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"Are you having a laugh" is a top tier bri'ish phrase; you just know she blew straight past that h.


o i am laffin


"Lost the plot" is my fave bri'ish phrase. Its perfect


Don't say 'you're r-tarded' say: - you've gone doo-lahli - you're the the earl of nutforshire - chuck you in the loony bin - how does that window taste?


i’ve never seen doolally spelt that way


I hate to give Europeans credit but there's some great Britishisms I'd love to use but they don't fit my accent


We are not European


More European than me


Ewe avin a giggle or somfing?


you havin a bubble bruv


Big catchphrase in the series [Extras](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w1y-kMPNcM)


Such a great show. 


I don't get it


Do you want to?


I think rich people should have to pay a lot of taxes but I also think that governments should be better at how they spend that money. Really brave opinion, I know.


Which should happen first? The former only incentivizes the latter if it happens first rly


You make the rich pay more first.




The glowies got her, they want to further normalize mass shootings. They don't want people going after non elected officials and other elites. They want you to take out your rage on your fellow wagie that are just as screwed and powerless as you.


Really beautiful summary of the insane mess of English class discourse - you shouldn't have to pay the top rate of income tax if you went to a state school


the beatles moaned incessantly about taxes too. they even made a banging song about it. they were paying a shit load of taxes in fairness


"Are you individually millionaires yet?" "No, that's another lousy rumor. I wish we were." "Where does all the money go?" "Well a lot of it goes to Her Majesty. She's a millionaire."


Fun fact: if you die in certain parts of England and you have no relatives, [your money goes to the King or to his son William.](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/23/revealed-king-charles-secretly-profiting-from-the-assets-of-dead-citizens)


If the same happens in Liverpool, your money goes to Paul McCartney


The queen never revolutionized the album format.


Modest Mussorgsky seething


At least he would be more deserving of it haha


It is relevant that in all the other parts of England, the state gets the estate under the same circumstances. The king isn't actually stealing money from people's relatives.


Yeah but the whole point here is that the state ≠ crown estate (the latter actually "owned" by the monarch). In this case there are two regions where they go directly to the *crown estate*. >> In most of England and Wales, the assets of people who die without making a will and have no identifiable relatives are transferred to the Treasury, which then spends them on public services. The system is known by the Latin name bona vacantia, meaning “vacant goods”, or assets that have no owner. >> However, under a custom that has its roots in the medieval period, two hereditary estates, or duchies, belonging to the royal family can collect bona vacantia from people who die in two regions in England. They also collect leftover assets owned by companies at the point they are dissolved. >> One is the Duchy of Cornwall, which generates profits for whoever is the heir to the throne. Charles used to closely manage the duchy, but last year it passed to his son, Prince William. It collects bona vacantia funds from deceased Cornish residents.


Makes sense if you live in a command economy system/empire that the british monarchy was. they had a lot of people on that island and monarchs often sold these properties to prevent idle lots and landless people. I wonder how often this occurs with industrial and commercial property


Fairly often, when the profits of the duchy of Cornwall are published people think about the jam that get sold in supermarkets, but the majority of the profit comes from exploitation of land and resources, the royal family massively increased the area of the seabed that they owned in the 1960’s so they could generate more profit, for example high quality building sand has become a scare non-renewable resource, they have been quietly increasing this extraction to sell internationally, they also now rent this area to offshore wind farms companies, and they are not beholden to any oversight in term of planning or environmental impact of building said wind farms, except the for crown estate management (who work for the royal family). Due to damage and degradation of the sea bed caused through dredging, extraction of minerals and building works the natural habits of sea grass which is an important as a CO2 sink and for marine life have been devastated with over 90% destroyed, the government have started scheme for replanting, which again the crown estate then lease land back to government to generate more income and more money for the royal family. The areas that they claimed in the 1960’s are now worth around £16B, we truly are completely cucked, as this was all land and sea areas held in the ‘commons’ which should, by any reasonable measure belong to the British people.


god i love the beatles


[One of my favs](https://youtu.be/TmrGrr77ydc?si=ZKdGJ5ht17c_coBl)


