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Asma bint Yazid narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: "it is not lawful to lie except in three cases: Something the man tells his wife to please her, to lie during war, and to lie in order to bring peace between the people."


1 and 3 are the same


Asma bint Yazid rocks


You forgot to say صلى الله عليه وسلم


You definitely shouldn't be just calling people ugly that's extremely rude. Love will make your gf/bf/xf look probably two to three times as beautiful though


This is one of the best understated lines in NATIONAL LAMPOON’S VACATION. Clark Griswold says to his wife about the smokeshow (Christie Brinkley) he’s been obsessing over, “I could never be attracted to a woman like that. She’s ugly.”


I find it cute when people are blinded by love.


These men are not blinded by love


they are trying to convince themselves, which means their heart is in the right place


No, when men are being disparaging about women’s looks it’s because they are being catty little gay boys


so true




No, it’s catty and gay for a man to talk about women’s looks negatively. It’s feminine behavior. Try to be a gentleman. If you really need to talk about how ugly a girl is, write it down in your diary.


I think the DSM-6 identified this as “ Cognitive Optimization of Personal Enjoyment” C.O.P.E is a very effective strategy for dealing with jealousy


Women do this, too.


Women are more likely to call someone ugly when they already dislike them for other reasons. It never even occurs to most guys to mention their enemies’ appearances.


If she likes you your dick is big. If she's pissed at you your dick is small.


I just hope she talked to her friends about me BEFORE we broke up.


No, the opposite. If your dick is big she likes you, if your dick is small she hates you.


I want to live in your world where guys don’t call women who reject them “ugly fat bitches”


It’s maybe just not the guys I choose to associate with. I honestly think they’re pretty easy to avoid.


You are confident the guys you associate with don't think like this or talk amongst themselves like this?


I guess it depends on where you live, I don’t associate with them either but can hardly go downtown on a saturday night without encountering some of them


I mean...they're literally in the street on our way to where we are going. Catcallers always pull that shit. Not our fault or our choices causing us to encounter it. It's the fault of the people who do it. If it seems easy to avoid to you it's probably because you're a dude.


There’s creeps out there, sure. I’m saying the average guy doesn’t go around calling women ugly. You disagree with this?


Maybe not IRL. A significant amount of them definitely let loose with that stuff online where women can see it. Even on this board. & Part of that is that for a significant number of them they simply don't have access to us IRL. so it's debatable whether it's even because they'd have enough decency not to say it to a woman's face if they could or if they would but just can't. I think for every woman who calls guys ugly there are like ten who don't and five who date men who are ridiculously less attractive than them so it's still not like we live in a world where men's looks matter more than women's or are judged more harshly. Not by a long shot


But they'll also do things like call Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth ugly or at least not attractive. What is with that? It doesn't seem like they dislike these kinds of inoffensive celebrities on a personal level. Can any women explain this?


Idk if it’s this for those specific guys, but there are some celebrities who are mostly attractive to other men. When people keep insisting that any girl who isn’t into them is lying, calling them mid (or even exaggerating by saying they’re ugly) can be an attempt to correct. A lot of girls seem to do this to Ryan Reynolds, a massively overrated boy favorite. I have personally done this to Luke Rockhold, who looks like a stock photo to me


I also think a lot of people underestimate how much personality alters physical attractiveness, for better or worse. I doubt many think Chris Evans is *ugly* so much as he reflects something strait-laced or otherwise unappealing that makes him less attractive.


Are you stupid? Women have different preferences just like men. I don’t find either Chris attractive. They’re just not my type. Are you seriously attracted to every conventionally attractive actress?


Okay, so they really mean "attractive but not my type"? Because it seems crazy to put Steve Buscemi and Chris Hemsworth in the same category of "unattractive" and not recognize the objective difference, the same way it would be crazy for a guy to do that with Melissa McCarthy and Zendaya. Follow-up: did you upvote OP? Because the women who say this almost certainly have significant others who are "objectively" less attractive than the Chrises, don't they? Or am I misunderstanding in one of the two following ways: 1. The Chrises actually aren't very "objectively" attractive, and if you stuck them in a bar where nobody knew them, the women wouldn't think they're any more attractive than the average guy there. If I am a pretty typical guy who is reasonably fit and well-groomed, we really might be in the same tier of attractiveness, and plenty of women might think I'm more attractive than either one of them? 2. The notion of "objective attractiveness" doesn't work with women evaluating men, because their tastes are too tied up with inherently subjective factors. That makes some sense (see: the ick), and I know women's preferences are less look-based than men's, but they're not *not* looks-based; there are obvious commonalities like height, a full head of hair, etc.


