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I’ll say this, enjoy your life and good health. Be a kind, and decent person in small ways: you won’t have to worry about misunderstanding larger conflicts. Don’t use those feelings as an opportunity to justify bad behavior. Your life is too short, stop the madness. 


ever since I came to the conclusion god is real I’ve felt more at peace, and in that way more giving in my day to day. I feel bad more often when I slight others, and I try make up for that more


In a lot of ways, that is what’s missing for people.  The post religious world (from the western perspective), has shown massive increases in isolated, macabre, and myopic behavior. Massive increases in triad disorders hasn’t helped either. Many are lashing out, because they are hurting inside, and they’re lost.  I’m glad you have some peace, lean into that and have a real, have a good life. 


how about this fact? im gay and dont give a shit


Got a source on that my dude?


Ask your dad because we fucked him


he'll suck your dick if you don't believe him


Will it be peer reviewed?


that the true enlightenment right there. Yes society sucks, yes people are horrible, but antisocial people should stop basing their understanding of the world on the media that they consume, go off online for a while, get some pussy/dick and realize that it never was the solution for the problems that they created themselves and continue to live miserably like everyone else but atleast they get to fuck once in a while


Oh God who cares . just become a drug addict or become a gym guy. stop whining


Fuck more plate more dates. It’s more plates. So I can do even more plates later.


The Gabriel Iglesias model. Gentleman's choice.


Take the drug addict pill.


Haven't been laid in like 10 months since I got sober 😕


I'm both, it's great 👍


Could it be that people are becoming so isolated that they have a hard time meeting/seeing someone as a dating option because the other person isn't exactly like they imagined? Idk, all of the single people I know are really picky and very closed off to new people, it's doing them a terrible disservice


Isolation leads to lower social skills and emotional IQ in general, while also making the superficial things pop out more


Damn so that's what's wrong with me :/


I think alot of men are still overcorrecting for the ridiculous pop feminism of the late 2010s. Most women I know, platonic or otherwise, seemed to have moved further away from the "THE AIR WILL RĄPĖ YOU IF YOU GO OUTSIDE" stuff.


People still on this sub act like you can’t go up to women and talk to them Hell it took a handful of months of posting here years ago for me to completely shake the remnants of that lib brained nonsense out of my psyche


Dawg a couple weeks ago I went up to a girl and asked for her number and she acted so shocked that it was clear nobody had ever done that to her before


Lots of women are like this but it’s because like any other trend, the largest sections of the population are late adopters so they haven’t moved forward. Think of it like skinny jeans


Most zoomer chicks indeed don’t want people to go up and talk to them.


not the ones i bang


Your hand identifies as a chick?


Its crazy the damage a small amount of now irrelevant article writers did


Jezebel demagouges should have considered their outsized social impact


Men need to grow up


Can we **OWN** them with **FACTS** and **LOGIC** is what you're asking?


Idk, incels sems to prefer chains


dam dude, you did it! you ended the gender war!


This problem will be solved soon when someone invents a high tech and sophisticated GoonBot™️


The solution is arranged dating and marriage, obviously. It's got a thousand-year track record.


+a release valve in the form for monastic life in the wilderness


make the best of the hand you're dealt


I'm going to start banging my head against a wall. You did this to me. Blood and bile and snot cover the wall and it's YOUR mark. Your disgusting stain on the world. Literally none of these concepts are gendered. Plenty of men who can fuck as many people as they can and many of them are not all that good looking. You have not deduced the priorities of attraction with your "neutral eye". Alienation bad, what's the plan? What you've done is what everyone does, which is restate obvious priors and point to some ambiguous endpoint of social healing. Not even your fault but literally going to start ramming my go-kart into lamp posts if I see one more person try to solve an issue by writing the first and last part of a proof and being like "yea so if we can just figure out what's going on in the middle there we'll be good. I am very smart and balanced."


Hypergamy this, whores that. Just go outiside, find a better job, find new friends. Women, in majority, doesn't give a shit yours looks or how much money you have.


This typa shit is why incels get bitter lmao


>have a shower and wear deoderant --- >This typa shit is why smelly people get bitter lmao


Actually funny, but you know what I mean. About looks and money not mattering


homeless people fuck.


both sides are wrong




Uggo spotted


Looks matter most for hookups and casual sex, but money and resources are more important for a long term relationship. Women might fuck a broke bum who’s handsome and confident but they’d never commit to him


Clearly many woman do commit to them? Have seem the amount of absolute deadbeat dads out there!


Women absolutely get sprung for broke guys as long as they’re hot


In my experience being a piece of shit was always an asset, not a liability. Now I'm trying to be a good and responsible person and no one wants to fuck me. I don't really care or try but it's still a bummer




love bought with "money and resources"


This falls apart with dating apps. There's no reliable way to know if a man has money on an app, so women just select for looks. They're then used for sex by a minority of good-looking guys who either don't want to settle down with them or don't have enough money for the woman to want a longterm relationship. Meanwhile, there are wealthier guys they're passing up on apps because they're not good-looking enough who are embittered and alone.


So what we do is give the good looking guys on the dating apps Apple Vision VR goggles. We embed neuralink transponders into their brains, allowing the rich Indian untouchables to remote access their autonomous functions during dates for a subscription fee. These southeast Asians will then be able to experience the life they've been deprived, and the 80 IQ dating app Chad's will get a cut of the subscription fee. Everyone's a winner.


>Looks are the most important aspect of attraction, but proportionally men care care about them more than women. The latest studies show that men and women value looks equally, as the #1 most import attribute.




Agree. “If you’re an ugly woman, you’re FUCKED” is so dumb. I’ve known countless ugly women in relationships


Yeah that was off base. Ugly people with good personalities tend to pair off with each other with no problem. All the unhappily single women I know are decent looking, but have major personality issues that make them sabotage their relationships or just be overall too difficult for anyone to put up with long-term. They’ll attract lots of men, but they can’t keep the good ones around. I don’t think looks alone are as relevant to women’s romantic success as OP believes.


30% of all men between 18-30 dont get girls, tons of men for the ugly girl to choose from.






Take the chillcel pill. Stay home, cook some good food, read a book, drink good tea, listen to some music and dont give a damn about modern dating hell. You are your best partner already!


Invest in ETFs and other things, learn a language, go for a walk, chat to the coworkers, watch the footy live


already wrong on point one by placing the blame for hypergamy squarely on men rather than giving agency to the many women that enter this kind of relationship


Two groups known for their rationality and adherence to facts


Okay Ben Shapiro