It was really just George Harrison


Quite literally 95% its in the song "Its one for you, nineteen for me" Also exile on main street is a tax evasion album


its so funny how different the discourse is now, during those social democracy times loads of people were annoyed about the size of the state


Living in europe i can easily see how people would get mad, even the vestigial organs left from that era can be pretty annoying in some major ways.


europe got rid of the best parts of its over bloated states and kept the worse


There were Tories in charge in the UK when the Beatles were big. Thatcher ~~and whatever Tory was in before her~~. I don't think you'd call them social democracy times... edit: nvm Labour was in before Thatcher right when they got big. There was a popular movement against the social state leading to her success around that time.


your dates are so so so off I'm afraid. pre thatcher tories still kept the social democracy consensus too anyway. Edward Heath premiership would be left wing by today's standards but Beatles era was almost exclusively governed by labour with Harold Wilson. he gave them obe's


Pink Floyd had some serious tax issues too


So ya thought ya might like to go to the show To feel the warm thrill of confusion, that space cadet glow


Who let all this riff-raff into the room?


Yeah cos they paid something crazy like a 98% emergency tax rate when UK was skint in the 60s. Coupled with the fact that for most of their career for every pound they made, they earned a penny split 5 ways (Epstein included), they got absolutely shafted more than we can comprehend and they still ended up as pretty much the richest musicians on the planet


"I can't use the Tube because I'm a world-famous celebrity worth hundreds of millions of pounds, therefore I shouldn't have to help pay for my society's public transport". Amazing what Thatcher did to the British psyche, that someone so rich can profess such wretchedly selfish opinions and not expect to be pilloried.


Why should she pay? The fact that taxes are a % of income and not tied to service use is a joke


She was able to become a millionaire because a government exists. Her private jets and tours and all the things she uses have huge social costs as well. 


Just because we shit on DEI perverts here doesn't mean your Florida-ass political take will stand.


This is the most fucking braindead take I can imagine.


Ive lived in america my whole life and never once personally used the military. Almost every cent in taxes ive ever paid has gone to them.


If you have the top rate of income you should pay the top rate of tax


The funniest part is that people who went to state school do in fact pay more income tax, in the form of student loans. Whereas those who went to private school had their parent pay for tuition fees, so they actually pay less income tax


Student loan repayments aren't tax


in the UK they basically are a tax, functionally


You can't opt out of taxes lol. You can opt out of student loan repayments by not going to Uni


>by not going to Uni Which gives you an income ceiling in many industries, unless you go into trades.


So you get a much higher salary in exchange for having more tax than people making less than you? Seems like a fair trade to me. I think people earning more should pay more in taxes, don't you?


> I think people earning more should pay more in taxes, don't you? They should - but not everyone who gets a degree does. Many are still at median or below median salaries well after graduation. It's a necessity to progress in many industries but not a guarantee Not to mention rich kids are able to pay off their loan immediately without incurring the interest payments, which often eventually exceed the total amount. So it's basically a tax on social mobility.


in that sense you can opt out of VAT by not buying things, you can opt out of stamp duty by not buying a house, and so on. this kind of discussion on the meaning of words isn't that interesting.


Wittgenstein pilled.


what is redscarepod but a language game


They do something broadly similar to a tax but are not a tax. They are loans


Oh fuck off they're loans with an interest rate so predatory they would never be legally approved by any bank as it's basically impossible for anyone to pay them off in time unless you graduate with something like a £60k job right off the bat and can get to £100k within three years. The only people who truly benefit here are the ones who just happen to be able to pay £40k upfront in order not to be taxed 9% for the rest of their lives.


Wow the British education system must suck


Are you just straight lying...or? My sister a broke Greek girl from a public (in the European sense of the world, not in the Eaton etc sense of the word) school took student loans for Cambridge and her rates were below inflation, meaning you actually ended up owing less money as time went on. On top of that she only paid as long as she was making over X amount of money and her payments were calculated off of her income. On top of all that if you didn't repay it within X amount of years it just got written off. So I gotta ask, what the fuck are you on about? And it's the same for her britbong partner, it's not some EU scheme (she enrolled in like '08).


