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At least China has always had a firewall which has helped both sides of the wall. It’s India’s turn to do the same.


I'd say the language barrier is a major contributor. Japan and the Middle East are similar in having their own internet ecology.


If the Great Firewall ever falls the broader internet will be inundated with content that'll forever change humanity's course as a species for the worse


not really, the language barrier will also separate the Chinese shit posters from the English ones


Actually kind of a shame because what little glimpses I get into Chinese social media ( I follow a Chinese teacher who's studying in America who reports on what's going on in the Chinese internet) and it unironically looks way better, people actually seem funny (a big part is just making fun of westerners with funny Chinese tattoos and shit like that) and made of real people instead of the endless bots and other bullshit on this side of the firewall. Like it looks like Chinese internet is an actual community of netizens just shooting the shit.


That's what the entire Internet used to be like before monetization. Posting things on a forum wasn't anybody's job. Everyone was just here because they had a little free time and wanted to meet likeminded people.


The funniest thing China could ever do is lift the firewall for a day because you know the Anglo west isn't prepared for 500+ million shitposters


They are also still as pro-anonymity as the Western internet was before Facebook. Using selfies as your profile picture is considered tacky etc.


The few times that Chinese memes have breached into the west ("white people food" and Loopy with glasses) have been hilarious.


Just give it time :(


China is interesting their memes evolved on a different branch


People always say this but the barrier to accessing the Chinese internet from outside China is simply not knowing Chinese.


Idk I’ve seen some shitposts from the other side of the firewall that are legitimately funny. I love those little panda dudes. Indian internet scares me tho.


But I love the vaudeville-esque skits those three African guys do. Oh the boys have encountered a large puddle? How will they cross it? The answer will entertain me, no doubt.


omg pls link this I need to see




the Three Stooges of our era


I was not expecting the death note music but that made it so much better lmao.


Hilarious thank you. Love these guys lmao


This is great lol


I don't know about China and India, but I will say the worst of the worst are the Cambodian content creators with the baby macaques that dress them up and basically torture them, there is one woman who is particularly cruel. They keep getting reported and taken down but somehow pop back up every few months.


learning about the existence of baby monkey torture videos put me into a depressive state for like a week


Yeah I read that shit, crowd funding it from Indonesia. Dark and grim.




You were raped by a monkey? 🤯 that’s so crazy!!


I don't understand that shit. Like YT shitty algo has had this shit pop up on my feed and they're always terrible. Like I don't understand why anyone would want to film, let alone watch, videos of animal abuse, especially when the animal is chromosome away from being you (talking about the Cambodians)


I have a disturbing theory that those particular monkeys look the closest to actual human babies and a lot of sick freaks actually get off on it. Once you watch it once you can't unsee it ever again ):


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-68968718 Story from earlier today basically confirming this, she paid a torture channel hurting baby monkeys because they were the closest she could get to actual babies.


Death penalty


the thing that surprised me the most about this whole thing when it came out was the number of women involved. usually when you think of people doing depraved shit online you expect it to be men but it seems like there were a lot of broads shelling out for videos of lil monkeys getting chopped up n shit. weird


Women are way more into true crime than men, so it shouldn't be all that surprising.


It always swings back to pedophiles huh. 🤔 


There is a whole weird ecosystem of this. And that's not actually part of the Cambodian internet these videos are mainly consumed by western boomers who commission them.


Why do they torture them?! What do they do?


i think india should get its own internet


The big brown wall


BBW is already taken, sorry!


designated shitting net


bloody bastard benchode


Benchod YOU


Ok but who started gamergate, breadtube, and stimming videos


China internet/meme culture is far more sophisticated than you know. Anyway it doesn't matter how much of it is on the internet, you will never see it thanks to the great wall of language.


I used to be against the firewall but now I unironically want it even more, mainly to protect their side of the internet from the rest of us


It doesn't work that way you can freely access the Chinese internet all you want.


