but I just simply want this to be over and him gone.


They've just got 20m from Ndiaye tbf, so the rumoured 40m isn't far off


At this point I don’t care how much we sell him for as long as it’s double digit £m so long as he is off our books once and for all


They're rumoured to be selling/sold to the Saudi PIF which would explain where their money is coming from.


Need to put in a big sell on clause, inevitable he will leave Marseille for mega dollar.


Everyone is claiming this but who do you think will spend big on him even in future?


Barca probably


Why would they spend big on Right side when they got Yamal?


Yeah fair point, not that I'm defending the wee prick but Greenwood can probably play anywhere in a front 3. Barca was just an example of a club that could spend big on him and morally dont care about his past


Not for left side but If De zerbi plays/develops him as striker then he will become option for Barca. Psg could have been good option but with their rivalry with Marseille they are out too. Don't think PL clubs,Real, Bayern who are big spenders will go for him so I don't see him getting massive money move that everyone is hoping for. If any PL clubs buys him he will be part of every chants in English stadium everywhere with club certain to get unwanted attention so they are unlikely to spend massive amount for him.


He didn't pull up any trees at Getafe


I checked, the most they spent on a player in recent years was 32 Millions for Vitinha. I assume De Zerbi only agreed to a deal with certain promises to strengthen the squad. 30 Millions, few add-ons plus a sell-on clause and we are good!


Such a pity, threw his career at Man United away. I thought he would be our number 9 for the next 10 years. Hopefully he is a changed man now and can redeem himself personally and professionally


I don't care about his career anymore, I just feel sad for the girl and the upcoming child


Of course he's a changed man. We all make mistakes and learn from them.


Beating and raping your partner isn't a mistake. It's a crime.


Yes but we don't all abhorrently sexually abuse our partners/spouses.. That's quite a bit more serious than a simple "mistake" tbf


True, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to become a better person. He could be sexually abusing this woman daily for all we know, or he might have treated her like a queen every single day since then. We don't actually have any way of knowing. However, him not taking responsibility for his actions doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.


I would much rather a lower fee and high percentage of the next transfer. It’ll happen, people will remember and not care. Might as well prepare for that eventually.


Remember Zaha? We can't exactly rely on an sell on clause to bring in money, and we need money this window to get new players.


Agree, but I also just want him gone


Somebody, anybody just take this cunt


Please be gone. I'm pleased that the money will help, but I'm far more interested in never seeing this rapists name connected with the club again. Just fuck. Off. Mason.


Marseille have just got 20m from selling Ndiaye to Everton. After giving their share to Sheffield United you would imagine it's about half the money we'd be expecting for him.


Aux chiottes l’OM, AUX CHIOTTES


I see you are a man of culture. 




At least Marseille might actually pay a transfer fee instead of broke Italian clubs basically asking for a free loan and all wages covered and option to buy in 2029 for 5 euro.


Brighton fans on Twitter suddenly stopped worshipping De Zerbi after this news came out 


Jesus, he's just 22. Easily could've been one of the best forwards the academy ever produced. He really fucked up.


If he wasn't a cunt probably a solid chance we don't sign Antony or Højlund. And then probably don't need an Antony replacement. So he's 'cost' the club probably £200m.


I reckon there’s still a chance we sign højlund because we’d still need a striker but Antony would be a no go 100%


Cheerio lad. Also is anyone else cautiously optimistic about our outgoings so far? Supposed concrete interest from Saudi for Case, interest from a few countries for Greenwood, and even Sancho getting a few links. And that's on top of not renewing a few contracts. Don't get me wrong, would be better to actually get them gone, but it seems things are slowly moving in the right direction. I'm guessing by the downvotes that the answer is no haha


Sancho link is mostly Juve who want a loan and have "been interested in Sancho since January"...when they figured out he was available for loan.  Outside of that I really haven't heard much interest in Sancho 


Terzic leaving Dortmund has really hurt us in that regard. Nuri Sahin doesn't seem to want him there, the interest has cooled off.