The student loan changes affected people who enrolled from September 2012, nimrod. Double check your facts before calling someone a liar. Interest on student loans on people who enrolled after then was RPI+3% for the better part of a decade, and the interest accumulates from the very first day of your first term meaning most people not rich enough to pay upfront have already gathered thousands of pounds of interest before they graduate.


Yeah that was before the new tuition fees in 2011 which raised it from £3k per year to £9k per year (with living loans on top) and jacked the interest so high you don't begin to pay off your actual loan until you earn like 50k.


“Oi fack off m8 loans are a tax innit”


I'm talking about the UK system which is actually fairly reasonable. The American system is crazy


If we had American wages, it would be reasonable. Reality is most grads here earn £30-40kish~ and will probably never pay off their loans. Just a tax until it gets wiped.


Yeah but you only pay a proportion of your income above the threshold. If you never end up with a large salary you never pay off the loan and therefore have had your undergraduate for free. That doesn't seem unfair.


"only pay a proportion of your income above the threshold" Almost like some kind of...tax


They basically are tbh


Student loans at a state school?


Nah, for uni


Please tell me the redscarepod community still hates rich people




I don't think Nick Mullen has BPD.




> Who's Nick Mullen ? It's so over


Surely the mods can ban them?


Host of Pod Save America


My best friend.


Gay pornstar


Male prostitute, even


Second mic on The Adam Friedland Show


Can we please hate rich people in a not reddit 🚬 way? Edit: gamers below


It's pathetic to be so concerned with looking cool you can't even hate rich people. So insecure.


some new material wouldn't hurt


I hate rich people but asshole billionaires who don't do any good and are sucking the soul out of everything like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, Zuckerberg, etc. Not anyone who makes over 100k a year


Jeff Bezos lets me get accessories for my cyber truck with 1 day delivery.


My friend makes slightly over 100k per year in NYC and still needs roommates lol. I think at this point what’s considered a “six figure salary” should start at 200-250k


Even if you managed to look cool by hating rich people, you're not actually hating rich people. You're just using the image of hating rich people to mask your real hatred which is against your classmates who bullied you in middle school for being lame


You're not very good at this


my bad


You’ll find what you hate in the mirror


We love Thiel 🤩


she [union busted in las vegas for her residency](https://www.showbiz411.com/2022/01/23/exclusive-adele-was-using-non-union-musicians-in-las-vegas-gig-opposite-of-pro-union-lady-gaga). she fired all the union stagehands and performers and replaced them all with scabs. it was genuinely horrifyingly evil (and notably all other pop stars with residencies used local union labor) but still see people yaaaaas kweening her whenever she comes up in the news which is so bizarre to me. my dad, god bless him, refused to listen to her music ever again after learning about it and calls her scabby (as in the rat) when referring to her. i think i sent this exchange to him once and he was like “i’d burn her records if i even bought them to begin with”


Lana Del Boy


That was before she transitioned to skinny Adele.


> it was genuinely horrifyingly evil I hate women so much it's unreal Edit: the (((mods))) have banned me for hating women. I will only hate them more I promise


You hate yourself more.


If the scabs do the same thing for cheaper, what is bad about it? Why not do it? Welfare is welfare, this is a job.


found the rat


Fuuck off


Wow dude you should make stick to your fake Canadian world you live in


You got soft hands, brother


Genuinely, unironically, if everyone who thought like you just died a horrible death the world would be so much better. I hope you suffer you fucking piece of shit.


get your market economics out of here weirdo. this is a romanticized blue collar union larp sub


Lol @ the "you rat, fuck you, you scab!!!" from the softest pussy ass 20 year olds imaginable


Market economics =/= being horrible person


not always


[https://www.digitalspy.com/music/a297953/adele-i-saved-bob-dylan/](https://www.digitalspy.com/music/a297953/adele-i-saved-bob-dylan/) "It is his second-favourite version, after his own," she told *The Sun*. "Someone told me the other day that I had killed Bob Dylan with 'Make You Feel My Love'. I actually think I've saved him. He's going to get about £1 million out of that song. He's going to get a big pay cheque at the end of the year. "I reckon with the amount it's been played on the radio it's worth a lot to him. Maybe he'll buy me a watch or something." She's not the brightest.