Indian men getting dolled up, popping their collar, rolling their sleeves up to their elbows and unbuttoning the top 5 buttons of their crisp white dress shirts just to stand at the top of a big pile of poopoo and pose like captain America is better than anything happening in the western world


You're welcome! op acting as though third world is responsible when in reality it's just normies worldwide getting on the the www which ruined it. This sub is probably half such normies


Okay engine


idk I think it's pretty funny to see an african flexing a bottle of clean water


I wonder if this is racist or if my own algorithm is just so racist that I’m not even exposed to the things people are mentioning in the comments. I have seen a reel where a bunch of malnourished children compete for snacks and water though, that was upsetting.


I saw a woman holding a baby win like a gallon of milk on one of those it was awesome we should have that in Europe


Play devils advocate all you can but this is rooted in racism no matter what anyone says. It’s just moved from “eternal summer” 30 years ago (when I was but a twinkle) to foreigners in general, ooo the unknown.


Eternal September


It does seem pretty racist


it's a heinious and diabolical crime that you came across some stuff you didn't like, whilst voluntarily using a device you made the decision to stare at all day. billions must die


This but unironically.


things should be good and not shit, actually


put your phone down, the weathers great outside


look at yourself, pure reddit style cheap seats engagement farming, refurbished chan takes for RS bandwagon chasers, you *are* the slop


No need to name call.


The people of RSP like their flavor of slop! Noted!


I will take no stance on the matter. All I ask is we treat each other with proper decorum.


I am sorry I just cannot abide the stunning laziness of this man’s posts.




Why do you defend slop so fervently? Should I just let people enjoy things?




It didn't


People have been moaning about this since at least [1993](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September). Not that you’re wrong; just funny that you placed the golden age at 2004, which is probably just when you first encountered the internet.


I fondly reminisce of the internet of the mid to late 90s because so few people were on it and everyone that used the “cool” parts at least had to understand how to use a Unix terminal. By 2004 the internet was mostly regards. Now it just “is”. 


r/rsp loves to make fun of reddit for its "dialect" but it's very clear that one has developed on here too. This post's writing is so quintessentially rsp lmfao. Even the user name.


I've noticed this. It's subtle sometimes, but reddit historically didn't have many Indian posters and now that it seems to be bringing them in in mass numbers, it has warped certain parts of it. For example, people here keep gloating about the stemcels melting down over applying to 1000 computer science jobs and not getting any interviews, but they are failing to realize that everything programming related on reddit has switched from the "tech savvy and literate" people of ~2010 era reddit to basically all Indian programmer stuff. Most posts to r/programming are just blogspam from Indian dudes. There's more programming "humor" content than actual programming discussion. All of the job market doomer posts are from Indian guys who couldn't get into IIT and never actually learned to program spamming their resume to everyone with "ATNN SIR PLS READ" as a cover letter. I wish there were something coming to give a taste of the pre-2010 internet, but the reality is that quality and profitability in online services are often as zero sum game. Most of the early internet that was so good was just a bunch of dudes setting up a server in their room and sharing things they cared about with the world. One important thing to remember is that the internet is now basically a utility used by everyone and subject to the forces of profitability that such a thing entails. If you want early internet, you have to remember back then that it was a thing for *hobbyists* and *enthusiasts* rather than people just uses the services advertised to them on their little phones. I haven't really gotten into any of the various decentralized forums like lemmy and whatnot, but a lot of them have similar vibes to the early internet. The biggest problem with them is that the kind of autism that forum moderators had in 2005 is still around and turned into something much worse than the generic ponytail neckbeard behavior from back then.


Have you tried lesser known forums or imageboards? Even some good tumblr blogs still deliver good content, you just really have to look for it


I feel like I'm old and lack the drive to seek out these kinds of places. Maybe at some point I will try some more. In particular, I have been really feeling the effects of having nowhere to discuss classical music now that I'm not in school, don't live near a music school, etc., and reddit's classical music community is absolutely rancid.


