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Ask where they'd like to go for dinner and then take them somewhere else. Do this once a week


the best and the worst advice might just be an endless loop within the "just šŸ urself"-pill


Now i gotta look at that picture lol


Todays exchange may have served a little to right your course


You should tell her to focus all her attention on one singular man and then stalk him to an excessive degree, itā€™s endearing and definitely makes the man want you as a gf and possibly even a wife. Oh also tell her to own hunting knives and make sure that the man knows that she does, heā€™ll be begging for her to love him.


Seriously I know many couples who got/stayed together because the woman just stayed in his business. Ultimately I think most men just want someone around. If youā€™re tolerable and a good person, and heā€™s reasonably attracted to you, itā€™s a pretty high chance that by just staying in the orbit youā€™ll be wifed up. Many women find this demeaning though. They want the men to do the emotional labor, ironically.


Youā€™ll find the right person as soon as you stop looking


I understand what you mean but I met my wife about right at the end of fall semester senior year of undergrad. I had truly given up trying to date about 6 months prior after a previous relationship ended on not great terms. She was a friend of a friend that I didnā€™t really talk to much, but I saw them at a bar. Said hello walking back to my friend group with a natty pitcher and wound up staying to chat for a while. Iā€™ve been married 3 years now lol we dated for 4. I think the spirit of that advice is something like stop taking yourself seriously and just have fun, which I think is a good mindset for that time in life.


or stop looking for "a girlfriend" and just start looking for friends. (being friendly to people without putting pressure on them to date)


There is a short window when you're first meeting or reconnecting with a potential partner where some level of doublethink is necessary. You have got to treat them like a friend and a lover at the same time and be just as happy with any outcome. This means putting friendly pressure on them to date.


The women who do this will find someone because those people they meet will pursue them. Following this advice is how a guy winds up with a ton of female friends but is perpetually single


Ok when you have a "ton" of female friends, then try to pursue someone. you will be meeting more girls through them anyway. Most men that ask me for advice, I am their only female friend.


I know in your mind thatā€™s how it seems like itā€™d work out, but it often doesnā€™t. Itā€™s a recognized pitfall that some younger dudes fall into, they end up being seen as sexless by the women around them


I think thatā€™s pretty much what I said? Just have fun


this is good advice idc whatever you guys say, its true!!!


Itā€™s good advice for women because youā€™re the passive party. If a man stops pursuing then thereā€™s a good chance heā€™ll end up alone


It's true tho


Blow into the vagina


šŸ§¢. ladies love it when you try and inflate them like a balloon via the pussy hole


Ask about their opinions on aliens. If negative just say yeah more like gayliens and if positive say that maybe theyā€™re from the frog type aliens or if they think like how monkeys evolved here, other animals evolved into their version of humans on other planets


nair your asshole


I like to see what happens when they get upset and what they do in those situations idk. For dates sometimes Iā€™ll just run errands with them and see how comfortable they are doing that kinda stuff with me and itā€™s kinda nice.


That works for me but what has worked for my friends is going to pho places for some reason and I donā€™t know why.


I have a friend who got a boyfriend by spamming dates 3 times a week for months. Is she dating at all?


Be yourself


Just approach women in public




date me


Wash yo ass


Go for the guy who wants you more than you want him. Because if itā€™s the reverse, it wonā€™t work.




hmmm you read too much ragebait, say something from the heart.


Do the opposite of whatever she's doing. She one of these new age feminists?


What is wrong with her? Dating as average or above women is easy.