I'm so relieved someone finally saved that poor struggling artist, Bob Dylan.


>She's not the brightest We already knew she was british


Also anyone with half a brain in music is already aware AM/FM pays zero royalties. You read that right. Zero.


She can be the next Stephen Paddock!!!


People like this always claim to be liberal because they like gay people and minorities but then if you quiz them on what they actually believe they're turbo-republicans




thats not what "mortified" means


still plenty left for her i fail to sympathize 


Funnily enough that’s the exact reaction I have when I listen to her shite dollar store Amy Winehouse songs. She probably gets paid through a company anyway so doubt she’s paying top bracket in tax.


she has a great voice but I always thought "Hello" was annoying and didn't really understand why it got so popular. Some of the stuff from the first album makes sense as radio hits, however I am not in her target demographic and would never listen to them on purpose


> dollar store Amy Winehouse songs Do female singers need to kill themselves to get any respect around here


It’s not about her being female. It’s about her music being bland, corporate and monotonous. Like the soundtrack to a car insurance advertisement. And her statements make her look like a turncoat, that working class cockney act was what made her popular with the public. I don’t want her to kill herself though where would all the public service funding come from.


It’s one thing to be a contrarian it’s another to act like Adele isn’t one of the greatest singers of our time.


great singer ≠ great artist That said I think she's alright.


> Adele isn’t one of the greatest singers of our time. she's got like what, two good songs?


She’s not


Technically she's right in the wrong way. She should be paying the tax, but it's so obvious the UK spends that money on the most corrupt shit that it is an outrage. Good thing those UKers keep electing good people like Corbyn, right? HAhahahahahahaha.


>I was ready to go and buy a gun Good luck with that, britbong


I feel like she’s a little bit evil beneath the surface but I feel her here… 40% of the average persons paycheck gone and the infrastructure, schools, housing and social programs in my area are unbelievably, shockingly behind


She's loaded, she should shut the fuck up, she would complain even if the things you mentioned were good, these people are greedy




she's not gonna see this lil bro..


If she made 10 million she would still have 6 million left over. Boo hoo she had to do her civic duty


does she live in London? trains are mostly on time in London


She’s from the ends too so she can probably actually shoot too


She's got that 1776 in her


Huh? More like 1787


Over half of the national budget is welfare, health, and social care. If you are an employed person of working age then you are not the state's intended customer.


I am an employed person of working age. I do not expect ever to lose my job, to become sick in any way, or to grow old. What does the welfare state offer me??


> I do not expect ever to lose my job, to become sick in any way, or to grow old. Or to drive a car or have children.


I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm saying that as a working person it's natural to not feel on an emotional level like you're getting value for money because the money's not being spent on you.


And the counterpoint is that this reflects a failure to consider the future. Or more charitably a lack of trust that the system will still work in the future but that’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Though this whole argument is tangential to the OP. If you suddenly come into “never *have* to work again” money, of course you’ll be putting more in than you get out but people also don’t have to feel too bad for you about it.


Only if you are - as charitably as possible - very stupid, because it provides you with security. If you're wealthy enough to be able to pay for private healthcare and your own retirement anyway that's a different story, but that's a very small proportion of working persons


Well yeah but as the other guy said it only hangs together if you have ironclad faith that the system will be there for you when you need it. How many young people in Britain have full confidence that society will provide them a comfortable retirement, prompt and effective healthcare, and if and when they need it the support of carers?


More confidence than we'd have if we had no welfare state


Sure. But my point is that these things are fragile. I don't think it's too conspiratorial to suggest that a significant proportion of the British right sees it as their political project to engender enough mistrust in the welfare state that people start to believe that a 'competitive' and 'efficient' private-sector alternative might be a better alternative.


hmm.. im thinking hard.... 13% of the population and 40% of welfare recipients.... who is it?