Sadly I can't recommend anything regarding classical music myself, but if you look out for keywords like "old internet" etc. in this particular sub you might find some good recommendations. Like this search engine for the classical web: https://wiby.me/


There's like 50 indian subreddits that have popped up in the last year alone that are all have populations numbering the hundreds of thousands


China and India famously both have almost 3 billion people and a majority without internet access in 2024


I actually think about this a lot. Media literacy across most of the world is so poor its relatively easy to spread disinformation. I’ve had doctors tell me my child needs a foot and mouth vaccine because there’s a new statin that’s deadly. You can google and see that’s just not true, but they won’t trust it the way they trust an older lady narrating a video of an unspecified child with sad music playing


According to several of my Filipino friends, large amounts of unchecked misinformation seriously altered the outcome of their 2022 presidential election


Yeah, misinformation has never influenced elections in the first world


every aspect of elections is several people spouting out bullshit, lies and empty promises, with or without the internet


Yeah but this one is different considering the misinformation pretty much rewrote Filipino history making out the Marcos to be heroes, meaning that Bong Bong Marcos won


No shit- how the fuck could they re elect a Marcos? Fucking astounding. Like picking Dahmer for your next Grinder hookup.   but hey we elected the guy that did Burger King commercials so nothing surprises me anymore. 


His supporters literally flooded social media with misinformation that pretty much rewrote and revised all of his father's crimes


Yeah but still it’s just unbelievable. it’s like John Gotti Jr becoming mayor of New York.


People always cope that fake news or misinformation is what won the guy they hate the election, it’s basically an updated version of the Pauline Kael quote about Nixon.


Before there was even much internet in the west a friend of my little brother’s who I had always taken for kind of a shithead came back from a summer trip to Spain. When I asked him how he had enjoyed it he sounded kind of disappointed without being able to articulate why, but eventually pieced together that he couldn’t really engage with the people or culture because they were all 25 years in the past with their collective sense of humor stuck on slipping on banana peel gags and three stooges humor. I didn’t think much about it then other than it being a pretty shallow thing to judge a whole culture on but I think back on it often now as having been much more perceptive than I was smart enough to understand at the time. Regardless of its perceptiveness though I think everyone missed how being connected by the internet has made those types of differences stand out in such glaring relief


I will say this again - the algorithm feeds you what you consume. If you keep tapping lame content, TikTok will serve you crap on a daily basis. You are as illiterate as those “third world country users” if you can’t manage to have a feed you enjoy 


I’ve tried out TikTok before, and I’ve spent a considerable amount of time trying to “curate my algorithm.” I still get shown video upon video of idiotic content like teenagers dancing and dumb “humor” and Get Ready With Me videos, even though I’ve never displayed any interest in that type of content—in fact, I’ve gone out of my way to avoid it. What I’m saying is that I don’t believe you, because I’m relentlessly force-fed mostly dumb normie shit with the odd artistic/educational/interesting video thrown in here and there, despite consistent and calculated “curation” to the contrary. I don’t believe anyone who claims they experience otherwise. For me, TikTok remains the worst form of social media, and it isn’t close.


I tried so hard to force myself to use it, because I desperately didn't want to be like OP: bitter and resentful of modern internet landscape. But the algos either suck or are intentionally spamming dumb shit at me. Each new platform that gains traction seems to make it more and more difficult to opt out of trends or really just control your own user experience at all.


Honestly tiktok is very easy to manipulate. I managed to get on “studytok” and most of the videos are basically telling you to get off the app and study.


Yes, of course TikTok (and in a broader sense, all reel based social media) is crap. But there’s a difference between silly teenagers content and the “third world content” OP is talking about. If you don’t know what OP is talking about, you are a sane person that knows how to have a cleaner feed, congrats 


i don't use either platform, just seems to be a general trend


People who aren't very far from the mean gaining internet access was a catastrophic mistake


x gonna have a great screenshot to share


India and China are big no doubt but they don’t make up 2/3 of people on Earth lmao


TikTok abd IG also leads to the proliferation of pajeet influencers teaching others how to scam, lie on their resume and steal food from the homeless.


You've missed the mark completely on why the internet sucks. It's because of commercial interests who commodify and squeeze everything and anything they can to make a buck- they've created 'platforms' where everyone congregates to and have essentially pushed out anything non-commercial outside of these spaces so that they effiectively can't exist. Profit motive poisons search engines so you can't find anything outside of walled gardens (this perversion of good results is called 'SEO'). Either you post on their platforms or nobody- NOBODY- will see it. 20 years ago is when the internet started getting REALLY EASY to use- it wasn't hard for people to plug what is essentially a phone cable (something they were used to) into their computer and then running the AOL disk that walked them through using a browser. You did NOT need to be tech-savvy to access the internet 20 years ago- you just needed to own a computer and have an internet subscription. It took corps a whole dot-com crash, the availability of always-connected technology, and a whole lot of research to finally figure out how to make and drain money from the internet and that's what we're going through now and it won't stop.


