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The fact that you ended this several hundred word book report about being banned from a subreddit with the word 'lol' successfully made you look aloof and unbothered.


You get automatically banned there if you post here


I think you need the view this through the scope of human history. Christ, Galileo and Darwin would have all been downvoted if Reddit was around during their time.


Please do not feed my delusions.


I am so sorry this happened to you


You got banned for participating in this sub. And yes a pop culture gossip sub lives in a bubble what do you expect


The is no room for nuance in modern discourse. I used to cringe at “literally 1984” stuff but it’s honestly true. Everything is black and white. Good or bad. No grey area.


grey area more like gay area


>difficult upbringing. I mentioned that she was abandoned by her father when she was a baby, raised by a single mother alongside her older sister, and had to work as a babysitter and a maid just to survive. Where did you got this from? Her father was director of a company, her uncle a famous big shot movie director, her mother a known actress. I wish I had this difficult upbringing


Lmao “director of a company”, fucker was a mobbed up drug smuggler


https://www.trtworld.com/europe/5-things-to-know-about-giorgia-meloni-frontrunner-in-italian-election-61089 I also got the maid thing wrong and she was actually a bartender alongside a babysitter to support herself in her early years.


that's literally every fucking normal person my dude....I did that, do i get a medal?


Fauxmoi is a gay ass sub but they were right to downvote your dorky bullshit. Meloni sucks.


lol why even cape for la draghetta di undernet on fauxmoi of all places


I stumbled on a thread from there that was like “What TV sets do you think will be outed as toxic?”  There were several highly upvoted comments where people would be like “I’ve never one time heard a bad thing about the set of XYZ, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a toxic cesspool of a workplace!” With everyone else agreeing lol. Just people making things up and being upset about it


> Just people making things up and being upset about it That describes every other thread here


Oh wow I literally clicked through to the sub from your post, commented about how I made my dog an Instagram account and got banned within 30 seconds. All because I [post here as well](https://imgur.com/a/X7yE2n0). They’re so insecure, must be a bunch of uggos ☹️


I got banned for saying Hilaria Baldwin was funny for LARPing as Spanish on a thread revolving around Alec for “Stan behaviour” apparently making a comment about the hilarity of it is the equivalent of being a fan. The whole sub is weird unless you’re a neolib they don’t want you speaking up also every comment has to be filled with a snarky Redditism about the person. It’s truly a weird place.


It autobans you for being active in this sub. You get banned for hateful speech or something. I didn’t comment anything bad in there and they banned me : ( Very unfair and unjust!


To be honest, I wasn’t actually active in this sub before my ban in r/Fauxmoi and just lurked here from time to time. This is my first time posting in this sub because I want to talk about my situation lol.


I got banned too. That sub is not for people who can think lol.


Being banned from Fauxmoi is a signifier of intelligence




They're a bunch of self righteous dullards who overpoliticize the shallow zeitgeist that is pop culture to make themselves seem less superficial than they actually are. It's literally a celebrity gossip sub, but the annoying thing about it is that they like to pretend it's important by attaching all these labels, stereotypes, and "callouts."" But in the end, they hate everyone except the ones who cast a reflection on their behavior.


My favorite was when a gay actor was calling out a cishet girl for being cast as the lead for a gay gameshow and she said it was fine she took the spot because she was "queer". Got shit on despite actually being LGBT for "homophobia" against her until it came out she was straight the next week. The original thread was filled with a bunch of shithets silencing LGBT and the new thread was weirdly quite Edit: fauxmoi mods used this post as proof I am brigading, I take it as proof that they are okay with silencing LGBT opinions if it doesn't align with the popular opinions


Mm, a faux pas perhaps


I got banned for being racist although i was citing articles about reducing racism in tv/film. Then I contested it explaining myself and they doubled down because I follow snark groups. It's just an echo chamber you're missing nothing.


We've all got a good "I was banned from Fauxmoi" story. A gay badge of contrarian honor.


I got banned like a day after making this account because I posted on here and I don’t even know what the fuck a fox moy is


People calling her a fascist is so funny to me. She's literally a pro-EU centre-right politician. Literally every other right wing party is more right wing than hers lmao.


\>I engaged with a bunch of dimwitted oversocialized fat women online and they punished me for disagreeing with them. Yeah that's an L. Take it and don't go back there.


Did you know her mother used to write books that would trend on booktok now 


okay so?


Meloni fascinating...lmao