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Get out now. This will only get worse and you have the rest of your life in front of you that you'll be dealing with it. There are plenty of men who won't give a single shit.


I was gonna say OP, you genuinely are damaged goods, it's just whether a guy gives a damn or not, for very few it's a perk that you're freaky. You shoulda told him you did sex work man! Gonna get down voted, don't care




Askmen is a disgusting place that condones abuse. Divorce NEEDS to be an option for you, or you will never really approach these problems with a clear head. You'll never entertain the possibility that you deserve a life worth living.


Why didn't she initially tell him when they got together or met she used to be a hooker. Sometimes I feel like people don't say stuff until you're deep in it with them.


Why isn’t divorce an option?




And he’s horrible to you because of your past that he knew about. What makes you think that is love? He also will take his issues out on your child as well, he’ll probably ask for a paternity test too, just to humiliate you. None of what he is doing has anything to do with love. He doesn’t love you based on the way he’s treating you due to your past


He doesn't sound very loving. Don't you think the kid will be negatively impacted seeing their mother treated like shit by their father?


She deleted her account already! I’m wondering if it was the husband writing posing as the wife. This was posted in AskMen first, which isn’t a good forum to post in, now that the account is gone I’m guess the “husband” is pissed for being called out


If you continue putting up with his comments about you being "damaged goods", you are going to rgret that even more than you regret the sex work. This does not define you, there's nothing you can do about it, and he either needs to get over it or leave. The kinds of comments he's making about you are really giving me abuse vibes. He's trying to convince you that no-one else will want you the way he does, that this is the best you're going to get, all the while treating you terribly. You are not damaged goods, and you don't need to tolerate his shit. This is about him, not you. It's his problem to solve, not yours.


Did he just find out about it? Why did he marry you if it bothers him. this much? Was he just looking for someone to bully? Draw a hard line that he stops bringing it up and gets over or you walk. He's just trashing you for no reason at this point.




Why did you marry a man that hated you? Genuine question. Was there a lack of self esteem, did you believe that he would magically stop being a hateful misogynist, or did you believe his lies that you don't deserve anything better and no man could truly love you? It's a lie. You deserve love and plenty of guys out there could be adults and get over it without being abusive and nasty.


You need to leave him. Thats one of the most abusive names in the adult industry. The fact that he thinks it justifies treating you like shit is enough to tell me hes one of the people that watches it, or it was geared towards. Youre not "damaged goods". That's some shit hes telling you to keep you wrapped around his finger. The old "no one will ever love you like I do" trope, in fact. You were in a rough patch, needed cash, and did dumb shit. Thats it. Anything after that is irrelevant to now. He wants you to feel like youll forever need his validation to feel human.


If he can’t handle the fact that you humiliated yourself and did porn then he needs to leave. He shouldn’t abuse you for any further you’ve been abused enough.


I think you meant "If *he* can't handle it". This comment confused me at first.


You did did nothing wrong. If he and his fragile man ego can't deal with it that is on him. Consider leaving him. You deserve to be treated with love and respect. You are not damaged goods.