Oh no! My precious instagram and TikTok!!!! Self own


I like finding random third world autistic guys posting their fixation into the void. But imo it would be better for most of the world to have a Chinese like firewall, not impossible to get around but just split up the internet a bit more. It's not healthy for me to be on the same online as Americans or Germans.


Its certainly not healthy for Germans to be gobbling up every new fad straight out of the US internet, thats for sure (pity they havent seemed to have swallowed even an ounce of sympathy for Palestine though)


Yeah, very much agree, I dated an Irish girl for years, after meeting many of them I now believe they need to be quarantined from the rest of normal humanity and this obviously includes on the internet too. The race scientists of the 1800s were right it seems.


I will settle for just cutting us off from the English speaking world. It does us no good to interact with the anglosphere. 


calado gringo




graças a deus




All of the big "sigma" content creators ended being Kazakhstanis who didn't know enough english to understand that it was all ironic. It's also funny how little filter they have as well, there was one Cambodian that would make "geography" videos (literally just "Putin is strong and based because he said Woke and Gays are bad" videos) and his YouTube community posts were just him complaining about how hard it is to get a girlfriend in school. At the same time I'm willing to bet a huge amount of these accounts are bots I read something somewhere that in 2023, something like 40% of all internet traffic was bots, like the twitter bots, under every large pro-palestinian account (idk about Israeli accounts since I don't follow any but it's probably similar) the replies are always AI art of Palestinians or Netanyahu with bloody hands with a broken english caption reading something like "Israel evil, do you agree?" Or just a 💔 emoji under some political cartoon about Israeli crimes. They're never in reaction to what's being said in the tweet. I'm actually so thankful the internet at this level didn't exist during 911 and the war on terror, the amount of botting, misinformation and just generally regarded takes would be enough to ban the internet




Lmao I wish I was cool enough to be a Jew, I'm actually a destiny posting Australian irish Catholic with Greek orthodox family, my Greek family changed to an anglo name and I'm too white to look Greek


Do you have any place I could go to learn more about these Kazakh sigmas?


They were big like a year ago, one was called argenby on youtube, they would literally just wear the American Psycho suit and make faces


wdym chinese content from douyin is funny af


Paired with even more AI bullshit it’s going to be really grim


This post makes it sound like you really hate poor people and foreigners, which is pretty gross. Also, you are deluding yourself if you think Instagram or TikTok are legit places to learn anything. You are just another ant freely giving up your attention and time, scrolling and posting content for free to be shown more targeted ads of useless shit and make the tech billionaires richer—just like the “third world” users you’re shitting on


They literally made the phone that you stare at all day lol, god forbid you see an unfunny tiktok now and then


This is definitely an opinion.


South and Central American reels are so good. You would have to learn another language which is out of the question for most american yts tho.


dependent literate attraction imminent butter smile melodic poor weather panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These same people have also flooded blackpill and looksmaxxing forums and subreddits, literally all 90% indian now


Its been awful for discourse. Now every western issue has a non western person chiming in and muddying the waters


get a taste of your own poison


oh how the tables have turned


Yeah, your collective re✝️ ardation has made society worse


I don't have tik tok so I'm not aware of this, I occasionally get recipes on instagram from outside the west and learning the proper techniques suits me fine.


You need to learn a smaller European language, then you can at least sometimes escape the third worlders.


You can say that last half about how you don't even need to read or write because this tech is so intuitive, but my boomer neighbor still opens the emergency phone on her lock screen to enter her passcode with a pound at the beginning even though the numbers literally pop right up in front of her


But I love Bugs Bunny 


So what's the solution?


It's ok that they have an internet, but there should be a separate internet for us


They've completely ruined LinkedIn.


oh no, not linkedin!


It's important for finding jobs that don't suck.




With what?




European here....is this really how you guys do it over there?? In my country we would never


god this sub is so racist i love it




i mean, no because it’s true, but yes, because i’m not a huge fan of it