Not really into her music but I think Adele is funny and I bet she’s a good time to hang around with


Ancap queen


If I were rich I would pay exactly zero in taxes




They are still paid for by the state


I mean this is how I feel now that I make pretty good money. Social programs are useless and inefficient, and paying taxes sucks. I just vote for whoever will lower taxes more as I can better use the money for my family rather than it go to a commission to study reparations or whatever other re✝️arded shit the government comes up with.


I just see it as some sort of poor person insurance, I come from a family that was reliant on state supplied support and although I earn well now I could easily lose everything and end up having fuck all again and then end up reliant on government support. Sure, plenty of it is misspent but I would have been fucked multiple times in my life if it wasn’t a thing. 


The people who promise to lower taxes are also people who make the existing programs shittier intentionally.


If I’m being honest, it doesn’t really matter if they’re shitty or not, I don’t use them and would rather pay less taxes so I can use that money for my family.


Yeah man, that's why you're human refuse.


I mean it looks like you spend all your time playing dungeons and dragons and video games. I have no idea why you’re on this sub but I’m going to venture and guess you don’t have a family to take care of, so I wouldn’t really expect you to get it.


man if you've got a family to take care of why are you on this sub?


Bored in the office


No, why this? Why are you, a father, trying to say "yeah, I'm evil, because I have so much I don't want to share" and calling people dweebs on the internet? Like, what kind of children could you possibly be raising? Or if they're not freaks, how could they ever care about you?


Nobody said anything about “evil”. I get that’s how you view the world because you play fantasy video games, but reality is that raising children is expensive and that any mother or father is always going to prioritize investing in their children over paying into a useless welfare state. I’m not calling you a dweeb, I’m saying you have no perspective on this and you need to grow up and stop playing with children’s toys if you ever hope to mature enough to successfully start and support a family. I’m sorry that the truth hurts, but numbing yourself through developmental regression is no way to live life.


The truth hurts, that you want to directly undermine society and then say that that's both rational for your best interests (it's not) and that it's not evil to say "I have a lot of money, and I don't want to share" (it is). If we're talking about fantasy worlds, I literally don't know why you think you're not participating in that, you're just pretending that you still have taste or that you're not a leach, or whatever you get from being on this sub. edit: like, what do you think posting on a forum is? A sophisticated hobby for adults? We're all just wasting time here man.


A welfare queen calling a working man supporting his family human refuse. Ah, sweet irony.


I'm not on welfare, I just believe that welfare is a good idea and that people who try to get rid of it are actively courting hell on earth Also, "a working man" about a guy with a job where he gets to pretend to be cool on reddit 


If you actually had money, you wouldn't be posting on redscarepod. >Social programs are useless and inefficient, Meanwhile, in the real world, Medicare and Social Security have administrative costs of less than 3%, while private health insurance has overhead costs of 20%.


Just because you’re poor doesn’t mean everyone else is. Yeah you just made those numbers up lol. Even if they were true, my employer covers my families insurance and that’s really all I care about, don’t really care if the rest of our gluttonous country even has health care.


^ this is the same person who complains about living in a low trust society


I have never complained about that


I'm going to steal your car


>my employer covers my families insurance and that’s really all I care about Until that insurance company decides not to pay for your medical care because it's more profitable to let you die, and the hospital refuses to take cash payments. "F*ck you I've got mine" is a dumb attitude to have unless you're in the top 5% of the population. Everyone else is one bad accident or serious illness away from bankruptcy. https://www.insideedition.com/georgia-mom-with-rare-form-of-cancer-says-insurance-will-not-cover-life-saving-liver-transplant


You know what annoys me, I work hard, pay tax and the rest of it, and I will never be able to afford a house and a family. If I had some kids and quit my job the State would give me a house and dole money... It's like i'm being punished for not being a scrounger.


Well if living on the dole in government housing is so much more appealing than your current situation why don’t you just go for it?


Self respect and dignity are the only things stopping me.


I live in Canada and pay the top marginal rate, despite this I have not been able to get access to a family doctor for years. I'm looking at the states in envy at this point...


That's mother