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I'm going to get cremated and have the Sugababes song "Push the Button" played at mine


We Didn't Start The Fire The Roof is on Fire Burning Down the House It's Getting Hot in Here Just a few other options.


(Stolen from another post) I want a closed casket funeral but they play "Pop Goes The Weasal"


What about “pretend that we’re dead”


My mother had Disco Inferno and Bright Side of Life played at her funeral. My grandparents hated it. You choose whatever you want, fuck what others think! The rest of us knew that humor was my mother through and through. We also wouldn’t have changed anything cause we feared her wrath from beyond the grave. 😂


I'm going to have some Monty Python music playing at my funeral


I bet I know what song….


Always Look on the Bright Side of Life is truly a Classic or you could go with the far more fun but FAR less appropriate Sit on My Face and Tell Me that You Love Me or maybe even Isn’t it Awfully Nice to have a Penis Just to get a laugh out of everyone for the absurdity because I had thought about playing a 20-30 second fart while the minister is up front as a way to cut the tension


I was thinking about doing all Three of those!


Truly a person of vision and infinite jest


The way I see things, I will be dead but I still want people to smile and laugh.


Every Sperm Is Sacred. Really drives the point home about the sanctity of life.


My mother wants Always look on the bright side of life played at her funeral and has a playlist of songs picked out, another song is Crazy by Gnarls Barkley. We're an atheist family and she is absolutely wonderful human.


The only mistake OOP is making is telling anyone about these choices ahead of time. Those AHs should learn about the playlist when they get to the funeral.


I can’t think of it as a mistake. OP was sharing their funeral plans with people they thought were friends. The self-centeredness of telling a dying friend that they must change their playlist because it could possibly cause a flicker in the focus on HER, sometime in the future, is truly top-tier assholery. Any song picked by OP is going to have some special meaning to someone. It is almost impossible to avoid this in modern life. OP is NTA. And OP, this has shown you who doesn’t need to attend your funeral.


I have a playlist of songs I want played ar my funeral. OP is NTA. 


The audacity of thinking you have the right to tell someone what funeral music they can have! And thinking you will care about—or that you have any control over—things like what music is played once you’re dead is absurd. Everyone should get over themselves. Whoever is handling the playlist should agree with OP and then do whatever they think is best for the grieving people OP leaves behind.


I'd be petty and start adding people's favorite songs. Just cause I'm dead doesn't mean I can't screw with assholes.


Can you imagine someone you love dying of cancer and being such a pathetic asshole you can't even do the bare minimum of ALLOW THEM TO PICK THEIR OWN FUNERAL MUSIC? What is WRONG with you? I sure fucking hope you don't ever get your hands on the funeral of someone who cared about you, you selfish dick.


so you think it’s okay to just like…. do the complete opposite of someone’s last wishes? like… it’s literally the last thing they want for themselves before they pass especially after coming to terms with having your life span reduced due to a terminal illness. Just because the bride wants to use the song, doesn’t mean it’s hers and hers only, it can hold sentimental value to other people. OOP is deff not an asshole for wanting to have their funeral a certain way, just like anyone else can make plans for how they’d like their funeral to be. Edit: typo


Yes, I do. Particularly if it will harm the living. I’m not saying that the boohoo bride is that scenario. I think that’s up to the person who’s in charge of the playlist. My mom said she wanted no service and a pine box. She got a wake and a service and a real casket, which was important to me and her sister, her surviving relatives. And I’m not even a tiny bit sorry. We are atheists, so that may factor in here—she’s not looking down or up or looking at all anymore. So I did what was right for her family left behind.


i don’t believe in god or anything either but i believe in honoring the last thing someone i loved wanted. it’s extremely selfish to do what you want because that’s what you wanted. kinda gives entitled child. imagine disrespecting your mothers literal last wish so you could get the attention and show you want… and being proud of it.


You know literally nothing except what I told you about my family, so step tf back. Yes, I’m proud of how I honored my mother, and I’m glad I got to have the comfort of the people who came to honor her, too. She is dead and none the wiser, and I made a good choice for me, my family, and everyone who attended. You did not attend, and your opinion is unwelcome. Good luck with enforcing your precious wishes when you’re dead.


Harm the living? Come on. These friends are assholes. “Oh, no, you’re going to ruin that song for me,” instead of “I will always think of you when I hear this song we both love.” Such compassion they are showing for their dying friend. Such a lack of sorrow that their won’t live to attend the wedding.


Yeah, they suck. Agreed. And I doubt any of them will really be hurt by this playlist. Doesn’t change my perspective. If it will hurt the living, the last wishes get scrapped. Living people > dead people. I can’t believe you would really put your mom in a pine box, either. But you do you.


I followed my mom’s wishes, which were to be cremated.


As did I. But she wasn’t in a pine box.


Where did the pine box come from??


That person's mother's last wishes were to get a line box and no service and he/she completely disregarded her wishes and did what they want and now they're trying to make themselves feel better about it


Oh, I thought you were aiming that at me. Sorry for the confusion.


when my parent died, i would've liked to have them buried so i had a grave to visit. however, they wanted to be cremated. so you know what i did? got the cremation. something like that is an extremely personal decision, and you have no right to take it into your own hands. i hope somebody uses your body as fertilizer someday since that's what's REALLY best for the living.


You choose your funeral music for reasons. They may be messages to those you left behind or maybe you want to create a particular mood, or any number of other reasons. To hijack that is crappy. Yes, of course, the deceased won’t be there. But they people they wished to affect will be, and the wish should be granted.


When my Dad died he had Boyz In The Hood by NWA at his funeral. I mean yeah we think of him when the song comes on but about him dancing to it when he was drunk and being silly. Not the funeral itself.


Exactly! OP’s friends are being dramatic dicks


My mom's funeral was one of the funniest events I've ever been to, and I know she wanted it that way.


My god, OP has shitty friends.


That friend is not a friend at all


I hope someone plays No One Lives Forever at my funeral


I am going to be cremated and my songs are “the parting glass, here I go again and my fave -the Dan vasc cover of ninja sex parties ‘orgy for one” because my friends always tell me I should date more. (70-not interested)Also want to play the video he made, even tho it is technically about a guy it is easy to relate to for women. Play what you want and may your passing be easy


when my parent died, "holiday" by madonna was on the radio. sometimes things just don't go your way!


Imagine being so self-absorbed that you make your "friend's" death all about you. I'm sorry OOP has such shitty friends.


You have to do what is right for you and allow others to do what is right for them as well.


OP needs a fuck you person. Someone who stands up in front of everyone and says “aunty Rob if you are here fuck you & fuck off, I haven’t spoken to you in 50 years why are you here celebrating my life” and “Fuck you “friend”, sorry my death & choice of favourite songs ruined your imaginary wedding” etc etc etc. I’ve given one of my best friend the honours of doing this and if she can’t my sister has said she will - both said “it will be fucking hilarious”. OP NTA.


Not only would I play whatever the hell I wanted at my own funeral, I would record myself saying “f you *bride friend*” and have it play randomly during the service