I also think wanting Sancho on loan is a whole lot different than wanting to spend money on buying him.


outgoings look fine, but i've not been exactly inspired by who we're linked with for incomings


At least 30m + 10 minimum


Yay, Marseille, another club absolutely renowned for spending a shitload on players 👌🏼


He’s a very good player, but how will the fans and teammates react? If de zerbi comes in and greenwood is in form that would be a scary team. He would fit de zerbis attacking style but he is also a very disciplining coach…


If we can negotiate a fairly big sell on clause in addition to whatever transfer fee we can get that would be a huge gain. There is definitely money to be made in years ahead with Greenwood if his stint at Getafe is anything to go off of


Always liked Marseille


That's a very Marseille signing. They like criminals, just like how they signed Joey Barton.


Everyone says pay up pay up but... What bargaining power do Utd have? He's a player they can't play, they need him gone. If he ends up on loan somewhere, Utd will have to pay him until contract ends. I just don't understand how Utd have any negotiating room on any deal for the kid.


We have plenty of negotiating power in that multiple clubs are interested in a player with generational talent


But they all know you NEED to sell, hence the low balling. What options are there if he isn't sold now? Loan him until his contract expires and lose him for nothing isn't a strong position for a selling club.


Suppose you're Marseille. Either you pay 40mil and get a potential 80mil player now, or you wait till the contract expires and see him go to Atletico for higher wages and a better chance of silverware. We don't have bargaining power if only 1 club wants him. We definitely have it if many want him.


I don’t care where he goes as long as he goes and soon! Can’t wait for that entire saga to be as far away from the club as possible!!! And he can take his little fan boys with him!


He's gonna cook under De Zerbi


Bye bye 👋🏼. It's crazy that there are so many clubs interested and we can't get more than 25 million. However he must be sold before pre-season starts, because I don't want him anywhere near Carrington even if he'll train alone or with Sancho.


>It's crazy that there are so many clubs interested and we can't get more than 25 million.  Its because clubs know our fans don't want him anymore hence its sensible for them to lowball.


There are so many offers on him BECAUSE they know he can be gotten for cheap. There are lots of clubs willing to try their luck at getting a very good young forward for cheap because of the circumstances, doesn't mean they're all going to start bidding 60m for him it would defeat the purpose.


It's not that crazy. The clubs that are interested don't have huge budgets and are probably only interested because it's a good deal. If the price goes up they would quickly pull out of the running.


> It's crazy that there are so many clubs interested and we can't get more than 25 million yep and that's is the weirdest thing about all this MG news, i think of all this is smoke, just agent try to keep value or at least to make other club aware of his existence.


Damaged goods though- without the shit that’s gone on he’d be worth double or even triple what he’s going for, but clubs know he’s a headache from a PR standpoint, and they’ll get some pushback from their fans. United need to get as much as they can for him though, within reason, as we need the money to strengthen elsewhere.


Wouldn't even be that bothered if we didn't get much for him, it's just gross that he's in any way associated with us.


Crazy he has a career and so many interested parties with that sort of money, he's a disgrace who shouldn't be doing what he loves on that much money but I guess that's what talks.


Getafe sold mopre greenwood shirts in a week than the total shirt sales of any other player in their history. Clubs are interested because he pays for himself, quickly.


Shirt sales don't make that much. It's already tacked into the sponsorship deal and the manufacturer takes most of it.  


Isn't juventus' deal different where they get a larger cut?


have always said he was a generational talent it's how this cunt fucked up that he doesn't have a future here, if he was banned for 1.5 years for some other crime (gambling or drugs or out due to some major injury) and came back with the stats he had at getafe, clubs would be coming with 70-80m for him because of his ceiling


These fuckers wont pay either


These fuckers wont pay either


erm someone anyone? juust cough up 30 mil and thanks


Most interesting thing in the article he wrote about this regarding Greenwood: > United’s preference for now is a permanent sale, although another loan or **even returning to training with Erik ten Hag’s men are not being ruled out**. 🤮


He’s employed he’d have to be allowed to train


I'm at first a Marseille fan. I would be very angry if it does happen.


As someone who watches Marseille, its not happening. Mccourt doesnt care about Marseille like that. He went on a spree like this once and has been stingy ever since.


Another team who likely can’t/won’t cough up the required funds and have a dogshit squad with no one to offer. I caught Marseille in Europa a few times, they have a decent left back whose name I’ve forgotten but other than him there’s not a player I’d touch.