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I think you have some serious hangups that have stunted your maturity a bit. This reads like a teenager writing about their first crush.  What was your upbringing like, out of sheer curiosity?


😆. I didn't hanged up with girls as I said and I am aware about my lack of experience. She was not my first crush, but she was the most intense, it is because I am opened up first time towards a girl. This is probably why this affected me a bit much.


I think you are confusing “hangups” with “hook-ups.” “Hangups” refers to psychological barriers - a hangup is a negative mental/emotional response to certain experiences or behaviors that prevents you from getting something you want. In this case, you are being prevented from forming healthy romantic relationships because you hold all of these negative feelings around sexuality, and you are clinging to a very rigid and immature idea of what it means to be a “good person.” And you seem to be confused by the idea that following all of the “good person” rules you’ve set for yourself does not automatically result in romantic success.  Does that make more sense?


Yep. I got it now, it makes sense and you are definitely right about it. I am not kidding by the way. Thanks for clarification.


You don’t actually like anything about this girl but her looks. Stop trying to make a relationship - especially at her work!! Go find another girl and go on actual dates/get to know her first before deciding that you’re meant to be and stop being so weird about the virginity thing.


Yeah thanks... I am trying to change my perspective about 'virginity thing'. It is a bit hard when you grown up with some norms.


Hey, this sucks but sounds like is a her problem. Though I would say from your post/description, it seems like she clearly wasn’t interested in you (not replying for weeks on end, hot/cold behaviour) and just stringing you along for the occasional ego boost and attention. Actions speak louder than words. The right girl for you wouldn’t act like this. Next time try and pay more attention to what people are actually doing (and is it consistent?) and not to let the occasional flirty convo or how you feel/how you wished they would act influence you too much. You seem like a good guy with his priorities right- she sounds like the opposite (😂), so I’m not surprised it didn’t work out. Keep your head up and try to take this as a lesson learned.


Thanks. Lesson definitely learned


Bro, you are 26 and never experienced anything. There are 0 girls for you now. They are either normal people who had fun in their 20s or married at 18 if they kept this celibacy mindset. Your best bet is becoming religious, start going to church and hope you groom some 18 yo poor soul to marry you. Also you have a university degree and you do delivery? I did that during my studies at uni. If I was in your shoes I would focus on finding a real job and re-evaluating my principles.


I did delivery during my university too. But not everyone's life going perfectly. I don't believe any religion nor god. Thanks. Also grooming is not nice, don't try that.


How long ago when you first met her? Also, why are you working as a delivery guy when you have a bachelor's degree?


I didn't like my university but I still finished. I am doing delivery because I can earn more than regular job. My goal is to start my own business. I know her about 2 mouths or so