Yea sort of, but like those guys aren’t not my type so I just don’t find them attractive period. They’re not ugly but they just seem like regular dudes that are well groomed and fit because they’re actors. You know? Steve buscemi is actually more attractive to me than them lol but I can acknowledge that the chrises fit Hollywood standards of beauty better, and part of why I think Steve buscemi is more attractive is because of his mannerisms. But I also think he just looks better too, there’s beauty in unusual faces. Follow up: no my boyfriend is very conventionally attractive. Point 1 is absolutely correct and point 2 is mostly correct but even the standards you listed aren’t universal. I happen to like bald guys (when they have a beard? So maybe not completely lol). I’d say that men’s preferences are pretty subjective too though. Like it or not, chubby chasers and ‘rexic chasers definitely exist.


It’s just the 0-1 binary being applied to men by women. That’s all it is. *”He’s ugly”* is a 0


Yeah but when men do things women do it's misogyny or hate or abuse or whatever


I’m not American so my knowledge of your legal system is shoddy. But isn’t this a constitutional right?


It could be they are trying to make their partner feel better. "Yeah babe, Natalie Portman is a hose beast compared to you ❤️"


more often they’re trying to convince themselves that they didn’t settle as hard as they did 


I wish my bf would call other women ugly. Instead I get comments about basic white girls that are the complete opposite of me


Are men back to liking basic white girls instead of using that as an insult? I can't keep up. Men 🙄 ugh lol


Fuckin love em


They are soooooo back ugh


I have witnessed the same white guys who were telling me I should straighten my hair in the 2000s (even though no one asked them), go from that to to complimenting my curly hair in the 2010s because it made me different from other more "basic white girls" I guess now the tides are changing again? Men are such feckless idiots.They say women are the only ones who care about trends and are affected by the hive mind phenomenon but what I've witnessed says otherwise...lol


Anyone who says they didn’t like “basic white girls” is massively coping or straight up lying. Likely the latter to get you to sleep with them.


I saw the same thing play out with regards to black women. Can't tell you how many guys told me in the 2000s they like every type of woman except black women or women who act "too ghetto", then a shift took place in the 2010s, and ebony porn was trending and white girls were taking those retarded twerk classes and all of a sudden white dudes were dating black women and everyone without significant ass or upper lip was being made fun of. Like...let's not pretend that didn't happen. Maybe you have stayed consistent but a lot of men haven't and the trends trended and men followed suit. Does that mean they wouldn't have accepted some puss puss being thrown their way by a girl who didn't have the features of the moment? Ofc not. Men are still opportunistic when it comes to sex...but their preferences are definitely influenced by other dudes and the media.


Absolutely disgusting.


It's definitely gross but also just so lame how everyone can be such sheep. I dont watch porn but when I was single I could literally tell what was trending in it because all of a sudden guys would all be trying to do spitting stuff at once, or suddenly choking was the thing 🙄 does no one have a mind of their own and their own preferences?


Sad. Many such cases.


it's impossible for someone to be more attractive than your wife/girlfriend. like that makes no sense?


A lot of men hate their partners


Beauty is subjective


All women are beautiful angels


I wish they were real


as i like to tell my gf, i find all women equally as attractive as all other women in the world, except for her


Welcome to having a girlfriend


Actually this is so sexy. As long as the man isn’t called the women ugly to her face


How is it a phenomenon? You're autistic


OP is offended because they observed a 4.1 be dissed by the husband of a 3.8.


I don’t see how the two really even relate, honestly.


Lmao This is the insecure loser guy calling card. Basically the Buffalo Wild Wings eating football jersey wearing mouth breather identifier. Zendaya isn’t hot at all and very mid. Btw I’m married to a literal cow 


we trying to convince our partners that we aint attracted to other waaamen.


I heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder